Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ A new Friend or not ❯ A Secret ( Chapter 1 )
-I know everyone make up their own mew so same old same old.
Chapter one: Moving to Tokyo
@Sugar Muffin's House, Paris@
Mom: Sugar. Can you please get Chestnut?
Sugar: Sure. Chestnut! Come here girl!
(Chestnut comes waging her tail. Then Sugar picks her up.)
Sugar: Ready. {Sigh}. +I wonder if Zakuro Onee-sama can help me with my ear and tail problem. Yesterday on the phone she said that she's been having a problem too +
Mom: The Taxi's here. Lets go.
Chestnut: Woof ruff!
Sugar: You too Chestnut! *Smile*
Mom: Come on! Let's not miss the plane! *Smile*
Sugar: *Smile*
Chestnut: Woof ruff!
Sugar: {Giggle} +At least she's happy. +
(They head towards the door then Sugar stops and takes one last look then follows her mom who is already getting in the taxi.)
@Café Mew*Mew@
Purin: Oh yeah Na No Da! *Smile* I heard somebody is moving here to Tokyo from Paris Na No Da!
Minto: So what? +Who cares? +
Zakuro and Peach: I do! *Angered*
(Their ears and tail pop out.)
Ichigo: Why do you care so much Zakuro and Peach?
Peach: It might be my pen pal.
Zakuro: My sister.
Peach: Yeah! She recently sent me a letter saying she might be moving to Tokyo.
Retasu: How old is she?
Zakuro: I think she's in seventh grade, so maybe 11 or 12.
Purin: Yay! *Smile*
Ichigo: Be careful Pudding!
(Purin drops a tray of cupcakes she had in her hand.)
Purin: Oops Na No Da.
Ichigo: Not again.
(Ichigo starts to clean the mess. A costumer comes in.)
Lettuce: I'll get that.
……………………… ……………………%A Few Hours Past%………………………… …………
Ichigo: Let's {Yawn} go home.
(The girls leave Café Mew*Mew and head home.)
@Sugar Muffin's House, Tokyo@
Sugar: Mom can I skateboard outside for a while?
Mom: Sure. I guess you'll get bored since Zakuro isn't here yet. Be back by seven.
Sugar: Ok.
Mom: If you want you can take Chestnut too.
Sugar: Ok. Chestnut! Come here girl!
(Sugar goes to get Chestnut and finds her sleeping.)
Sugar: {Giggle} Oh well.
(She gets her skateboard and goes outside. She stumbled across Café Mew*Mew that has a sign that reads "CLOSED".)
Sugar: What a cute café! I wish I could work here. Well I guess I'll come back tomorrow when it's open.
Unknown: Today's your lucky day, Sugar.
Sugar: Huh? How do you know my name?
Unknown: My name is Ryou. I've been watching you for a few days.
Sugar: How can you watch me for a few days if I came here today?
Ryou: Uhh, *Falls anime style* that's not important! What's important is that you can get a job here at Café Mew.
Sugar: Cool!
Ryou: Now I have to tell you something. You're part of project MEW.
Sugar: What?
Ryou: You got injected with an animal's DNA to save Tokyo from
Chimera Animas.
Sugar: Save the world! Am I the only one?
Ryou: No. You have a team. Now come inside so I can fill you in on the details.
(Sugar follows Ryou in Café Mew.)
(Ryou explains to Sugar)
Sugar: So what do I do?
Ryou: Take this transformation pendant and say the words that come to mind.
Sugar: Ok. M-mew Mew Sugar Metamorphosis!
(She henshins to Mew Sugar.)
Ryou: Now call out your weapon and attack.
Sugar: Well ok. S-sugar Halo! R-ribbon Sugar Halo Toss!
(Her halo appears on her head she takes it and throws it at Ryou. He moves out of the way and the halo comes back.)
Sugar: Sorry.
Ryou: It's ok.
Sugar: Again, I'm sorry!
Ryou: +She's sweeter than sugar. I guess that's how she got her name. + Again, it's all right. You start tomorrow after school. If you're late don't bother to show up.
Sugar: Ok Ryou.
Ryou: One more thing, you have a mark where you got injected. It resembles you are part of Project MEW. It will always stay there as long as you are a mew. Here's your skateboard.
Sugar Muffin: Thanks.
(She gets on her skateboard and goes home.)
Sugar: Bye Ryou!
@Sugar Muffin's House@
(Her mom and Zakuro are waiting for her at the kitchen table.)
Sugar: Hi mom.
(Sees Zakuro)
Sugar: Zakuro Onee-Sama!
Zakuro: I was waiting for you. You promised to make your sugar muffins when I got here Tokyo. *Smile*
Sugar: Ok. {Giggle}
Sugar bakes three sugar muffins and shares one with her mom and one with Zakuro.
……………………… ………………………….%1 Hour Later%………………………… ;………
Sugar: {Yawn} I got a job at a cute café called Café Mew*Mew. I start tomorrow after school.
Zakuro: Café Mew*Mew I work there!
Mom: Tell me tomorrow after you get home. You look sleepy.
Sugar: Ok. Night mom. Good night Zakuro Onee-sama.
(She brushes her teeth changed to her nightgown and went to sleep.)