Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Generation Gunsmoke ❯ Betrayal of Trust ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Standard Disclaimer: Not mine, making no money, etc…

Generation Gunsmoke: Part XVIII

Betrayal of Trust

"It was a pleasurable way to spend the afternoon," he mused as the stray thought crossed his mind. Pale hands tightly gripped the headboard of the bed on either side of his head. Black hair, from a head thrown back in ecstasy, flowed across his legs. Slim thighs gripped his own as a warm, wet tightness massaged his rigid length.

Lazarus groaned deeply and thrust upward hard against Nicole as she rode him. His thumbs flicked at her taught nipples while his tongue greedily lapped at the skin on her throat. He wanted release, but held himself in check until he felt the tiny tremors that signaled the beginnings of her orgasm.

Nicole moved against him again, feeling the tight spring inside her body release. She cried out softly and went limp against Lazarus' chest as the pleasure washed over her. She felt him push into her deeply as he reached his own peak.

Lying her head against his chest, Nicole gasped for breath. This had to be the most incredible feeling in the world; nothing could ever compare with it. But a tiny doubt nagged again in the back of her mind. Did Lazarus love her or was he just using her while it was convenient? He spoke often of wanting her and needing her, but he never expressed any sentiments of love.

She slowly pulled away from him and lay on the bed next to his out stretched legs. "Lazarus…?"

"Hmmm?" He asked lazily, one hand stroking her back in small circles.

"What do you feel towards me?" She cringed inwardly as his hand stilled. "I'm sorry… it's just I know you want me, but do you feel anything more for me than desire?" She glanced up at him through her bangs.

Lazarus studied her for a few moments in silence. What did he feel for this girl? He was not sure himself. Rising from the bed, he met her eyes in a deliberate stare, "Nicole, you know what I am, who I am… I can't tell you that I love you if I am not sure myself what that word even means."

Her eyes clouded slightly at his words. Her teeth worried her lower lip, "But… this is not right. I… I… wasn't raised this way. We should be blessed by a priest or something."

"But nothing," he snapped in irritation. "Grow up Nicole. I have said you are my woman." He loomed over her as she scrambled up in the center of the bed. "If you so much as look at another man, I'll kill you." His platinum eyes flashed cruelly. "Do you understand me?" She nodded fearfully at him, suddenly wondering if she was safe in his company.

Lazarus let go of his rage and reached out to stroke her face. He cringed as she drew slightly away from him. "Come, my sweet. I did not mean to frighten you. I know you would never leave me for another." He sat back down on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his lap, cuddling her as if she were a small child. "Perhaps, in time, I will come to understand this emotion, but for now you must be content with what I have offered you. I cannot tell you what you want to hear. I would be lying to you if I did."

Nicole sniffed against his bare chest. "I am willing to be patient with you Lazarus. You are not as hard as you might like to think. I'll bet you do know what love is, you just never had much of a chance to show it to anyone." She smiled up at him brightly. "You'll tell me you love me before all this is over, you know."

"Will I, my sweet?" Amusement laced his reply. "What makes you so sure?"

She pushed herself from his lap and smiled down at him, utterly confident in her nudity. "What's not to love?"

Lazarus stood and pressed his body against hers, feeling the heat spring to life between them. "Indeed…" he whispered as his lips claimed hers.


A few hours later…

"When will I meet your mamma? Do you think she'll like me? Are you sure I look all right? I want to make a good impression. I've never been introduced to someone's mamma before." Nickie chattered away as she dashed around inside one of the rooms in the house Lazarus had acquired for them in the village. They were about 200 isles from LR Town and he had assured her that Knives was somewhere nearby.

Lazarus watched her flit from place to place in the room, tugging on her clothes, brushing her hair different ways, and working herself into a state of near hysteria. He suppressed a grin at her antics. "Soon, yes, and yes."

Nickie stopped in mid stride and stared at her lover. "Just how can you be so casual? Unless it is your practice to commonly introduce young women to your mamma?" she demanded in an outraged tone. "Honestly, Lazarus, I don't know how I put up with you at times," she huffed as she flopped down in front of her mirror and began tugging a brush through her hair again.

Lazarus gave a resigned sigh and climbed to his feet. He quietly took the brush from her hand and worked its stiff bristles through the silky mass. "My sweet, I think you are worried too much about meeting my mother." He met her gaze in the mirror. "She cares only about vengeance… Hell, at times, I am not even sure she cares about me…"

"Oh, Lazarus, this is terrible. No wonder you don't know how to love anyone. What kind of woman is your mamma that she did not shower you with affection when you were a small boy?" Nickie patted his hand gently.

"Nicole, my mother does care for me even though she does not usually show it. Her life was very difficult up until my father died. If she hadn't collected the bounty on Midvalley the Hornfreak, then who knows where she may have ended up? Do not judge her harshly for she has done the best she can."

"I'm sorry, Lazarus. I will be very nice to her when we meet. What do you suppose I should call her?"

"She'll let you know, I'm sure." Lazarus gave her hair a few final strokes with the brush. "Go find your boots. It will soon be time to leave."


Lawren Diaggrio sat quietly sipping whiskey at a corner table in the small cantina. Lazarus should have been here by now. "…Probably had to get laid again before coming to meet his mother," she thought viciously. Her fingertips drummed restlessly against the scarred top of the table, her irritation growing by the minute.

A slight sound from the doorway made her look that direction. "About time," she muttered under her breath. Silently standing in the shadows, she was not surprised to see that Lazarus had the wench with him. Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she took in the young people making their way towards her. They did make a striking couple, and God only knew what type of offspring they would produce. Still, that was not her concern. She did not plan on living long enough to see any grandchildren.

"Mother…" Lazarus said smoothly while bowing politely.

"About time you remembered your manners, cub." She remarked as she regarded the girl at his side. "Is this the priest's daughter, the one raised by Vash the Stampede?"

Nickie gaped at the tall woman before her. Her black suit was perfectly molded to her frame, emphasizing the cut of her figure. A silver coat rippled of its own accord around the woman's ankles. Deep burgundy hair, with only the faintest traces of gray, flowed freely until it skimmed the floor behind her. Diamond eyes bored into her pale blue ones. This was Lazarus' mother? This was the woman who gave herself to Legato Bluesummers?

Lawren caught the girl's thoughts easily. Clearly, she had yet to learn that appearances are often deceiving. "Be nice, mother…" Her head moved in the direction of her son as her eyebrows raised in question. "Please… " She barely moved her head in agreement and waited for her son to proceed with the introductions while she coolly assessed the girl before her.

Lazarus stifled a sigh and dragged Nickie to his side. "Mother, I'd like you to meet Nicole Wolfwood. Nicole, this is my mother, Lawren Diaggrio.

Nickie swallowed heavily as the woman before said nothing. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Ms. Diaggrio." Nickie stammered out as she stood nervously before Lawren. The direct platinum gaze of the other woman unnerved her for some reason. Nickie extended her hand shyly, waiting for some acknowledgement from the other woman.

Lawren looked at the young girl, assaying her brutally. Would this chit interfere with her plans to see Knives Millions dead? Studying the girl for a few more silent moments, she quickly ascertained that beneath the innocent veneer, Nicole Wolfwood was much stronger than perhaps even her son realized. Slowly her hand clasped the offered one and made contact briefly. "Lawren…" she spoke before resuming her seat.

Nickie exhaled deeply, unaware that she had been holding her breath. Lazarus tugged her into a chair and waited for his mother to speak.

"It all comes down to this, doesn't it?"

"After more than twenty five years, I would think that you would be glad to see the end of this little drama, mother."

"Are you prepared for what must be done in the end?" Lawren spoke directly to her son's mind.

"I am…"

Lawren nodded slightly and spoke aloud, "Nicole, exactly why are you out here on the edges of civilization?"

Nicole gazed directly at Lawren. "I am here to see Knives Millions dead and buried once and for all."

"Well spoken, my girl. Well spoken. But, keep in mind that the final stroke belongs to me." Lawren spoke quietly. "I owe Knives Millions death for taking someone away from me."

"Legato Bluesummers?" Nickie asked politely. "Forgive me ma'am, but from what I have heard, Legato was of no loss to anyone."

Lazarus looked stunned at Nicole's bold statement to his mother. Glancing toward his mother, he wondered if she would lash out at Nicole. The few times he'd spoken disrespectfully of his father had earned him a sharp slap or the weight of her verbal displeasure.

Lawren looked at the open honesty on the girl's face. "Straight to the point aren't you?" She smiled grimly. "No, I suppose Legato was of no loss to anyone but me…"

Nickie looked at Lazarus for a moment and then back at Lawren. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. I believe I can see how even the most hardened individuals would be missed by at least one person."

"Just so… young lady and never forget that fact. It would have never happened if I had been conscious. Take care of those around you, lest you fall into the same state as myself."

Lazarus looked back and forth between the two women trying to comprehend the situation unfolding before him. Finally he gave up the effort and shrugged, "If you two are finished with this insane discussion, could we please order something to eat? I seemed to have worked up an appetite and I find I am suddenly ravenous."

Nickie blushed a brilliant shade and ducked her head, pretending to study the tabletop beneath her hands.

"Stop teasing the chit, Lazarus. Mind your manners before you find yourself dining alone."

"How can I deny your request, mother? I would be quite disturbed to find myself devoid of my two beautiful dinner companions."

Lawren smiled easily at Nickie, "Nicole, you must be aware of this one's charm. I fear he inherited it from his father."

"Yes, ma'am," she nodded eagerly. "You wouldn't believe some of the things he's managed to talk me into already." Nickie smiled readily at the mother and son and fell into the conversation easily for the next couple of hours.


Lazarus escorted Nickie back to the house where they were staying. She leaned against his side lightly as they made their way down the darkened streets. "I like your mamma, Lazarus. Do you think I made a good impression on her?"

"I'm quite sure you did, my sweet. After all, she did not snap at you for asking about Legato. That was an excellent sign."

"I wish she had come to stay at the house. It must be lonely for her out in the desert."

"She is not comfortable around many people, my sweet." Lazarus did not add that his mother would have probably been disturbed by their lovemaking as well. He knew she was lonely enough to feel some slight resentment at his closeness with Nicole, especially on such an intimate level.

"Do you think my family will be here tomorrow?"

"I am sure of it. They can't travel as quickly as I can, so they should arrive by lunch time." Lazarus paused in his reply. "Does it bother you to be here alone with me, without your family close by?"

"No, I miss them, but I like being with you. Did I tell you that I liked flying?"

"Yes, I believe that you mentioned it a few times over the past couple of days."

Nicole giggled as they continued along the dark streets. Passing by an alleyway, she suddenly felt a shiver of awareness wash over her. She jerked to a halt at Lazarus' side, her hand reaching for a small derringer hidden in the folds of her cloak. Silently, she stared into the inky blackness.

Lazarus snapped to alert as a gun appeared in Nicole's hand. He scanned the blackness that surrounded them, but sensed nothing unusual. "What's wrong, Nicole?"

"Someone or something was there, watching us from the shadows." Nickie crept closer to the edge of the alleyway. "I'm sure of it."

"Come along, my sweet. No one is there."

Nicole reluctantly put away her gun as they continued down the street, but she could not shake the feeling that someone had been there in the shadows.

A few minutes later, they entered the house and Nickie insisted on locking the door. "It's just a precaution," she explained.

Lazarus stripped off his coat and tossed it aside. He tugged his tight black shirt from his frame and threw it atop his coat. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?"

"Just a shower?" Nickie asked sounding a little disappointed.

"What do you think?"

Nickie giggled and followed him down the hallway, forgetting about everything else.


Late the next morning as Nickie sat on the porch of the house, her twin, Uncle Vash, and Mother Meryl came driving down the street of the village. Leaping out of her chair, she called out their arrival to Lazarus and dashed into the street, waving madly. Both vehicles stopped in a cloud of dust and the three occupants got out and took a look around.

"Some things never change, do they Meryl?"

Meryl took in her surroundings, slowly looking around the village and finally at the house they had stopped in front of. She nodded slowly, "Yes, I'd recognize this place anywhere."

A glimmer of tears formed in her eyes as she looked at the house her child had been staying in. This was the same place they had stayed at so long ago. The place where Vash had brought Knives back to, where Knives had used Milly so cruelly, where the twins had been born and where their mother had died.

"What's wrong, Meryl," asked Nick. "It's not like you to be so emotional."

Vash pulled her tightly against his chest, knowing she was reliving the past as she stood in the street. "Meryl will be fine in a minute. Just give her some space."

"No, I'm fine really. I just didn't expect this place to still be here, let alone that Nickie would be staying here." Meryl sniffed and hastily wiped her eyes, noting the concern in her family's gazes. "This is the house where you two were born," she said as she looked at Nick and Nickie. "Upstairs, first door on the left is where you two were born, where your mother died."

Lazarus quickly came to stand before Meryl. "If this house distresses you this much, we can find another place. I would not have Nicole's mother distraught over our accommodations."

Meryl reached out and touched his shoulder briefly. "You are not entirely you father's son. It is kind of you to think of moving, but there are happy memories here as well." She paused and glanced at Vash. "Don't you agree, Vash?"

Vash leered at her, "Yeah, like the time we got into an argument and I stripped you naked, tossed you onto our bed, and had my way with you."

Lazarus glanced at the twins to gauge their reactions. Nick looked impressed with the story while Nickie blushed and wiped away a few stray tears from her face. Lazarus turned back to Meryl. "It never occurred to me that their mother would be buried here. Can you show us the way?"

"Yes, I would like to visit with Milly again after all this time. Let me take a minute to freshen up and we'll walk. The cemetery is not far."

Vash looked at Lazarus and Nick. "Help me carry these bags into the house, you two. After we pay a visit to Milly, we'll map out a strategy on where we go from here."


A short while later found the group walking down the street, talking amongst themselves. Nick and Nickie headed the group with Meryl, asking her all sorts of questions about the time before when their mother had been alive.

Lazarus and Vash walked a few paces behind them, quietly exchanging conversation about Knives and his whereabouts.

"You're them, aren't you?" A short balding man, with a pair of wire rimmed glasses stopped in front of them.

"I beg your pardon, sir. What did you say?" Nickie asked. "We're who?"

"You are the children of Ms. Wolfwood."

"But, how did…"

"Hello Dr, Jones. It is nice to see you again after all these years." Meryl stepped forward and greeted him warmly.

"Why Miss Meryl, it is so good to see you again." He clasped her hands in his. "And you look the same, why I'd have known you anywhere." He smiled widely. "And look, Mr. Vash the Stampede is here as well." Dr. Jones shook Vash's hand excitedly. "But, you really don't look as if you've aged at all…"

Vash grinned weakly, "Yeah, I get that a lot. I must be lucky…"

Dr. Jones stood between the twins and looked at them for a few moments. "You remind me so of your mother, young lady. And you must be the image of your father." He exclaimed again. "The townspeople remember you all fondly. Why without Milly's help, we would not have access to fresh water and the small fields of crops we grow here would be even smaller than they are."

The twins looked at the man in amusement, not sure what to make of his ramblings. They were pleased to hear someone speak so kindly of their mother and to find that not everyone on the planet lived in fear of Uncle Vash.

"…and we must have a celebration to welcome you all to our town. I can't tell you how pleased everyone will be to see you and Mr. Vash again, Miss Meryl. And these fine young people… Many of them will be so thrilled to meet Milly's children."

Meryl and Vash looked on in amusement as Dr. Jones chattered away excitedly. Had it really been so long ago that they had been here to this place? The twins listened eagerly as the doctor recounted a few of the days Milly had been with them, working tirelessly on the pipelines that now supplied water to the village and nearby fields.

Lazarus looked at the group in askance, not quite sure of what to make of this talk of parties and introducing them all to the entire village. "Excuse me," he began politely. "But do you really think that announcing our presence to the entire landscape is in the best interests of our current goal?" He eyed Vash sharply. "Don't you think that Knives will be watching closely?"

"Knives? You mean to say that you people have come back here to finish what was started?" Dr, Jones eyed the entire group in disbelief. "Mr. Vash the Stampede, while our entire village was very fond of you and Miss Meryl and Miss Milly, there were several people very upset by the events that caused you to leave." He huffed again; "People did not like seeing such violence on the streets, and I for one can agree." He shook his head sadly; "I'll never forget Miss Milly lying on that bed, bleeding to death even as she struggled to give birth to her children."

"Then you will agree with me that a party is a bad idea," Lazarus voiced smoothly.

"But we simply cannot allow you to disturb the peace of our village…"

"So, you'd rather Knives show up here and wipe you and this miserable little place from existence?" Lazarus towered over the smaller man, "Are you people too stupid to even be aware of the danger that you are all in?"

"So the rumors of population disappearances are true? We heard the stories, of course, but most of us simply refused to put any belief in the gossip that filtered into town with the supply trucks." Dr, Jones looked at the people before him. "And you are all here to stop him?"

"That's the general plan." Nick answered glibly. "The three of us have vowed to stop him or die in the attempt. We owe him for a past we cannot escape."

"That's right, sir," chimed in Nickie. "Our mamma and pappa died because of him and Lazarus' pappa died because of him too." Nickie looked around the street cautiously. Something was there, she was sure of it. "Knives Millions is responsible for many terrible things and we are going to put an end to him once and for all." She glanced cautiously over her shoulder again. Why did she feel as though she were being watched?

"And you Mr. Vash? What are you and Miss Meryl going to do about this?" Dr. Jones demanded.

"There's someone… there's someone there… in the alleyway… " Nickie whispered. The entire group turned. Lazarus took note of a figure, blending smoothly with the side of the buildings, saw a slight movement as an arm raised, hand wrapped around a gun.

Meryl saw the movement and open her mouth to scream a warning. Time slowed once again as it had years ago. A single sharp whine echoed through her skull as Vash reached for his pistol and drew it in one smooth motion. Nick brought the Cross-Punisher in line with the unknown target.

But Nickie realized who the bullet was aimed for even as the pistol was fired. She leapt in front of Lazarus, shielding his body with her own, as derringers appeared in her hands. Her body pitched backward as a bullet struck her high in the chest as three shots rang out in return.

Lazarus' arms automatically tightened against the frame thrown into his. The smoke settled and the group looked toward the alleyway. A woman made her way stiffly towards them, as if she were a marionette being controlled by strings. Lawren walked out of the alleyway behind her. "Pathetic bitch… how dare you try to kill my son…"

The robed figure stopped in front of the group. Nick snatched the robe from the figure. "Mrs. Evunthe…. Why?" asked Lawren. "Tell me why and I'll make your death swift."

"Kill me as you see fit. The Master will triumph in the end." The woman laughed insanely as she knelt on the ground.

"Nicole, are you alright? Nicole, answer me…" Lazarus shook her roughly, pulling at her cloak.

"What's wrong, did she faint?" Nick asked in a brotherly tone. "Come'on Nickie, stop scaring everyone. Wake up." He playfully shoved at her body and drew back with a gasp as his fingers came away stained red.

Lazarus jerked her cloak from her shoulders and gaped at the sight of the dark stain on the front of her black sweater. Rage swelled in him. Whipping around, he glared at the woman on the ground. Skin rippled on the woman's arms as he commanded bones to splinter and break. She screamed in agony, drawing a crowd, some of them wondering what was happening in their village to cause such a commotion.

Nick stared in disbelief at the damage Lazarus was inflicting on the person who had dared to harm his sister. He frowned at the pale tone of his twin as her blood dripped into the dusty streets.

"Not again, this cannot be happening again…" Dr. Jones muttered to himself.

Mrs. Evunthe had fallen to the ground, her broken splintered arms, bleeding profusely. Her cries had ceased as blood flowed freely from her eyes and nose. Staring at the body, Vash looked back and forth between mother and son. "You didn't have to kill her. It's not your right to decide who lives and who dies."

"Shut up… Vash the Stampede. The boy did not kill her." Lawren answered him coldly. "I did. She was my housekeeper for many years. She was obviously working for your brother." She smiled cruelly into his eyes. "A brother you couldn't bring yourself to kill, who has destroyed countless lives…"

"It is not my place to judge anyone…"

"Mr. Vash the Stampede," Dr. Jones snapped. "Unless it is your intent to attract a larger crowd and watch Miss Wolfwood bleed to death just like her mother, I suggest you save your debate for a later time."

Dr. Jones looked up from Nickie's unconscious frame. "Young man, bring Miss Wolfwood to my office immediately. Unless it is also your intent for her to bleed to death in the middle of the street."

Lazarus gave one brief glance at the dead woman in dust at his feet. Meryl was dancing at his side obviously distressed by the sight of Nicole's limp body in his arms. Nick held him by the arm, urging him to hurry. Lazarus glanced down at the pale face.

Panic rose in his chest. Nicole couldn't die. Not after he'd found her. "There is too much blood…way too much blood," he thought briefly as he hurried up the steps to the small office.

"Don't you die on me, Nicole. Do you hear? Don't you dare die on me…"

But he found no glimmer of her thoughts as he probed her mind…


To Be Continued…


So, after a long hiatus, I have returned to my keyboard. Let me know what you think about the latest chapter.

Love and Peace,

Blackhat (^_~)