Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ Crystal Heart ❯ Midnight Attack Part 1 ( Chapter 2 )
I don't own Tokyo Mew Mew only.....Sunny.....some other character I made up. Sorry it took so long to update anyway.
Thank you,
For me giving the names of Ichigo Mother and Father!
Thank you,
Everyone that has been reveiwing and please still keep reveiwing my story.
Enjoy and reveiw..............
Chapter 2: Midnight attack Part 1
The day went kind of bumpy.......only the fact that Ichigo was daydreaming that made everything upside down.
"ICHIGO STOP DAYDREAMING AND GET WORKING!!!" yelled Ryou "SORRY!!" yelled Ichigo "But my cousin is coming and it been sooo long form the last time we meet..." continued Ichigo in sad tone. "Well at lest you know where to meet him right?" said Ryou put hand on Ichigo. "No, he said 'I'm coming to Tokyo TODAY. I miss you and aunt told me you have to work everyday, good job. I have a surprise for you. Well see you then!!!!!'" replayed Ichigo. "Well, first you should do your work." said Ryou. Then Ichigo just jumped up and hugged him. "OK, Ryou and thank you," said Ichigo going back to work.
~ On a sidewalk ~
Sunny had orange hair and was a little short than other boys. He wore black and stripped white T- shirt. His sneakers had blue dots. Sunny walked down the street with a smile on his face. "Finally I get to see Ichigo!! I wish I can tell her that I'm an alien and to watch out for those cruel, twisted, losers!!!!!" thought Sunny. Then went in building 'Cafe Mew Mew' "Maybe the Mew Mew are here too, " said Sunny to himself.
~ Inside Cafe Mew Mew ~
"Watch out!!!!!!" yelled Ichigo only to get cake on her face. "Wow, aunt said you were working not having a food fight." said a boy about 14 or 15 year old. "Hey Mister..." said Ichigo, but was cut off when she saw the person's face. "SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!" said Ichigo jumping on the guy and hugging him. Everyone else just stared at the pink hair girl. "Sorry......ummmmm Sunny can you wait here. I need to ask my boss Ryou if I can go home and we can talk, OK?" said Ichigo. Sunny just nodded went to sit down.
~ Upstairs ~
Ryou was laying on his bed "RYOU!!!!!!!!" yelled a voice. "Yeah" said Ryou get up and unlocking his door. "Ryou, can I go home now because my cousin here, so please." said Ichigo taking deep breaths. "OK, but you have to make it up hours OK!" said Ryou Ichigo just kiss him on the check and yelled "THANK YOU!" Ryou just froosen in his places.
~ Down stairs ~
"Sunny we can go!" said Ichgio running towards Sunny.
~ Outside ~
Ichigo and Sunny started to walk towards Ichigo's home. "So, how Aunt and Unlce Hoper?" asked Ichigo to Sunny. Sunny look at his sceakers and replayed "Ummmmm they're OK." Ichigo look at sky and said "Wow, I never new it can get so dark it's only........9:30!!!!!!" "Ichigo, I've got to do something so you go ahead to home. I'll come after I'm done OK," said Sunny. Ichigo just nodded and ran the direction towards her house.
~ In a park ~
"Almost time" thought Sunny then a flash of light came toward Sunny. Then Sunny's orange short hair became a little longer then 2 inches. His black and white stripped T- shirt became the same way the alien wore their shirts. Then his pant turned something mix with Pie, Tart and Kish pant. Last but not least his head had two more ear on it. "Now for my first target" thought Sunny floating up.
~ Mint House ~
Mint rolled over and yawned "I thought I close that window," thought Mint. She got out her bed and went staght towards, "So we finally meet Mew Mew!" said in a deep vioce. "WHO'S THERE!" yelled Mint looking everywhere but there. Suddenly, something attacked Mint, but likely she got out in time. "Show youself!!!!" yelled Mint. "Why don't you just attack me honey or you're to sarced of the dark HAHHAHAHAH!" yelled the deep voice. "OK, you asked for it!" yellled Mint. "Mew Mew Metamorphosis!" Mint's nightgrown turn into her Mew Mew uniform. "So you are MEW MEW and thought I was in wrong place, let's battle. Wingless sword call to all the animal around me 'Kirama Anima come to you target Mew Mew.......'" yelled the deep vioce. Then a group of animal like birds, frogs, etc became Kirama Anima. "What there to many!!!!!" thought Mint falling on the ground. "Finally one Tokyo Mew Mew is gone or that lest almost!"said the deep vioce. Mint had scratches on her leg, face and her uniform. "Give up Tokyo Mew Mew witch!!!hahahahahahah!" yelled the the deep vioce holding his sword for one last blast, but then the door open. "Fine, I will deal with you later!" said the deep vioce flying outside. "Mint your f........." said a maid but got cut off when she saw Mint hurt. The maid ran down the stair dailing the phone for ambulance, and Mint was rushed to the hospital.
~ In the hospital ~
Ichigo and the other Mew Mew rushed to the hospital to see Mint was hurt. "Will she be OK, doctor." asked Lettuce. "If she sleeps for awhile, then maybe she'll be OK." said the doctor going to a new patient. "Mint who did this to you?" thought Ichigo. Then a tear rolled down her cheek.
To be contuined.........
@uthor note: Sorry Mint fans.........*sniff* Sunny why?! or deep vioce!? Anyway WHAT GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE OTHER MEW MEW? OR SUNNY? WELL THERE BE PEACE IN TOKYO?
^_^ bye for now- SFH - Star Fighter Heart