Trigun Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Monopoly ❯ The players, the game, the crazy goddess ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Anime Monopoly
(Our heroes from different parts of the anime realm are thrown together in another dimension I call: GAMER'S ISLE! -mwhahahahahahaha- Here is where the toughest gamers are put against each other to win the best prize ever told.)
The group of gamers are found on a life -size monopoly board about the size of a football field. Inuyasha is the first one to awake at the sound of the announcer's voice. Angered he begins to rant about how he and Kagome were too busy to play some stupid game.
(Quiet oh insolent one! I am the game mistress and you shall obey me!)
Inuyasha: Feh! I'll obey you when heck freezes over!
A bolt of lightning strikes Inuyasha…he survives.
Lights come on around the game board giving the gamers a better view of their surroundings. Kouga awakes underneath the weight of a very beautiful blue-haired wolf demon.
Yasuka: What the?! Who are you and what was I?…How where we?…Tell me we didn't…
Kouga: Listen I don't know what you're thinking but I'm sure I was with my pack before we dropped here.
Yasuka: Oh thank god! (Yasuka is my character! Blue-haired wolf demoness of the southern land tribe. The last remaining heir.)
Inuyasha: Well Kouga, looks someone's managed to take Kagome off your mind.
Kouga: What's that Dog-Turd?
Inuyasha: Say that to my face you whimpy wolf!
Kouga: D… O… G… T… U… R… D!!!!!
Kagome: Stop fighting you guys!
Inuyasha: Iron reverse soul stealer!
Kouga: Ha! You missed!
Vash: Meril who are these people?
Meril: Beats me.
Yasuka: Kouga?
Kouga: What!
(Now that I have your attention…this is your playing field. This game is called monopoly.)
Inuyasha: Monopowhat?
(Monopoly! Any who, this game will decide who is the best of the best! -when it comes to this game-)
Kouga: That's me ladies. Stay away from those losers over there.
Inuyasha and Vash: Hey!
Vash: I didn't even do anything!
Meril: Who are you guys?
Inuyasha: I am Inuyasha of the inu-clan of the western lands
Kouga: Dog turd…
Kagome: I am his friend from the future, Kagome
Inuyasha: Just friends?
Kagome: You never said anything about it.
Inuyasha: Well I kinda thought I didn't have to.
Kagome: You run around with Kikyo!
Inuyasha: Oh here we go again.
Kagome: Well you brought up the subject!
(Can we please go on with the introductions!)
Kagome and Inuyasha: Fine
Yasuka: My name is Yasuka of the blue wolf demon tribe from the southern lands…and that's about it. -Steps away from the group sheepishly-
Kouga: Name's Kouga of the wolf demon tribe of the west.
Vash: I'm Vash and I'm a destructive plant from outer space. -Shoves doughnut in mouth-
Everyone else: Sweatdrop
Meril: I'm an insurance sales woman who got caught up with this idiot
(Are you done yet? I was fallen asleep up here!)
Inuyasha: Yeah.
( Ok you see those dice over there?)
Two enormous dice fall from the sky and land on the board.
Kagome: You don't expect us to roll those?!
(NO! Silly! You see I have made a smaller pair for each of you to roll. Those are for me to make sure you're not cheating. They'll show me the number you rolled.)
Inuyasha: If you're the all mighty game mistress how come you need those?!
(Quiet oh foolish moron!)
A bolt of lightning hits Inuyasha. The group laugh at Inuyasha's charred remains. Inuyasha pops back up.
(I can give life and I can take it! I AM YOUR GOD!)
Inuyasha: Crazy Psycho!
Bolt of lightning strikes Inuyasha again. He comes back to life.
(Now, I have chosen I one of you to go first. I have given you each 2000 dollars.
The rules are…
Buy all that you can.
You must pay rent within 2 rolls of your turn.
If you do not wish to auction a property or pay full-price you can fight an opponent for the land.
Trades are legal. You cannot steal unless you can get away with it.
Houses and hotels are sold for 50 and 100 dollars. You can only have one hotel on each property
You must pay all taxes
You have to follow what either a chance or community chest card says whether you like it or not.
There is money underneath free parking…you just can't get to it unless you roll.)
Vash: So, who goes first?
Kagome rolls the dice.
(Hey you got a seven…that's chance.)
Kagome flips over card.
Kagome: You have been chosen to compete in a swimsuit contest…collect 50 dollars. Cool I got fifty bucks!
(Not until you compete you don't)
Kagome: You're joking right?
Inuyasha: Swimsuit? Kagome? Awesome!
Kagome is dressed up in a red two piece and is ordered to walk along a runway in the middle of the board. She goes up against Yasuka and Meril. The guys watch on the sidelines.
Kouga: That Yasuka chick is fine.
Inuyasha: Not as fine as Kagome.
Vash: You guys are blind! Meril is obviously the finest!
Inuyasha and Kouga: Aren't you a plant!
Vash: Fine! I'll shut up.
(Bravo ladies! I wish I could fit into that kinda stuff and not be self-conscious. Alrighty, next up is the guy who keeps pissin' me off! Inuyasha!)
Inuyasha rolls the dice. He gets eleven.
Inuyasha: Wow! This place is expensive.
(A little note the names have been changed on properties)
Kouga: Come on! Other people are waiting!
Inuyasha: Amon Street for 140 dollars…ok I'll buy. (Hot pink, 1860 dollars left)
(Kouga your roll)
Kouga rolls a four
Kouga: Awesome income tax!
Yasuka: That means you have to pay them 200 dollars!
Kouga: Crap.
Kouga pays tax (Tax deduction, 1800 dollars left)
Rolls a five.
Yasuka: Shippo's railroad… I'll buy (Railroad, 1800 dollars left)
(Vash it's your go.)
Vash rolls a two.
Vash: Hey I got community chest! You get put in jail for burning down a strip club. Huh?
(Hahahahaha…I thought nobody would pick that.)
Shinron picks up Vash and throws him in jail.
Meril rolls and gets a ten
(Aww go visit your man in the state pen!)
Meril: How in god's name did you get in here?
Vash: Somebody ratted me out.
2 green properties
1 yellow
3 of the orange (3 hotels)
2 dark blue properties (2 hotels)
The water company
The electric company
1 red property
3 light blue properties (2 hotels 4 houses)
1 hot pink property
In jail
2 yellow properties
1 green property
In jail
In jail
2 red properties
1 hot pink property
2 purple properties (1 hotel, 4 houses)
(Well, I guess we're just about done)
Inuyasha on Boardwalk/Kamiwalk
Inuyasha: I'm gonna bail you out okay Kags! Right after I cut off Wolf boy's electricity.
Kouga on Sumei's lot/green
Kouga: Just try! I'll sue you so fast your head will spin.
Vash, Meril, Kagome, and Yasuka in jail
Vash: -harmonica- I got put in jail -harmonica- cause I burnt down a strip joint -harmonica- held up a bank by gun point -harmonica- and smacked my wife around -harmonica- now I got 20 years till I come up with fifty bucks.
Kagome: harmonica- my man's a rich man- harmonica- and I abused him- harmonica- I got a fine to pay- harmonica- until I can roll again
Meril: I teamed up with a moron- harmonica- who made a fool outta me- harmonica- I could be out getting rich but I'm waitin' for that right roll to be a double six -harmonica-
Yasuka: I shoulda' stayed at home -harmonica- but now I am stuck -harmonica- I fell in love with a dude who owns the orange properties -harmonica- I hope he's waitin' for me. -harmonica out-
(Wow…okay peps wrap it up I got the DBZ families going against each other in DDR next)
Kouga rolls a five.
Inuyasha: Ha! You're outta here! You're bankrupt uh huh you're bankrupt!
Kouga: Dammit!
(All right Inuyasha now owns all of Kouga's crap.)
Inuyasha: I own this and this and that uh huh go me.
Inuyasha dances on as his property value increases as well as his money. ($2226)
Unfourtunatly Kouga jumps on Inuyasha and pumels him. Then the others break out of jail and start a riot.
Next, Kouga steals all shares of Inu Corp and runs off and Kagome gives what she has left to Inuyasha Only to have it taken away by Kouga who then partners up with Meril and Yasuka. Yasuka turns against Meril because she thought she was making a move on Kouga and kills her then Vash to make it even. Afterwards Kouga and Yasuka take over the monopoly board.
(Well that was interesting)
Kouga: Yes! We won!
Yasuka: Yeah! -Kisses Kouga-
Kouga and Yasuka have a make out session on the Monopoly board floor. Then manages to make it into one of the hotels.
(Well tune in next time when the Brief will go against the Sons in DDR: the apocolaypse. Bye Bye Now!)