Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ CrossFire ❯ And So it Begins... Again... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Author's Notes: Kouji again! That is all… =P

…And so It Begins… Again…

by Kouji

Two lone figures arrived in the town of October. They were very hungry. Luckily, they had made quite a haul after bringing the water back to a city called September. They decided to check into a hotel, as the Sandsteamer would not leave until tommorow. If you haven't found out yet, the lone figures were Jin the Stampede and Umi Waters. They were currently in a heated discussion.

"Why can't be both have the bed?!" Jin exclaimed.

"Because I don't trust you…" Umi stared.

"Aww… I promise I won't do anything funny…"

"No, no, no! You get the floor!"

Jin pouted. "Alright…" he whimpered defeated, and set up a blanket on the floor.


The next day, they woke up late. They rushed all the way to the station, then realized they forgot the tickets. They went back to the hotel, got the tickets, came back, and got on the Sandsteamer.

"Whew!" sighed Jin. "We made it!"

Umi stared at Jin. "Yes, but WHO forgot the tickets?"

"Well sorry, but WHO poured ice water on my head?"

"You were the one who was supposed to wake me up!"

"… So?"


After the bickering ended, they walked over to their seats [1]. They were surprised to see a brown haired, tan guy with 2 crosses… "Howdy!" the figured waved.

Jin raised an eyebrow. "Sly? What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, what about your city, September?" Umi asked.

"They'll be fine. I'm just heading toward February because there's an old friend of mine I need to see. Then I'm going back."

"Okay, then…" Jin said.

Sly takes out a box. Jin's eyes widen. "Are those… Donuts?!"

Umi frowns. "Oh no…"

Sly raises an eyebrow. "Um… Yeah… I--" He then looks down to see an empty box. "Heeey…" He stared at the two of them. "Which one of you took my donuts?"

"Washent meh!" Jin said, a mouth full of donuts. He then swallows.

"… It's ON now…" Sly said, jumping towards Jin.

"Oh look, a penny!" Jin says as he bends over, making Sly fly into his seat.

"… Ow…" Sly then gets up, and returns to his seat.


Meanwhile, a man with a gun was getting drunk. After drinking, he stumbles around for a while and harasses people on the Sandsteamer. In his misadventures, he just so happens to come across Jin and the others…


"… Got any 3's?" Jin asked.

"Go fish", replied Sly.

"No da", said Umi.

"What?!" both of the guys exclaimed.

Umi just shrugged.

The drunk was messing with a nearby family. The husband and father tries to reason with him. "Look, could you please leave me and my family alone?" The drunk shoots the man in the arm. The family screams.

"Hey, leave them alone!" Jin yells.

The drunk looks over to Jin. "Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"Me? I'm Jin the Stampede, and these are my lackeys!" he exclaimed. *WHACK! BAM!*

"Who are you calling lackeys?!" Sly yelled.

"Yeah, we're all equals in this!" Umi screamed at Jin.

Jin whimpers. "Hey, that really hurts…"

The drunk squints. "… Duckies!"

All of the people in that part of the Sandsteamer sweatdropped. "Oh yeah, this guy's sloshed…", Sly muttered.

The drunk shoots wildly, shooting Jin's hair and shooting Sly in the leg.

"Eep!" Jin exclaims, jumping out of the way.

Sly slinks over to a corner, out of gun fire.

Umi shoots the drunk with the crossbow, but in his drunken stupor he can barely feel it. "Oh boy…" she mutters.

"Owww…" Sly whimpers.

"He shot my hair…" Jin twitched. He jumped back out, and rolled on the ground, avoiding gunshots. He brought his guns out, shot the gun out of the drunk's hand with one, and shot him in the arm with the other. "Booya!" Jin exclaimed.

"Whew…" Sly said, bringing is Cross Punisher 4 over to the other side, his finger brushing off against a trigger accidentally. "Aw, crap…"


A few miles away, a farmer can see a huge explosion off in the distance.


February City is a huge metropolis, built over 2 years ago. The residents claim to have seen it all, so it's no surprise to them when a Sandsteamer arrives in their station with a huge hole in it. Jin twitched. "Sly?"

Sly blinked. "What?…"

"Why didn't you tell us that you had a freakin' bazooka?!"

"Um… Didn't think it was important…"

"Oh, okay…" Jin replied. He then smacked Sly.

"Now we have to work off the damages to the Sandsteamer!" Umi screamed. "Idiot…"

"Hey, it's not so bad! The owner said we can just work some odd jobs here and there, so we can pay it off!" *THWACK!*

Sly was left in a sizzling, popping puddle of his former self as Jin and Umi angrily huffed off somewhere.


The End again, for now… Sayonara.

Oh, and a few final notes.

[1]: I haven't seen the episode "B.D.N." in a while, so if I get a few things wrong about Sandsteamer', sorry… =P