Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction ❯ Pocky in the Park 2: The Prequel! ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pocky in the Park

The Prologue

He'd found the pack of cigarettes in his victim's pocket, and a full pack of matches. He laughed as he opened it, finding only one cigarette missing. The one he'd seen the man smoking. "Quite a stroke of luck, for both of us," he said to the corpse at his feet. Good luck for Seishirou, bad luck for the unfortunate soul he'd been paid to hunt and kill. The middle-aged man had lit the cigarette just as Seishirou had passed, illuminating the stranger's face, showing him the perfect match to the photograph he'd been given.

The young Sakurazukamori laughed, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. They weren't his usual brand, but they were still good. He savored the first few drags before looking down at the blood spattered shopping bag the man had been carrying. "What have we here?"

The first was a bottle. "Another good find. Hardly anybody wants to sell sake to a teenager like me," he said with a pout, followed by a wicked grin. "Thank you again, my friend. You feed my tree, you feed my bank account, you feed my addiction, and now you give me unexpected gifts." There were a couple of boxes in the bag as well, and he held one up in amusement. "Oh, I see. Either your wife has a sweet tooth, or some poor child will be missing their daddy tonight." It was, a girl then, in all probability. Girl Pocky. And the second box was chocolate. Men's Pocky. Well, that was interesting. "Perhaps you have a sweet tooth as well?"

He laughed. Not that it mattered. Seishirou had never had Pocky before, though he'd seen others his age devouring boxes at a time and saying how delicious the snack was. Now though, he had two boxes in front of him, and he grinned. He'd never seen the point, but if they were right there he might as well try it.

He finished the cigarette and cast the spell, getting on with his work after indulging in a bit of a break. He liked to make sure no one was near, despite his power of illusion, because he was new to the position and the spell to feed the tree took a great deal of concentration for him still. Over time, it would be easier. His mother had been able to do it at any time, from over a great distance even, but Seishirou had only been doing this for a short time and had yet to reach his full potential. It would come to him. He was patient. But he still took no undue risks.

When he was finished he reached for another cigarette...but his questing fingers first found the larger boxes of Pocky in his coat pocket. He smiled. "Sakura-chan," he said kindly to the large tree he'd just fed, "what do you think?" He held up the box of strawberry flavored Pocky and waved it in the air.

What is it?

Seishirou laughed again, enjoying this night. Everything was going so well. "It's candy. Want a bite?"

He saw the image of a little girl pouting within his mind, and this image made him laugh out loud yet again. Seishirou-kun, that's not nice. I can't eat your food. Tease.

An idea struck him though, and he grew silent. "Maybe you could. Would you like that, Sakura-chan?"

It laughed, deigning to form its own illusion this time. "It seems like a silly indulgence, Seishirou-kun." There was no mistaking the look of interest on its face though.

"Doesn't it, though?" He winked, already with an idea of what adjustments to the spell might be necessary. In his mind he wove the spell, thinking of how to change the incantation and the intent. It wouldn't be actual feeding, but the tree would experience a similar joy that sweet things gave humans, and through him be able to taste it. In fact, if he tied the spell to himself and what he experienced, the tree would be able to experience it exactly the same way he did. Their minds were already linked, and the tree experienced things he did through his senses. This was just another level of illusion that would make the tree believe it was enjoying the food.

It would take more energy than it would give, of course. That's probably why it had never been done before. But, Seishirou was afraid that if he didn't find something to entertain him and keep him distracted, he'd become terribly bored. Tokyo didn't want a bored assassin running around, after all.

Not that they could stop him.

"You really think you could do it?" the tree asked, looking interested.

"Anything for you, my dear Sakura-chan," Seishirou said with a low bow and a lighthearted laugh. "Within a week, you shall know what Pocky tastes like. Any flavor you want."


Seishirou was wearing his high school uniform, a strike of normality that gave credence to his lies of being just another person, nobody special, no one to take note of....

That was the thing about uniforms. They were dehumanizing. No, not so much to the person wearing them...or, Seishirou had never felt less than himself when wearing a uniform at least. No, it was the observer who forgot that the person wearing a uniform was human. Perhaps that was enough to sway some people's opinions of themselves, but not Seishirou. His identity hid in deep dark places no one dared to explore, and a simple mask was better for keeping it hidden. He had no room for petty insecurities. He was the Sakurazukamori, after all. Only death could take that from him.

And what a beautiful death it would be.

Anyone seeing the boy would only think "student" and possibly identify the high school he went to. His face was handsome, but not exactly distinguishable from any other. So, they had "student" and "handsome". They had "black hair". They might even have "light brown eyes" if they got that close. He was both memorable and forgettable at the same time, and he used that to his advantage.

Except today.

Today it wasn't necessary. He brought with him, in his book bag, the unopened bottle of sake from the victim who had given him the idea, and a few different boxes of Pocky. The sake could get him in any trouble if it were discovered. He wouldn't be though. He thought it would be quite amusing to be discovered and reprimanded for underage drinking.

"Sakura-chan! I've got a present for you."

You're serious? You actually worked out that spell?

Seishirou chuckled softly. "Yes. I told you I would. What kind of a Sakurazukamori would I be if I went back on my promise to you?"

You'd still be my Seishirou-kun, it said, just before creating its illusionary form. "My beautiful, loyal, cold, ruthless, devoted, silly, kind Seishirou-kun."

"How can I be cold and ruthless, but be kind at the same time? You make no sense, Tree." Seishirou shook his head and lit a cigarette.

"I don't mind if you think I don't make sense, but that doesn't change that you're me. No one else matters." The image caressed Seishirou's cheek kindly, what could be seen as lovingly. "You were kind to your mother, as well. Such a dutiful son."

Seishirou preened under the attention, smiling softly. "Then, to some it is a kindness to be cruel?"

The tree laughed, not answering. "Maybe true kindness is something I can not understand. That's fine though. As long as I get that Pocky you promised me...."

Seishirou held up a box with a flourish, grinning happily. "The spell is simple...just a modification of the other. You'll see." He tossed the box in the air and caught it, then cracked it open and slid one of the treats out of the plastic inner wrap. "This one sounds the most interesting. Green tea. We'll try it first and see what we think."


"That's right. I have to have just as much as you do. So, if you want sake, we're both getting drunk. Go easy on me, it's my first time." Seishirou laughed, pulling out the bottle and setting up an illusion that no one would notice him here, getting drunk with the proverbial man who wasn't there. (If one wanted to use the word "man" loosely, of course.)


Seishirou decided he liked the slightly buzzed feeling of being tipsy. Being drunk was a little disconcerting though. The loss of control was getting to him. He kept analyzing it, trying to compensate for it, and he just couldn't "fix" himself in time. He managed to conquer the act of standing up, after a few attempts. Walking was another matter.

"That is quite enough of that," he said seriously. "I don't like it."

The tree, of course, was laughing its ass off.

"It's not funny," Seishirou glowered, eyes glittering dangerously.

"You're right. It's not merely funny. It's priceless. It's hilarious."

"You're only saying that because you can't walk in the first place."

"Damn straight!"

"Consider yourself cut off, Sakura-chan. You're mean when you're drunk. Downright cruel." Seishirou closed the bottle and put it away, still scowling though he was trying to hold back a laugh.

"You're blaming that on my being drunk, Seishirou-kun? That is so adorable! I think I'll pinch your cheek now."

"Try it and I won't feed you for a week."

The tree stopped immediately, turning cajoling. "Don't be like that, Seishirou-sama. Don't you love me?"

He blinked. "Do I?"

They looked at each other, Seishirou in honest curiosity and the tree in deep contemplation. "No. You do not. You are dutiful, and you enjoy what you do, but no. You do not love me."

The illusionary human form vanished.

Seishirou frowned. "I won't stop feeding you. You don't have to disappear."

You think my feelings are hurt? Cute, Seishirou-kun, but I'm starting to think you're a little too drunk.

"I've been thinking that for a while now. I don't like being drunk, Sakura-chan."

You should eat something.

Seishirou nodded and pulled out the last two boxes of Pocky. Somehow a small box of donuts had fallen into his book bag as well, so he began eating those and the Pocky, walking to the nearest drinking fountain for some water. He was proud of himself at that. He'd made it the entire way there and back, only losing his balance once. He'd walked a bit slower than usual, but by the time he returned he was feeling much better. The out of control feeling was starting to leave him, and he was relieved.

Ne, Seishirou-kun, there's more Pocky for me, right?

He stopped in mid step. "No. I ate the last of it."

The tree projected a feeling of great tragedy and sorrow. How could you? My Pocky! I wanted more!

"You're the one who told me to eat," Seishirou pointed out reasonably.

Then you need to get me more.

"If I walk into a store right now, they'll be able to tell I've been drinking. I don't feel like putting up with that right now. Questions would irritate me."

I didn't tell you to buy it. There's a very sweet little girl over here with a nearly full box, if you hurry.

"Sakura-chan, I am shocked and dismayed." He wasn't really, and it was clear that he was not sincere by the smirk on his face. "Are you telling me you want me to kill that little girl, just so you can have her Pocky?"

Not at all, Seishirou-kun. She's the daughter of that corrupt politician you were talking about the other day. The tricky case. Eliminate her, and he will follow, and you won't have to worry about all the other entanglements you've been trying to unthread.

"And the Pocky she's holding has nothing to do with it," he said, rolling his eyes.

He could fairly see the tree smiling, if it could do such a thing. That's why I want you to kill her now!

Seishirou laughed, and went to work. It was sheer luck that a girl like her was off on her own. "Are you lost?" he asked kindly, smiling disarmingly.

The girl looked around startled. She then started to nod with wide, tearful eyes. "I...must have gotten left behind," she said slowly.

"That's too bad. Come with me. I'll help you find your family. It will all be okay." He took her hand and started walking with her the short distance to the tree. Once there he smiled at her and stopped. He bent closer to her, to whisper the softest and most confidential of secrets. "I lied."

Many things seemed to happen at once then. He went for the kill, thrusting his hand through the girl's chest. He also caught a glimpse of white from the corner of his eye. A little boy was approaching, wearing the white robes of an onmyouji. The boy was headed directly to the tree.

Seishirou grasped the dying girl and leapt into the branches of the tree, not even thinking of removing his arm from her chest. It would be a waste to feed the tree two meals so quickly if not necessary, and with an onmyouji of any age he had to be careful not to make a mistake. He was too aware of his still drunken state, despite his returning clarity of mind.

He held still upon the low bough, watching closely as the boy approached. So...pretty. Innocent. Cute. His lips curled into a smile.

"I wonder if that adorable little boy would like some Pocky," Seishirou murmured in amusement as the child came closer.

Don't even think about it, Seishirou-kun. That Pocky is mine!