Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Sakurazukamori ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U

Recently there is no case for Tsuzuki and his partners. They just stayed up in the office without doing anything.

Tsuzuki felt happy because Miri came back to him but strange how she can changed personality, he just felt it. Somehow she looked different. Now, she's more distant, at least to him like he was some sort of disease. Even though she still smile at people but still………

Hisoka and Miri, they seem not get along very well. Hisoka keep glared at her while the girl just ignored him.

`I wonder what happen between them?' Tsuzuki thought to himself as he silently looked at the duo.

Suddenly a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes coming toward their direction. It was Wakaba Kannuki, one of the shinigami in JuOhCho.

"Hi, minna!!" She greeted everyone with her cute smile.

"Wakaba-chan!!" Tsuzuki greeted back with his so ever genki smile.

Hisoka didn't saying anything to her, he just sit and took a look on a few book from Gushousin's library.

"Ne, Tsuzuki-chan, I brought you some sweet stuff, would you liked to eat it?" Wakaba said as she gave him a box of cakes.

"Of course!!" Tsuzuki said happily.

Wakaba then looked at Miri with warm smile. "You must be the one that transferred from GodoTenriCho ne? My name is Wakaba. Yoroshiku!"

Miri didn't smiled back. "Mines Miri Tsukishiro."

"Beautiful name!" Wakaba said. "May I call you Miri-chan?"

"I don't mind." Miri said then look away.

"By the way, I want all of you meet up with my new friend." Wakaba said to all of them.

"Ore?" Tsuzuki looked up to find a beautiful young girl walked toward them. "Who is she?"

"She was from GodoTenriCho, too." Wakaba explain especially to Miri."Maybe you have known of her, Miri-chan. Her name was………."

"Allow me to introduced myself, Wakaba-chan." The young girl said from behind Wakaba.

Miri froze while Tsuzuki and Hisoka pay attention to the girl.

"My name is Kaori Hoshino. Yoroshiku!" The girl greeted Tsuzuki and Hisoka then look at Miri. "It's been along time ne, Miri-chan?"

Miri looked at her silently.

"Both of you have known each other?" Tsuzuki asked curiously.

"Hai! Long time ago, we have to work together, right Miri-chan?" Kaori smiled too sweetly that we could said it as a sinister smile.

Miri glared at her.

Hisoka noticed this but didn't saying anything.

Kaori then looked back to Tsuzuki and Hisoka as Wakaba introduced them.

Suddenly Miri stood up then walk away.

"Miri-chan, where do you want to go?" Tsuzuki asked.

"To the cherry blossom park." Miri answered without even looking at him.

"May I coming along with you, Miri-chan?" Kaori asked sweetly.

Miri stopped dead in her step.


"I don't see why you cannot." Miri said as she walk away again.

Kaori let out a strange smile then followed her.

Hisoka looked at the two girl in curious.


Cherry Blossom Park


"What a nice place you have here." Kaori said as she watched the beautiful scenes of all the sakura tree.

Miri stopped walked and then said, "Just what did you up too, Kaori?"

"Why, you didn't changed much, did you? Still cold as ever………Even to your only friend." Kaori said.

"As long as I remember correctly we are not friend." Miri said coldly.

"Of course we not." Kaori said. "Since you the one who killed my partner."

Miri frowned. "So you still blame me for Kazuma-san's death, I suppose?"

"Yeah, and I won't ever forgive you for that! You're the reason why Kazuma dead in miserable way!! Because of you, that man killed Kazuma!!" Kaori screamed at her.

"Then why you didn't get a revenge for him to that man but instead followed me to this place?" Miri said still in cold manner.

"Of course I did tried to track him down but still I can't gather more accured information." Kaori said. "But you know why I can't kill him, right?"

Miri looked at her then said, "Good for you if you know your position. No matter what you did, you can't kill him."

"Yes, I know that."

"Then don't bother to tried to find him." Miri said as she leave her. "That man………I'm the only one who capable to kill him."

"Yeah right." Kaori said mockingly. "That was my reason to came here. I have finaly found him. That sakura man."

Miri frowned but calmed down. "Sou ka, then where is he now?"


Chief Konoe's Office

A few days later, Tsuzuki and Hisoka discovered that Miri was gone.

"Nani??? Miri-chan gone?!" Tsuzuki said in almost hysterical tone.

"Calm down, Tsuzuki." Chief Konoe said. "She's not gone but got a permission from me to investigate a case with the shinigami from GodoTenriCho. The Chief of GodoTenriCho asked me too let her work with his shinigami."

"But why her?" Tsuzuki asked again. "Why she must work alone? How about us, her partner?"

"Well, it was her wish anyway." Chief Konoe said.

Hisoka thought carefully then asked, "Chief, what case that she must investigate?"

"I don't really knew but it seem has something to do with Miri's previous partner or what." Chief Konoe said again.

"Sou desu." Hisoka remember that Kaori girl and felt something bad gonna happen because he could feel the pain and hate in Kaori's heart.

Tsuzuki still looked worried. "Where she's gone to, Chief? I want to help her."

Chief Konoe said, "You can't."

"Why?" Tsuzuki and Hisoka asked in the same time.

"Miri asked me to do not told you where she's gone too." Chief Konoe said.

"I wonder why she's do that?" Hisoka muttered silently.

Tsuzuki looked angry but didn't protested anymore. `Miri-chan………Why??'

To Be Continued…………

Finally………I finish writing this chapter. I'm so happy. Please read and review more!