Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ The shadow ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U

JuOhCho, Meifu


Watari, Tsuzuki and Hisoka stand up to see Miri holding Kaori who was wounded badly.

Watari and Tsuzuki quickly rushed to her side and help Kaori to the sofa.

Watari quickly do some check on Kaori's current condition. "I've to operate her. Now."


Miri stood outside the room where Watari operate Kaori.

"What happen?" Tsuzuki asked Miri.

"I don't expect the attack… I was too careless…" Miri said with tremble voice. "God… If something happen to her, I don't think I can live any longer…"

"Stt… It's ok. Watari would save her…" Tsuzuki said, comforting her.

Hisoka stood against a wall, observing Miri.

"Kaori and I wanted to protect that girl…the innocent and…we fail. I can't believe this! The attack, the killer, the way he kill them… Could have fool me." Miri said as she sat with Tsuzuki.

"He? You've seen the face of the killer?" Hisoka asked. "Tell us what is exactly you're doing? What case you're suppose to investigate?"

"I…" Miri look at Tsuzuki and Hisoka, not knowing if she should tell them or not. "Kaori and I chased this man who kill my previous partner. The victim of the killer…the way they killed…was the same with how he kill my partner a few years ago but then…I realized it's not him who was responsible… Someone else…" Miri closed her eyes. "The man in white…"

"The man in white?!" Tsuzuki and Hisoka yelled in surprise.

"Is it…him?" Tsuzuki looked very serious.

"Muraki…" Hisoka hissed.

"You know him?" Miri asked.

"Is he got silver hair?" Hisoka asked her.

"I don't know. I guess I was to panic by the sudden attack from that monster and at the time, Kaori was wounded… I guess I didn't really notice him except the clothes he wore." Miri said.

"Where the attack took place?" Tsuzuki asked.

"In the storeroom on the high school where most of the victims attended to." Miri said. "In Tokyo."

Watari come out from the operate room and soon been cornered by Miri's question.

"How was she? Is she ok? Will she survive? Can I see her?" Miri asked Watari. "Tell me about her, Watari-san!"

"Whoaa… Calm down, Miri-chan. Yeah, She's gonna be alright. Don't worry. I manage to give her the treatment she needed. Now she should have her rest so you can't see her…" Watari said.

"Thanks, God…" Miri sighed in relief. `Kazuma-san, Kaori-san would be alright…'


"I need to find him. I'll make him feel sorry that he was ever dare to hurt Kaori!" Miri said. "Beside…I need to know what he know about me…"


"Kaori!" Miri yelled as she saw the girl collapsed before her. "Kaori, are you ok? Answer me!"

"Well, well… I didn't expect you would be the one to fall on my trap, Miss Shinigami."

"Who's there?!" Miri yelled in anger. "Show yourself!"

A man in white stood before her but she couldn't look his face clearly since he stood in the shadow.

Miri quickly throw a few ofudas as the monster who attack Kaori now also attack her.

The man raised a hand and the monster disappear.

Miri dumbfounded.

"It was you after all…" The man let out a strange smile. "So you also become a shinigami like him…"

Miri tried to searching a way to run because she knew if she didn't get Kaori to go back to Meifu somehow, she would be dead by loss of blood.

"There's no need to be panic. I won't hurt you. I wouldn't want to attract the Sakurazukamori by touching his prey…"


"Need I remind you… You better didn't get on the way of other people, for your sake… And maybe you can tell him about me so he would come here, come to me…" The man laughed as he slowly disappear from her sight.

"What do you mean?"

No answer.

End Flashback

Miri opened her eyes. "He knew about my secret, about who am I…and he also knew my brother, but how?"


"Where is Miri-chan?" Hisoka asked. "Chief, did you know where is she? I thought she was with you, she said she need to do some report to you."

"Now that you mention it… I didn't see her today, I've waited for her but she never show up." Chief Konoe said in worried tone.

Hisoka gasped. "Impossible! Is that idiot go back to Tokyo?"


"I told you not to get on my way, didn't I? I guess you're too stubborn even after you dead…" Muraki smiled evilly at the girl who was tied at the cross pole. "You even didn't gave my message to him…" He pouted cutely if he even can.

"I'm not going to let you hurt anymore people. I won't let you touch my friends!" Miri yelled in anger.

Muraki chuckled. "Even when you near death, you still behave like that… Don't you afraid I will kill you?"

"Go ahead! Kill me if you want! I don't care!" Miri yelled again.

Muraki raised his chin. "Not now, I guess. Once Tsuzuki and the boy knew you're not in Meifu, they would surely searching for you that would lead them to me, that's if they already figure about the case."

Miri gasped. `Oh, no! I've fallen into his trick!'

Muraki smiled. "Like I said maybe I'm not gonna kill you. It would make the Sakurazukamori going after me if I did that… But maybe I can use you for a little awhile for that matter. You will be nice bait for Tsuzuki…"

Miri glared at him.

"…Then I will handed you to the Sakurazukamori…"

Miri's face turn pale at the statement.


Seishirou lit a cigarette as he stood leaned against his tree in his usual maboroshi.

"Muraki… He's come back again…" His lips curved into amused smile. "Would be fun indeed. And my dear sister seem in trouble…"


Miri felt the burning mark on her body. The mark of the Sakurazukamori, the inverted pentagram glowed.

Muraki noticed the grimaced expression on her face and smiled. "He's near, isn't he? Probably watching over you. It always amused him. He really got this obsession over you."

"What did you know…" Miri wanted to asked him but…

"Muraki!" Hisoka opened the door on the dark room.

Muraki turn around and smile. "Ah, the boy has come."

"Hisoka-kun! Run! It's a trap to lure Tsuzuki…"

Tsuzuki showed up at the time and with cold voice, he spoke to muraki. "Let her go!"

"Tsuzuki, Hisoka! Onegai! Run! This is a trap!" Miri begged.

"Shall we make a deal, Tsuzuki-san? Yourself in exchange for her life?" Muraki said.

"No!" Miri and Hisoka yell at the sametime.

Tsuzuki didn't said anything.

"Time seem to pass so fast, Tsuzuki-san. You will let her die over loss of blood or what?" Muraki smiled evilly.

Miri scream in pain as suddenly her clothes were ripped everywhere and blood all over her like there was unseen knife cut her flesh skin. She fainted over the amount of pain.

"Miri-chan!" Tsuzuki yell. "Stop it! You're gonna kill her!"

Hisoka stood there, feeling so helpless. `I want a power to help Miri and Tsuzuki… If only I have a power…' Suddenly he noticed a sakura petal fall near Miri's body and…

"That's it!" Hisoka said in surprise. He took a talisman given by Tsuzuki a few day earlier. "Water spell!"

Amount of water form from the talisman and goes to Miri.

Muraki look surprised.

There it was, Miri's body was tied with some invisible thread and because of the water spell, the thread could be seen.

Tsuzuki use the opportunity to attack Muraki with his ofudas.

Hisoka run toward Miri and cut the thread with his knife. Miri collapsed onto his arm.


Miri awaken in hospital room in Meifu.

"Ah, You've awaken." Wakaba said and smile softly. "You've sleep for 2 days."

"Tsuzuki-san and Hisoka-kun?"

"Don't worry, they are alright. Somehow they manage to get you out from Muraki's."

"Are they wounded?"

"Not really."

"Where are they? And Kaori?"

"They were in human world, investigate the next case. As for Kaori…" Wakaba smiled and pointed on the opened door where Kaori stood silently.

Kaori smiled. "I guess your institution about the case was right after all…" She said with serious face, "I owe you one, Tsukishirou…" Then she turn around and leave.

Miri smiled.

"But don't forget about the promise…" Kaori said before really gone from her sight.

"I won't." Miri said as her smile disappear. "I won't."