Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami No Matsuei/X-1999/Charmed Fanfiction

Disclaimer: They are belong their own creator.

Author's note: Thanks to Shizu-chan for help me with the spell and linestories. Merry Christmas to everyone! Blessed be!

San Francisco

Samantha Turner Halliwell walked toward the street. Today is unusually quiet, there were few people on the street and it make her think something about to happen, it might something bad.

She was damn right…

She gasped as a premonition hit her.

A Chaos. People scream in desperate.
A Giant Bird lifts its wings.
Fire over the town. Deadly Disease.
A man stood at the attic in Manor and attack the Charmed Ones.

"Oh, my God…" She whisper. "Not another of 'that'."

A demon appear before her and throw an energy ball to her.

She quickly shimmered and re-appear behind the demon and use her levitation power to kick his ass.

The demon collapsed but quickly stand up and attack her again but this time the young woman had a preparation, she throw a fireball upon the demon.

The demon scream in agony then turn into dust.

Samantha sighed. "This power really come in handy." She said as she watched the fire in her hand. "I better go back to the Manor and tell Melinda and the other."


Melinda Wyatt Halliwell was going home when she saw a demon in an alley, trying to kill a man.


She quickly run toward the alley and freeze both the demon and the man.

She unfroze the demon. The demon look not to happy to see her and he quickly raised his knife to her. But she was way to fast for him.

"Knife!" She summoned. The knife appear on her hand and she quickly throw it to him. The demon scream in pain but not too long as the young witch explode him.

She looked to the man, the innocent and unfroze him.

The man collapsed to the ground painfully.

"Are you alright?" Melinda asked in concern as she move closer to him.

The man slowly stand up. "Never better." As he said this, he quickly took the knife near him and use it to stab her.

Lucky for her, she got an instinct, she quickly back off and froze him.

"Woaahh!!" Melinda yelled in panic as she froze the man. "What the hell?!"


Mary-Kate Wilson Halliwell walked toward a park and stopped by a demon.

The demon throw an electric ball to her but she could dodged it as she always orbs whenever she scared.

She re-appear. "Wooh, that was close…" She looked to the demon, pissed off. "You've to pay for that!"

She astral-projecting herself and kick his ass.

"Lucky me to learn martial arts from Aunt Phoebe." She said as she come back to her real body.

This time, the demon was pissed off and throw another electric ball.

"Electric ball, please." She summoned and as the electric ball appear on her hand, she throw it back to the demon.


Halliwell Manor

"I'm home…" Patricia Wyatt Halliwell called from the front door.

Melinda, Samantha and Katie (Mary-Kate)stood together in the guest room.

Everyone stare at her.


"Did you got an attack from the demon?" Melinda asked.

"No, why?"

"Well, we all did." Samantha muttered. "You, lucky witch."

Patricia snickered. "Well, I am. So what's going on? Judging from your looks, it's not going to be a good news…"

"Actually, Samantha saw a vision that might be another apocalypse prediction…" Melinda said.

"What? Are you sure?" Patricia asked in panic. "Isn't that thing supposed to end 9 years ago?"

"Aunt Prue said it might not have anything to do with the 7 holy sacred place at Tokyo." Katie said.

Prue orbs to the room.

"What happen?"

"The Source trying to take over this world by releasing a powerful demon from 5000 years ago." Prue said.

"O, great." Melinda rolled her eyes.

"The Giant Bird?" Samantha asked Prue.

Prue nodded. "Could be…"

"What's the demon's name anyway?" Patricia asked.

Prue snickered. "You might laughed."

"We're not." Melinda said.

"It's not a laughing matter anyway…" Samantha said.

"Fine, if you say so…" Prue said. "This demon called Megamerototemo."

Sweatdrop…and that's it! They're burst into a laughing fits.

"What's with the name?" Katie laughed until her stomach hurt.

"That demon really have a bad sense on choosing a name…" Samantha tried to contain her laughter.

"That was the stupidest name I might ever heard!" Patricia laughing until her tears streaming down her cheeks.

Prue rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha."

Melinda just giggled. "So what should we do?"

"Huh?" Everyone looked to her.

"About the demon." Melinda said.

"Oh, yeah. Where's Piper and Paige?" Prue said.

"Um, actually we don't want to involve them anymore." Katie said.

"Why? There are witches, and your mom." Prue said, gesturing to Melinda, Patricia and Katie.

Samantha's face look sad as she remember her parents, Cole and Phoebe.

"They're too old for this. I want they feel safe and peaceful in their old age." Melinda said. "Especially my Mom… After Dad was killed by a Darklighter, Mom seem so…"

"I understand." Prue said. She was so sad over her sisters. Right, after that incident, 9 years ago, Piper and Paige has changed a lot.

"So back to the business, please…" Katie said.

"Ok, that demon like to consumed the souls of human with magical abilities." Prue explained slowly.

The four witches turn pale.

"Like us?" Patricia asked.

Prue nodded. "And his goal is to kill the Charmed Ones which mean, you all in great danger." Prue gestured to Melinda, Samantha and Katie.

"Nicey!" The Charmed Ones rolled their eyes in disgust.

"Let's check the BOS, shall we?" Patricia said.

"BOS!" Katie summoned. The BOS appeared on her lap then she put it to the table near her.

Samantha kneeled near the table and flipped open the pages with her telekinesis power.

After a while, Samantha closed the BOS with frustration.

"It's no use! There is no history our ancestor ever face that demon!" Samantha said.

"Actually our great, great, great ancestor is the one who sealed him but at the time, the BOS haven't exist." Prue said.

"You should have said that earlier, Aunt Prue." Muttered Samantha.

Prue grinned. "Sorry, I forgot. I will check on the Elders again." She said, ready to orbs. "Oh, yeah. Please stop called me Áunt'. It's give me chills since a few years later, you'll grew older than me." Then she orbs.

The four woman smiled.

Suddenly a bunch of Demons broke down the front door.

Samantha and the other quickly faces them. There were 7 demons.

"What's this? Some kind of parade?" Katie mocked one of the demon.

One of the demon very angry and move closer to her. He throw an icy arrow to her but Katie used it to attack him.

One of the demon throw some fire toward Patricia. Patricia used her Empathy power to cast a barrier around her. Then she used her astral-projecting power to attack the demon with her feeling power. The demon dead.

Melinda blow 2 demons up while Samantha involved with some hands to hands battle with the demon but in the end, she used her fireball to kill him off.

The other 2 demon wasn't to happy at this.

One of the demon throw some weird energy to Patricia. Patricia couldn't dodged it. The sudden blast send her across the other side of the wall and she collapsed on the floor, fainted.

"Patty!" Melinda yelled, worried over her little sister. She run to her sister and used her healing power.

Samantha waved her hand, send the demon whose attack Patricia flying across the room. Once the demon stood again, Melinda blow him up.

Patricia regain consciousness and get up to help her sister and cousins

Melinda wanted to blow up the second demon but to no avail.

"Fools! I can't be killed with your stupid spell! Your power also won't work to me!" The demon hissed.

"Wanna bet?!" Katie said as she summoned a scissor and Samantha waved her hand to the scissor, sending it fly toward the demon.

A barrier appear around the demon, preventing the scissor to hurt him. The scissor fall to the floor.

"Wha…?" Samantha loss of word.

The demon grinned evilly. "Now it's my turn!"

Melinda, Samantha, Katie and Patricia stood together and back off slowly as the demon started to cornered them.

Samantha used her telekinesis power to send the demon away but to no avail.

"@!$^&*^*(*^$%$$#*&*%^$*(*(&^%%##@$$$@$%&%% ##@!!"

Suddenly they hear a strange spell echoed through the room.

They saw a man with black trench coat stood over the front door, chanted some spell.


With an obvious sound, the barrier around the demon destroyed.

"This is your chance!" The man yelled.

Melinda nodded to Samantha and Katie.

The demon quickly throw some electric ball to the Charmed Ones.

"The Power Of Three Will Set Us Free!" They chanted together. "The Power Of Three Will Set Us Free! The Power Of Three Will Set Us Free!"

A barrier protect them from the electric balls.

The demon still not stopping to attack them but to no avail.

The demon scream in agony as a fire started to appear around him and turn him into dust.

The new visitor smiled slightly.

Melinda looked to him and yelled, "Who the hell are you?"

The man looked hurt. "You already forgot about me?"

Katie tilled her head. "Strange… I feel like I have met him before."

Samantha looked pale. "Tsuzuki…"

"What?" The other witches turn their head from Samantha and the man.

Tsuzuki smiled. "It's been a long time, isn't it, Samantha?"

"Wait!" Katie raised her hand. "It's that shinigami from Tokyo!"

Tsuzuki grinned.

Katie laughed and hug him. "I miss you, Tsuzuki! You haven't changed at all!"

"Well, what did you expect? I'm already dead…" Tsuzuki smiled bitterly. "And you all seem to grow older."

"That was mean! You shouldn't said something like that to the ladies!" Patricia muttered.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Tsuzuki smiled. He really miss their accompanies.

"Ehm, Tsuzuki?" Melinda called for him.

"What is it, Mel-chan?" Tsuzuki looked to the young woman before her.

"You actually speak English…" Melinda said.

Tsuzuki grinned. "Yeah, Hisoka teach me."

"Now that you mention it… Where is that boy?" Patricia asked, looking around her, searching for the younger Shinigami.

Tsuzuki's face turn sad. "It's a long story…"

Samantha looked to Tsuzuki, her face look disturbed as if seeing Tsuzuki making her sick?

Tsuzuki looked to Samantha and smiled painfully.

Seeing those two, Melinda sighed and said, "What bring you to San Francisco anyway, Tsuzuki?"

"Well, it's kinda complicated…" Tsuzuki said as he scratch his head.

"Is it has something to do with the possible apocalypse created by that demon from 5000 years ago?" Samantha finally said.

"You hit it right in the dot." Tsuzuki smiled.

"I thought you're supposed to investigate such a thing with partner?" Katie asked.

"Yeah. Only the fact that I don't have any partner anymore…" Tsuzuki said.

"What? Did Hisoka leaving you?" Melinda asked in curiosity.

"No, he was killed by that demon…" Tsuzuki hissed. "He also killed the other…"

"By Megamerototemo?" Patricia asked with painful voice.

"Yeah, and now that demon's going after you all." Tsuzuki said.

"So that's why you come here…" Samantha said as she leaned against a wall.


"Uhm…Since you're here, how about we start our lunch?" Melinda offered.

Tsuzuki turn SD and squeak happily as he follow Melinda to the kitchen.

Samantha couldn't help but smile a little.


"We've to think of some spell to vanquish that demon. Samantha, have you comes up with some spell?" Melinda closed the BOS for the 3 times. She was hoping that they could find some hint about Megamerototemo but to no avail.

"Yeah, but I don't know if it can work or not…" Samantha said softly as she looked to the spell in her notepad.

"We could give it a try…" Melinda said. "Katie, have you finish with the protection spell?"

"Yeah, I already cast it to protect Aunt Piper and Mom…" Katie said.

"Are you sure they don't feel the spell?" Melinda asked. "If they found out, they will surely trying to interfere."

"You're worry too much, Sis! I can always used my feeling power…" Patricia said.

"Why you don't want your parents to know about this things?" Tsuzuki asked.

Melinda, Patricia and Katie looked to him.

"We've our own reason…" Katie said softly.

"Oh…" Tsuzuki smiled understandingly. Then he looked to Samantha who looked very sad. He presumed that she was remembering about her own parents.

Suddenly Peter flamed in to the room, startled everyone up.

"Oh, it's you…" Melinda stood up and walked toward the man. "You startled us!"

"Sorry, 'bout that!" Peter smiled warmly to his fiancée and bent down to kiss her.

Tsuzuki flushed a little, seeing those two. He could never understand how western people can openly kiss each other in front of everyone.

"That man is…" Peter asked as he saw Tsuzuki who immediately stood up and smiled warmly.

"That's Tsuzuki Asato. Did you remember the Shinigami from Tokyo 9 years ago?"

Peter looked embarrass. "Oh, you're from that time… Sorry 'bout that time!"

"Never mind!" Tsuzuki smiled and stole a questioning look to Katie who just shrugged.

"So I got some news for you all and you might not like it…" Peter began.

"If it's about Megamerototemo, we already know…" Samantha said to her twin brother. Even though, they're twin but their face are different.

"Yeah, but there was some more…" Peter said.

"What is it?" Melinda asked.

"The source revived all the demons from the past to attack the Charmed Ones." Peter said.

Everyone in the room, except Tsuzuki, turn pale.

"What?!" Melinda could only utter one word.

"Are you sure?!" Samantha looked not to happy. "This is very bad!"

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Katie walked back and forth. "What should we do now?"

"This is insane!" Melinda finally yelled. "The Source really wanted us to die that much?!"

Tsuzuki looked amused of how they start to panic around.

"We should make a preparation then." Patricia calmly said.

Peter silent for a while then suddenly said, "I sense a demon in this room."

Tsuzuki also stood up once he sense the unwanted presence.

"That one!" Peter motion his finger to a chair.

Melinda quickly froze the room right when the chair transformed into a demon. She walked to the frozen demon and unfroze only his head.

The demon looked very pissed. "Unfroze me, you stupid witch!"

Melinda annoyed. "Who you call stupid?!"

Samantha stood beside Melinda. "Alright. Spill it, Demon! What's the Source planning to do?"

The demon smiled. "Why should I tell you this?"

Samantha form a fire ball around her hand.

"Alright! Alright! What do you want to know?" The demon screamed in pain as Samantha throw the fire to his feet.

Tsuzuki looked shocked to see Samantha has the power of fire. "Anoo, I thought, fire is the power of Evil. Isn't that what you guys told me?"

Samantha tossed the fire ball on her hands and said, "Yes, it was. But you also forgot that I'm half witch, half demon, Tsuzuki." Then he looked to the demon and said coldly, "Now tell us what's the demons that the Source planning to revived?"

"I don't know…" The demon said.

The fire ball on her hand become larger.

"Alright! Alright! I will tell you!" The demon begged in panic.

Peter chuckled. "You know what, Sis? I guess you will make a good demon if you ever choose to be."

Samantha glared at him. "Don't even mention it!" Then she turn to face the demon. "Spill it!"

"It was…" Suddenly his body set in fire. He scream in pain and turn into dust.

"Wha…?" Samantha looked shock. The ball on her hand disappeared.

Peter sighed. "The Source killed him…"

"He really wanted to leave us in suspense for all day, isn't he?" Melinda sighed.

Katie and Patricia didn't say anything but little did, they know that they really WAS in serious danger.

Tsuzuki deep in thought.

"Well, I guess, we should cancel the wedding, after all…" Melinda said.

Tsuzuki's ears perked up. "Who's wedding?"

"Me, of course!" Melinda said.

"With who?"

"Me, of course!" Peter said.

"But you two are cousins." Tsuzuki pointed.

"Doesn't matter." Melinda said. "Our love will beat everything…" She said as she looked to her fiancée with a loving, sweet smile.

Peter smiled and bent down to kiss her again.

Samantha, Patricia and Katie smiled in the background.

"Well, I think I need to asked Kyle if he ever wanted to marry me after he discovered our secret…" Katie said as she threw herself to the sofa.

Patricia giggled. "You could always find more men if he push you away…"

"Yeah, right…" Katie rolled her eyes. "Like dating a demon…"

"Hmm!" Melinda hmm-ed her.

"Sorry, no offend, Peter!" Katie said.

Tsuzuki smiled again. This Halliwell women's lives seem very interesting to begin with.


The next day, still in Manor

"I'll be paired up with Peter, Patricia with Katie and…" Melinda looked to Samantha as she smiled meaningfully. "Samantha would be with Tsuzuki."

Samantha rolled her eyes. "Why I have a feeling that this was something you have been planning on?"

Melinda smiled innocently. "Oh, did I?" Then she walked to Peter, took his hand and both flamed out.

"Have a nice day!" Katie winked at Samantha and orbs along with Patricia.

"I guess we're stuck together…" Samantha said to Tsuzuki.

"Is that a bad thing?" Tsuzuki asked with a teasing voice.

Samantha rolled her eyes. "Come on! Let's get this done!" Then she shimmered along with Tsuzuki.


"This is stuck! That was the 7 times we meet demons." Samantha muttered.

Tsuzuki just shrugged.

They were very lucky that some of the demon can be handle with his ofudas otherwise Samantha would be very angry and a very angry witch was a scary thing.

"There was a café over there, why don't we take a break?" Tsuzuki offered.

"Hungry already?" Samantha looked amused.

"Don't be so mean, Samantha…"

"I guess we can take a bre…" Suddenly Samantha gasped as she was pulled with another premonition.

Peter and Melinda walking in an alley.
They were laughing happily.
A darklighter appear before them.
Melinda was struck by his poisonous arrow.

"Oh, my…" Samantha whispered. "I think I knew now one of the demons revived by the Source…"

"What did you see?"

"It was that darklighter who killed Melinda's father!" Samantha said in worried tone. "We have to find Melinda. The Darklighter was after her."


"Samantha is very angry to you…" Peter said as he hold her waist.

Melinda giggled. "I can't help it. I really want her to be happy, even for a little awhile…"

"But not with him. You know that their relationship is not going to work."

"Yeah, I know. Well, I guess they could use this opportunity to clean up all the mess that left up between them."

Peter kiss her forehead. "You little matchmaker…"

Suddenly a figure in black mist appeared before them and before the two of them could digest what happen, the darklighter struck an arrow to Melinda's shoulder.

Melinda screamed in pain as she collapsed to Peter's arm.

"Melinda!" Peter yelled in panic. Then he turned to the darklighter with a fire ball on his hand. "You die!" He throw the fireball to him.

The darklighter can't dodged it and he scream in agony as he die for the second time.

At the time, Samantha and Tsuzuki shimmered.

"Melinda!" Samantha run to her cousin. "Oh, God!"

"Patricia! Katie! Whatever! Come here right NOW!"

Patricia and Katie orbs to them once they heard Samantha's calling.

"Sis!" Patricia yelled.

"Don't touch the arrow!" Melinda said as she winced in pain. "You could get poisoned."

"I will move the arrow…" Tsuzuki offered. "Once I move it, You can heal her."

"Katie, you have to help me out. My power won't work for the greatest poison of the arrow. We'll have to combine our power and heal her." Patricia said.

"What?" Katie yelled. "But I don't have healing power."

"Yes, you're!" Samantha said. "You're a whitelighter!"

"Half whitelighter!" Katie corrected.

"Whatever! Just give it a try!" Samantha said.

"Fine." Katie kneeled near Melinda. Patricia did the same. Katie was very nervous. "I hope it would worked out…"

"Ready?" Tsuzuki also kneeled beside Melinda.

"Please be quick, Tsuzuki…" Melinda said as she winced again.

"It will be a little painful." Tsuzuki said.

"I think I can handle it… Just be hurry…" Melinda said.

"Hang on." Peter said as he caress her cheek gently. He was so scared of losing her.

Tsuzuki move the arrow with fast movement. Melinda screamed in pain. Patricia and Katie quickly healed her.

Melinda took a hard breath. Her face still pale even though her wound already healed. She felt so tired then she was asleep.

"It's work!" Katie exclaimed happily.

Everyone smiled.


Halliwell Manor

"Who the hell did this to my daughter?!" Piper screamed in rage as she saw Melinda in Peter's arm.

"It was Lugec." Samantha said.

"Impossible! We vanquish him long time ago!" Paige also said.

"Well, apparently he was revived again by the Source…" Samantha simply said.

"Revived? By the Source?" Piper and Paige confused.

"Upps!" Samantha quickly shut her mouth.

Piper crossed her arms. "Ok, girls! Spill it! What did you hide from us?"

"And who is that strange guy?" Paige pointed to Tsuzuki.


"Well, that was it!" Patricia said with uneasy feeling as Piper standing before her.

"Hmm." Piper hmm-ed her.

"We think it's about time you two stop fighting demon." Katie said, wanted to help her cousin.

"Hmm." This time Paige hmm-ed her.

Patricia and Katie cowered.

"How could you hide such an important things from us!" Piper finally yelled.

Everyone silent at this.

"Aunt Piper, I think they did the right thing." Samantha said. "We can take care the matter in our hand. We're the Charmed Ones, after all, not that we want to be the heroines. Beside what can you do right now? Without my Mom, you are no longer complete and you would be an easy target for the demons."

"They're right." Prue's voice. Followed by the sound of her orbing to the room.

"Prue! How could you? You of all people…" Piper yelled.

"I just said that I was also agree with them." Prue said.


Megamerototemo watched the arguments from the distance and he smirked.


Prue was talking privately with Piper and Paige, trying to convince them to let the girls handle the matter by their own.

"More witches had die in an attempt to stop that demon." Prue hissed. "Even my charges dies too… I can't believe this. There is nothing I can do to stop that monster! I wish I'm not dead! I wish I'm still a witches! I wish I can kicking demon's ass again!"

"But there was nothing you can do…" Paige muttered.

"Indeed. So you must understand the girl's feeling. They don't want to put you in more danger. You have enough. You and Paige. Even the Elders agreed not to allow you two interfered with their concentration in order to face the4 demon and most of all, the source…"

"I don't know, I don't know what to think anymore…" Piper said and crying. "I'm afraid that I will lose my daughters too…"

"That's not going to happen. They're, after all, the Charmed Ones. Plus they have that Shinigami and Peter in their side." Prue said. "Meanwhile, you two must moved out from the Manor and stay in, uhm, Phoebe's apartment will do."

"Of all place…" Piper rolled her eyes. "Fine then!"


"Aaaaaackk!!" The woman scream in agony as the demon consumed her soul.

Megamerototemo laughed evilly as he let the witch's corpse fall to the floor.

He really hate witches the most because he was sealed by a witch. He never forget the event. Whenever he remember about the witch who sealed him in the darkness, he's going to feel rage in his whole body.

"The Charmed Ones are her descendent. I will make sure that they die in misery!" He said as he laughed evilly.


The Source smiled evilly as he felt the demon's rage. {Kill more… Then everything will be going on with my plan. If my plan turn out well, I can have the world for myself.}


Halliwell Manor

"Who is the witch name? Maybe we can summon her to tell us what is the spell she used to seal the demon…" Katie said.

"I don't know… I will check on the elders." Prue said then she orbs.

"Maybe we can use my spell for back-up in case we can't find out what is the spell." Samantha said.

"Good idea…" Melinda said. "In the meantime, we split up again. Maybe we can find a clue about the bird Samantha saw in her first premonition. We can't afford another enemy chased after us."


"Why did you act so cold to me, Samantha?" Tsuzuki said as they walked together in park. They were patrolling the area in case there were a demon around. They need to find a clue about the demons revived by the Source.

Samantha looks very frustrated. "What did you expect? After what you've done, you expect me to be nice toward you?!"

"There is no choose. I've to leave you. We're not meant to be together. I'm shinigami and you're human. We can't be together."

"Then why did you said you love me? If you knew all a long, why you're still…?" Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Please, Samantha!" Tsuzuki said with painful tone. "I didn't mean to. I just needed to know you and… And to hold you in my arms because…I love you." Tsuzuki added softly that even he could barely hear himself. "I will leave and never, ever appear in front of you again. I promise. It's just that let me protect you, ok?"

"Do you think I can't protect myself? That I'm not smart enough to survive this?"

"It's not that!" Tsuzuki said again. "Listen to me!"

"No! I don't want to and don't need to! It's over! Remember? Just let it drop, ok?" Samantha yelled. "It's hurt me so much that I don't want even to remember it!"

"Samantha… I'm sorry that all of this hurting you. It's also hurt me but there's nothing I can really do anymore." Tsuzuki whispered.

Samantha sighed. She looked to the sky above then wipes away her tears. She sighed again that force a smile. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't bring it on in the first place. I tried to do what you told me…to move on and I think I did a good job on it but I guess I was wrong. I didn't hate you, Tsuzuki."


"Maybe I'm just not prepared well to meet you again." Samantha said. "I'm sorry…"

"No, Samantha. It's not your fault. It's all my fault! I'm sorry!" Tsuzuki said as he bring Samantha to his embrace. "I'm sorry…"

Samantha didn't say anything instead she let herself fallen into his embrace.

'How warm…' Samantha thought. 'I wish I could be like this with him forever… I wish time will stop…' Samantha sighed as she also return the embrace.

Tsuzuki smiled and closed his eyes.


Halliwell Manor

Melinda, Patricia and Katie was in the attic. They're discussing about their next plan.

"Where is Samantha?" Katie asked.

"Maybe with Tsuzuki, having fun…" Melinda said.

Patricia giggled. "They will make a cuter couple, you know?"

Melinda sighed. "Yeah, too bad they couldn't be together…"

"Why not?" Katie said. "They could go on with their relationship if they want… Just like Uncle Leo and Aunt Piper. Their greatest love move Heaven. I don't see why they can't do the same…"

"Certainly it was 2 different matter." Patricia said. "They have move on with their lives. Remember?"

"Samantha has suffer so much. She always suffering in the matter of love. First, Tsuzuki then Brian…" Melinda sighed. "Remember when we found out that Brian is a warlock?"

"Hell, yeah! She was crying like crazy after we vanquish him." Katie said.

"She denied her love for Brian… She was scared. I don't think she will be able to open up with men anymore…" Patricia said. "I could feel her pain."

Suddenly they heard someone ringing the bell on the front door.

"I will get it!" Katie said as she orbs to the living room and open the door.

Katie opened the door to see a handsome man with glasses standing in front of the door.

'He's gorgeous looking guy. He seem not from around here.' Katie smiled. "oh, hi! Did I know you?"

The man smiled gently. "Probably." Then his smile turn into smirk. "Because I'm your nightmare…"

Meanwhile Melinda and Patricia still in the attic. They had figured out about the bird in Samantha's premonition inside the BOS.

"Look at this." Melinda pointed to the picture of giant bird. "Its can spread some kind of powder that causing people with magical abilities become sick and weaker."

"And Megamerototemo used this opportunity to consumed the souls… How low!" Patricia muttered.

Suddenly they heard a loud crash followed by Katie's scream!

"What was that?" Patricia yelled in worried.

They quickly run to the living room and stopped in the middle of stairs.

"Who the hell he was?!" Melinda yelled as she saw the man.

The man smirked.

"Katie!" Patricia yelled as she saw her cousin collapsed to the floor with blood all over her body. Patricia quickly run to her side and heal her.

Melinda also saw this and was very angry. "Ok, now you die!" She yelled to the man. She trying to blow him up but a barrier appeared around him.

The man smiled and to their surprise, his shadow move out into a very larger ones.

Melinda quickly freeze the shadow but not too long as the shadow can move again and attack her but she managed to orbs in time.

Katie who was now regain consciousness, quickly yelled, "Tatsumi! Don't!"

"Tatsumi?" Melinda and Patricia repeated in confuse.

Tatsumi attack them again.

The three women managed to orbs out from the living room to the attic.

"He was under control!" Patricia yelled.

"Well, we better find a way to break the spell that held him!" Melinda yelled.

A wind blows around them as Tatsumi appeared in the attic's door.

"Got it!" Katie announcement after she flipped a few pages in BOS. "This spell isn't requires the P3 so we can do it even without Samantha."

"By the forces of Heaven and Hell,
Hear our cries and free us from this misery,
Let his soul be free from the bind that not meant to be,
Whence its comes, that where its should return..."

Tatsumi kneeled to the floor and screamed in pain. A black mist comes out from his body. "You can't do this to me!" He yelled as he throw some black powder to the three witches.

Melinda and the others can't dodged the unexpected powder.

"Watch out!" Patricia yelled.

But its too late…

Meanwhile Tatsumi had collapsed and fainted. They successes to break the spell upon him but now its their turn to be VERY worried.

"Wha… What was that?!" Katie started to panic. "What was that powder he throw upon us?!"

"Oh, no! Don't tell me that we got infected with that thing!!" Melinda also panicked.

"Wha, wha… What's thing?" Katie yelled again. "What do you mean?"

Patricia also panic but she tried to calm down herself. "Calm down now! Let's check the BOS! Maybe we can fi…"

"I'm back!" Samantha called out from the front door. She took off her coat and stopped dead in her track as she saw the whole mess in the living room. "Oh, my God!"

Tsuzuki also look very worried.

"Melinda! Patricia! Katie! Are you here?" Samantha yelled as she goes to search for them.

Melinda, Patricia and Katie goes down to met them.

"What happen?" Samantha said.

"Guess who attack us?" Katie asked them.

"Who?" Samantha asked back in confuse.

"It was Tatsumi…" Patricia answered.

"What?!" Tsuzuki and Samantha yelled in surprise.

"Well, he was under spell and we managed to broke its and now he was fainted in the attic…" Patricia continued.

"Now to the worst part, we think that we got infected by the disease you told about, Tsuzuki…" Melinda said finally.

"What?!" Tsuzuki and Samantha yelled again. "Are you sure?"


"He's fail!!" The source was very angry.

A beautiful woman beside her just smiled. "Don't worry. Tatsumi-chan managed to throw my powder to the witches…"

"But there's still that ex-Source's son and daughter!" The Source was upset now.

"So what?" The woman smiled. "Send Megamerototemo to retrieve those who got infected with the disease."

"Excellent idea!" The Source smiled evilly. "They wouldn't expect that!"


Halliwell Manor

"I can't believe that I did that to all of you…" Tatsumi shake his head as he said those word with painful tone.

"Don't worry! None of us considering you guilty…" Patricia said softly.

"But I can't believe that I've fallen into her spell!" Tatsumi stubbornly said.

Tsuzuki leaned against wall, deep in thought.

Melinda stood near Peter, also deep in thought.

"Did you feel something strange in your body?" Peter asked worriedly to all his cousins.

"Actually, we're fine…" Melinda said. "Maybe the poison doesn't affect us…"

"No way, the poison work to every magical being in this world." Tsuzuki said. "Since you're one of the powerful witches that ever exist, maybe the poison would took affect for quite sometime later…"

"In the meantime, we should find the cure otherwise the Source maybe send his demon's army against us…" Samantha said.

"Or worst…" Peter added. "He could send Megamerototemo after you…"

"This is suck!" Katie said. "He was so unfair if he attack us in our current condition!"

"I will cast a barrier around this Manor then…" Tsuzuki said. "AH!"

Everyone startled as Tsuzuki suddenly yelled.


Everyone stare at him as if he was crazy.

Tsuzuki smiled. "I just remember…"

"Remember what?"

Everyone really annoyed.

"I've the cure for the disease…" Tsuzuki said.

"What? Are you sure?"

Tsuzuki then told them about how he and Miri get the cure.

"I see…" Tatsumi sighed. "Tsukishirou-san did so…"

"Who's Miri?" Samantha asked Tsuzuki.

"She is my other partner. Hisoka and I must work with her since she doesn't have partner yet." Tsuzuki explained. He noted her expression and asked her in teasing voice, "Are you jealous?"

Samantha leaves a potted plant implanted in Tsuzuki's face and storm off.

Everyone giggled at the sight while Tsuzuki howled in pain.

"May I borrow your phone, Melinda-san?" Tatsumi asked politely.

"Melinda would do and yes, you can…" Melinda said and smiled.

"Thanks." Tatsumi quickly called the JuOhCho and talked with Mutsumi.

After a while, Tatsumi end the conversation and said to everyone, "She will be coming in next few hours…along with the cure."

Everyone sighed in relief.

Suddenly a bunch of demons appeared again.

"Oh, crap! Not this again!" Katie said as she stood and ready to fight. She was soon involved with tossing off the volley 'energy' ball with one of the demons.

Melinda exploded one of the demons. "You all never learn!"

Samantha levitated and kick some demon's ass.

Peter used their fire power to kill some of demons off.

Patricia used her empathy power to confuse one of the demons.

Tsuzuki used his ofudas to kill some of the demons.

Tatsumi summoned his shadow to kill the demons off.

In the middle of the fight where demons seem not stop coming, Melinda feel a little dizzy.

"Oh , no!" Melinda held her head in pain.

Peter quickly run to her side and help her to face the demons.

Soon Katie and Patricia followed her fit.

Tatsumi catch Katie while Tsuzuki helping Patricia.

"Go to the attic!" Samantha yelled to all of them. "I will handle them!"

Everyone quickly teleport to the attic except Samantha.

Samantha managed to handle the demons but she soon was cornered since she was really outnumbered.

Suddenly some of the demons exploded.

Piper and Paige stood in front door.

"Aunt Piper! Aunt Paige!" Samantha yelled in surprise.

"Good thing we come to check you out." Piper said.

The rest of demons was very upset and they throw an energy ball to them but Paige summoned the energy ball back and managed to kill them.

"Now that was really annoying…" Paige said as she finished off the final demons.

Tsuzuki and Tatsumi quickly goes down to help Samantha but to their surprise all the demons already gone.

"What the hell is going on around here?" Piper yelled.

Samantha look around nervously. Uh-oh, It's not going to be good.


Mutsumi come to the Manor right when night arrived.

Halliwell Manor really busy, filled with Piper's angry voice as she knew that her daughters and niece were infected with deadly magical disease.

"Ok, that is! We back to the business!" Piper yelled, ignoring Samantha's attempt to changing her minds.

Mutsumi shimmered right In the living room where everyone gathered.

Once Piper saw her, she raised her hands.

"Wait up!" Tsuzuki yelled.

"Aunt Piper! Stop! Don't kill her!" Samantha yelled.

"I'm not going to kill her…" Piper said.

Mutsumi looked nervous. "Uhm, Am I come in the wrong time?"

"No! No! Of course not!" Tsuzuki cheerfully said.