Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Miri, the new shinigami ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami No Matsuei/ X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing a Love 4 U

JuOhCho, Meifu

"Tsuzuki, Fly to Nagasaki immediately and investigate the case. Those are the orders from Administration Office." Chief Konoe ordered

"Eh? Why always me that was ordered by the Office to investigate such a bad stuff?" Tsuzuki said.

Chief Konoe glared. "Tsuzuki, you can accept this case or you can quit. The choice is up to you."

Instantly, Tsuzuki said in panicked tone, "Go...Gomen, Chief. I'll get right on the case! about Hisoka?"

"Your new partner has already been sent ahead." Tatsumi said.

Tsuzuki shocked. "Nani?"

"Hisoka won't work on field's duty for now. He isn't ready yet." said Chief Konoe in serious tone.

"But..." Tsuzuki wanted to protest but decided it would be better if Hisoka didn't work for a while. Ever since the case of Tsubaki-hime, he surely looked like hell. "Ok, who is he?"

"It's a she!" Tatsumi grinned.

Tsuzuki blink at Tatsumi. "What did you say?"

"You've heard it!" Tatsumi said. "Her name is Miri Tsukishiro. Age 16 years old. She was transferred from GodoTenrinCho with excellent recommendations."

"Why she was transferred to our EnMaCho if she really good in work?" asked Tsuzuki.

"She was a troublemaker. I don't know what she did but apparently all her partner was afraid to her." Tatsumi said as he checked a file in the nearby table.

"Afraid? Why?" asked Tsuzuki curiously.

Tatsumi gave the file to Tsuzuki. "Because she always being cold and never smile like ghost. All her partner always got killed or wounded so badly if worked with this girls."

"Sound scary..." Tsuzuki said as he opened the file and looked to a photo of beautiful girl. "But she's good looking and kawai!"

Suddenly Hisoka came and said that he wanted to go and investigate the case with Tsuzuki.

"I think I'm ready to go for work." Hisoka said.

"No, you aren't! You better take a rest for a while." Tsuzuki said in cheerful manner. "Beside I have a new partner now."

"You what??" Hisoka asked in high tone. Then he realized. "So you have decided to changing partner. You didn't need me anymore, right?"

"That's not true." Tsuzuki said. "It's not like what you think. It's just for a while only...untill you regain your health."

"Whatever!" Hisoka said in angry tone and storms off.

"Hisoka!" Tsuzuki quickly go after him but Tatsumi stopped him and said it's okey, he would talked to Hisoka later on.

Tsuzuki looked sad but then excused himself to go to Nagasaki.



"Gushousin, where are my stupid partner? Why she's so damn late?!" asked Miri Tsukishiro in distress tone. She was a beautiful girl with long black hair and red eyes.

"It's a he! And he's not stupid, maybe he was a little late but surely he would came." Gushousin said. "You better learn to appreciate your partner if you didn't want to be dump off!"

"Dump off? Me? You got to be kidding! Usually it's was me the one who dumped people!"

"But you did dump off by your GodoTenrinCho, right?"

"Baka! I'm not dump off by them but transferred to your EnMaCho!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever!" Gushousin said and looked around him, hope to found Tsuzuki.

Miri looked to scenery in front of her. It's was a harbour with a beautiful sea. Windy blow her long hair gently. Suddenly she looked so sad. She whisper softly, "Onii-san..."

Miri shaked her head in distress and turn around to leave when she bumped into a man with black clothes.


The man catch her in time before she fall on the ground.

The man politely asked "Upps! Are you alright, little miss? I was in hurry because I will meeting someone in he..."

"Tsuzuki-san! You finally made it!" said Gushousin with teary eyes.

"Gushousin! Why you are here?" The man seem surprised then he looked to the girl in his arm and shocked. It was her new partner.

The girl seem angry. "You..."

Tsuzuki smiled innocently. "Oh, hi! Sorry I was a little late. My name Tsuzuki Asato."

The girl looked him strangely and said in disrespect. "You were late..."

"Yes, I know and I'm sorry." Tsuzuki bowed.

"Forget about it!" Miri said. "Well, what should we do now?" She asked her partner after Gushousin excused himself.

"Well, what about starting to investigate?"

"Investigate?" Miri smiled in amusement. "Wow! Your EnMaCho surely never wasting time ne?"

"Not really! It's just a coincidence that we should investigate this case now! If not, surely there were a welcoming party for you..." Tsuzuki said in cheerfull manner.

"That's not what I meant! I don't mind if there were no welcoming party for me but...I just wonder why Your EnMaCho doesn't mind to receive me to work with you. I mean, shouldn't they afraid to me after the rumour spread out?"

"What rumour?" Tsuzuki asked innocently.

She blinked. "Are you saying you didn't knew about it at all?"

"Actually no, I didn't knew about it."

"You didn't read my record in the file, did you?"


"What an idiot!" Miri said carelessly.

Tsuzuki sweatdrop. "Well, you aren't the first person to called me that."

Miri frowned. "You mean there are other people called you idiot?"

"Yes, it was my cute partner."

Now it was Miri turn to sweatdrop. "And you still called him cute even after what he said to you?"

"Hei, how did you know my partner was a male?" Tsuzuki asked.

"You didn't angry at all when your partner called you that?" Miri asked without answered Tsuzuki's question.

"Nope! What for? I knew he was just joking!" Tsuzuki said.

"Sou de su!" Miri thought about it carefully and asked, "So where are your cute partner then?"

"He was break off!"

"Why?" Miri asked confused.

Tsuzuki looked sad. "Something bad happen to him and I can't help him..."

"Sorry..." Miri whisper softly.

"Why would you be sorry for?" Tsuzuki asked confused.

"To called you idiot...and for your cute partner!" Miri said and smiled warmly.

Tsuzuki smiled too and said, "You know? You looked different than what Tatsumi described to me..."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes! He said you always being cold and never smile, ehm!" Tsuzuki quickly shut up.

"So you know..." Miri said with a sad smile.

"I mean..." Tsuzuki tried to fix thing between them with panicked face.

"It's okey! Really!" Miri said. "Well, shall we go then?"


To Be Continued..........

So what you think about it? Do you think I should continue it or not?