Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction / Tsubasa Chronicle Fan Fiction / D. Gray-man Fan Fiction ❯ To another World ❯ Dininghall ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
To another world - Dininghall

Everyone was starring at Allen. Well, everyone exept Lavi, Linali and Kanda, who wondered how the heck he ended up there.
''Ehh... Allen-kun really eat a lot...'' Fai said and sweatdropped.
''Yae, but that's Allen!'' Lavi happilly said.
''Hmf....'' Kurogane snorted at the same time as Kanda *Why do I have to sit beside that?* they both thinked.
''Those two are really like echother, na?'' Lavi said to Syaoran.
''Hmmm... When you mention it...'' Syaoran answered.
''No were NOT!!'' Kanda and Kurogane said angirly.
Kanda stood up.
''Huh? Kanda?'' Allen said surprised.
''I'm NOT going to sit here anymore'' Kanda turned to go.
''Yuu-chan is maaaad...!'' Lavi said gladily.
''Aaaaanryyy! Aaaaanryyy!'' Mokona happy shouted.
''Don't call me Yuu-chan, carrothead!'' Kanda grabbed Mugens haft.
Heheeee!! Sure!!'' it went cold shivers down his back when he saw Lavis grin.
''Where are you going?'' Linali wondered when Kanda once again turnde to leave.
''You have nothing to do with that.'' Kanda said and went to the door as he fealt something on his haed.
''Puu!'' Mokona said and put his face in Kandas.
Kandas hair fell down over his showlders and saw that Mokona heald in his hairband once again.
''Give me that!!'' Kanda shouted and turned around to hount Mokona.
And smashed into Kurogane who was hounting Fai. Both of them fell to the ground with a loud crash and in their fall they got a lot of chairs with them, and even a table.
They stirred angry at eachother, beacouse, beacouse of 'the other' (A/N: So kind as they would say it later) they had been delayed when they were hounting the one who had been irretating him.
From that moment they fealt a big grudge against eachother.
''Moko-chan?'' Sakura said.
''Yes! What is it?'' Mokona asked, Mokona was sitting on Fais head (A/N: Yes, Fai was back at the table) and was tying Fais hair with Kandas hairband.
''HEY!!'' they heard a angry voice roar.
Everyone looked that way.
Kanda was being lifted in his coats collar by a big man in a yellow coat.
''YOU ROLLED OUR TABLE!!'' the man was red in the face by anger.
''Humf...'' Kanda snorted. ''You again, do you really have such a deathwish?''
''Take it easy now, Buzz.'' Lavi said to the man who held a hard grip on Kandas coat. A gripp that only became harder and harder.
Without any warning Buzz hit Kanda in the stumech and sendt him into a table, that broke.
''Kanda!'' Linali shouted. Those who didn't know Kanda, like Sakura, Syaoran, Mokona, Fai and Kurogane, would have thouht that Linali was shouting the exorcists name beacouse she was worried, (That was what they were thinking) but that was not it.
Kanda lost his breath ans got a sneer from Kurogane.
After just a little while Kanda stood up and jumped on the finder.
Soon they were in the middle of a big fight. The others in the dininghall, exorcists and finders, eather way was cheering on the two fighters och was trying to stop them. And that only resoulted in that a mere among people got a punch by Kanda or Buzz.
''KANDA! BUZZ! STOP EMMIDIATLY!'' they heard a voice shout. The voice belonged to a man with yellow/brown hair and beard and glasses. Behind him there was a man with purple hair and glasses.
''River!'' Linali shouted ''Nii-san''
Kanda and Mary really did stop.
Kanda had been very rought towards Buzz, who was lying down on the floor where Kanda had let him go.
Kurogane looked surprised to see that a boy, who looked weak, was able to, so effective, hit down a man of Marys size.
''What are you doing anyway?'' River asked, 'Nii-san' didn't say a thing, he had fell asleep standing.
Linali want forward to her brother ''Nii-san... Wake up!''
''It won't help... He has just been cleaning his desk for an hour.'' River said.
''Really? Not of free will, did he?'' Allen asked.
''No no, not at all. He was falling to sleep a serval times, but after a bottle of icecold water over you around five times you hase a bit of a problem to falling asleep, even if you happens to be Komui.'' River said flowing.
''River!'' Linali said in chock.
''Oh, no no, it wasn't me who gave him the cold showers. It was.... ehh....'' River blushed.
''Linali sighed ''River''
''It was you, wasn't it?''
River became even more red in the face.
''Hahaaa!!!'' a laugh was heard.
''L- Lavi...?'' Allen said nervous.
Lavi laid down on the floor and laughed.
Fai, Sakura, Syaoran, Kurogane and Mokona looked totaly nonplossed.
''How did I get here?'' a sour voice.
''Master Cross!!'' Allen said suprised ''What are you doing here?''
''Allen? I don't know...'' Cross grunted, he had long red hair, a cigarett in his mouth and a bottle with something in that had a bad smell.
''Oh, your awake, general Cross'' River said.
''How am I supposed to sleep when your so loud? I think it sounded like Kanda and Buzz had another fight'' the general saw Kanda who was standing beside the now unconcious Buzz. He muttered ''It seems like that's the case...''
He turned arouned to River ''How did I get here?''
''Well, one of the finders found you unconcious on the street and brought you here.'' River explained.
''Damn! I have to remember not to get drunk outsde the headquarter again'' Cross said. Everyone fell to the ground, exept Allen, River, Komui (A/N: Komui was still asleep) and Kanda, who whas trying to stop Mokona from jumping on his head and at tha same time take back his hairband from Fai.
''Uhh... I have to be drunk now too... I see many white round rabbits jump on Kandas all heads...'' Cross mumbled and put his hand over his eyes.
''Hello hello!'' Mokona shouted.
''Yes, Mokona?'' Fai wondered.
''Shouldent we get going?'' Mokona jumped up and down at Kandas head and Kanda became more and more frustrated.
''Already?'' Syaoran asked.
''Yes!'' said Mokona ''But not without souvenires!''
''What?!'' Kurogane said.
''You always have to take souvenires with you when you have been somwhere!! I've just forgot to tell you that!'' Mokona had suddenlu filled his travelcomerades arms with a little ball with wings, a hammer from Lavis belt, Kandas hairband (Which Mokona himself was holding onto) and Komui, who Kurogane had to hold.
''Nii-san!'' Linali shouted
''Komui!'' shouted River.
''Timcampy!'' Allen and Chross shouted.
''My hammer!'' Lavi shouted.
But the thing that made everyone stair at them, enen Mary who just had become conciouse again, was when Kanda shouted;
''Give that back, you damn white manjuu!!''
Then, they disapeared in a secound.
Allen, Linali, Lavi, Cross, River, Komui, Kanda, Fai, Kurogane, Sakura, Syaoran and Mokona.
Real real GONE!!


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Zo rba: Yohoo!! (likie Sakuma Ryuuichi from Gravitation) Hope you liked chapter two!

Kurogane: How could he beat that giant...? He hwo looks so weak...

Tezzino: Myhoney isn't weak!

Zorba: Lord hell... Now she starts again... sigh...

Kurogane: Dour honey?

Tezzino: But he is so CUTE. Unlike you.

Kurogane: Hello!

Zorba: (to Kurogane:) ignor her. (to Tezzino:) Shut up dammit!

Kurogane: You're weard.

Zorba: What's that!? As if i have a little foul languide!

Tezzino: A little?

Zorba: Shut up!

Tezzino: See you in next chapter!