Trigun Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ kybo's Super huge, Awesome Adventure! ❯ Where are we? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Google. These two really neat guys do.
A strong black wolf-like creature stood on the edge of the woods watching the three travelers approach, holding his own horse's reins.

“Hey, lets go.” He climbed into the saddle, and smiled.
“I'll lead!” Kybo volunteered, getting ready to run through the forest.
“NO! I mean… I'll lead, I know where to go.” Smythe kicked his horse, and the others followed him toward the dark, sinister woods.
“This is Fun.” Neko smiled and surveyed her surroundings. “Wait! Where's Neko-hiei?!”
Her worries were soon relieved as a kitty's head poked out of the saddle bag, and looked up at her. She smiled.
“Where are we going? All I see are some scary woods up there and, oh noooo. No way am I going in there.” She protested, stopping her horse outside the woods. She was soon abandoned by the other adventure-hungry travelers.
“WAIT FOR ME!” She spurred her horse into a gallop, eager to follow her friends. “oh no, oh no, oh no!”
“Smythe, are you sure we're going the right way?” Neko said, growing more and more wary.
“No, not entirely.” He turned back and smiled.
“Well, I for one feel much safer.” Kybo said, sarcasm dripping from her words.
“What's that?” Neko asked, pointing out a clearing, empty, save for two trees parallel to each other, about three feet apart.  
“What we're looking for” Smythe responded, and stopped his own horse. “Step through those trees.”
Neko was the first to try, sliding off her horse, she stepped through the trees, and disappearing before she reached the other side.
“Where did she go?! Smythe?” Kybo said franticly. Smythe responded by growling, startling the horses into running through the portal. He grinned as Kybo disappeared.
“Finally, I can relax!”
On the other side of the portal, out main characters were marveling at each other, and laughing, 
“Awww! Neko you're so cute! So Chibi!” Kybo pointed out, looking at her friends.
“So is Sailor Dark!” Neko laughed.
“So is Kybo!” Sailor dark pointed at Kybo.
“SO are the horses!” Kybo proceeded to name off every inanimate object in their possession. “So is that cute little bunny! Hello bunny! Oh and that little fox, licking his lips. And now he's… oh… poor bunny.”
“okay. So Things are cute, but dangerous. The trees are gone! How do we get back?” Neko said, the first to realize these things, and type them up.
“We go through all the worlds.” Kybo shuddered. “Even the not-so-friendly ones.”
“How?” Sailor Dark's eyes widened.
  “What do I look like? Google?” Kybo responded.
“Neko! What am I doing here?”  Hwoarang yelled.
“Umm… well I was writing this all down, and I just kind of wrote you in… Oops. But now you're here! YAY!” Neko smiled and clapped her hands. “You can help us not to die!”