Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Hisoka VS Reiji ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei /X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love For You

"Kurosaki Hisoka." Hisoka said as he stared at the beautiful girl on the bed in the hospital.

"Miri Tsukishiro." Miri smiled at the boy and shake hand with him. " I have heard of you."


"Yeah. You're Tsuzuki-san's cute partner, isn't it?"

"Ore?" Hisoka looked confused but he flushed a little.

Tsuzuki looked panicked, he begged to Miri silently to shut up but the girl throw her an innocent look.

"Who said that to you?" Hisoka asked.

"It's Tsuzuki-san." Miri answered as she grinned evilly to Tsuzuki. She made a face `This is revenge for making me sick' to Tsuzuki.

"Nani?!" Hisoka looked to the older man and glare. "Why you?"

"I'm just kidding." Tsuzuki said.

"But after I saw you today I definitly agreed to him." Miri said. "Kurosaki-kun, you really was…"

Hisoka blushed.

"Ehm, Hisoka? You actually blushed." Tsuzuki said surprise.

"Urusei!" Hisoka glared again without mercy and storms off.

Tsuzuki sweatdrop.

Miri laughed.

Tsuzuki looked at her gently and said, "You actually cute too when you laughed, Miri-chan."

Miri blushed. "Why you?! I'm gonna blow up your head!" She said tried to covered her embrassment.

"I mean it." Tsuzuki said in serious tone.

Miri frowned but didn't said anything instead looked at the older man confusely.

Unknown to them, Hisoka peek up from the little opened door and looked strange.


"I wanted to work on the field's duty from now on, Chief."

Chief Konoe looked at Hisoka. "Are you sure?"

"Hai." Hisoka answered with serious tone. "I'm ready for the next case."

"Fine then. But for now, you will work both with Tsuzuki and Miri. Is that alright?"

"Fine for me."

"Ok. Then I will talked to Tsuzuki and Miri later on."

"Thanks, Chief." Hisoka smiled happily.


After Miri recover from her sickness, she and her 2 partner was been sent ahead to Osaka to investigate a case.

This case is about a girls who has lost all her family in one accident. Ever since that time, all people who wanted to help her or befriend to her, all will found death. So everyone started a rumors that she was an evil. She always tried to kill herself but fails to die. It's like there were a force drew her back from the land of death. It's seem like there were evil that responsible for the death of the girl's family and now it's wanted her soul too.

Her name was Misae Hakamura, age 16 years old. She was live with her uncle for now.

Miri was register herself to the school that the girl attended too along with Hisoka. As for Tsuzuki, he register himself as a Science Teacher.

When both attended the school, all student started to talked about them.

"Look at the girl! She's good looking."

"Aaww! Kurosaki-kun was a handsome boy, too bad he's being cold to us."

"The new Science teacher was handsome too! And funny!"

Tsuzuki teached for the class where Misae attended. She looked skinny and pale. She didn't have any friend to talked for. When the science class, Tsuzuki gave a project to the class in a group but no one to pair up with Misae or welcomed her to their group so Miri and Hisoka asked her to their group.

Misae looked surprised as Miri talked to her warmly. So all the other student, they started to whispered to each other.

"Ok, class! Let's start the project!" Tsuzuki said with funny face. He then opened his textbook tried to found something to write on the whiteboard. But apparently he doesn't really good at science, he keep make a mistake or mistaking the reaction of chemical.

All the student laughed at him, thinking Tsuzuki was playing fool.

"That baka…" muttered Hisoka silently while Miri just slapped her head in embrassing.

Then there was a time when Tsuzuki accidently wrong to put the reaction so its exploded. The explosion cause Tsuzuki'face turned black.

"Omigod!" Miri muttered as she smiled to Tsuzuki.

Tsuzuki laughed heartly, tried to covered his embrassment.

Time to time passed slowly but Misae never talked to Miri or Hisoka so Miri decided to talk a conversation with her.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"Misae Hakamura."

"My name Miri Tsukishiro." Miri introduced herself."And the boy over here is Hisoka Kurosaki, he was my cousin. Are you new student too?"


"So how long you already attended this school?"

"2 years."

"May I know your address?"

"Two blocks from this school, house number 15."

"My house was quite far from here. So what do you think about this school?"

"It's very boring."

Miri sweatdrop at that, then looked at Hisoka and throw a help look.

Hisoka sighed and decided to ask her something else. "Did you have any sisters?"

Uups! Wrong question. Miri quickly glared at Hisoka but Hisoka looked calmed.

"They all dead because of me." It was Misae's answer.

This was unexpected. Miri though the girls gonna blow up their heads.

"I'm felt sorry for your family…" Miri said in sympaty tone.

"That okay." Misae said and smiled sadly. "Everyone afraid to me, even the teacher…."

"Why?" Hisoka asked as Miri glared to him.

"Because I was an evil." Miri answered without emotion.

Hisoka looked surprised at her answer.

"That's not true!" Miri said to Misae, unconsciously with high voice. "You're not an evil. You are human like us. Right ne, Hisoka?"

"Eh? Yes, of course!" Hisoka quickly answered.

Misae looked surprised while all the student looked at Miri confused.

Tsuzuki looked at Miri and smiled as the girl blushed and quickly apologised to the class.

Misae smiled at Miri warmly. "You're so naïve."

"Really?" Miri laughed bitterly but quickly faking with a cheerful manner.

Suddenly Hisoka felt like something hit his heart. He felt pain brush strongly against his feeling. It was all coming from Miri but like wind it quickly hide away by Miri's fake smile.

Hisoka looked at Miri with concern. Miri noticed this and asked if something was wrong but he didn't said anything, just smiled a little.

"Lets befriend, ne?" Miri asked Misae warmly.

Misae smiled, really smiled happily. "Hai!"

While the two girls started to joked around, Hisoka silently looked back at Miri.

`Strange…I couldn't felt the pain anymore nor to read her minds.' thought Hisoka.

It' seem Miri didn't noticed Hisoka, she still play with Misae and didn't even care when all the student stared at her strangely.

Actually, Miri did noticed Hisoka and all the student but she pretend didn't notice. She pretend to listening to Tsuzuki and sometimes joking around with Misae.

Tsuzuki noticed that Hisoka keep staring at Miri and smiled evilly. It's seem he thought that Hisoka have a crush with Miri.

Unknown to the 3 shinigami, a pair of an eyes looked at them with a dangerous glint.


After the class, a few student asked to talked with Miri and Hisoka about Misae and started to told them the `truth story' about Misae's family and all her relatives that dies because tried to help Misae from her misery.

"Better you leave her alone."

"Yeah! You gonna be killed by her if you get to close with her."

"She was a witch!"

"No! She was a vampire!"

"No! I thought she was an evil!"

Miri and Hisoka sweatdrop.

"Don't make me laughed!" Miri said coldly after they stopped fight about Misae. "Are you really her friend? She was in misery but still you didn't help her instead you make a stupid rumors about her! Both of you were such a pain in the ass!"

All the student stood in silent, shocked while Hisoka chuckled in amusement.

Day by day passed out again and seem nothing to be happen to Misae except that she was having a nightmare almost everyday. Apparently, Miri and Misae become a true friends along with Hisoka. Whenever there is Misae, there is Miri and Hisoka.

All the student started to spread a rumors that Miri was another evil, a friend of Misae.

Hisoka really hate the student that spread up the rumors while Miri took all that easily. Misae felt guilty to make all the student hate and mistaking them like that but Miri just laughed and said that the rumors wasn't really a lie. Misae looked confused while Hisoka just smiled because he knew the meaning of Miri's word.

Since they're a shinigami so they're not human. Then the rumors not really untrue, right?

After that, Tsuzuki started to get closer with the so called `evil' group by the student about Misae, Miri and Hisoka.

Of course all the student didn't like this cause Tsuzuki was their favorite teacher. They started a new rumors that Tsuzuki was being hypnotiz by Misae to become her slave.

Tsuzuki laughed uncontrolablely when the rumors started to spread up.

"They're such an idiot!" Miri said.

"They're funny." Tsuzuki said as he drink his tea carefully. "Really…"

"I have a bad feeling about this." Hisoka comanted.

"By the way, where is Misae?" asked Tsuzuki.

"Don't know. I haven't seen her by now!" Miri answered.

Suddenly they heard a scream throughout the school and both ran toward the scream.

They saw Misae screamed uncontrolly, her eyes fixed on the dead body of a girls.

Tsuzuki quickly embrace Misae into her arms while Hisoka checked up the dead body carefully. In the girl's hand, there was a knife with blood all over. Her neck was ripped by that knife.

More people were coming to see and stared in horror.

Miri looked around and the above school's building to saw a boy was standing there with a cold smile. Instanly she went to the upstair.

She found the boy was waited her. She recognized him as one of her classmate. It was Reiji Okata.

"What are you doing here?" asked Miri suspiciously.

"Nothing. Just look above the sky."


"Of course. Don't told me that you suspect me killed the girl down there?"

Miri frowned. "Did you saw something weird before the murderer?"

"Like what?" Reiji asked as he slowly approach her.

"Like someone suspicious." Miri slowly back off.

"Iie! Just Hakamura-san."

"Are you sure?"

"I will told you if you wanted to go out with me." Reiji grinned evilly.

"What?" Miri shocked. She quickly recovered and said with coldly, "Don't you afraid go out with a friend of evil?"

"Why must I?" He asked her back and grinned dangerously.

"Stay back!"

"Why should I?"

"I'm gonna kill you if you don't!"

"It's my pleasure to be killed by such a lovely girl."

Miri sweatdrop. "You're insane!"

"Maybe!" He said as he took a hold in her wrist and drawing her closer to him untill their bodies were pressed together.

"Let go of me!" Miri tried to struggled.

Reiji chuckled and leaned down to kissed her.

"No!" Miri scream.

"Unhand her!" Suddenly there was a voice of a boy. It was Hisoka. He leaned against the wall. He looked at Reiji with a cold eyes.

"Shut up, kid!" Reiji shouted at him angryly.

Hisoka walked toward them and without warning slapped Reiji's faces.

"Why you?!" Reiji shouted as he let go of Miri and start to fight with Hisoka.

To Be Continued……..

That was it! Go, Hisoka!!

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