Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ Kimera Humanis ❯ Abduction ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
--Kimera humanis--
I do not own Tokyo Mew Mew or any of it's related characters.
01: Abduction
footsteps hit the wet grass, soaking his shoes. His head jolted back and forth and made it impossible to focus on anything. The morning-fog, darkness and the flying insects added up to the disorientation. He stopped dead in his tracks, when he realized that he ran even deeper in the park. It was close to 4 AM and the sun would come up soon. That would be too late, he had to run. The sound of heavy feet on the ground right behind him.strange sound came closer. He took in a lung full of hot, humid air and ran.he reached a long alley of trees he found the time to think. 'Shit. Where's that damn road? This must go on for minutes now, I should have reached it by now.' He took the curve down to the left. Carless for a moment, he hit a low branch. Without stopping he swiped the blood from a cut on his cheek. About 300 meters ahead he could see a street-light and a roadway. 'Yeah. Oh god, I made it.'second source of noise to his left caught his attention. 'Not another one!' He pushed himself to run faster. In the shades of the trees he could make out something the size of a Labrador. Only it had eight legs, which seemed to fade into a blur of black, at the speed the beast had. 'Shit, what are those?!'heart skipped a beat, he had nearly reached the street. There wasn't much traffic, but surely there were people to help him. He left the park. The back-lights of several cars faded away to his right. He summoned what little breath he had left and shouted: "Anyone! HELP!" The next wave of cars came up the road, so he turned to face them and motioned to run.pairs of claws grabbed his arms and pulled back into the bushes in the blink of an eye. He felt a stining pain in his shoulder and the world faded into darkness.
a worry in the world, the cars drove past.
dark figure bend over the unconsious form of Naoki Takezawa. It nudged his shoulder with it's foot and spoke to the shadows: "What do you need this one for, Pie?" A sharp voice replied: "I? No, we'll see what our master needs a human for. Back to the ship." The dark figure stepped next to Naoki's body and all three vanished into thin air.sun slowly came up, sending it's rays through Tokyo and the Yoyogi-koen Park.

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Momomiya! MOMOMIYA ICHIGO!" Ichigo's head flew up. "Ha.. hai. Err, I'm sorry." Her teacher gave her an angry stare and continued to write. Ichigo sighed and forced herself to copy what was written on the board. She silently cursed herself for falling asleep again. Suddenly a note was passed to her, under the table.Ichigo, tired like an old cat, aren't we today? Minto'grimaced and threw a rather unhappy look at the bluehaired girl a few seats to her right. Said girl showed nothing more than a little mocking grin. Combined with Minto's usual bossiness it was another frustating morning for Ichigo.
away from that classroom, the school and even the planet, someone else had surely one of the worst awakenings of his life.first thing Naoki realized through the fog in his mind was, that each and every single bone in his body hurt like hell. A painfull moan escaped his lips. He gritted his teeth and tried to move. Only to find that he was also strapped to some kind of metal operation-table.his vision cleared and he could make out several desks with computer terminals on them, as well as other things he didn't precisely want to see in detail. 'Ok, what the fuck happened?' All of a sudden a little blue lamp on one of the terminals started blinking, followed by a surring metallic sound. The operation table started to vibrate slightly and slowly rose to a height of about a meter above the ground. Eventually, the tables lower end swung downwards and installed the surface in a vertical position. The surring stopped and so did the other instruments. Naoki breathed heavily. One after another the few lights were switched of. The darkness remained only for splitseconds, when a strong spotlight, directly above the table, shone down on Naoki.hissing sound told him that the only door in the room had just opened. Footsteps, closing in on him.

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Over here!" Ichigo and Minto stopped waving, when they saw that the other girl had noticed them. Lettuce carried her tray across the dining-hall to the two girl's table. "Hello everyone." "Hi Lettuce." "Come on, sit down."ate their lunch while talking about the latest school events. "... and, you know, Kobayashi, the one from our class, Minto, well she said the it's impossible that Nakamura and Akemi-chan would get together." Lettuce didn't seem to know any of those people, allthough she listened closely to what Ichigo said. Minto cut in. "Sorry to change the subject, but, Lettuce, have you heard about Takezawa?" "Takezawa. Ah Takezawa Mayumi. I don't really know her. She is in my class, you know?" Ichigo had become curious. "What's with her?" Minto motioned the girls to come closer. "I only heard rumours, but it's said her older brother dissappeared last night." Lettuce held her breath, but Ichigo didn't seem very impressed. "So what? Probably got himself drunk and ended up in Osaka or something (Osaka is, seen from Tokyo, practially at the other end of Japan). I wouldn't think too much into it."

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sound of feet on the metal floor had come to a halt, directly in front of him. He tried, but couldn't summon the energy to raise his head. A chuckle to his left caught him by surprise. 'More than one?'strangely distant voice began to speak: "This one seems promising. Bio-data as well as bloodtype compatibility are in within a 0.02% chance of failure." Naoki had tried to understand what was said, but the dizzy feeling behind his forehead kept him confused. He stopped his attempt to speak, when he heard a rather childish voice from somewhere left of him. The voice had a mocking tone. "Why bother trying to combine them. I mean it's not like all the work would pay off with the old hag beating the other chimeras all the time. What makes you think this experiment will make a difference?" Naoki didn't like the way the conversation went. As far as he had understood it was something concerning him. The first stranger spoke again: "Taruto, even undergoing the risk of overheating your tiny brain, just try to understand. An animal's and a human's physical strength is in most cases not very different." The young man, tied to a metal operation table, in a dark room, god-knows-where, could feel an icy shiver running up his spine, when he heard the sensation in the older guys voice, as he stated: "We don't need just stronger creations. We need creations that are highly intelligent, but at the same time under our full control. Such kind of warriors would be unstoppable. A single specimen could infiltrate any kind of city and effectivly exterminate a huge number of people before anyone even knew what was going on. You see, these cross-species warriors will combine the strength of a predatory animal with the intelligence and the precision of an assasin. That's why things are going to be different from now on."part of Naoki's mind had just come to the conclusion that he was fucked. Another part was even more determined to fight this strange influence. He slowly managed to rise his face, but couldn't see much because of the darkness and the contrast, created by the spotlight. All he could make out was a person, about his size, that was staring at him. "Don't you agree, Takezawa?" 'They know me? Doesn't come as a surprise anyway.' He finally found his voice. "Who are you? Government?" The younger one let out another chuckle, while Naoki could have sworn he saw the other's face showing a small grin. "That would be the easiest answer, wouldn't it? Just another one of your own, internal conspiracies, Right?" Suddenly the voice grew serious again. "Taruto, go to the bridge and wait there, with Kish, for further orders from our master." "Wha.. what? Why? Now, that it's getting funny?" "Taruto!" "Ok, ok. I get it." After a second of nothing happening, the door could be heard opening and closing. "Wouldn't want to get him ill with what comes now." The other stranger turned his attention back to Naoki, who asked: "What are you doing?" The guy walked away from him, over to a table and answered: "Simply: we'll destroy you." He picked a syringe, filled with a bright blue fluid, and marched over to Naoki, who said: "You're not gonna do, what I think you will do, are you?" The stranger grinned and injected the fluid into Naoki's arm. A numb, hot feeling spread with immense speed from his lower arm throughout his entire body. Naoki clenched his fists in pain. He tried to scream, but he seemed to have lost his voice somewhere.all of a sudden, it was over. Naoki had to force himself to open his eyes. Away from the confusion and the pain, slowly his anger rose. A low growl escaped from his throat. "Hmm, looks like we're making progress. Physical and psychological adaption is starting." A shivering sensation drew Naoki's attention to his arm. The skin on his arm was visibly turning a very dark blue or black, and it was spreading. Sweat ran over his face and the world seemed to turn into a blur. Before Naoki fainted he could hear: "Don't worry. You will understand it soon enough." Good thing Naoki was unconscious. Surely he wouldn't have liked the set of sharp, metallic operation instruments, the stranger placed on a tray next to the table.go over to the next step,"

of chapter 01---
far with the beginning. This idea just came to me after noticing that there a far too less disturbing TMM fanfics. Combine that with a bad week and too much 'Incubus' and 'KoRN', and you will understand.sure I'll hate myself for that. Starting a new story, while writing on an older one. Well, I'll try to get over my writersblock with "The Darkness within". Next chapter might end up rather violent, because of gory surgery and experiments. But hey, there's a reason I rated this 'R'.see that button in the bottom, left corner of your explorer? Yeah, R&R, please.