Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ Masaya Got Run Over By a Kirema Anima ❯ Masaya Dies ( One-Shot )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimers: If I owned Tokyo Mew Mew Masaya would have died a very painful death by now...
ALL MASAYA FANS MUST LEAVE NOW!!!!! Just a cute little song I made up for
all the Masaya haters out there... The words in quotation marks are the parts you sing the words in stars are what you're singing about. "Everyone" refers to Mint, Lettuce, Pudding, Zakuro, Ryou, and Keiichiro because there's no way I'm typing all those names every single time. This story refers to a few things that happened in the TMM manga.
Masaya got run over by a Kirema Anima
(Based on Grandma got run over by a Rain-Deer if you couldn't tell)
"Masaya got run over by a Kirema Anima."
* Masaya screams like a girl as a kirema anima shoots laser beams him then his dead mangled corps is trampled by Ryou and Keiichiro as they chase after the fleeing kirema anima with a leash *
"Walking home from Ichigo's house New Years Eve."
* Masaya stumbles out of Ichigo's house carrying a beer bottle with his shirt on
backwards *
"You can say there's no such things as kirema animas."
* Giant kirema anima shoots flames at a burning Tokyo while people scream and run around in circles *
"But as for Pie and Kish oh they believe."
* Pie and Kish smirk as everyone bows down to them and gives them money cause their kirema anima killed Masaya *
"When they found him the next morning."
*Everyone whoops and cheers and jumps up and down *
"At the scene of the attack."
* Ichigo screams " NOOOOOOOOOO MY LOVE MASAYA! " while everyone else
celebrates *
"There where lots of ashes on his forehead"
* Pudding pokes at a Masaya's charred remains *
"And a bloody gaping hole in his back."
* Ryou pulls Masaya's heart of his chest, sticks it in his pocket, and walks away whistling *
"Now their all so very proud of Ichigo."
* Everyone points and snickers at Ichigo as she hugs a beat up Masaya plushy *
"She's been taking this so well."
* Ichigo runs into a fancy restaurant and shoots all the couples with a bazooka *
"See her in the nice therapy center."
* Ichigo throws squeaky toys at some official looking bald guy *
" Though she's a tad to attached to that bell."
*Ichigo dresses the bell that Masaya gave her in a weird frilly outfit like the one Masaya was wearing and tells Keiichiro to marry her to it. *
"It's not Tokyo Mew Mew without Masaya."
* Kish's weird spider thingys chase Ichigo off a cliff because Masaya isn't there to save her *
"Everyone is dressed in black."
* Everyone runs around in tie-died clothes in a cemetery throwing grenades at Masaya's grave *
"And at the café we all wonder should we open up his gifts or send them back?"
* Everyone dances around a bonfire made from Masaya's burning gifts *
" Now all the café's treats are on the table. "
* Mint and Lettuce kill each other for the last piece of cake *
"And a pudding made of fig *cough100%sugarcough* "
* Pudding grabs the pudding and runs away with it laughing maniacally *
"And a strange unidentified object."
* Rabid brown fuzzball attacks Ichigo *
" That would have matched the hair in Masaya's wig."
* Zakuro digs Masaya up to see if he's actually bald *
"Now everyone has warned their friends and neighbors."
* Ryou and Keiichiro give weapons of mass destruction to random people *
" That they'd better watch out for themselves."
* Police wheel Ichigo away in a straitjacket *
" They never should have revived the aliens."
* Pie revives Masaya with the mew aqua then he kills him again then he revives him then
he kills him again (and so on and so forth) *
" Because they're really really strange and look like elves."
Pie, Kish, and Tart kill the people singing because they said they look like elves *
The End
Sorry if it was pretty random...If I get more than five reviews then I might post my strange version of Jingle Bells so pleeeeeeeeeeeease review! If no one reviews than I'll assume everyone likes Masaya and never bash him again...SO SHOW YOUR DISLIKE OF MASAYA AND REVIEW!!!!!!
ALL MASAYA FANS MUST LEAVE NOW!!!!! Just a cute little song I made up for
all the Masaya haters out there... The words in quotation marks are the parts you sing the words in stars are what you're singing about. "Everyone" refers to Mint, Lettuce, Pudding, Zakuro, Ryou, and Keiichiro because there's no way I'm typing all those names every single time. This story refers to a few things that happened in the TMM manga.
Masaya got run over by a Kirema Anima
(Based on Grandma got run over by a Rain-Deer if you couldn't tell)
"Masaya got run over by a Kirema Anima."
* Masaya screams like a girl as a kirema anima shoots laser beams him then his dead mangled corps is trampled by Ryou and Keiichiro as they chase after the fleeing kirema anima with a leash *
"Walking home from Ichigo's house New Years Eve."
* Masaya stumbles out of Ichigo's house carrying a beer bottle with his shirt on
backwards *
"You can say there's no such things as kirema animas."
* Giant kirema anima shoots flames at a burning Tokyo while people scream and run around in circles *
"But as for Pie and Kish oh they believe."
* Pie and Kish smirk as everyone bows down to them and gives them money cause their kirema anima killed Masaya *
"When they found him the next morning."
*Everyone whoops and cheers and jumps up and down *
"At the scene of the attack."
* Ichigo screams " NOOOOOOOOOO MY LOVE MASAYA! " while everyone else
celebrates *
"There where lots of ashes on his forehead"
* Pudding pokes at a Masaya's charred remains *
"And a bloody gaping hole in his back."
* Ryou pulls Masaya's heart of his chest, sticks it in his pocket, and walks away whistling *
"Now their all so very proud of Ichigo."
* Everyone points and snickers at Ichigo as she hugs a beat up Masaya plushy *
"She's been taking this so well."
* Ichigo runs into a fancy restaurant and shoots all the couples with a bazooka *
"See her in the nice therapy center."
* Ichigo throws squeaky toys at some official looking bald guy *
" Though she's a tad to attached to that bell."
*Ichigo dresses the bell that Masaya gave her in a weird frilly outfit like the one Masaya was wearing and tells Keiichiro to marry her to it. *
"It's not Tokyo Mew Mew without Masaya."
* Kish's weird spider thingys chase Ichigo off a cliff because Masaya isn't there to save her *
"Everyone is dressed in black."
* Everyone runs around in tie-died clothes in a cemetery throwing grenades at Masaya's grave *
"And at the café we all wonder should we open up his gifts or send them back?"
* Everyone dances around a bonfire made from Masaya's burning gifts *
" Now all the café's treats are on the table. "
* Mint and Lettuce kill each other for the last piece of cake *
"And a pudding made of fig *cough100%sugarcough* "
* Pudding grabs the pudding and runs away with it laughing maniacally *
"And a strange unidentified object."
* Rabid brown fuzzball attacks Ichigo *
" That would have matched the hair in Masaya's wig."
* Zakuro digs Masaya up to see if he's actually bald *
"Now everyone has warned their friends and neighbors."
* Ryou and Keiichiro give weapons of mass destruction to random people *
" That they'd better watch out for themselves."
* Police wheel Ichigo away in a straitjacket *
" They never should have revived the aliens."
* Pie revives Masaya with the mew aqua then he kills him again then he revives him then
he kills him again (and so on and so forth) *
" Because they're really really strange and look like elves."
Pie, Kish, and Tart kill the people singing because they said they look like elves *
The End
Sorry if it was pretty random...If I get more than five reviews then I might post my strange version of Jingle Bells so pleeeeeeeeeeeease review! If no one reviews than I'll assume everyone likes Masaya and never bash him again...SO SHOW YOUR DISLIKE OF MASAYA AND REVIEW!!!!!!