Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Super Stars: Sailor Mew-Mew ❯ Secrets of the Silver Millennium ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm sorry that it took so long to get the next chapter out and now, you know why that I'm keeping this story inside of X-rating. Plus, I'm still not sure if I'm going to follow Anime or Magna `side' of the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars season in my fanfiction, but I will tell you as soon as possible. Anyway, you can't wait for `certain event' to happen and you are going to have to see. Now, I don't own Sailor Moon or Tokyo Mew-Mew/Mew-Mew Power! Warning: X-rated lemon(s), nudity, and other adult themes in this chapter!
Age of the characters starting this chapter:
Serena, Ami, Rei, Mina, and Lita: Age 16
Amara and Michelle: Age 18
Trista: Age 27
Hotaru: Age 13
Zoey, Mark, Corina, Bridget, Berry, and Tasuku: Age 16
Kiki: Age 13
Renee: Age 19
Darien: Age 19
Sailor Moon Super Stars: Sailor Mew-Mew
Recap: After the first battle with Sailor Galaxia and her minion, Sailor Iron Mouse, all of our Sailor Scouts regrouped at Café Mew-Mew and told the Tokyo Mew-Mews along with Elliott and Wesley what happened as well as trying to plan what they could do next. On the meanwhile, however, the War Rose Knights had their own plans on how to deal with Sailor Galaxia and her dark forces on their own and they revealed that plan when they `brought' the Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews out into the open with one shocking revelation! And that revelation was that their leader, Queen, was a Dark Sailor Scout named Sailor Dark Crescent and she was the last queen of Berry's former kingdom as Princess Aurora! Whoa! However, Demeter said that some evil force took the queen over and destroyed her from within, leaving this evil Sailor Senshi in her place as well as that it was Queen Serenity and Lady Inari, working together and combining their mystical powers, to seal Sailor Dark Crescent away. Sailor Iron Mouse with the same `offer' that Sailor Galaxia had given our good Senshi, but she rejected it and instead, sealed Sailor Galaxia and her forces within a pocket dimensional for a time, because she can escape in time, until Sailor Dark Crescent is sure that she can conquer Earth and the Sailor Scouts with the Tokyo Mew-Mews, thus gaining the power she needs to destroy Sailor Galaxia and her forces when they escape. For that purpose, Sailor Dark Crescent and the War Rose Knights then surrounded the whole of Tokyo with huge forces of Chimera Predsites, Youma created from Queen Beryl's Youma, and their versions of the Heart-Snatchers' monsters as well and intending to starve Tokyo and our heroines into submission. The only chance for Tokyo's survival is to keep one lane of travel, land, air, or sea, open and our heroines went off the work to do that. However, it has been two years since the Siege of Tokyo has started and no rest seems to be in sight. . .
Chapter 10: Secrets of the Silver Millennium
(Somewhere just outside of Tokyo; Two years since the start of the siege; Early evening hours)
Along one of the highways to Tokyo city, we find a military convoy full of food, water, and other supplies for the city of Tokyo and one of the soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces inside of the armored escort vehicles is pretty nervous.
This Self-Defense Forces soldier says, nervously, “It has been two years since this whole siege of Tokyo began by all of those monsters and there seems to be no way to break it!”
The commander of the convoy, also in the armored escort vehicle, states, “Keep your wits about soldier! We have the support of the other countries of the world and they are sending support as well.”
The SDF soldier tells his commander, “But sir, this enemy has the whole of Tokyo, air, land, and sea surrounded by water! If it wasn't for the Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews creating this `gateway' to allow convoy to supply the capital to get through, Tokyo would be starving by now, but even with the world's support and `backup' from the Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews, they still have the whole city surrounded and they seem to have an endless supply of monsters to send against us!”
The commander tells the soldier, “Stay focused, soldier! If we don't focus, we can never free Tokyo from this siege! Now, be thankful that we have help such as super-heroines, through it is hard to believe that high school teenagers with special powers and colorful costumes might be the greatest hope for our country and possibly the world.”
The SDF soldier then comments, “Personally, I remember when all of them revealed their `secret identities' for the whole world to see. In order to work with our government and military, the Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews had to reveal their identities and all of their `allies' had to come forward. It was too incredible to believe that the Tokyo Mew-Mews' headquarters was girls' café in Edo and they were part-time employees there. Boy, was I surprised to find out that Sailor Scouts are reincarnated princesses from ancient alliance of kingdoms in outer space from millennia ago.”
The commander tells the soldier, “Well, unlike you solider, I know that's how some super-heroes and heroines work. You have to remember that nothing is what it seems. You might see a nice café, one minute, and the next, find out that it is a base for some secret organization for heroes or villains. Plus, in this life, reality is a lot more surprising than fiction.” Just then the convoy totally stops in their tracks and the commander yells out, “What's going on here?!”
Another soldier shouts out, “Sir, we are under attack! Monsters coming in from nine o' clock!”
The commander commands, “Everyone out! Move! Move! Defensive positions!” All of the soldiers leave the armored vehicles and go into defensive positions around the convoy as Blue Bayou and several regiments of Youmas and Chimera Predsites appear in some hills above the highway.
Blue Bayou then shouts out, “Well, we can't have this! Attack!” All of the Youma and Chimera Predsites then charge the armored convoy and all of the soldiers defending it.
The commander of the convoy yells out, “Fire at will!” All of the soldiers defending the position fire their assault rifles, American M-16 rifles, and General Purpose Machine guns at Youmas and Chimera Predsites, but they were only effective at slowing down their movements since the Youma are absorbing the bullets and Chimera Predsites have armored skins against projectile weapons like assault rifles and machine guns.
One of the soldiers calls out, “Sir, our weapons are only slowing them down!”
The commander yells back in reply, “Keep firing! We must make sure that this convoy gets through!”
Blue Bayou shouts out, “I don't think so, soldier boy! We are going to make sure that this convoy never gets through!”
Just then a female voice yells out, “Not this time, Blue Bayou! Crescent Phoenix Crusher!” Just then a silver crescent energy phoenix slams into the thousands of Youma and Chimera Predsites, destroy several dozen of them. Just then Eternal Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Crescent, and Super Sailor Mercury join the soldiers fighting the evil Youma and Chimera Predsites.
Super Sailor Mercury asks, in her usual tone, “Are we too later to help?”
The commander replies, “No, I'm glad to see any reinforcements at this time. Thanks for coming, Captain Mercury.”
Sailor Mercury tells the commander of the convoy, “It is no problem. Sailor Moon and Sailor Crescent will battle Blue Bayou and assist attacking the monsters and I will aid you by making sure those youma and Predsites don't care close and finding a way for you to fight the War Rose Knights' creatures.”
The commander tells Sailor Mercury, “That's fine by us.”
Sailor Moon and Sailor Crescent nod their heads and Sailor Moon says, in a serious tone, “Will do our part. Good luck, soldiers.” Sailor Crescent and Sailor Moon then use their wings to take to the air and fly towards Blue Bayou.
Blue Bayou calls out to the two scouts, “Do you think that you can defeat me and my army?”
Sailor Crescent tells Blue Bayou, “We don't think Blue Bayou, we KNOW!”
Blue Bayou tells Sailor Crescent, “That's left to be seen, Sailor Crescent!” Just then several of the Youma stretch their arms like rubber bands towards Sailor Crescent, but she uses her weapon to slice the youmas' arms to pieces and they scream out in pain from the attack.
Sailor Crescent tells Sailor Moon, “Sailor Moon, take out Blue Bayou, I can handle things here!”
Sailor Moon asks Sailor Crescent, “Are you sure?!” Just then one of the Chimera Predsites attack Sailor Crescent, but our newest Sailor Senshi destroys it with several swipes of her weapon and she nods her head soon after she destroyed the evil `monster'. Sailor Moon then flies off towards Blue Bayou and when she gets close, she swings her right fist at him, but he blocks Sailor Moon's super-strong punch with her right forearm.
Blue Bayou exclaims, confidently, “That's not going to be enough to defeat me, Ms. Moon! Did you forget that I'm just as powerful as you are?!”
Sailor Moon tells Blue Bayou, “Actually, I didn't!” Sailor Moon then does mid-air kicks that slam into Blue Bayou's left cheek and knocks him to the ground. On the meanwhile, Sailor Mercury had finished the scans of the youma and Chimera Predsites with her Sailor Scanner.
Sailor Mercury tells the soldiers, “Aim for the Predsites' heads where the armor is the thinnest and aim for the youmas' legs to try to disable them!”
One of the soldier replies, “Yes, ma'am!” The soldier then fire rounds at the Predsites' heads while firing at the youmas' legs and Sailor Mercury's strategy is starting to work. More and more of the Chimera Predsites start to fall down to the ground and not get up along with more of the youma begins disabled by the soldiers' bullets making their legs totally useless and disabling them.
However, one group of Predsites and Youma manages to break through the fire, but Sailor Mercury shouts out, “Shine Aqua Illusion!” Sailor Mercury then sends a wave of freezing water energy that freezes all of the Predsites and Youma that break through into solid ice.
When Blue Bayou sees his troops being destroyed, he blocks one blow from Sailor Moon, which is a left high jump kick, and states, “This isn't over! We will win!” Blue Bayou and the remaining of his forces, which only number around one thousand, teleport away and soon after, the soldiers celebrate another victory over the enemy.
Sailor Moon calls out, “We don't have time to celebrate, soldier boys! We have to get out of here!”
The commander of the convoy yells out, “Move out, men!” The soldiers get back in their armored vehicles along with Sailor Mercury and with Sailor Moon and Sailor Crescent flying as an aerial escort, the armored convoy heads into the city of Tokyo.
(A military command center somewhere within Tokyo; Sometime later)
We find Super Sailor Mercury, Eternal Sailor Crescent, and Eternal Sailor Moon with Tuxedo Mask, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Pluto, and Crescent Moonlight Knight with the military commander of Tokyo as the three Sailor Scouts gave their report to the commander of SDF forces in Tokyo City, through the city was surrounded and under constant attack by War Rose Knights' army, life continues like it should, but with `certain changes'.
The commander tells the three Sailor Scouts, “Ms. Moon or do you prefer Princess Serenity, ma'am?”
Sailor Moon replies, “Please call me Sailor Moon for the time being, sir.”
The commander tells Sailor Moon, “Well, since you've been given a special military rank by our government, I should call you Colonel Sailor Moon. You and the Sailor Scouts along with the Tokyo Mew-Mews have been very helpful with the siege of our city for the past two years. If it wasn't for you opening that one highway to allow supplies from the outside to get in, Tokyo would be starving right now.”
Tuxedo Mask tells the commander, “However, we are still besieged and have no time for rest.”
The commander nods his head in agreement and replies, “Yes, you are right. Personally, I'm still amazed to find that reincarnated alien princesses and half-human and half-animal hybrids that are teenage girls have been defending our fair city for the past six years starting with the Tokyo Mew-Mews and their battles with the alien in Edo. However, life is usually stranger than fiction.”
Sailor Crescent tells the commander, “However, we still haven't found a way to break the siege, sir.”
The commander tells Sailor Crescent, “Well, Ms. Crescent, this isn't like anything that any of us have faced before and this time, our government is right to say that we need you and you need us.”
Sailor Moon then asks, “How are Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Jupiter doing?”
The commander tells Sailor Moon, “Well, ma'am, one whole brigade of those monsters have recently attacked one of the upper districts of Tokyo and captured several buildings, but Mars, Venus, and Jupiter lead the counterattack with tenth armored brigade of our forces and managed to recapture those positions. However, we have several dozen wounded in the assault, including Sailor Mars with one nasty gasp to her left shoulder, but she is one tough woman as all of you, Senshi, are and she will be just fine in several days.”
Sailor Saturn says, in relief, “That's good to know. I'm glad she will be okay.”
Sailor Mercury states, in a worried tone, “However, I am worried about our current situation. Our forces are being stretched thin and we, Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews, are a group of only eighteen super-heroes and heroines. We can't be in all places at once.”
Just a communication officer says, “Sir, we have a report about another attack with those monsters known as Predsites near Tokyo Bay, but they have been repulsed by the Tokyo Mew-Mews and the Blue Knight with no casualties. However, there are reports of exhaustion coming in from the whole line.”
Sailor Crescent then says, “No matter what we do, they just keep sending more and more of their army of monsters against us. Sooner or later, they are going to ware all of us out!”
The commanding officer tells Sailor Moon, “Your fellow Scouts is right, Ms. Moon. Both you and our troops are getting worn out from two years of fighting and we are not going to last much longer. We need more help and not in the form of more troops and supplies, but in the form of more `people' like you, your Scouts, and the Tokyo Mew-Mews. Our weapons are only showing limited effectiveness on these creatures and they might be adapting.”
Sailor Moon tells the commanding officer, “However, Sailor Mercury is developing ways to modified the bullets and develop weapons that will work against the youma and other monsters.”
The commanding officer tells Sailor Moon, in a solemn tone, “However, they might not get into the line in time, ma'am. I mean no disrespect, but we need something that will allow us to hold the line for sometime . . . enough for our troops to get some rest as well as the rest of you as well.”
Sailor Moon then yawns and tells the commanding officer, “I'm sorry, officer, but I didn't sleep for the last two days.”
The commanding officer tells Sailor Moon, “Well, Ms. Moon, I think that you did earn yourself a bit of a rest.”
Sailor Crescent tells Sailor Moon, “Yeah, Sailor Moon, you should get a night's sleep. A princess like you can't afford to stay awake for so long.”
Sailor Moon replies, smiling, “You're right, Sailor Crescent.”
Tuxedo Mask tells Sailor Moon, “Love, allow me to escort back home.”
Sailor Moon tells Tuxedo Mask, “Actually, I was hoping that you would allow me to stay at your apartment, sweetie.” Tuxedo Mask looks at Sailor Moon in surprise, but one sincere smile and a begging look in her eyes tells Tuxedo Mask that his girlfriend wasn't kidding.
Tuxedo Mask tells Sailor Moon, “Okay, if that's what you want.”
Sailor Moon tells the other heroines, “Tuxedo and I will see you later, everyone.”
Sailor Saturn tells Sailor Moon, “Good night, Sailor Moon. Sweet dreams.”
Sailor Moon tells Sailor Saturn, “Thanks, I think.” Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask then head off to his home apartment back in Kanto.
Sailor Saturn asks Sailor Pluto, curiously, “What did Sailor Moon mean by that?”
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Saturn, “It is a long story, young one. Sailor Moon still remembers the last adventure before we faced the War Rose Knights and Sailor Galaxia and if you ask the inner scouts, they will tell you what happened.”
Sailor Saturn nods her head and tells Sailor Pluto, “Yes, I will. Thank you, Sailor Pluto.” Sailor Saturn then goes over to Sailor Mercury to ask about Sailor Moon's, Sailor Mini-Moon's, and the inner scouts' last adventure before she was `revived' while Sailor Pluto can only give off a smile at the young one.
Sailor Uranus then arrives and says, “She has really grown up and mastered her powers, hasn't she?”
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Uranus, “You know as well as I do that Sailor Saturn has indeed turned herself around since what happened with the Heart-Snatchers and being revived.”
Sailor Uranus then asks Sailor Pluto, “Then maybe you should talk about her `connection' to Michelle and me during the Silver Millennium?”
Sailor Pluto closes her eyes and asks, “So, you remember, don't you?”
Sailor Uranus shakes her head and states, “Not fully, the `memory' came in the form of a dream and Sailor Saturn wasn't really an enemy unless she was unable to control her powers and she was used for evil purposes, was she?”
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Uranus, “Sailor Saturn doesn't fully remember her life in the Silver Millennium and I can't really tell you anything, but what you must know that, like the rest of you, Sailor Saturn was a part of Princess Serenity's court and one of her valuable scouts like the rest of you. Actually, the Moon Kingdom and Kingdom of Saturn were closely linked together.”
Sailor Uranus states, “Because the Moon Kingdom was a kingdom of light and the Kingdom of Saturn was the kingdom of darkness, which means that they were both vital to balance and safety of the universe because light and darkness are the two `pieces' that make up life.”
Sailor Pluto states, “That's correct. To be truly honest, I'm not sure how, but Sailor Saturn is going to play one vital role to reach the future of Crystal Tokyo.”
Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Pluto, in her usual tone, “That's a lot to put one teenage girl. Let's hope that she can handle it.” Sailor Pluto nods her head in agreement and is hoping about the same thing as well.
(Inside of Darien's apartment; Sometime later into the evening *WARNING: X-RATED LEMON COMING UP!*)
We find Darien getting some sodas from the refrigerator and when he turns to see his 16-year old girlfriend looking out the window, wearing just a simple dark pink dress that covers down to one-quarter of her thighs, and bending down on the railing of his balcony with a slight wind giving Darien a good view of Serena's sexy and seductive legs, which are more so than two years so or in Darien's opinion. Darien shakes this thought off his mind when he puts the sodas on the table and goes over to Serena.
Darien puts his hand on Serena's right shoulder and says, “Sere'. . .?” When Serena turns to face Darien, even through she is using her real personality, Serena's eyes told Darien about Serena's emotions perfect and what Serena's eyes told him are that she is worried about something and something else. Something that he can't recognize just yet, but Darien's first concern is the look of worry in her eyes.
Serena tells Darien, in a worried tone, “Darien, it is just hard. It looks so beautiful out there, like the city isn't under siege, but everyone knows that danger is just outside the city and in this area of the city, it may be peaceful, but for those districts at the edge of the city limits, they have lost some of their buildings and some people are made homeless. It is just so hard to continue battling on like this while people are suffering.”
Darien tells Serena, in a caring tone, “I know, Serena. People are suffering and we are constantly battling to stop the armies of the War Rose Knights, but we know that with our efforts and the aid of the Self-Defense Forces, we've managed to keep the city from falling into their hands.”
Serena nods her head in agreement with her boyfriend, but she then says, in a worried tone, “However, we were forced to reveal who we are to the public along with Zoey and the Mew-Mews as well with our origins with it. Now, everyone, including our non-hero friends, look at us different especially between Molly and me and since she has learned the truth about me, the other scouts, and between you and me, she keeps looking up to me, looking up to me for advice, and in ways, showing me a lot of respect with a tint of fear because she knows of my power and what I did as Sailor Moon. The Sailor Scouts and I feel a lot more isolated from everyone else in school since they know the truth about us.”
Darien tells Serena, in a caring tone, “Sere', they just feel unsure about knowing that they have super-heroes within their school ranks and with Molly, she is unsure about knowing that her best friend is the super-hero that saved her life more times that she can remember and who she is supposed to be the best friend of a super-hero and princess like you. It may be `problematic', now, but soon enough, they will understand that all of you are like the rest of them, even through you are super-heroes and princesses.”
Serena smiles and tells Darien, “Thank you, Darien-chan.” Soon enough, Darien and Serena looked at each other for a few seconds and Darien then saw Serena moving her lips closer to his. Soon enough, the two of them were locked in a passionate kiss, mating with their tongues, and they closed their eyes along with wrapped their arms around their chests and waists. For the next several minutes, the two `lovers' were locked in their passionate kiss and Darien massages Serena's back under the gown. When they release from the kiss, Darien finds that Serena's eyes had something that he hadn't seen in her eyes before. The emotion that Darien that he sees in Serena's eyes is very distinct: Desire. A deep root desire for him in more intimate manner and Darien knew that emotion as plain as day. He knew what Serena wanted and didn't know what to think. Just then Serena kisses Darien on the lips with deep passion, desire, and love while putting his hands under the robe that he is wearing and massaging all over his muscular chest. After several minutes of this, Serena stops massaging Darien's chest and looks at him with the deep passion and desire for him in his eyes.
Darien, knowing Serena wants, tells her, “Serena, maybe we should stop.”
Serena replies, curiously, “Did I do something wrong?”
Darien tells Serena, in a plain tone, “No, you just did something TOO right, Sere'. And what I mean about that is if we get too `close' at this time, we will end up in bed together.”
Serena tells Darien, in a low tone, “I don't mind, Darien.”
Darien asks Serena, in surprise, “Sere', are you sure about what you said?”
Serena tells Darien, “Darien-chan, I'm not idiotic as I made you out to be. I've been old enough and mature enough to know things in life that I should know as well as should not know and I. . . I really want this. And I really want you . . . to make love to me.” Serena and Darien just started at each other for a few minutes and the two of them then go into another soft, but passionate kiss for a while and soon after, Darien lifts Serena into his arms and Serena couldn't help, but giggle in amusement, as her beloved carried her to his bed, gently puts her down on the bed, and crawls into bed with her. While Serena lies down on the bed, Darien hovers over her, Serena wraps her arms around Darien's waist and back, and both of them locked in a passionate kiss for about one minute with Darien massaging Serena's waist and stomach under the night gown. When they released from the kiss, Serena had a slight red flush in her cheeks and a smile on her face, loving what Darien is doing. Serena then decides to make things easier on her love, she removes her gown by lifting the straps, and slipping the dress off her body, leaving her in a black bra and thin black throng. Darien removes his robe, exposing his muscular chest to Serena, and leaving him only in his boxers. Serena tells Darien, in a loving and teasing tone, “Ooh, Darien, I love what I see.”
Darien tells Serena, in a loving tone, “Well, my precious princess, I see a living angel in front of me.” Serena's cheeks flush up with embarrassment as she allows Darien to take off her bra and throng, leaving Serena totally nude in front of Darien. Darien then moves his hand all over Serena's silk smooth skin and admiring her sexy and beautiful shaped body with all of the curves. In just two years, Serena's body has greatly matured to a body of 18 year old teenage woman. Since she has half-way returned to her `royal form', Serena's half-Earthling and half-Lunarian body matured a lot more quickly to allow her to handle and bond easier with her Imperial Silver Crystal and she very much looks like she is 18 year old version of herself just as a 16 year old high school teen. Darien then kisses Serena on the lips, again, with another passionate kiss and puts his right hand on Serena's left breasts, gently massaging it. When Darien releases from the kiss, Serena gives off slight moan of pleasure from Darien fondling her breast and making Darien more aroused than ever from Serena's erotic moaning.
Serena then moans out, “Oh, Darien, please don't torture me like this! Please take me now!” Darien gently takes off his boxers, exposing his eight manhood, and Serena thinks in her mind, “Holy shit! Darien is so big!”
Darien then tells Serena, in a loving tone, “Don't worry, I will be gentle.” Serena nods her head as Darien inserts his manhood into Serena's pussy and Serena moans as she feels Darien large member go deeper and deeper inside of her vagina. However, Darien stops when he feels Serena's hymen and he gives one thrust, breaking Serena's hymen, and taking away their virginity, forever. Serena yells out in pain and several tears came out of her eyes along with some blood coming out of Serena's pussy region. Darien kisses Serena's tears away and tells Serena, in a worried tone, “Sere', I'm so sorry.”
Serena tells Darien, in a loving tone, “Don't be. Please keep going.” Darien gently moves his hard member nearly out of Serena's vagina and then start to slowly thrust his member in and out of Serena's vagina, so, that Serena would get use to his manhood being inside her vagina. However, soon enough, the pain went away and Serena's whimpers of pain became moans of erotic pleasure. Serena moans out to Darien, “Darien . . . that feels good . . . Ah . . . harder . . . Oh, god. . . Darien, please fuck me, harder . . . Ah . . . I'm so happy . . . Ah . . . feels so good . . . Ah . . . I'm so happy . . .!!”
Darien groans out in reply, “Serena, my love . . . Ah . . . you are so tight . . . I'm so glad that you happy. . . Ah . . . I'm happy . . . when you are happy . . . Ah . . . Oh, god, Serena, I love you . . . !!”
Serena moan out on erotic tone, “I love you, too, Darien . . . Ah . . . Oh my god . . . your cock is deep . . . Ah . . . feels great . . . Ah . . . Yes . . . Yes . . . Yes . . .!!” Serena and Darien continued to make hot move for the next hour with Serena lying down on Darien's bed with Darien and his whole body hovering over Serena and her body. After that hour, Darien move Serena into a sitting position on his legs, Serena wraps her legs around Darien's lower muscular waist, wraps her arms around his chest and back, and Darien continues to ram his hot manhood into Serena's vagina at a harder and faster pace causing her head to arch back and she screamed out erotically.
Darien moans out in Serena's ear, in excitement, “How does. . . it feel. . . Ah . . . Serena . . . Does it . . . feel . . . Ah . . . feel good, my love . . .?!”
Serena moans out in reply, “Yes. . . Yes, Darien-chan. . . Ah . . . this feels wonderful . . . I never. . . Ah . . . thought that my first time would feel so good . . .!!” After another two hours in this position of their hot lovemaking, Serena lies back down on the bed and Darien turns her until she was on all fours, puts his hands on her breasts, fondles and massages them in pleasurable manner, and continues to pound his hot member into Serena, trying to make sure that it gives her the most pleasure. By this time, sweat was streaming down their bodies and Serena moans out, in pure erotic pleasure, “Oh, god, my body is so hot. . . Ah, yes . . . Yes . . . I'm burning in here . . . Ah . . . Ah . . . Oh my god . . . I'm going to die . . . this is incredible . . . I'm so hot . . . Ah . . . Oh, god, I'm going to die . . .!!”
Darien groans out to Serena, in erotic excitement, “. . . Don't say that, Sere' . . . Ah . . . this feels great to me, too . . . But if that's going to happen . . . Ah . . . then let's die together . . . my love!!” After another hour and half, Darien turns Serena back into her original position with her back lying down on the bed, but Darien puts her hands on hips, Serena wraps her legs around Darien's chest, and Darien pounds his hot manhood into Serena's vagina with great vigor and a steady pace.
Serena moans out, in pure erotic bliss, “Oh, Darien . . . Ah . . . I love you, so much . . . I'm so glad . . . that we are . . . together like this . . . Ah . . . I hope that we can be like this . . . Ah . . . forever . . . !!”
Darien moans out, in sexual excitement, “. . . I love you, too . . . my princess . . . I've waited so long . . . to be together with you . . . like this . . . Ah . . . I want to be with you like this . . . forever . . . too. . . Ah . . . !!” After one final hour and half, the two lovers were erotic bliss and it felt like paradise to them. They wished that they could be like for as long as possible as if they were wishing for Sailor Pluto or some other force to stop time, even just for one moment.
But soon enough, the two of them were reaching their climaxes and after fifteen minutes, Serena yells out, in pure bliss, “DARIEN!!!” Serena then releases her sexual fluids all over Darien's hot manhood.
Darien groans out, feeling Serena's release, “SERENA!!!” Darien then fills Serena's womb with a large amount of his warm semen and Darien gently collapses on top of Serena's body. Both of them stay in that position for a while until Darien rolls over to Serena's left side and Serena crawls until she was lying on Darien's muscular chest.
Serena tells Darien, in a low and loving tone, “Thank you, Darien-chan. That was wonderful.”
Darien replies, in a caring tone, “You're welcome, my love. But I just thought of something, we didn't use any protection.”
Serena tells Darien, “Well, how did you think Rini is going to get born? I could just give birth to her in the next year or in Crystal Tokyo's early years.”
Darien tells Serena, “I hate to admit it, but you are right, my love. However, we are going to have to be careful. Your parents already have a hard time dealing with you being Sailor Moon, you being a reincarnated moon princess, and you and I begin `lovers' from the Silver Millennium AKA the ancient past.”
Serena tells Darien, “Right, my love. Now, good night and sweet dreams, my prince.”
Darien replies, in a loving tone, “Good night, my princess of the moon.” Both of them go to sleep for the night and dream about the love that they have just made.
(That very same night; Inside of the headquarters of the War Rose Knights *X-RATED LEMON ENDING!*)
We find all five of our War Rose Knights with their leader, Queen/Sailor Dark Crescent, inside of their `war room' and discussing about their efforts to capture all of Tokyo City.
Blue Bayou growls in pure anger, “Not again! Not again! No matter what we do, we can't seem to stop their convoys into the city nor make any headway into the city!”
Duke then says, in a calm tone, “Indeed, with the Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mew allied with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, we might nearly all of Tokyo City blocked off, but as long as they keep that one `highway' open, they can keep supplying the city.”
Queen then adds to Duke's statements with, “Yes, Duke. Plus, since it is only one way that they are defending, they can concentrate their forces while we are trying to cut off the city, conquer the city, and `close' that one `roadway', which splits up our efforts. However, if we try to concentrate on one `effort', the Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews with concentrate on that one `effort'. They are more resourceful than I imagined and we are going to need more power than our youma, Chimera Predsites, and other monsters.”
Happy Child then asks Queen, “No disrespect, my queen, but where are going to get powerful enough help to fight those rotten scouts and Mew-Mews?”
Queen tells Happy Child, “No disrespect taken Happy Child. In order to get the help that we need, all we have to do is go to Queen Beryl's former `based' in the North Pole, where we will find four generals that will aid our plans greatly.”
All of the War Rose Knights give off wide grins and King says, in a dark tone, “Excellent, my great Queen. Would the scouts be surprised to know the truth about the four young men that were Queen Beryl's generals?”
Juliet then says, “Most likely, they are too dumb to tap into their own memories of the past.”
Queen tells her loyal warriors, “Now, my Knights, in the morning, we will head to North Pole to gain four new warriors to our side.”
All of the War Rose Knights call out in unison, “Yes!”
(Early morning hours; Inside of Darien's apartment)
In the early morning hours, we find one naked Serena lying down on her boyfriend's/lover's bare muscular chest as he wakes up and looks down at his beloved. Serena is sleeping peaceful with a satisfied smile on her face.
Darien thinks, with a smile on his face, “Serena . . . when she is sleeping, she looks just like an angel. Personally, I'm amazed that she learned to make sure that she doesn't snore anymore, but then again, my Sere' can do anything that she puts her mind to.” Darien then kisses Serena on her forehead, causing her to lightly stir, slowly open her eyes, and looks up to see her beloved looking at her with smile on his face. Darien tells Serena, “Good morning, darling. Sleep well?”
Serena tells Darien, lovingly, “With you by my side, it felt like heaven.” Darien couldn't help, but smile at his beloved and the two of them move closer for a kiss, but just before their lips connected, Serena's sailor communicator goes over and Serena yells out, in annoyance, “Damn it! Just when it was getting good!” Serena then goes to her feet, walks over to the table with her communicator, takes the communicator in her right hand, brings to her face, and activates it, stating, “Serena, here, what's up?!”
Just then Ami's image comes on the screen and she says over the communicator, “Serena, you have to go over to Edo, right away.”
Serena asks Ami over the communicator, “Is something wrong, Ami?”
Ami replies over the communicator, “I'm not sure. I've got a massage on my computer at home from Elliott to tell us to get over to the Café Mew-Mew right away.”
Serena asks Ami, “Are you sure it is from Elliott, Ami?”
Ami shakes her head through the screen and replies over the communicator, “I can't be sure.”
Serena tells Ami, “Darien and I will be there, right away. Out.” Serena then turns off the computer and prepares to get her clothes with Serena telling her love, “We had better go, love.”
Darien nods his head and states, “Right, Serena.” Darien and Serena then prepares to get dress and turn into Tuxedo Mask and Eternal Sailor Moon.
(Late morning hours; In front of Café Mew-Mew)
We find all of the other Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews along with Serena's Earth family, Kenji, Ikuko, and Shingo, when Berry and Tasuku arrive, hand in hand, in their civilian clothes and on roller skates.
Lita then states, “Well, our newest lovebirds are here.”
Berry exclaims, happily, “That's right!”
Mark tells the two lovebirds, “The two of you are getting along better each day.”
Tasuku tells Mark, “Well, isn't that what it means to be couple?”
Mark tightly embraces Zoey from behind in a warm embrace and he replies, “Yes, I believe so.” Zoey can only warmly smile at her boyfriend.
Rei then states, “The only ones that are missing are Serena and Darien.”
Just then Serena's voice yells out, “Not anymore!” Just then everyone looks as Tuxedo Mask lands in front of them while Eternal Sailor Moon floats down in front of them. Soon after, the two of them turn into their civilian forms of Darien and Serena in front of everyone.
Serena then says, “It feels kind of weird de-transforming in front of everyone and all of them knowing that we are super-heroes.”
Elliott's voice then calls out, “Well, it was either that or have both you and the Self-Defense Forces working separating and losing.” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they find Elliott and Wesley walking towards our two teams of super-heroes.
Zoey tells Elliott, in a real annoyed tone, “You are as cheerful as ever, Elliott! Now, why did you call for all of us to be here?!”
Elliott gives off a confused look and asks, “What in the world are you talking about? Miss Moon over there called me and Wesley to wait for all of you.”
Serena yells at Elliott, in real pissed off tone, “Stop fooling around Elliott!”
Amara tells Serena, in her usual tone, “He isn't Serena. He wasn't the one that brought us here. I can see in his eyes. He is just as confused as you are.”
Corina then comments, “Which is quite surprising.”
Serena tells Corina, in a sarcastic tone, “Snobby as usual, Corina?” Corina gives Serena one of her angered and annoyed looks.
Ami then asks, “If it wasn't Elliott or Serena that called all of us here, then who did?”
Just then a female voice calls out, “I'm afraid it was I that called all of you here.” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, a bright light appears forcing everyone to cover their eyes. When the light fades and everyone is able to open their eyes, none than Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom is before them.
Luna then says, in surprise, “Queen Serenity!”
Queen Serenity tells Luna, “It has been a long time, Luna.”
Ikuko asks Serena, “Serena, who is this?”
Serena tells Ikuko/her Earth mother, “This is Queen Serenity, my Lunarian mother.”
Zoey tells Serena, “Wow, Serena. She's beautiful.”
Bridget then adds to Zoey's statement with, “Plus, we know where you got your hairstyle from.”
Serena tells Bridget, in a whisper, “It is kind of a family thing.”
Atriums asks Queen Serenity, “Queen Serenity, you called all of us here?”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, with a smile, “Yes, we, spirits, do have our ways. I've called all of you, here, for a few reasons. The first reason is to speak with my daughter and the other scouts. Sailor Dark Crescent, the evil entity within Sailor Crescent's mother's body, is preparing to take the War Rose Knights to the North Pole.”
Bridget asks, curiously, “Why would they want to go there?”
Rei then says, in a serious tone, “Beryl's former headquarters is there.”
Mina then asks, curiously, “Why would they want to go there? There is nothing left after Serena, as Princess Serenity, destroyed Beryl and Metallia. What could they want there?”
Queen Serenity replies, “They are trying to revive the four generals and bring them to their side. One of them, Jadeite, is still frozen in the ruins of Queen Beryl's fortress.”
Amara then states, “Well, I guess that we should go and finish those four guys off.” Somehow, when Amara said that, the four inner scouts, Rei, Mina, Ami, and Lita, weren't too thrilled to hear that for some reason.
Serena then says, “We can't do that, Amara. The four generals aren't really evil. They were just pawns in her evil game.”
Darien asks Serena, confused, “Why do you say that Serena?”
Queen Serenity tells Darien, “Your beloved and my daughter speak the truth. When `Serena' fused with the part of her that's my daughter, Serenity, she has fully regained her memories of her life in our beloved Moon Kingdom along with the ability to return to her `true form' of Princess Serenity. The only other one that know is Sailor Pluto since she is the guardian of time.”
Everyone is pretty much shocked and Rei asks Serena, “Serena, is that true?!”
Serena tells Rei, “Well, why do you think that I have a body of young adult woman and have been bonding with my Silver Crystal more `deeply'?”
Berry then says, “Well, it is the same with me. I know the full truth about the Silver Millennium and the four generals, but I think that it is better that Queen Serenity tells the truth.”
Queen Serenity then says, “Thank you, Princess Aurora. The truth about the generals is that they were originally part of Prince Endymon's royal guard and when Queen Beryl destroyed his kingdom, he took all four of them over and brainwashed them.”
Hotaru then asks Queen Serenity, “So, they were just like me, Queen Serenity?”
Queen Serenity nods her head and says, “Exactly, my dear, but there is another part to the story. However, only my daughter and step-daughter can reveal that by awakening your memories of the Silver Millennium, but remembering the past might awaken some terrible memories for some of you. The choice is up to all of you.”
After a few minutes, the Sailor Scouts look at themselves and Mina replies, “Well, I can speak for the others that we want to know.” All of the other Sailor Scouts nod their heads in agreement.
Darien tells Serena, “As I do I, Sere'.”
Serena and Berry then get together and Berry says, “Tasuku already remembers his life as my knight when we were in the Moon Kingdom. So, Darien and all of you are the only ones whose memories that need to be awakened.” Serena and Berry then put their brooches to their hearts, their two treasures appear in their hands, and the two of them transform into their royal forms of Princess Serenity and Princess Aurora.”
Ikuko can only say when she hear daughter turn into her `true form', “Serena. . .”
Shingo could only say, amazed, “Awesome.”
The two princesses chant out in unison, “In the name of the moon, we, two princesses, command, awaken the Princesses of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn as well as awaken the prince of Earth and restore to them what was lost!” Their two treasures then glow with bright lights and Ami, Mina, Rei, Lita, Amara, Michelle, and Hotaru then turn into their Senshi forms and then their Sailor uniforms turn into royal type dresses with cloth chokers with their respective colors of their Sailor fukus with Ami's being blue, Rei's being ruby red, Mina's being yellow, Lita's being emerald green, Amara's being dark blue, Michelle's being aquamarine blue-green, and Hotaru's being dark violet. The seven Senshi then close their eyes while Darien turns into his form of Prince Endymon and does the same.
Ami calls out, “In the name of Mercury. . .”
Rei chants out, “In the name of Mars. . .”
Mina says, in a trance-like tone, “In the name of Venus. . .”
Lita calls out, “In the name of Jupiter. . .”
Amara says, in a trance-like tone, “In the name of Uranus. . .”
Michelle states, in a similar trance-like tone, “In the name of Neptune. . .”
Prince Endymon says, in the same trance-like tone, “In the name of Earth. . .”
Hotaru calls out, “In the name of Saturn. . .” Soon after, the memories of our seven Senshi's past in the Silver Millennium starting flowing into their minds, including one day when Prince Endymon and four certain generals visited the Moon Kingdom. . .
FLASHBACK; A time near the end of the Silver Millennium
We find ourselves inside Queen Serenity's throne room with Queen Serenity on her throne with Princess Serenity on her right side and Princess Aurora on her left with certain knight that looks similar to Crescent Moonlight Knight without the wings by Princess Aurora's left side. The two princesses and the knight look to be 15 years old. On the right side of the hallway leading to Queen Serenity and the two princesses are Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter, all of them around 15 years of age, with Sailor Saturn, who is 11 to 12 years of age, and Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, 17 years of age each, and Sailor Pluto, the same age that she is in the present. All of the Sailor Scouts are in their pre-Super Sailor Scouts forms.
Just then a royal guard announces, “Presenting Prince Endymon and his four generals, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Malachite, from the planet Earth!” Just then Prince Endymon and the four generals walk into the room and give a very respectable bow to Queen Serenity and the two princesses.
Queen Serenity tells Prince Endymon, “Please rise and welcome to the Moon Kingdom, Prince Endymon.”
Prince Endymon replies, in a nice tone, “Thank you for welcoming us to your beautiful kingdom, Queen Serenity.” Soon after, Prince Endymon looks to the Sailor Scouts, who give varying degrees of `looks', as you can say.
Queen Serenity tells Prince Endymon, “I see that you have `met' my daughter's Sailor Senshi, the members of her royal court and guardians. They are Sailor Mercury, the Senshi of Water and Ice, Sailor Mars, the Senshi of Fire, Sailor Jupiter, the Senshi of Lightning, Sailor Venus, the Senshi of Love and leader of the Sailor Senshi, Sailor Saturn, the Sailor Senshi of Darkness, Death, and Rebirth also known as the Sailor Scout of Destruction, Sailor Uranus, the Senshi of Earth, Sailor Neptune, the Senshi of Water, and Sailor Pluto, the guardian of the gates of time.” Prince Endymon then notices that his four generals, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Malachite, couldn't help themselves, but look at the four Inner Senshi, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter, with blushes on their faces.
When Prince Endymon looks back at Queen Serenity and the two princesses, Queen Serenity tells Prince Endymon, “These are my two daughters. The one on my left is my adopted daughter, Princess Aurora, originally from the Crescent Moonlight Kingdom, but she, along with her loyal knight, Tasuku, lives here in the Moon Kingdom ever since the destruction of her kingdom. And the other is my biological daughter, Princess Hikari Serenity.” When Prince Endymon looks at Princess Serenity, he blushes because he is spellbound by her beauty, feeling that he is see a living angel.
Prince Endymon goes over to Princess Serenity, kneels in front of her, takes her right hand, kisses it, and says, “It is an honor to meet you, Princess Serenity.” Princess Serenity smiles at Prince Endymon and blushes seven shades of cherry red when he kisses her right hand.
Queen Serenity gives a smile of great interest and then says to Prince Endymon, “Prince Endymon, you and your generals have had a long trip and we have much to discuss. Before we get started with such long discussions, would you and your loyal generals like a tour of our kingdom?”
Prince Endymon replies, a bit surprised, “Yes, my generals and I would be honored.”
Queen Serenity then asks the four Inner Senshi, “Sailor Venus, would you, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter please escort the generals around our fair kingdom?”
The four inner scouts are surprised by this, but Sailor Venus replies, “Yes, my queen.” When Malachite comes towards Sailor Venus, she blushes at the sight of him and thinks, “Wow! This is an Earthling male?! He's. . . He's really cute.”
Malachite asks Sailor Venus, “Would you do me the honor?”
Sailor Venus replies, in a bit of a nervous tone, “Umm. . . Sure.”
Nephrite goes over to Sailor Jupiter, causing her to blush several shades of cherry red, and thinks, “Wow, I never knew that Terrans could have such handsome men!”
Nephrite then kisses Sailor Jupiter's right hand in the fashion that Prince Endymon kissed Princess Serenity's hand and he asks the blushing Sailor Senshi, “Would you honor with your presence in your fair kingdom?”
Sailor Jupiter, at a loss of words, manages to replies, “Sure, I would be glad to.”
Sailor Mercury blushes when Zoisite goes over to her, Sailor Mercury thinks when she sees the male blond, “Wow, I've heard a lot about Earth and its people, but this young man seems so. . . handsome. He is making my heart flutter with butterflies. What is this feeling?”
When Zoisite takes Sailor Mercury's hand, she blushes and Zoisite asks, “Will please show me around this fair kingdom?”
Sailor Mercury blushes seven shades of red and replies, nervously, “. . . Sure . . . Of course. . .!”
Finally, Jadeite, with a wide blush across his cheeks, goes up to Sailor Mars, and says, nervously and yet proud-like tone, “Excuse me, if I . . . sound rude . . . but I never been with a girl before . . . even on . . . Earth . . .”
Sailor Mars then replies, also with a nervous and proud tone and blush in her cheeks, “Well. . . I never have been with guy . . . even here . . .” Soon after, Jadeite goes with Sailor Mars, Nephrite goes with Sailor Jupiter, Zoisite goes with Sailor Mercury, and Malachite goes with Sailor Venus.
Queen Serenity gives a secret smile and tells Princess Serenity, “Serenity, my darling daughter, could you give Prince Endymon a tour of the kingdom?”
Princess Serenity replies, “Sure, mother.” Queen Serenity motions for Sailor Saturn and Sailor Neptune to join them and all four of them leave for a tour of the Moon Kingdom.
Princess Aurora then asks Queen Serenity, “Mother Serenity, did you think that's wise?”
Queen Serenity tells Princess Aurora, “Yes, it is. The Terrans of Earth might be at war with each other and they might seem to be savages, but they have good and evil within them and the Terrans need a light for them to show them the way into the light. I feel that my daughter and Prince Endymon along with the inner Senshi and my four generals might be the light to show the Earthlings the way to a great future.”
Princess Aurora nods his head and she says, “I hope that you are right, Mother Serenity.”
END FLASHBACK; Return to the Present
As we return to the present, all seven scouts along with Prince Endymon remember about what happened during Queen Beryl's attack, how she turned the four generals against them, and how Princess Serenity's inner Senshi got killed by the hands of the four brainwashed generals.
When all of them fully remembered, Princess Serenity tells her love and her seven scouts, “Do you understand the truth of what happened?”
Prince Endymon tells his beloved, “Yes, all of us do, but why didn't you tell us before?”
Queen Serenity replies, “When I sent all of you to be reborn into the future, I hoped that the generals would be reborn with you, but they fell into Beryl's hands, once more. I had kept these memories from you because you need to fight them, but I had feared that the love of the inner senshi and their beloved would restrain the four inner scouts from fighting them. I wasn't sure that they could be saved and I hoped that all of you could finally give their souls peace. It is what the four generals would have wanted you to do.”
Princess Aurora then says, “However, we know, now, that there is a chance that we can save them this time. If they are revived, with Beryl gone, there is a chance that we can return them to who they truly are, but the four of you need to be there and use your hearts to `awaken' them.”
Princess Rei then asks, “And if we can't. . . do we have to kill them again?”
Princess Mina states, in worried tone, “I can't do that . . . I can't kill Malachite, again. . .”
Princess Serenity tells Princess Mina, “Don't worry, Mina, we won't have consider that option. We will find a way to save them.” Soon after, Princess Serenity turned back into Eternal Sailor Moon, Princess Aurora turned back into Eternal Sailor Crescent, Prince Endymon turned back into Tuxedo Mask, Princess Ami turned back into Super Sailor Mercury, Princess Rei turned back into Super Sailor Mars, Princess Mina turned back into Super Sailor Venus, Princess Lita turned back into Super Sailor Jupiter, Princess Amara turned back into Super Sailor Uranus, Princess Michelle turned back into Super Sailor Neptune, and Princess Hotaru turned back into Super Sailor Saturn.
Eternal Sailor Moon asks Eternal Sailor Crescent, “Sailor Crescent, can you, Tasuku, and Mew-Mews handle defending Tokyo while we're gone?”
Zoey tells Eternal Sailor Moon, “Don't worry, Serena, we can take of them!”
Eternal Sailor Moon goes over to her Earth family and tells them, “Mom. . .”
Ikuko tells Sailor Moon, “Serena, after two years, I can see that you are a lot more than average teenager and we wished that you didn't have to fight, but we know that you must. But know, even if you are a reincarnated princess or return to being Princess Serenity rather than being our daughter, Serena Tsukino, you will always be our daughter, Earthling or Lunarian.”
Kenji tells Sailor Moon, “Now, go make sure that they are sorry that messed with Earth, Serena.”
Shingo then adds to Kenji's statement with, “Yeah, sis, kick them back to where they belong!”
Sailor Moon nods her head and replies, with a wide smile, “Thank you.”
Queen Serenity smiles and thinks, “Earthlings have indeed great promise to be a great people. All they need is someone to show them the right way and they can turn themselves into a great people. My daughter's Earth family has raised her, well, through they did make a few mistakes, but we are only human.” Queen Serenity tells Sailor Moon, “Good luck and farewell, my daughter.” Just then Queen Serenity fades away with a bright light.
Sailor Moon and Sailor Crescent think in unison, “Goodbye. . . mother.”
Sailor Moon tells the other scouts, “Okay, scouts, gather around!” All of the Sailor Scouts, minus Sailor Crescent, gather around and hold hands while Tuxedo Mask holds onto Sailor Moon's back while all of the Sailor Scouts began to glow with bright light.
All of the Sailor Senshi yells out in unison, “Sailor Teleport!” Just then all of the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask then teleport away with their destination begin the North Pole.
Bridget then says, “Good luck.”
Ikuko then says in her mind, “Please come back to us, Serena.”
(At the North Pole; A short time later)
We find Sailor Mercury using her special scanner to look around for the remains of Queen Beryl's fortress and the War Rose Knights while Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars are shivering from the cold.
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Mercury, in an annoyed tone, “Can you hurry it up, Mercury! One, we have to find them before they turn our beloveds against us, again! Two, I'm freezing my butt off!”
Sailor Mercury then points ahead of her and says, “They and Beryl's fortress are in this direction.”
Sailor Jupiter calls out, “Well, let's get going then before Nephrite and the others are turned against us, again!” Not needing another word, Sailor Moon takes to the air with her wings while the others are following on foot as fast as they can.
(A brief time later; Inside of the remains of Queen Beryl's former fortress)
Inside of Queen Beryl's fortress, we find the frozen Jadeite, the body of Zoisite, and the `recreated' bodies of Nephrite and Malachite and we find Sailor Dark Crescent and the War Rose Knights standing in front of the four male generals.
Duke tells Sailor Dark Crescent, “Queen, soon, the four generals will belong to our side. Once their personalities have been `modified', of course.”
Sailor Dark Crescent/Queen replies, “Excellent, soon, you will have the necessary `assistance' to complete our plans of the takeover of Tokyo and get the Tokyo Mew-Mews.”
Happy Child then exclaims, “I just wish to see the Sailor Scouts faces if they knew truth about these guys and what we were going to do with them!”
Sailor Moon's voice then yells out, “Why don't you ask us, yourselves, assholes?!” All of them then turn to face Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, and all of Sailor Scouts in front of them.
Duke asks, in a curious tone, “Impressive. How did you know what we were going to do?”
Sailor Jupiter replies, “Let's just say that we have `friends' in high places!”
Sailor Venus calls out, “We're not going to allow you to turn Malachite and the others against us like Beryl did before you!”
Sailor Dark Crescent then states, “So, all of you remembered your past and your connection to the four generals?”
Tuxedo Mask states, in a strong tone, “We do. They are my generals and we won't allow them to be used for evil anymore, one way or another.”
King yells out, “We will see about that. Let's see if we can finish this without them. All of us wanted to test a new technique that we've wanted to use.”
Sailor Moon then states, “I hate to ask this question, but someone is going to say: What are you talking about?”
Happy Child yells out, “Allow us to show! Dark Starlight Formation!” Just then the five War Rose Knights go into position like in a `star formation' and all five of them began to glow with dark violet lights.
Sailor Uranus yells out, perplexed, “What are they doing?!” Sailor Uranus got their answer when the dark violet lights combine together into a star light energy field and that energy field fires one beam of pitch black energy at all of them and all of them scream out in pain as they are sent into the wall with falling to the ground on their stomachs, soon after.
Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “Oh shit! What power! I can't believe that they have grown ever stronger!” When Sailor Moon looks at Tuxedo Mask and the others, she saw that they were alive, but unconscious, however, Sailor Saturn managed to get to her feet, but she was weakened and her fuku was torn in her waist and skirt areas. Sailor Moon thinks, “Oh no! Everyone, but Saturn, is unconscious! What are we going to do?! We have to stop them!”
Just then Lady Inari's voice calls out, in her mind, “Sailor Moon, you have to believe in yourself and in your friends! All of your friends! The power of the Soul of the Kitsune can empower with more than you can imagine! The greatest power is that of the unity of the heart! When two hearts `join' together for a common purpose, powers beyond your imagination can be unlocked! Sailor Moon, believe in Sailor Saturn and yourself, and this power will be unlocked!”
Lady Inari's voice fades away and Sailor Moon thinks, “What does she mean by that? I don't know, but why not?! Let's give it a shot!” Sailor Moon then gets to her feet as well and she and Sailor Saturn go side by side to fight Sailor Dark Crescent and the War Rose Knights.
Sailor Dark Crescent tells them, “The two of you are very stubborn. I could use that. Join me and they will live.”
Sailor Moon yells out, “Never! I will never join you, Sailor Dark Crescent! I'm going to stop you!”
Sailor Saturn then adds, in a strong not seen in her before, “I will never join the forces of evil and darkness! I will fight for my friends and Sailor Moon!”
Sailor Dark Crescent then gathers powerful negative energy into her right hand and she says, in a dark tone, “As they say here on Earth: Your funeral.”
Sailor Moon tells Sailor Saturn, “Come on, Sailor Saturn! Let's beat her together!”
Sailor Saturn nods her head and tells Sailor Moon, “You did so much for me to save from evil, Sailor Moon! And I promised that I will fight to help others with my powers! I would glad to fight with you, Sailor Moon!” When the two Sailor Scouts nod their heads, Sailor Moon's brooch and Sailor Saturn's heart jewel in her bust area began to glow with bright light.
Juliet asks, out of curiosity, “What in the world is that?”
Sailor Dark Crescent says, in non-concerned tone, “Doesn't matter now.” Sailor Dark Crescent then fires a powerful pitch beam of dark energy at the two scouts as they were engulfed in bright light, but before the attack hit, a powerful shockwave splits the attack in half and negates it. Sailor Dark Crescent shouts out, in total disbelief, “WHAT?!”
Happy Child exclaims, perplexed, “What just happened?!”
Sailor Moon's voice rings out, “A miracle, that's what you little troll!” When everyone looks to the source of Sailor Moon's voice, they gasped when they saw her. Sailor Moon's boots were, now, Super Sailor Saturn's boots, her skirt is mainly dark blue, like Sailor Saturn's, with one golden stripe and one cherry red stripe below it, her brooch has a dark red bow attached it, her cloth neck-collar is dark blue, and her lips are a bright violet color. In her right hand is Sailor Saturn Silent Glaive and in her left hand is her Royal Moon Specter. When the other scouts and Tuxedo Mask regained consciousness, they gasped to see Sailor Moon's latest transformation and Sailor Saturn is inside some kind of energy sphere, curled up in a ball, and in a deep sleep.
Sailor Neptune asks, confused, “What's going on?! What happened to Sailor Saturn?!”
When Sailor Mercury uses her computer and scanner, she gasps and exclaims, “Sailor Saturn's powers are nearly at zero and all of her power seemed to have transferred to Sailor Moon! It seems to be a result of when Sailor Moon turned from Super Sailor Moon into Eternal Sailor Moon with our help along with the power of the Soul of Kitsune! Sailor Moon has gained the ability to fuse with other Senshi's powers, creating some kind of `Double Soul' power!”
Sailor Moon yells out, “Double Soul, huh?! I like that! I call this: my Double Soul, Saturn Soul form!”
Happy Child yells out, “No matter what form you take, you aren't going to defeat us!” All of the War Rose Knights then performs their Dark Starlight Formation attack on Sailor Moon, again, but this time, with one swing of Sailor Saturn's Silent Glaive and her Royal Moon Specter, the attack is totally negated.
Sailor Venus says, amazed, “Sailor Moon has become so powerful!”
Sailor Mercury tells the other scouts, “This `Double Soul' hasn't doubled her power! It is like combining two chemical agents and producing explosive results and plus, since Sailor Moon is a Sailor Scout of Light and Sailor Saturn is the Sailor Scout of Darkness, combining light and darkness together has sent Sailor Moon's powers to new levels!”
Sailor Moon then shouts out, “Thanks to Sailor Saturn, this battle is over! Moon Silent Glaive X-Slash!” Sailor Moon then puts her two weapons into `X' formation and she then fires one violet colored and `X'-shaped beam at all of the War Rose Knights causing more powerful explosion and knocking them down to the ground!
Sailor Dark Crescent yells out, enraged, “Sailor Moon, no one does that to my knights! You will pay for that!” Sailor Dark Crescent then spreads four pitch black wings, like Eternal Sailor Moon's in design, out and flies towards Sailor Moon at super-speed with sending them sky-rocketing into the skies above Beryl's fortress.
Tuxedo Mask calls out, in shock, “Sailor Moon!” Outside, Sailor Moon and Sailor Dark Crescent are deep in the skies, Sailor Dark Crescent creates a pitch black swords, and the next four minutes the two of them fight an even battle with their weapons with neither of them getting an advantage.
Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “What in the world is she?! Even with Sailor Saturn's power, I can't get any advantage over her!”
Sailor Dark Crescent states, “I think that I should have stayed with my original plan and have you killed! Now, it is time for the end of the Moon Kingdom family!” Sailor Dark Crescent then fires dark lightning bolts at Sailor Moon and she screams out in extreme pain from the battle as it left her fuku badly burned and several one-degree burns on her exposed arms, each.
Sailor Moon then says, in a strong tone, “No! This is your end, Sailor Dark Crescent!” The Silent Glaive scythe then starts to glow with great dark violet light and Sailor Dark Crescent's eyes widen, knowing what attack that is.
Sailor Dark Crescent calls out, “No, you fool! Do you want to kill us all?!”
Sailor Moon replies, “No, just you! With Double Soul, I can contain the power of the attack, so, I don't destroy Earth. . . just you! Death Reborn Revolution!” Just then Sailor Moon and Sailor Dark Crescent are engulfed by dark violet energy and Sailor Dark Crescent screams out as the attack hits her, resulting in a huge explosion that sends a column of dark violet energy into outer space allowing the world-destroying attack to be contained in one area, but inside of Queen Beryl's fortress, everyone, hero and villain, are knocked to the ground from huge earthquake that's the result of the shockwave of the explosion.
Sailor Venus yells out, confused, “What's going on?!”
Sailor Mercury replies, “Sailor Moon just used a powerful attack that could. . . Oh my god! Destroy the planet!”
Sailor Neptune calls out, knowing what attack that could be, “Oh no! Sailor Moon must have used Sailor Saturn's ultimate attack, the Death Reborn Revolution!”
Sailor Uranus exclaims, “Has she gone mad?!”
Tuxedo Mask shouts out, “We need to trust Sailor Moon!” When the shaking stops, the War Rose Knights look up and gasp when they can't `sense' or see their Queen.
King yells out, flabbergasted, “No, it can't be! Our Queen. . . she's gone!”
Juliet states, stunned, “It can't be.”
Happy Child roars to the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask, angrily, “You will pay for this, Sailor Scouts!” The War Rose Knights then teleport away while Sailor Saturn gives off a bright glow and returns to her feet, fully reenergized.
Sailor Mars goes over to her and says, “Sailor Saturn, you're okay!”
Sailor Saturn asks, curiously, “What happened to Sailor Moon?! I know that I lent her my power, but where is she?!”
Sailor Moon's voice replies, “I'm right here, Sailor Saturn!” Sailor Moon, her body smoking and exhaustion on her face, floats down to the ground and lands on her knees, totally worn out.
Tuxedo Mask runs over to her and asks, concerned, “Sailor Moon, are you okay?”
Sailor Moon replies, “Just exhausted, that's all.”
However, Malachite's voice yells out, in a dark tone, “You won't be soon enough!” When all of the scouts turn to the source of Malachite's voice, they find Malachite, Zoisite, and Nephrite on their feet, but they had cold and opaque look in their eyes.
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune go into defense stances and Sailor Uranus states, “Those three have been revived, but they are still under the control of the forces of darkness.”
Sailor Jupiter steps in front of Nephrite, Sailor Mercury steps in front of Zoisite, Sailor Venus steps in front of Malachite, and the three Inner Senshi yell out in unison, with looks of concern in their eyes, “Please stop!” Seeing the three scouts make the three male generals stop in their tracks and unable to move.
Nephrite, not recognizing Sailor Jupiter, asks her, in a demanding tone, “Who are you?! What do you want?!”
Sailor Jupiter replies, “Nephrite, don't you remember me? It's Lita! Don't you remember me from our times in the Silver Millennium?”
Sailor Mercury pleads to Zoisite, “Zoi', has Beryl's influence made you totally forget me? It's me, Ami. Don't you remember me at all?”
Sailor Venus goes to Malachite and asks him, in a begging tone, “Malachite, please remember me? It's Mina! Don't you remember me, love?” Looking at the three Sailor Scouts, the three generals can't make a move and images start to appear in their mind, images of their true memories of their lives during the Silver Millennium.
Nephrite asks himself in his mind, “What's wrong with me? What are these images? Why. . . Why am I so concerned for this Sailor Scout?!”
Zoisite says in his mind, “What's the matter with me? She's a Sailor Scout and my enemy! But seeing her blue eyes, I can't . . . I can't bare to hurt her.”
Malachite then states in his thoughts, “What are these feelings? Why is she looking at me with those eyes? I feel. . . warm when I see her eyes! What's going with me?!” Just then three generals scream out as dark aura engulf their bodies and they hold their heads in pain.
Sailor Mercury asks, concerned, “What's going on with them?!”
Sailor Saturn then states, “They are fighting the control that the darkness has on them, but they might need Sailor Moon to fully heal them!”
Tuxedo Mask states, “But Sailor Moon is too weak for the battle from Sailor Dark Crescent!”
Just then Sailor Crescent's voice yells out, “Allow me to help!” Just then Eternal Sailor Crescent floats down to the ground and she says, “I thought that you might need some help and everything back in Tokyo seems quiet. My kingdom's treasure might be more than powerful enough to heal them!”
Sailor Moon tells Sailor Crescent, “Do it, Sailor Crescent!” Sailor Crescent then puts her hand to her brooch, it opens up and glows, and Sailor Crescent turns into Princess Aurora, sending waves of light energy into the three generals, causing the negative and dark energy around to totally disperse and fade away. All three generals then fall towards the ground, but Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Venus catch the three generals before they hit the ground.
Sailor Jupiter then asks, worriedly, “Are they going to be okay?”
Princess Aurora replies, “They will be fine, now.” Just then Nephrite, Zoisite, and Malachite then slowly open their eyes and look at the three scouts holding them.
Sailor Jupiter asks Nephrite, “Nephrite, is that you?”
Nephrite replies, in a kind and caring tone, “Lita, I'm so sorry.”
Sailor Jupiter smiles and says, “Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. I'm just glad that you are back.” Sailor Jupiter then kisses Nephrite on the lips while Zoisite tightly grips Sailor Mercury's hand.
Zoisite tells Sailor Mercury, in a kind and caring tone, “Ami. . .”
Sailor Mercury replies, with tears in her eyes, “Oh, Zoisite. . .”
Malachite tells Sailor Venus, in a loving tone, “My beloved Mina, it has been so long since I've touched your beautiful face.”
Sailor Venus tells Malachite, “Oh, Malachite. . .” On the meanwhile, Sailor Mars goes over to frozen Jadeite and looks over the frozen general.
Sailor Mars then asks, “What about Jadeite?”
Princess Aurora then says, “We'll see about what happens with Jadeite.”
Sailor Moon tells Sailor Mars, “Sailor Mars, you should do the honors of releasing Jadeite.”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Moon, “Thanks, Sailor Moon.”
Sailor Uranus then goes over to Sailor Mars and tells her, “However, we should ready, just in case.”
Sailor Mars then calls out, “Mars Fire Sniper!” Sailor Mars then launches a fire arrow from the fiery bow at Jadeite's `prison' and when Sailor Mars' attack hits, Jadeite is released from his `prison' with him coughing up for air after being released. But when he regains his senses, he sees Sailor Mars and Jadeite attacks her with rage, but Sailor Uranus counterattacks and with one powerful kicks, knocks him to the ground.
Sailor Uranus tells Jadeite, in her usual tone, “Do you wish to give up or continue this useless fight? Either way, it is fine by me.” When Jadeite finds that he is outnumbers by Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts with some that she has never seen before, he sits down in defeat.
Jadeite then asks, in a cold tone, “Why don't you finish me off and just release me?”
Sailor Mars goes over to Jadeite and asks him, in smoothing and caring tone, “Why would we do that? Jadeite, I know that we fought before, but you aren't who you think you are. Don't you remember me, Jadeite? It's me, Rei, don't you remember?” When Jadeite looks into Sailor Mars' eyes, he is surprised by the concerned in her eyes.
Jadeite thinks in his mind, “What in the world is she so concerned about me? We're enemies! But looking into her eyes, seeing all of this concern, makes me feel weird. . . so warm . . . so strange. . .!” Just then Jadeite goes to his feet and starts screaming as the dark and negative aura surround his body, which is a signal for Princess Aurora, who uses her kingdom's treasure to dispel the dark and negative energy from Jadeite's body, causing him to fall to his knees.
Sailor Mars goes over to Jadeite and asks him, concerned, “Jadeite! Jadeite, please tell me that you are all right!”
Jadeite slowly open his eyes and asks, concerned, “Rei, is that you?”
Sailor Mars gains a smile and she says, “Jadeite, I'm so glad that you are back.”
Sailor Moon looks at Tuxedo Mask and says, “I'm so glad that they are together, once more.”
Tuxedo Mask replies, in a loving tone, “Same here, love.” Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask engage in a passionate kiss as the four inner scouts and the four generals are engaged in their `reunion'. However, on the meanwhile, in the air above Beryl's fortress, Sailor Dark Crescent, badly injured and bleeding with several nasty bloody gashes on her lower waist and chest, looks down at the scene with great anger and rage.
Sailor Dark Crescent thinks in her mind, “You are going to pay for this, Sailor Moon!” Sailor Dark Crescent then teleports away in the fashion of Cole from Charmed uses.
Next time in Chapter 11: The Senshi of the Sun: In the aftermath of the revival of the four generals, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Malachite join our Sailor Scouts and Tokyo Mew-Mews as soon as they are ready for battle, but even with the addition with the generals, the siege on Tokyo is still not broken and the forces of evil are seemly getting stronger for some reason. During one `break' from the action, the four generals and the four inner scouts has some time to themselves to `reignite' their relationships while Zoey and Mark have some `alone time' to themselves. However, the time for rest and relaxation doesn't last when the Sailor Scouts learn of the truth of Sailor Moon's father during the Silver Millennium is revealed. Sailor Moon's father actually came from the Sun Kingdom, a kingdom that was equal to the Moon Kingdom, the warrior and universal defender kingdom known as the Sun Kingdom. Plus, they learn about the Sun Kingdom having their own princess, who is Princess Serenity's biological sister, and their own set of Sailor Senshi, coming from the twelve star constellations of the European Zodiac. Strangely, at this same time, Serena's cousin, Diana, is coming to visit her super-hero cousin from her home in Shinjuku and she is telling of `strange dreams', dreams that involve a `mysterious king' and Queen Serenity. However, Sailor Dark Crescent figures out what's `going on' with Diana and attacks her! Sailor Moon and the others come to her aid, but Sailor Dark Crescent manages to find a way to Diana and prepares to kill her until a mysterious cat named Osiris appears and saves Diana, which in turn, causes the lost princess of the Sun Kingdom to be revealed! Personally, between you and me, you know who it is, don't you? Well, find out if you are right on the next, Sailor Mew-Mew!
First, I would to say that I got the idea for Sailor Moon's Double Soul from MegaMan NT Warrior Access and I don't own that show either. Second, I'm giving credit to Angel Love and her story, Finding Destiny, for the idea of the pairing of the generals and the inner scouts and the idea for the `background' of the generals and inner senshi during the Silver Millennium, including the flashback. Finally, like I said, you can see why I'm keeping the X-rating for this story, now. Anyway, don't worry, you will some more `passionate scenes' in the story, later! Now, please read and review and I will see you later!