Trigun Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Guy Trouble ❯ Stories and explanations ( Chapter 39 )
The 7 of them were on the plane. They only had 3 more concerts. Fans were even crazier. They were on their way to Florida, and Amirah and Courtney's guard was at even higher standards since their enemy could be anywhere… somehow she new how to hide her scent.
After the concert the 7 headed over to Disney World or whatever one is in Florida.
They rode all the rides they could. At night, they went to another nice hotel that had a hot tub in the big room that they stayed in.
All of them went in it.
"So u guys having fun so far?" Benji asked Courtney and Amirah.
"Hell ya. I thought I would never go to Disney world (Or land)"
"Me 2." Courtney said smiling. "Amirah…"
Courtney gave her a serious look. Amirah laughed. Joel looked at the 2 confused.
"Joel, I need 2 no something." Courtney said seriously and a little mad.
"Is it true that you and Hilary Duff were dating?" (I heard they r as we speak but sense this is a fic… I get to twist that a little right now. JOEL If YOU'RE READING THIS PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!! If anyone looked on my info they could of seen this anyway. *Sigh* ^_^)
"No." (If someone has a section from the magazine my friends were telling me about please tell me what it is. I need to find the mag or have someone tell me the article. I NEED TO NO THIS!)
"Alright if u say so…" Courtney said laying back and shooting a magazine at Joel.
He turned to the page that was marked.
"What we r just friends."
"Like I said ok. Just wanted u to read that."
"O yea and Courtney."
"Y did u tell Billy I was going to skin him?"
"I told u I was going to warn him. Go see if Jay has the tattoo or something. He looks exactly like Billy. Go c if he has it."
"Um… who is Jay?" Billy asked.
"A dude who works at hot topic."
"Billy, u got to hear this story. Courtney… whoa… it was funny…"
"Amirah u can tell it."
"Alright the first time we were there and saw him… well ya see Courtney was staring at him and she said he look like Billy from Good Charlotte. I was like ya don't he. Then she was like dare me to go tell him. I said ya and stuff he was outside talking to this dude so when we went inside… we told the girls who worked there and they laughed cause they said they tease him because of that all the time. Then after he came in there and Courtney went up to him."
Courtney was turning red now….
"And tapped his shoulder. HE looked down at her and she was beat red. She said yo dude you look exactly like Billy from Good Charlotte. They both Laughed and while she said that though she didn't look him in the eye or nothing. It was funny cause she was so red. She walked back over to me and we were talking. The girls told him that she said she thought he was hot since I told them that she thought that. I got smacked for it though. I didn't care. Then when we were still in there she was so embarrass she left there yelling gibberish "Amirah don't go to sleep tonight cause I gonna kill you." But she was laughing and we were trying to avoid him. It was funny. But then when she went in there after to go get a poster when our friend Jackie met up with us… she yelled bye Billy and then the 2nd time we were there we went in there laughing. It was horrible."
All of them laughed even Courtney. She was even redder now though.
"Dude you're a stalker." Billy said to her.
He laughed. "I just joken."
Courtney sighed and calmed down a little bit. After the GC boys shared a few of their experiences in life all of them went to bed.
~A few days later at the end of the tour and last concert~
"Alright guys we gotta go!!! We love you!!! And we want to thank you for getting us to where we are today. Cause if it wasn't for you guys then we wouldn't be here right here now!!! Good Night!!!" They walked off the stage.
(For people who didn't no Joel quoted that. So I wasn't sayin like o you guys sucked. If it weren't for your friends you would be in the ground. That was so wrong for me to say like that since it's not true!!!!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!! GOOD CHARLOTTE ROCKS!!! But like Joel said on the DVD if it wasn't for the people who bought the CD and passed it on and stuff then they might not be as big as they r today. *O my god what I said was so god damn wrong*)
"Aw that was so cute." Amirah said.
"Hey u guys get to go home tomorrow."
They frowned. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!" both yelled.
"But we have good news." Benji added.
"What!?" Courtney yelled.
"You'll have to wait till later." Chris said.
"Yo Chris!"
"Dude will you be my Brotha from da hood foreva?"
"Sure." He said replied laughing.
Courtney laughed, "I didn't no you already asked him."