Transformers Fan Fiction ❯ Transformers: United Wars ❯ Episode 1=Dawn of the United, Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )
Transformers United Wars
-Chapter 1-
Disclaimer: I do not, and repeat this again, do not own the entire Transformers series at all, so all of you lawyers can get off of my case about it, OK?!
Episode 1:Dawn of the United, Part 1
Date: February 24th, 2107 AU*
Location: Metallic Chicago
"It has been over one year since the merging birth of Cyber Earth had come to be, and the beginning of the United Wars. However, the Muticons, have been up to something for quite some time now. So under careful thoughts about it from their main base located in Neo New York, the Unibot Alliance decides to send in a seven Unibots, six Unibot Allies, spy party to investigate this right away."
-Outside of Metallic Chicago-
"Alright, everyone listen up," spoke the leader of the spy party, known as Maximo; "we are now outside of the main gateway that leads into Metallic Chicago," He then reveals next to him a virtual map of Metallic Chicago itself. Then he points at a route that is connected with the main gateway. "Once inside, we will secretly go through the city using the hidden underground tunnel which starts at approximately twenty meters behind the gateway," Maximo states, "what our object will be from there is to reach the Metallo X building, (then another Unibot raises up his hand), yes, soldier, do you have a question that you would like to ask?"
"Yeah, why is Metallo X so important to the Muticons?" spoke the red color Unibot, "I mean out of all of any possible place in Metallic Chicago that would highly be considered as a base for Muticon activity, why there?" "The reason why is because Metallo X is a factory that specializes in requested robotic arms of any kind and type that in reality cannot be made possible in other factories," spoke Maximo, "and, what is your name soldier and what division did you come from?" "My name is Air Blade and come from the sixth combat division, class B," the Unibot replied. "Well then, Air Blade, is there any one else besides you that is here from that same division as well?" asked Maximos. "Yes, there is two others from that same division that are here with me," said Air Blade, who had then pointed to a blue Unibot and a black Unibot that were sitting next to him.
"My name is Biso," said the black Unibot, "And it is a pleasure to be in your presence, Maximos." "Well, glad to have you on board, Biso," said Maximos, "And what is your name, blue one?" "My name is Turb X64, sir," said the blue Unibot, "And I'm all ready to kick some Muticon butt on this mission, sir." In a surprised way, "Well then, if we are successful in reaching our main objective of this mission," Maximos replies to Turb X64's comment, "We may not have to worry about any Muticons, solider," In reality, Maximos sees that this Unibot warrior was really a rookie.
-Inside The Metallo X Corps Building-
=Lab Number Thirteen O Five =
"WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG, YOU MISERABLE EXCUSE FOR A MUTICON?" spoke a dark purple Muticon that had like ten different arms attached to it. "The council expects me, one of the greatest Muticon warriors of this planet, to bring back actual results of this so called project, and I demand for it now!" he then finishes saying. "Is it me, Multitron, or has the council become blindly impatient that they rush the process to a complete failure?" spoke another Muticon, only this one was a crimson green color one with cannon hidden deep within it chest camouflaging-wise.
"As far as I am concern, I think the Muticon high council might be losing their own great power to themselves completely. But it is only a matter of time before someone else overpowers them to lead the Muticon to their real purpose, the complete domination of Cyber Ear-." The muticon was then interrupted by silent grasp of one of Multitron's arms *, which then Multitron then spoke, "You dare challenge the council, Vextor? Because if you are, then you won't be lasting around for long, and I guarantee that!" `My, my, my, there is something that you and the council have in common all right, you both have brainless impatient attitudes.' thought Vextor. `But I'll deal with that later."
Then Multitron soon released his grip off of Vextor, very roughly in fact, and said, "Next time, Vextor, you won't be so lucky. Now do you and your assisting colleagues have any result that will please the council or not?" "Well, Multitron, since you put it that way." Sneered Vextor whom was picking himself up. "There is something that myself and Dr. Curse have finally completed." Next, he walks toward the wall opposite of the doorway where there was a glowing red button in the wall. Then, with precise caution, he pushes the button, and the wall begins to split itself apart immediately.
There from behind the wall was another room, and the center of that room perched on large table, with an equally wide glass case surrounding on top of it. However, inside that glass case was an arm, but no ordinary arm for it was unlike any Muticon arm that Multitron has ever seen, and it was mostly dark crimson red in it's color style that it was made as. "Behold, Multitron! I give you the X-arm **!" evilly spoke Vextor, "As you can see, it is more than just any kind of arm, this is a piece of what we intend to accomplish for this project. With this arm, it has the capabilities to obliterate anything that stands in its way."
-Outside of the Metallo X Corps Building-
It was only a matter of minutes, plus a number of Muticon and Muticon Allies that were in the way, before the Unibot group had finally reach the main entrance of the very tall and really wide complex building itself. "All right now, Biso, what is the security status the entrance?" command-wise asked Maximos. "The only security that there is from behind the entrance are just a couple of Muticons, namely Crusher and Stinger, which are highly and extremely dangerous," said Biso. "But not so dangerous when they are caught off guard, knowing the history that I had with those two," "Ok then, now everyone listen up." Said Maximos.
"We will be splitting up into three groups; Group One will be Air Blade, Biso, along with Unibot Allies Alex and Samuel who will set up a hidden communications base within one of these nearby building to keep in contact with us. Group Two will be Cheetor 2, Panthor, Iceberg, and Unibot Allies Thomas, Max, Teresa, and Louis who will distract the Muticons that are guarding the entrance while Turb X64 and myself will be going inside. Do you understand as to what you assignments are?" "YES SIR!" replied everyone else. "Then lets move out!" ordered Maximos, and so they did.
-On the other side of the entrance-
"I just can't believe it," said a toxic green color muticon, "out of all of the greatest muticon warriors there is, we just had to be pick to baby-sit or as Multitron says, guard, the stinking doorway while he has to attend to his precious business with Vextor. Its enough to make me just rebel against the Muticon council just for the fun of it." "Relax, Stinger," then spoke a dark gold muticon, "don't just go into mutiny just yet, remember what Multitron said to us." "Yeah, yeah, Crusher, I remember," replied Stinger, "Without the Muticon council, the Muticon would have perish or worse, be at the mercy of the Unibot Alliance, but we should be fighting, not guarding."
"Yes, I know that too, Stinger, but perhaps we won't be finding this assignment so boring very soon," then replied Crusher, "I have this feeling that the Unibot Alliance will be wanting to know as to what we are up to." Despite how bored Stinger was, Crusher was right indeed. Suddenly, without notice, KABOOM! The doors just blew up to pieces, scattering them everywhere. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" screamed Stinger, poised ready to fight, "STINGER, MUTITIZED, VEHICLE MODE!"*-
Then Stinger transforms into missile launcher on wheels (kind of like Demolisher from Transformers Armada). "I'M WITH YOU, STINGER!" then shouted Crusher, "CRUSHER, MUTITIZED, BEAST MODE!"**- Crushersoon then transformed into a massive boa constrictor, poised ready to crush the enemy anytime soon. Then, as soon as the smoke, dust, and dirt had finally cleared out of the way, blazing streaks of blue light (laser type) begin to appear from the outside.
"UNIBOTS, ATTACK!" shouted a white and yellow unibot, whose name is Cheetor 2 ***. "MUTICONS, PREPARE TO MEET YOUR MAKER!" cries out a brown and black unibot (Panthor), whom was next to an ice-blue unibot (Iceberg) firing his weapon as well. Then while the unibots were busy keep the only two muticons around that area, both Maximos and Turb X64 sneaked in undetected towards the stairway behind the two muticons. "AIR BLADE," spoke Iceberg on a Unibot communicator ****, "THEY'RE ON THE STAIRWAY NOW!"
-Back in Lab Thirteen O Five-
"I'm impressed, Vextor," amusingly replied Multitron, "You manage to get something accomplish so far. The Muticon Council will be pleased with this progress that has been accomplished. So tell me, how much longer will it be till the project has been completed?" "Very well then, Multitron," said Vextor, "The dragon arm, which is being worked on in the southeast wing will be ready in exactly two weeks. The chest, legs, and feet, which are being worked on in lab 1709, will be done in a week and a half. As for the head, which in final stages of completion at Muticon headquarters in Deadly Bermuda, will be ready in one week and three days."*****
"Excellent, the council will be pleased," eagerly replied Multitron, "Well then, I shall be reporting this information to council at once."Then, while the two Muticon were busy discussing about the project's progress, neither of two notice that their conversation was being recorded by unispy****** the whole time, and now both Maximos and Turb X64 have finally arrive at precisely where the unispy was hidden, up inside the ventilation system. "Air Blade, do you hear me, over?" asked Maximos through his communicator. "Loud and clear, Maximos, what's the situation in your area so far, over?" replied Air Blade.
"Nothing much, but I do see my old nemesis, Multitron, speaking with Vextor, the Muticon head engineer and scientist,over about something called `Project Omega'," Maximos replies back, "but, whatever it is, the UnibotAlliance must know about this,pronto, over.""Hey, Maximos, look over at the table behind them," whispered Turb X64. Then Maximos uses his binoculars, and looks to see the X Arm on the table. "Whatever that is, Turb X64," whispers Maximos, "I think that the Muticons are really up to something that could spell doom for us all."
"I agree with you on that, Maximos," Turb X64 whisperyreplies back. "So what should we do?""Well for starters, we need to get an analysis of that arm to find out in what it is in capable of doing,"whispers Maximos, "But first, one of us need to be a decoy and distract both Multitron and Vextor while the other analyses the arm quickly. So Turb X64, think that you can handle in keeping those two muticons busy while I go analyze that arm?""I'm right ahead of you on that," whispers Turb X64. "Alright then, let's get going," then whispers Maximos, as he head off to an area high above where the X-Arm is at. "Will do, Maximos," Turb X64, "TURB X64,UNINIZED, BEASTICLE MODE!*******"Whichhe then changes into a turtle speedster.
BOOOOMMMMMM!Suddenlyboth Multitron and Vextor hear a crashing noise coming from outside, and they both go to check it out right away. While they both gone to that, Maximos then pops out quietly from the ceiling above the table where the X-Arm lays on. "Good luck, Turb X64," thinks Maximos while he carefully sets himself at a safe distance between him and the X-Arm.Next, he then pullsout a Unibot Object Data Analyzer, or known as UODA ********, and begins to analyze the X-Arm right away. Meanwhile, back outside of the lab, Multitron and Vextor were busy chasing Turb X64, who was giving them a run for their money.
"Come on, you slowpokes," Turb X64 taunted, "is that as fast you can go or what?" "I'll show you what real speed is, Unipest," shouted Multitron, "MULTITRON, MUTITIZED! ALIEN MODE!*********"He then changes into spiderjetin full speed, "VEXTOR, GET THE ARM," he says to Vextor, who directly behind him, "WE MUST MAKE SURE THAT THE UNIBOTS NEVER KNOW ABOUT WHAT IT WAS MADE FOR!" "As you wish, Multitron," replies Vextor, who then turns around and heads back to the lab.
"Oh shoot,"thinks Turb X64, as he has just heard what Multitron had ordered Vextor to do, "I hope that you have finish analyzing that arm by now".Back in the lab, Maximos finally finishes in analyzing the X-Arm. Soon as he had put the UODA back in supply bag, he hears footsteps heading back to lab."Hmmm,if myguess is correct, that must be Vextor heading back to this lab," thoughts Maximos, "I better get out of here before he finds me in here". So, withouta moment to spareMaximos immediately heads back to the ventilation system, and makes itbefore Vextor even puts a foot in doorway.
In a few seconds later, Vextor enters the lab, seeing that nobody has even tampered with the X-Arm at all. "Phew! The X-Arm is safe," spoke Vextor in relief, "But I better move it to a new location so the Unibots can never find out about the operation at all". And so he did that. With a push of button from his right sleeve, the table where theX-Arm lays on transforms into afloating platform, and then Vextor carefully pushes the platform out of the lab immediately. As soon as Vextor had left the room, Maximos soon came out of the ventilation system after seeing if the coast was clear.
"Turb X64, do you read me, over?" said Maximos on his communicator. "I read you loud and clear, Maximos, over," Turb X64 replies back. "Our mission is complete, Turb, now loss Multitronsomewhere and then head on back outsidewhere we will retreat back to the ship, over," Maximos commanded. "You got it, Maximos,over," said Turb X64, which after he had said that, Maximos turns off his communicator. "MAXIMOS, UNINIZED! BEAST MODE!" shouted Maximos as he transforms into a lion and prowl out of the lab quickly.
Meanwhile, on the sixteenth floor of the building, Multitron was still in hot pursuit on Turb X64, gaining as much speed as he could. "Hey Multi! Haven't you given up on chasing me just yet?" jokingly asks Turb X64. "I'll show you real speed when I-"BOOM! "WHAT THE?" shouted Multitron, when suddenly one of his rocket booster had overloaded and exploded, sending the muticon flying off of course and right into a nearby office room head first. "BLAST IT!" angrily,shouted Multitron, whose head was in a garbage can, "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, UNIBOT!""Yeah, I'llmake an appointment for that, if you ever get a chance to catch me,"replied Turb X64 as a joke.
Then Turb X64 transforms back into robot mode and speeds off to the nearest elevator before Multitron could up back on his feet. "Me:1,Muticon: 0,when will they ever learned," chuckles Turb X64 as he gets into the elevator, eager to meet up with the others. Unknown to him, something was right above him hiding outside of the elevator as it was going downward.Down below at the lobby, Panthor, Iceberg, and Cheetor 2, and the three Unibot Ally members were still keeping both Crusher and Stinger preoccupied at the moment.
"I JUST GOT THE WORD FROM AIR BLADE," shouted Iceberg, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, NOW LETS DITCH THESE TWO AND GO MEET WITH THE OTHERS OUTSIDE!" "VERY WELL THEN," replied Cheetor 2,"UNIBOTS RETREAT BACK AT ONCE!"and so they did.Returning back to the elevator, just it had pass by the ninth floor, Turb X64 suddenly hear a clattering ping noise coming from up above him. "What was that?" questioned Turb X64 when the answer to that question finally came to him as the ceiling began to tear itself apart mysteriously.
"Oh, great," said Turb X64, "Mutiwreckers**********,I better find some other way out of here, or I'm scrap heap for these buggers,TURB X64, UNINIZED, VEHICLE MODE!"Then, he transforms into a hot blue speedy sports car. "Alright, if you want me, come and get me,"said Turb X64, preparing tomake a suicidalleap out of shaft. Just as he was about to do that, a new hole had emerged, from behind. From the other side of that hole was too dark to tell of what it was, but just as fastas that hole was made, so was Turb X64's disappearance.
Once outside of the elevator, and nearly out of the elevator shaft, Turb X64 had soon to realize who had rescued him. "Well, well, well, I thought that I would never see the day that I would have to save your hide," spoke a female voice. Then Turb X64 looks up to see a desert browncoloredeaglewas cling onto him."Neither did I, Desertstorm, neither did I,"said Turb X64, "So what bring you along to my need of help?" "The Unibot Alliance thought that you and the other would need some back up, so they requested to have me be that backup," replied Desertstorm. "Well then, I am really glad that it was you," said Turb X64, "knowing that you were anxious to comealong,"
"Oh really, well lets see about that when we catch up with the other, slowpoke*/," said Desertstorm. "I wouldn't count on it, featherhead*/," counters TurbX64, upon not liking Desertstorm's remark at all.Then, without anymore quarreling between, the two unibots finally make it to land. When they landed, they soon met up with Maximos and the rest of the group as well. "Glad to see that everyonemade it out of there,"said Maximos, see that Turb X64 had made it out of there in one piece,with the help of Desertstorm.
"Hey, Turb,"whispered Air Blade, "What did you see up in that lab?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," replied Turb X64. "Try me, Turb,"answers back Air Blade. "Ok then, what me and Maximos say was this wicked looking ar…"what Turb X64 had start to whisper about when he was interruptedby Maximos' glare directly on him. "Save that conversation for later, Turb, for now we need to get back to Neo New York at once," Maximos commanded, "The Alliance will need to know of what we have uncovered as to what the Muticons are up to," Sothenthey all head back to the ship. Keepingboth oftheir eyes open just in case if any of the Muticonstry to attack them by surprise, which there were none.
-Back inside the Metallo X Building-
"YOU IMBALSALS, CHOKE ARTISTS, AND YOU CALL YOURSELVESMUTICONS, HA!" shouted an angry Multitron directly at both Crusher and Stinger, "YOU TWO SHOULD BE STRIPPED OF YOUR POSTITIONS, DEACTIVATED, AND THROWEN OUT IN THE COLD DEPTHS OF SPACE FOR ALL ETERNITY FOR LETTING THOSE UNIBOTS ESCAPE!" "But…but…but,Multitron, b>"studderly spoke Stinger, fearing for his life, "We were outnumbered and outgunned by them, and they held our position in very tightly," "NO EXCUSES! JUST WAIT UNTIL THE COUNCIL HEARS OF THIS! I GUARANTEE OF THAT!" (Vextor enter the room) "Well, Vextor, was the arm tampered with?" asked Multitron. "The scanners show that no sabotaging was even done on the X-Arm at all,"replies Vextor, "So what should we do now, Multitron?"
"For now, I want you and colleagues to get back to work on this project at once. I'll be back later on, and when I do come back, this project had better be completed, do you understand?" demanded Multitron. "Yes sir," said Vextor, "It shall be done,""Good, Stinger, Crusher, come, we must return back to Muticon main headquarters in Septic Waste Iraq*//at once," ordered Multitron, as he and two muticon comrades leave the building.
To be continued…
So now, aninsidiousplot made by the Muticon has somewhat revealed to the Unibot. But the Question is: "What is it?"Willthe Unibot find out? Only time will tell.
Well there you have it, the first episode of the United Wars. As for a bit more info on what it is about, here's some marking that I had marked to explain about it much better:
*=That arm of Multitron is shape as a muscle built within type of arm.
**=The X-Arm is really the arm of the Muticons soon to be leader, will be revealed later on.
*-= Both Unibots and Muticons have a vehicle mode.
**-= They both also have a beast mode as well.
***=Cheetor 2 is more like the original Cheetor fromtheBeast Machinesseries, body-wise.
****=The Unibot communicator is one of the few devices that the Unibot use in either battles or missions.
*****=Deadly Bermuda, one of the Muticon headquarters. What it is, basically, is a metallic, foggy swampland where the Muticon sits in the very center core of that forbidden area.
******=Unispy, a small, bug shaped, recorder. Used by the Unibots
*******=The Unibot also come with Beasticle mode, which is both beast and vehicle combined.
********=UODA (Unibot Object Data Analyzer), this device is about the size of a game cartridgecase, butinthe shape of aseashell. Isused to analyze any type of object that needsto be analyzed.
*********=The Muticon third transformation is called the Alien mode, which is similar to the Unibots' Beasticle mode, only,uglier.
**********=Mutiwreckers, termite like destroyers ofthe Muticons.
*/=The quarreling between Turb X64 and Desertstorm is nothing too serious, just that they called each other name due to their beast modes.
*//=Septic Waste Iraq is the entirely muticon territory and home of where the Muticon council is located.
So there you have it,and one more thing, Unicron had nothing to do with the Unibotsor the Muticons, so don't ask.Also, I would like to have more reviews to be in before whatever that I will be done with the episode/chapter. So in the words of other fanfic authors, more reviewsplease.
+One more thing… As soon as I get things put together on this fanfic, I will also working on another fanfic as well, so keep eyes open for it.+