Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Shadows ❯ Chap. 1: I Want Them to Live ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Daddy slapped Mommy again and she flew across the room. When she landed,
she pushed me under the table so that Daddy couldn't see me and hit me too.
"Stay..." She whispered, moving away so he wouldn't know I was there.
Daddy did this sometimes. He got really drunk and then he would hit me and
Mommy. So Mommy always hid me somewhere while he hit her. She said she
didn't leave him because he was a really nice man. At least, when he wasn't
being mean and hitting us.
"Come here, bitch!" Daddy yelled and grabbed Mommy by the wrist. She
struggled, but he overpowered her and dragged her into their bedroom.
I could hear more sounds of Daddy's hands hitting Mommy and Mommy hitting
the floor. I also heard a lot of yelling and screaming. Then it all stopped.
Daddy came out of the room and left the house immediately. When I was sure he
was gone, I went to the bedroom to check up on Mommy. I wanted to know how
bad her injuries were so that I could bandage them.
What I saw when I entered that room... I will never speak of again. Daddy killed
Mommy. And then when he got home... he told me that Mommy fell the wrong
way and then told me to keep my mouth shut when the sheriff came. I did what
he told me to because I didn't wanna end up like Mommy. I wanted to live.
So Mommy was buried and Daddy promised me he would never get that violent
again. And I made the mistake of believing him.
2 months later, Daddy got drunk again. And since Mommy was no longer around,
all he had to beat on was me: his 5 year old daughter.
I screamed for him to stop, but he kept beating and beating... It felt like forever.
And when he finally stopped, I was bloody and bruised... I decided that it was no
longer safe to stay in our house. I didn't wanna end up like Mommy. I wanted to
The next morning, I took all of the things that I owned and Daddy's spare gun
and left. I went to a cottage that I knew of in the woods about a mile and a half
from my home. It was the place that me and Mommy went when Daddy got
drunk. Our hideout.
There I decided to practice with my stolen gun and devoted much of my time to
gardening and shooting.
For income, I sang at another town that was not far away. I made an appearance
about twice a month. I also showed off my skills with my gun as a street show
when I got better.
And I loved it. Shooting the gun, I mean. It thrilled me. And I was good. A lot of
the old men said that I had natural talent. For both singin and shootin. I loved my
gun, but I also had other reasons to learn to use it. Because I didn't wanna end
up like Mommy. I wanted to live.
4 years later, when I was 9, I was shopping in Draqueen (the nearby town) and
something caught my eye. I stopped and looked at the wanted bulletin board and
saw my Daddy's face on it. He was wanted for $$5,000. I ripped the notice off
the board and made up my mind right there.
The next morning, I decided to go after my Daddy's bounty.
I took a hat and pulled it low over my eyes. I slipped my gun into the holster at
my side. I wore dark glasses that hid the hatred that burned in me. Fresh bullets
lined my sides, each one asking to taste flesh. This would be my first bounty. And
I had a feeling it wouldn't be my last.
I left my cottage and headed for Daddy's house. It was 6 am and the sun still
had yet to come up. I figured that if I went early then it would be easier cause I
could take him by surprise.
I crossed the old bridge that led to a fork that took you either to the graveyard
or to the house. I was gonna stop at the graveyard and say hi to Mommy since I
hadn't seen her in a couple years, but decided that taking care of Daddy was the
most important thing right now.
I finally got to the house and noticed how much Daddy had let it go. The steps
were creaky and a couple of windows were broken. Bottles and mugs littered the
yard telling me that he still hadn't changed his ways. I was just happy that he
wasn't with anyone else that he could beat up.
My skills with a gun had improved much over the years. I had grown to be better
than most of the village men who had taught me everything I knew. I had even
taught myself some things. Like how to make bullets.
I stared at the door for a while, deciding what I should say. Finally, I knocked on
the door really hard. He was probably still asleep when I came because he
answered the door after about 5 minutes.
"Marie? That you?" He asked, his words slurred together. There was no doubt
about it. Daddy was on a hangover. "So... finally came back home, huh?"
"No, Daddy... I came for something else." I said, looking him right in the eyes.
"What?" He took a swig from his bottle. "If you came for the house, I'm not
giving it to you, you little brat."
"Daddy, I came for you." My hand slid down towards my holster.
My father didn't see it and continued on. "Came for me? What the hell is that
supposed to mean? Listen, brat. You're wasting my time. Leave now." He started
to turn around to go back inside when I slipped on my mute and pulled out my
Holding it about a foot from his head, I said "I came for your bounty, Daddy. And
I'm gonna give you a choice: You can stay put and let me take you in, or you can
run and let me catch you."
My father froze up, pure fear sent shivers down his spine. "Why... are you doing
this?" He whispered.
This is where most would freeze up at the thought of killing someone and what
they would do with the body. But amazingly, I didn't feel a thing. It was like my
heart shut off- all I felt was malice and fury.
I thought: why should I feel bad for this man? This man who killed my mother
and had tried to kill me... this man who had the grit to call himself my father.
This monster with a cold hearted attitude that had helped create this cold hearted
gunning machine.
"Because not only did you hurt me and Mommy... you've been hurting other
people too, Daddy..."
All of a sudden, Daddy pushed me to the ground and began to run. All I did was
grin. A hunt. This is what I had been waiting for. I got up and aimed my gun at
him as he ran. Taking careful aim, I pulled my trigger and let the dull sound of a
muted bullet ring through the air.
Daddy fell about 100 yards away from me in a heap. My first bounty... my first
kill. I had finally avenged me, Mommy and the other people my Daddy had hurt.
And he would hurt no more.
I finally figured out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I didn't want to
remain the quiet girl that lived in the forest and grew her own food. I didn't want
to be just that talented girl that loved guns and singin. I wanted to hunt bounties.
If there was one thing I was happy Daddy had taught me, it was how to have a
cold heart.
Yes, I was gonna be a bounty hunter. But I would only go after certain bounties.
Bounties that had hurt people. I don't care if they robbed a bank and were
wanted for that. I wanted to get the people who had hurt or killed. I wanted
people like my Daddy. Because I didn't want anyone to end up like Mommy. I
wanted them to live.
A/N: Wow... this story is a bit more angsty than I wanted it to be... and the main
character is starting to sound like a bit of a Mary Sue... I'll have to fix that.
Anyway, I would love a reveiw or two if you guys don't mind. Flames, congrats,
w/e. I would just love some... XD
Daddy slapped Mommy again and she flew across the room. When she landed,
she pushed me under the table so that Daddy couldn't see me and hit me too.
"Stay..." She whispered, moving away so he wouldn't know I was there.
Daddy did this sometimes. He got really drunk and then he would hit me and
Mommy. So Mommy always hid me somewhere while he hit her. She said she
didn't leave him because he was a really nice man. At least, when he wasn't
being mean and hitting us.
"Come here, bitch!" Daddy yelled and grabbed Mommy by the wrist. She
struggled, but he overpowered her and dragged her into their bedroom.
I could hear more sounds of Daddy's hands hitting Mommy and Mommy hitting
the floor. I also heard a lot of yelling and screaming. Then it all stopped.
Daddy came out of the room and left the house immediately. When I was sure he
was gone, I went to the bedroom to check up on Mommy. I wanted to know how
bad her injuries were so that I could bandage them.
What I saw when I entered that room... I will never speak of again. Daddy killed
Mommy. And then when he got home... he told me that Mommy fell the wrong
way and then told me to keep my mouth shut when the sheriff came. I did what
he told me to because I didn't wanna end up like Mommy. I wanted to live.
So Mommy was buried and Daddy promised me he would never get that violent
again. And I made the mistake of believing him.
2 months later, Daddy got drunk again. And since Mommy was no longer around,
all he had to beat on was me: his 5 year old daughter.
I screamed for him to stop, but he kept beating and beating... It felt like forever.
And when he finally stopped, I was bloody and bruised... I decided that it was no
longer safe to stay in our house. I didn't wanna end up like Mommy. I wanted to
The next morning, I took all of the things that I owned and Daddy's spare gun
and left. I went to a cottage that I knew of in the woods about a mile and a half
from my home. It was the place that me and Mommy went when Daddy got
drunk. Our hideout.
There I decided to practice with my stolen gun and devoted much of my time to
gardening and shooting.
For income, I sang at another town that was not far away. I made an appearance
about twice a month. I also showed off my skills with my gun as a street show
when I got better.
And I loved it. Shooting the gun, I mean. It thrilled me. And I was good. A lot of
the old men said that I had natural talent. For both singin and shootin. I loved my
gun, but I also had other reasons to learn to use it. Because I didn't wanna end
up like Mommy. I wanted to live.
4 years later, when I was 9, I was shopping in Draqueen (the nearby town) and
something caught my eye. I stopped and looked at the wanted bulletin board and
saw my Daddy's face on it. He was wanted for $$5,000. I ripped the notice off
the board and made up my mind right there.
The next morning, I decided to go after my Daddy's bounty.
I took a hat and pulled it low over my eyes. I slipped my gun into the holster at
my side. I wore dark glasses that hid the hatred that burned in me. Fresh bullets
lined my sides, each one asking to taste flesh. This would be my first bounty. And
I had a feeling it wouldn't be my last.
I left my cottage and headed for Daddy's house. It was 6 am and the sun still
had yet to come up. I figured that if I went early then it would be easier cause I
could take him by surprise.
I crossed the old bridge that led to a fork that took you either to the graveyard
or to the house. I was gonna stop at the graveyard and say hi to Mommy since I
hadn't seen her in a couple years, but decided that taking care of Daddy was the
most important thing right now.
I finally got to the house and noticed how much Daddy had let it go. The steps
were creaky and a couple of windows were broken. Bottles and mugs littered the
yard telling me that he still hadn't changed his ways. I was just happy that he
wasn't with anyone else that he could beat up.
My skills with a gun had improved much over the years. I had grown to be better
than most of the village men who had taught me everything I knew. I had even
taught myself some things. Like how to make bullets.
I stared at the door for a while, deciding what I should say. Finally, I knocked on
the door really hard. He was probably still asleep when I came because he
answered the door after about 5 minutes.
"Marie? That you?" He asked, his words slurred together. There was no doubt
about it. Daddy was on a hangover. "So... finally came back home, huh?"
"No, Daddy... I came for something else." I said, looking him right in the eyes.
"What?" He took a swig from his bottle. "If you came for the house, I'm not
giving it to you, you little brat."
"Daddy, I came for you." My hand slid down towards my holster.
My father didn't see it and continued on. "Came for me? What the hell is that
supposed to mean? Listen, brat. You're wasting my time. Leave now." He started
to turn around to go back inside when I slipped on my mute and pulled out my
Holding it about a foot from his head, I said "I came for your bounty, Daddy. And
I'm gonna give you a choice: You can stay put and let me take you in, or you can
run and let me catch you."
My father froze up, pure fear sent shivers down his spine. "Why... are you doing
this?" He whispered.
This is where most would freeze up at the thought of killing someone and what
they would do with the body. But amazingly, I didn't feel a thing. It was like my
heart shut off- all I felt was malice and fury.
I thought: why should I feel bad for this man? This man who killed my mother
and had tried to kill me... this man who had the grit to call himself my father.
This monster with a cold hearted attitude that had helped create this cold hearted
gunning machine.
"Because not only did you hurt me and Mommy... you've been hurting other
people too, Daddy..."
All of a sudden, Daddy pushed me to the ground and began to run. All I did was
grin. A hunt. This is what I had been waiting for. I got up and aimed my gun at
him as he ran. Taking careful aim, I pulled my trigger and let the dull sound of a
muted bullet ring through the air.
Daddy fell about 100 yards away from me in a heap. My first bounty... my first
kill. I had finally avenged me, Mommy and the other people my Daddy had hurt.
And he would hurt no more.
I finally figured out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I didn't want to
remain the quiet girl that lived in the forest and grew her own food. I didn't want
to be just that talented girl that loved guns and singin. I wanted to hunt bounties.
If there was one thing I was happy Daddy had taught me, it was how to have a
cold heart.
Yes, I was gonna be a bounty hunter. But I would only go after certain bounties.
Bounties that had hurt people. I don't care if they robbed a bank and were
wanted for that. I wanted to get the people who had hurt or killed. I wanted
people like my Daddy. Because I didn't want anyone to end up like Mommy. I
wanted them to live.
A/N: Wow... this story is a bit more angsty than I wanted it to be... and the main
character is starting to sound like a bit of a Mary Sue... I'll have to fix that.
Anyway, I would love a reveiw or two if you guys don't mind. Flames, congrats,
w/e. I would just love some... XD