Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Moon ❯ A man called Legato ( Chapter 1 )
Chapter 1
Night time in Gunsmoke a favorite time of mine want to know why? I like night time on Gunsmoke because there is no one around to bother you or tell you your out past curfew as I said before I'm Tsunami I'm fourteen years old, I have cold blue eyes that will send chills down anyone's spine man, woman or child. My hair is the color of the night sky and long like wisps of string so to keep it from my face I keep it tied back with a dark blue ribbon, when I'm not riding I leave it out. My clothes consist of a crimson blood red shirt with long sleeves and the same color pants to match my travel clothes a lot of people like to say. My normal garment is a blood red dress that goes down to my ankles.
Silence that's all you hear in the desert is complete silence I could get lost in this endless amount of silence as I'm riding through the desert I pass by a few sand dunes and just over one of the sand dunes I spot a male body and lead my horse over to the body. "What do you think Eclipse is he dead?" I ask getting off my horse and standing beside him. Eclipse snorted in reply and nudged my shoulder, his way of saying let's get going I don't like it here. "I can't just leave him." I say and bend down to one knee and look at the body before me. The man has tan skin and blue hair if his eyes were open I would tell you what color they were but I can't, he looks really handsome from what I can see and I decide to bring him back to the living world despite my horses comments.
I hold my hand above the man's head and a light blue light emits from it. One of the reasons the people on this planet consider me dangerous is because they think I have the power to kill as well as to heal, I'm one of the stranger people on Gunsmoke as the other people here say. The blue light subsides from my hand and I go from my position on my knee to sitting on both knees and looking down at the man until he twitches his fingers and opens his eyes and looks at me. My gods his eyes are gold and not just any gold mind you he has the kind of gold eyes that you can get lost in if you look into them long enough. A low moan emits from the man's throat and he manages to get into a sitting position and brings his hand to his head, that's the only thing I hate about bringing someone back from the dead they always end up with a headache.
"Mmm who are you?" The man asks taking his hand off his head and looking at me his gold eyes sending shivers down my spine. I quickly look away from the man and at my horse who just makes snorting noises and paws at the sand with his hoof. I look back at the man who is still staring at me I suppose he is still waiting for my answer to his question. "Pardon my rudeness I'm Tsunami." I say in my calm voice and get up off of the ground and dust off my pants. Walking over to Eclipse I untie a canteen from my saddle and walk back over to the blue-haired man and hand him the canteen.
"Drink slow." I say and the man takes the canteen from my hand and drinks the water. Once he had his fill he hands the canteen back to me and I sling it over my shoulder and help the man to stand and helped him over to my horse. "Would you like to ride with me or would you rather walk?" I ask the man. "I'll walk." I look up at the man and before letting him go I make sure he can stand on his own.
Once I'm sure he can stand on his own I let go of him and climb on my horse and we start our trek through the desert. This man is a complete mystery to me with his blue hair and cod gold eyes, I begin to wonder why he was even dead in the first place. Every few minutes or so I have to look back at the man to make sure he is still behind me. I ride a few more feet and pull gently on Eclipse's reins and he slows to a stop and I wait for the blue haired man to catch up to me. Once he is beside me I click Eclipse's reigns and he starts to walk again. "You sure don't say much." I say looking down at the man.
"You don't either so I guess that would make us even." the man said coldly and looked at me then back at the endless amount of sand we are currently traveling on. "There's a town not to far from here I'll get us some supplies you might want to get something lighter than what you are wearing." I say. The man continues walking as if he hadn't heard a word I had said. This man really is a mystery to me but I'll figure him out even if it take me eternity to do so. For hours we continue our journey through the desert as the cool night air begins to turn to that of morning and the sun begins to rise.
Two hours later we arrive in a town called July, why these towns are named after months of the year is beyond me but who am I to talk. The town July is somewhat destroyed thanks to Vash the Stampede and his Angel arm. From what I heard the seemingly eternal twins Vash and Knives died their cause of death is still unknown. As for the others they are all dead as well so it is only myself and this golden-eyed man. Come to think of it I don't even know his name yet I'll have to ask him that someday.
Finding a place to tie my ride up the mystery man and I walk into a nearby bar and order lunch. "Legato." The man said. "Hmm." I replied looking at the man. "My name is Legato." Legato is his name huh well I have one thing about him figured out I finish my lunch and wait for Legato to finish his then we leave the bar and look around the town.
"It's peaceful here let's say we rent a room at a hotel and stay here for a while?" I asked walking up to a hotel. I wasn't to far from the front door and was just about to walk up to it when I felt Legato pull me back and pull me behind a wall with him. "Let go!" I yelled pulling away from him. "Shh." Legato said putting his hand over my mouth and a while later gun shots were heard near where I was previously standing. "This way." Legato said taking me by the wrist and pulling me to a more enclosed area. "July isn't so peaceful after all." I told myself and pulled out a gun I had hidden in my shirt and climbed on top of the wall we were hiding behind. As I looked up over the wall I saw that the gunshots were only from a few gangsters nothing I couldn't take out. I looked back down at Legato who looked back at me with his cold gold eyes. I think we both sent chills down the other's spine because we both shuddered. I pulled myself up to the top of the wall and stood and began shooting at the fairly large gang.
I was so busy shooting at the gang that I didn't notice a man with a gun aiming for me. Just as the man was about to pull the trigger I saw him at the last possible minute and shot him in the head killing him instantly, the downside to that was he had pulled the trigger at the same time I had shot him. I managed to dodge the bullet and shot the last of the gang and jumped off the wall back to where Legato was waiting for me. "I hate gangs, I really do." I said and looked up at where I was previously standing. "Let's go find a hotel." I said and walked out of our hiding place with Legato not to far behind. Once we were out in the open I whistled for Eclipse and he came running to me stopping just short a few feet of me. I gave him a gentle pat on the nose and the three of us walked through town until we found a nice looking hotel and checked in. This hotel had few room left so Legato and I had to get a room together, once I had made sure my horse was taken care of I walked up to the room Legato and I shared and sat down on the bed that was prepared for me. Legato was already asleep from the looks of it. Of course that didn't surprise me much seeing as how I had brought him back to life even though we don't know each other all that well I feel like I've known him for eternity or more.
It is still morning here in Gunsmoke and I think I'll turn in now, a few hours of sleep will do me some good. I lay down in bed and pull the sheets over my body and fall into a dreamless state. About two maybe three hours later I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in. At first I didn't remember where I was at but when I saw Legato laying on the bed his golden eyes now open I remembered that we were in the town called July. Sometimes one likes to wonder what goes through the head of my friend the blue-haired, golden-eyed man called Legato. I had heard from some town that the mighty Vash had killed him about ten years ago, I heard that when I was just four and hiding behind a barrel of water. Now as I sit here and watch Legato lying on his back his hands behind his head I begin to wonder who would want to kill a man that hardly ever speaks let alone fights. "Thank you." I say as my mind goes back to the event that happened just a few hours ago. Legato just turns his head towards me and then goes back to looking at the ceiling. Yep the cold and silent type but I guess I can't blame him I haven't really said much to him either. I stare at Legato for a while longer and lay back down on my bed.
Something isn't right the air feels tense and I immediately look over at Legato. He's staring at me. Well that's a new twist normally he just looks at me with that cold gold gaze and then goes back to whatever he was doing previously, now he just lays on his bed and stares at me like he's trying to read my mind or something of that nature.
He continues to stare at me and then sits up on his bed and turns from me and looks out the window where a black cat is sitting on the window sill. There's cats all over the place here on Gunsmoke they all are known as Kero-Neko. Legato glares at the cat and it runs back out the window it came from. "I hate cats." I agree with him cats are an annoyance and a waste of time much like most of this stuff on Gunsmoke is.