Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ A Fighter's Spirit ❯ Live and Let Live ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: I still own nothing at all.
Author's Note: That was a cliffhanger, huh? Sorry if I scared all of you Knives otaku, but rest assured, he isn't dead. So that being said, take a deep breath and read on.
Chapter 2: Live and Let Live
Vash opened his eyes slowly. His head felt as though it was spinning, and everything was out of focus. He groaned, now aware of his pain.
`I must have blacked out,' he thought, looking around the steadily sharpening room.
He could hear humming, the tune sounded very familiar. It was coming from his left. He turned his head, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever it was making the sound.
A girl came into view. She was seated on a stool, hunched over a bed. On the bedside table were medical supplies, mostly bandages and cleaning materials. Lying in the bed, was Knives.
Vash could barely make out his brother's face, but from what he saw, he looked how Vash felt. His eyes were open, but he didn't seem to be aware of what was going on. He looked very tired, as though he hadn't slept in months.
The girl placed a cloth on the table, then, picked up a needle and thread.
"This may sting a bit," she said, threading the needle. This was the first time she had spoken; her voice was gentle and had a sense of optimism to it.
Knives didn't reply, he merely blinked at her.
"I'm just going to stitch up this wound on your chest, okay?"
Again Knives said nothing. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Do you have a name?" she asked, carefully closing the gash in his chest.
"Knives," he replied, much to Vash's surprise.
"Knives?" she said thoughtfully. "That's a name I've never heard before."
She placed the needle back on the table and retrieved a bandage.
"As soon as I wrap you up, you'll be finished," she said, helping Knives into a sitting position.
While she wrapped the bandage around him, Vash was able to see some of the extent he had caused. Knives had several deep wounds on his chest and shoulders, which were now closed, as well as some less major injuries. Vash felt a pang of guilt.
"All done," she said. "Would you like to lie back down now?"
"Yes," he replied quickly, looking at her for the first time.
With a little bit of effort, Knives was lying on his back, covers drawn up to his shoulders.
"Please get some rest so that those wounds will have time to heal," she said, cleaning up the used materials and throwing them away.
She turned to Vash, moving her stool closer to his bed. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
He heard her take a seat and opened his eyes just enough to see her. She was pale, and from what he could see, she looked like she was around twenty or so. She had golden-brown hair, which she had in a pony tail, and she had very kind eyes.
Vash opened his eyes a little more, and heaved an almighty sigh.
"Oh, you're awake," she said, smiling brightly. "I'm going to clean you up if that's all right."
"That's fine," he said, looking into her eyes. "I usually don't have women so beautiful take care of me."
She smiled yet again, drawing back his covers.
"I'm glad you're feeling well enough to speak," she said. "That's a good sign."
She began to hum once again, wiping Vash's injuries with a clean cloth.
`I've never seen so many scars,' she thought. `But he must not be in too much pain to be paying me compliments.'
"So, may I ask you for your name?" he said, smiling at her.
"Tira," she replied. "And yours?"
"My name is Vash," he told her. "And I can see you've already met my brother, Knives."
She nodded. "I figured such, since you look so much alike. You're both very handsome, you know."
"So does that mean you'll go out with me?" Vash blurted out.
`What a disgrace,' Knives thought, watching Vash flirt with her.
Knives turned over in his bed and allowed himself to drift into a light sleep.
Well, there you have it. Knives is alive and well, and Vash is acting like his usual self. I guess it takes more than bullet wounds and a concussion to keep our hero down.
Kawaii Youko ^_~