Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Bed-side Manner ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ping- ARG! I had like, 15 pages before I realized it was getting much too serious. This was sitting for days just waiting for me to figure out whether to keep going with the snowball, or to chop it down and make it like I intended.
Vash- 0_0. You mean... I get to have *fun*!?
Ping- Yeah, I'm all angst-ed out... I'll just kill someone later to make up for it.
Vash- Woohoo, par-tay!! ::does the cabbage patch::
Wolfwood- ... I don't know this person...

Disclaimer: Let's see... ::holds up list:: Action figures, check. DJs, check. DVDs, check. Copyright- hm, nope. This is for fun, not profit, so leave me be to sit in the corner to dream and drool on myself.

Warnings: Lemon, Language, Angst, Implied shota rape (if you blink, you'll miss it)

Bed-side Manner

He's still not talking to me. I know he's angry, but still- it's been three days. But whatever, I don't care.

That's bullshit and I know it. I do care. Maybe if I focus on something else... I know- I'm broken, beaten and bloody! I fucking hurt!! But does he care? NO! Of course not. I shot a man in the head, so anything I say or think or feel takes a flying leap because he's 'hurt that I could be so indifferent to the lives of others.'

My arm is broken, my skull is cracked, every orifice is bleeding, I can't move my legs, and it hurts when I breathe- but I don't care about some bastard that smacked his wife around, so I don't deserve a second glance.


I've been there- that sick, twisted fat fuck that slurred he was my 'guardian' between gulps of beer and fetid meat did the same thing. For years I watched him beat the occasional woman he brought home, and it made me hate him all the more. I hated that there was nothing I could do about it, and the fact that the women themselves didn't really seem to care all that much made it worse for me- because they were used to it. Then he got tired of them and...

I don't want to think about that anymore- it makes me frown. And when I frown, he glares at me. Like I have no right not to smile like a fucking brainless idiot when I'm laying here on this rotten mattress, with springs digging into me, without any medical attention- he wouldn't even bring me a glass of water! I've got more sand in my mouth than in my shoes- which, yes, I am still wearing- and he just looks down his nose disapprovingly at me. Like I asked for a goblet of the blood of the man I've killed. Is that how it's going to be now? I'm always the bad guy?

I don't want to think about this anymore either. I haven't moved all day. He carried me in and dropped me on the bed, slinging a sheet up to my shoulder, and left it at that. And I don't even know how the hell I got to this point... At least I'm on my side. The ceiling's so boring, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't stare at a wall that looks exactly like it! I can hear him moving around every now and then. I could smell food earlier, and my stomach made so much racket I didn't have to ask- but I did anyway. Actually, I believe the correct word is 'begged.' The greedy bastard ignored me. I think he's a lot meaner and 'indifferent to the lives of others' than he likes to claim. I'm lying here, in pain, starving, and he just stays on that side of the room, like I don't even exist.

It'd be enough to physically wound me, if I already weren't. As it is, I'm feeling particularly grumpy. I'd act out on my anger, but I'm pretty pathetic right now, and I'm sure Vash would just laugh his ass off at me for threatening him from over here, when I can't even roll over. The only chance I get is when he's got to use the can- it's on my side of the room. The first few times I glared at him, but he was impassive- he ignored me again. After a few times, I just closed my eyes and refused to look at him. I'd pretend to be asleep, or in deep thought. Like, 'Damn Vash has to go to the bathroom a lot' or some such. I can't get much sleep, what with all the pain I'm in.

He'll help me eventually, I'm sure, he just wants to teach me a lesson. It won't help, though- I'm still going to kill if it means staying alive. And once I'm all better, the tables will be turned- I'll just leave. I love how I can do that. And the best part is, I know it annoys him to no end when I go away and come back at some odd time and then just go again, without any explanation. Of course, he's never been like this before... I don't know if he wouldn't mind it if I didn't come back. Something else I don't want to think about.

He's going to the bathroom again, time to examine the wall- a little variation, eyes open but don't look at him. I must be really bored... or maybe I'm just pathetic. He's in, no glance in my direction.

God, how long am I going to be like this? I fear there's something really wrong with me- what if Vash's little game makes any damage to my body permanent? Surely he wouldn't let that happen, but he's not a doctor... Maybe I'm overestimating his warm heart. Maybe I overestimate how much he likes me.

Maybe he would let me rot here.

He comes back out, but I'm in such a low mood now I don't have to pretend not to notice him. And oddly- that's when he pays a little attention to me. I finally notice he's still in my sight, that he's looking at me. He looks older, somehow. He just keeps looking at me- I look right back. I can't stand that look in his eyes. I don't know what it is, but it forces my eyes back onto the wall.

"If it's an apology you're waiting for, Tongari, don't hold your breath- I'm not sorry."

He shakes his head. "I know. Getting an apology out of you is like trying to get blood-" he pales a little and swallows. "- from a turnip."

He's still standing there, and I still won't look at him. So it's not a 'sorry' he wants. I don't have anything else to give him. I glance at him briefly- he still looks expectant or something. I don't have anything else to say to him either. Kill me or take me to a doctor- if you don't plan on either, then just get the hell away from me.

He stands there for a while longer, but I've zoned him out. He could start doing a ho-down and I wouldn't give a rat's ass right now. I'm finally starting to feel tired, and I plan on taking full advantage of respite from my pain- Vash and his ideas and his morals and his water be damned!

I'm not him! I will never be him!... No matter how much I wish I was...


He doesn't get it. I can see it in his eyes when he glares at me, or when he tries so hard to make it look like he doesn't want to. I know he's in pain- God, just looking at him... I don't think he knows how bad he really looks. I think most of him must be numb, or he has the pain threshold of a gravid sandworm on steroids. But he doesn't understand, and if I don't make him stay, don't make him realize he's wrong, he'll never see that he was.

He killed a man. He wasn't a good man, and I suspect Wolfwood had his own, deeper reasons for it. I'm not as angry by the loss of a life as I thought I would be. The look on his face when he pulled the trigger- he looked so angry, but so young and lost at the same time. He was somewhere else when he fired that gun, and it makes me ache. I want to know what goes on inside his head, maybe help him. He'll never heal if he keeps it all inside. I've seen many a man take his own life, living that way, and I don't want to ever loose Nick like that. At all.

But I almost did.

And he doesn't even know it.

I know it's my fault. I put so much stock in 'my way or the highway' and everyone else seems to matter more, but I do care about him. More than he knows, of that I'm sure. He just... confounds me. He makes me happy, but not on the inside. If I knew him better, I bet it would, but for now it's an outside only kind of happiness. Because he's there, with me, in the moment, making me feel glad, but I still know I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life, completely misunderstood. So I seem hollow- it makes him angry. He thinks I lie when I smile that way- maybe I do, but I'm lying to myself, not him. I like to imagine I can be happy, even for a little while, and the fact that it's him that makes me happy is all the more reason for me to be glad. But he just doesn't see that. He doesn't see that I care about him, that I worry not about what he'll do bad, but what what might be done to him to make him do something bad.

Like right now- he's lying there thinking I'm trying to be mean, to get back at him for killing that man. I know it as well as I know my own favorite flavor of donut! I know that as it stands, if he could get up and walk out of here, he'd do it without ever looking back- he's that mad at me. And I deserve it... He's in pain, and he thinks I don't care.

If I explained it to him, he wouldn't believe me. And I am angry at him... He goes and blows away a man, and leaves. Didn't he think that that man had buddies? Waiting around the bend to take a chunk of him home with them? They were about to mount his head on a wall when I got there- six of them, all piled on top of him with the sole intention of beating him to death. It was my not-so-good name that saved him, and I know he doesn't even know it. He was out from the first hit.

Does he even wonder why he's lying in that bed, feeling like a sandsteamer rolled over him? Does he think I did that? Or that he rolled out of bed and fell through a crack in the earth, hitting every piece of brimstone on the way down?

He's so confounding! And I don't know what to say to him! He says he won't apologize- I know he won't and I never really expected him to. We live in a world where you can't really afford to do things you'll regret- if you do, you slow down and then you really get it. You have to plow ahead and justify yourself. In the off-chance you do say the 's' word, it's a rarity and not something soon forgotten. Sort of like a robber saying 'thanks' as he runs off with all your valuables- and meaning it.

He could have died in that alleyway... If I hadn't shown up... God... there was so much blood. He was so still and so pale. I thought I'd lost him... And now he's so hurt and so angry at me and I still don't know what to say to him. He thinks I'll preach- what irony!- and lecture him. I don't want to. I have no reason to tell him why he should feel guilty. He feels enough right now, emotionally, and I want to know what it is, not add to it. I want to... hold him and... listen and have him listen. To have someone to understand me- it's the one of the things I want most in this world. The other is for it to be him.


Wolfwood moaned and turned his head to the side. His brain was buzzing in the way that meant it was hopeless to expect to fall back asleep. He slid into awareness and slowly cracked his eyes open. His eyes didn't hurt, so he figured it was dark out.

'How long have I been asleep?'

He was about to stretch- the very best part of waking up- when his body reminded him not to move. He winced, a tiny sound escaping him, and a warm hand settled on his shoulder. Wolfwood started, jarring a few sore spots, and Vash's spiky head popped into his line of sight. He looked worried. Did the bastard have the right?

"How are you feeling?"

Oh, he sure as hell didn't have the right to ask that question...

"What do you think?" 'Why do you care?'

Vash almost seemed to hear that last part- Wolfwood felt a shameful blush rising as he reviewed the last few moments in his head. He realized he hadn't said it, but it probably came out in his voice or on his face, and he stopped feeling guilty. 'Let him infer whatever he likes.'

"I'm sorry about all of this. We can't afford a doctor right now, but maybe in a few days-"

That's all Wolfwood needed to hear. He closed his eyes and rolled over- hiding his excruciating pain- and buried his head in the pillow, back to Vash. 'I don't want to hear any excuses.'

"I've been trying! No one wants to credit us-" He stopped. 'It doesn't matter, he's not listening. Why do I even bother?' He sat on the edge of the bed, his palm laying on the pillow after Wolfwood shrugged it off. He stared at the black glove, contrasted against the white surface. For some reason, it made him think of the two of them- light and dark, in color if not anything else. For some reason he really couldn't fathom, Vash started to feel angry. He snorted and turned his back as well, glaring at the wall and crossing his arms. "After all I've done for you..."

Wolfwood snorted behind him, fueling his anger. "I pulled your sorry ass out of that alley! I kept you alive and hauled your worthless carcass two towns over! I paid for this room with the last of my money, and I've been watching over you, and this is how you repay me!? By harboring this, this, this... immature grudge against me because you think I've done something wrong-"

"YOU!?" Wolfwood sat up. His eyes widened with the shock of it and he plopped back against the pillow. Vash cradled his sweating face, but once he recovered, Wolfwood ignored that small comfort. "I never asked for your help! And you haven't been nice to me at all! You just sit over there, glaring at me- you wouldn't give me any water-"

"It'd just make you sick. I wasn't sure how much you could keep down, and the doctor-"

"-you won't let me eat-"

"You can't handle food right now!"

"-you just leave me here, tangled in smelly sheets and dirty clothes-"

"You want undressed, you ungrateful son of a bitch!?" Vash jumped up, eyes ablaze. He reached down and tore the sheet off the bed, throwing it across the room where it knocked over a lamp, which landed on the wooden floor with a crash.

Vash was seething- this was definitely new to Wolfwood. He started to get that sick feeling in his stomach that told him he'd just done something he'd regret, mixed with the excitement of seeing Vash act a way he never had before. It was a little scary- not to mention arousing- and he started to sweat. Those crystal green eyes, dark with fire, his cheeks flushed and his expression vivid with barely concealed explicatives. He held up his hands placatingly. "Listen, Va-ah!"

Vash yanked off one of his shoes, twisting his sore ankle. Wolfwood started breathing heavy, but managed to brace for the next shoe which followed the other across the room, both hitting the far wall hard. Vash was still more angry than he'd ever seen him. Well, if he'd ever wondered how to really piss the man off- short of shooting someone- shooting off his mouth about his poor bed-side manner seemed to do the trick! Vash kneeled on the bed, straddling Wolfwood's knees as he continued venting. 'Oh, this is bad...'

Wolfwood started struggling, realizing that if his pants came off, Vash was going to find out he was getting a lot more enjoyment out of this than he should. He knew he was a total pervert- the blonde didn't need to know it too. Just the mental image of Vash recoiling at the sight- then leaving and never coming back- made his blood cool, but only marginally.

"Stupid." Vash grabbed Wolfwood's pants and yanked them, discovering they weren't leaving with his belt on. He reached up and began roughly yanking, yanking harder when Wolfwood's hands tried to stop him.

"C-Cut it out, Vash!"

"Self-centered." He finally got the belt open and his pants off, something ripping along the way, before moving on to the black jacket. Wolfwood was all arms and legs as he thrashed, trying to get him off. "What!? I'm doing what you asked!!"

"Va- Vash, stop it, STOP IT!"

Vash got his jacket open and ripped open his shirt, buttons flying everywhere. "This is what you wanted, you asked for it!" Wolfwood's hand impacted with his cheek, sending Vash's head to the side.

Vash stared blankly at the wall, the right side of his face stinging and burning. He blinked a few times. 'Wh-what was I thinking?? Nick-' He glanced down at Wolfwood and almost got a nosebleed.

There lay Nicholas D. Wolfwood, naked from the waist down- legs crossed modestly- his shirt wide open, his dark skin lightly covered in sweat. He clutched his hand to him, looking up at Vash with wide, dark eyes that looked as bottomless as space, blushing as his eyebrows rose in a questioning mix of shock and embarrassment.

All in all, it brought all of Vash's sweet little fantasies to the forefront of his mind. The surprised look left his face and he cupped his chin in his hand, looking at Wolfwood thoughtfully.

'Oh shit- now you've done it, Wolfwood!' The relief he felt that Vash hadn't discovered his little 'dilemma'- not that it was little, mind you- was overshadowed by the fact that he'd just brought Vash's attention more clearly on himself. Vash didn't seem to be blinded by some emotion anymore, and with the way he was sitting on the bed...

Seemingly coming to a decision, Vash dropped his hand and rested his weight on his knees, hands placed on either side of Wolfwood's thighs. 'Odd, I've never seen Nick turn that particular shade of red before...'

"You hit me." It wasn't a question, and it was whispered low and quiet, sending shivers through Wolfwood's body that he could feel.

"Er, yeah..." He laughed nervously, closing his eyes and scratching the back of his head, smiling weakly. "Uh, sorry 'bout that!"

'Not as sorry as you will be.' Vash smiled wickedly, taking advantage of his friend's obliviousness. He lifted his hand and rested it on Wolfwood's crossed knees. Before Wolfwood could do more than open his eyes, he roughly wedged them apart, pinning his legs open, baring him completely to the chill air of the room.

Wolfwood cried out in alarm and something else as his erection proudly made itself known, jutting red and swollen. From between his spread thighs, Vash chuckled, watching his flushed face as he leaned down and flicked the tip of his tongue across the head. Wolfwood fisted his hands in the sheets and cried out again, his head thrown back as his hips surged forward of their own will. Somewhere deep inside, Wolfwood knew this couldn't be happening, but as Vash's tongue traced the vein in his cock he forgot why.

Vash kept him pinned as best as he could as he licked from tip to root to balls, watching Wolfwood's face contort with pleasure, his mouth open with breathy cries. Vash smiled and licked his lips before slipping the head into his mouth and sucking.

Wolfwood moaned again, eyebrows drawn and head thrown to the side as he panted, his upper body arching off the bed a few inches, his hands twisting the sheets hard. He titled his head back, baring his throat with a low groan as Vash slowly inched his aching sex down his throat, the hot wetness of his mouth nearly driving him to tears. He turned his head again, gripping the collar of his shirt with his teeth to try and stifle his cries.

Vash watched the entire time, his own face flushed with heat as he slowly ground his hips against the bed. He rubbed his trapped cock just right, sending ripples of light and fire up his spine, and he sucked the rest of Wolfwood down in response, tearing another guttural cry from him, which only fueled his need further.

Wolfwood felt sweat running down his face and sat up on his elbows, the delicious sensations coming from his groin overshadowing all the spikes of pain as he did, and tried to shrug out of his jacket and shirt and failing miserably. He managed to untangle one hand from the sheets and bury it in Vash's golden hair, pulling the spikes down into limp, soft strands that slipped through his fingers like silk.

Wolfwood tugged on Vash's hair, making the other grin. Pulling his swollen lips off Wolfwood's shaft with a wet smack, he nosed down to his sac and kissed each one before digging further back. Above him, he heard Wolfwood's heavy breathing as he moaned his name like some sort of prayer, his body shaking as his hips tried to establish a rhythm, trying to gain purchase on something other than air.

But God he was so hot.

Vash wanted to just sit back and watch Wolfwood as he writhed and mewled, needy and hot so ready- so he did. He forgot all about pleasuring him and sat on his heels. Wolfwood seemed a little shocked at first, but it quickly turned to impatience as he reached down and started pumping his own cock. Vash thought he was going to come in his pants right then.

"It's... mm, been too... long... If you're not going to... uhn, finish this... ughngod..."

Vash darted forward, his hand wrapping around Wolfwood's, and lowered his head, sucking on the head as they both pumped. His other hand wrapped around Wolfwood's jerking hips to clasp his ass, pulling him closer as he sucked harder, Wolfwood's moans becoming more broken and high pitched. Their pace became almost frantic, Wolfwood doubling over as the fire in his body wormed its way down to a single point, boiling in his groin before shooting out his length and into Vash's mouth. He screamed hoarsely, spasming four, five times, before breaking down into little shivers, his legs curling up under Vash's arms as he rocked, riding out the last waves.

He made little gasps and mewling sounds as Vash continued to suck, causing his entire body to tingle and his shaft to harden again. He released his reawakening cock and buried both hands in Vash's disheveled hair, curled around the blonde's head as Vash continued to happily suck him dry. After one quick plunge, taking all of Wolfwood into his mouth then releasing him completely, Vash cupped his hands under Wolfwood's knees and pushed them up.

Wolfwood braced his hands behind him as his knees hit his shoulders, breathing heavy and sweating, his clothing sticking to his back and arms. Vash's head disappeared between his thighs and Wolfwood choked on a scream as his tongue prodded at his entrance, pushing past with the help of his own seed.

Vash worked his tongue in and around, gently, determined to bring Wolfwood back up full excitement. After deciding his own neglected sex had been ignored enough, Vash sat back on his knees, releasing one grip to open the front of his pants. His leaking sex bounced free and he grabbed ahold of Wolfwood's leg again. Scooting closer, Vash squared his hips and positioned his cock at Wolfwood's opening.

Looking into Wolfwood's half-closed, impossibly dark eyes, Vash leaned forward for a kiss just as he eased his hips forward, the head of his length slipping past the tight ring of muscle. Wolfwood closed his eyes tight and cried out into Vash's mouth, their tongues sliding past each other to gain entry to the other's mouth. Vash sucked on Wolfwood's tongue and bottom lip as he slowly rocked, easing further and further in until the curve of Wolfwood's ass fit neatly against his pelvis. Vash froze, waiting for the orgasm ready to rip through him to abate and for Wolfwood to get better adjusted, though the other had no mind to do anything but continue, rocking his hips forward provokingly.

Vash moaned against Wolfwood's mouth, hissing as the tight heat clutched him and pulled him into action. He whispered praise and endearments against Wolfwood's swollen lips as he rocked his hips, his hands sliding down to clasp Wolfwood's. Wolfwood rested his legs on Vash's shoulders and let his head loll back, allowing Vash the room to suck and nip at his exposed neck and chest.

Vash felt the sweat pouring down his face, making his tight, heavy clothes that much worse. His frustration at being uncomfortable distracting him, Vash reached for his coat, clumsily undoing buttons, his thrusting never halting. As he finally got all the buttons loose, he threw the coat over his shoulder, angling his cock just so, causing Wolfwood to shudder and scream. Vash, feeling a familiar burn in his stomach slowed his pace, but continued to stab at that hidden spot as he opened his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. Wolfwood cracked an eye open and saw him, then leaned forward to lick and kiss his way from shoulder to shoulder. Vash abandoned his pants, knowing they weren't coming off without leaving Wolfwood's body- not an option- and he wrapped his arms around Wolfwood's back, sliding them up underneath his clothes.

Vash leaned forward and rested Wolfwood on his back until they were nose to nose. Wolfwood licked at his chin causing Vash to growl and thrust harder, receiving a nip in response. The two moaned in unison as Vash rode hard, his speed picking up. Wolfwood's hand snaked down his belly to wrap around his weeping sex, pumping in time to the cock slamming into his prostate. Vash tilted his head and bit his ear, and that was all it took. He screamed his name, arching against Vash's strong body as his seed flowed over his hand, streaking across Vash's quivering belly.

Vash moved his hands down, clasping Wolfwood's ass painfully tight as he pounded into the tightened body several more times before completion tore through him, spilling deep inside Wolfwood. They continued to moan and rub against each other for long moments, until, exhausted, Wolfwood fell back, Vash soon collapsing ontop of him.

The only sound in the small room was the sound of heavy breathing. Vash turned his head to see Wolfwood's profile, his eyes closed as he tried to regain his strength. He smiled.

"You're so beautiful." Wolfwood glanced at him from the corner of his eye before chuckling self-depreciatingly. "What, you don't believe me? You don't think I screw just anybody into the mattress..." Vash rolled onto his side, sliding free.

Wolfwood turned his head, smiling cockily. "The only screwing that's been going on here is what the springs have been doing to my back!"

Vash's eyes narrowed. "What the hell did you just say?"

Wolfwood blinked hard, scrunching his nose and laughing at Vash. Vash thought it was cute, but he wasn't about to admit that to the man who just accused him of less than a decent romp.

"I've seen better pounding involving a nail and a hammer."

Lip trembling and with tears in his eyes, Vash sat up and looked away. "Fine..." He turned on Wolfwood, pinning his wrists on either side of his head, grinning like a maniac. "I'll just have to try harder next time!"

Wolfwood's face softened. "That was the general idea..."

Vash smiled down at him and slowly leaned down, placing whisper-soft kisses along his lips and jaw. "Sounds like fun..."

"You want that?" Wolfwood's voice was low and husky. Vash moaned and settled his hips more comfortably against Wolfwood's.

"Oh yeah..."

"You want me?"

"Mn, oh yeah..."

"You want me to make you happy?"

"Yes yes..."

"Will you make me happy?"

"Ohgod yes, yes..."

"Good to know. For starters, get the hell off me, feed me, and get me to a damn doctor!"

"Now don't start that again!!"



Ping- Wee! ^_^ That was much more fun that the angsty thing...
Vash- ^___^. X Yeah, baby, YEAH!
Wolfwood- I'm going to be that corpse you were referring to, aren't I...

For the interested, I had it at the 'Vash, STOP!' part, and then it got all serious with more shota rape, and then it was all sad, and Wolfwood was all like... hey... I can just make another fic!! ^.^ ROCK!
Well, if anyone's interested... I'll have to figure out a new beginning...