Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Generation Gunsmoke ❯ Identity revealed ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Standard Disclaimer: Having fun, making no money, please don't sue me…

Generation Gunsmoke: Part XV

Identity Revealed

Knives Millions walked a slow circuit around the kneeling figure on the floor. The black robed woman bowed her head blonde head submissively, waiting for him to speak. "I am well pleased with the information that you have brought me. You have indeed proven yourself a devoted servant. You have kept a close watch on the ones who would seek to do me harm while my body regenerated. You will be rewarded when the human garbage is eliminated from the planet very soon."

"My master is most gracious in his praise. I look forward to the day of your victory over the masses, sir." There was an extended pause before the cloaked figure began again, "Master, there have been reports from many fed officials of further inquiry into the population disappearances. I trust this is no cause for alarm?

"You doubt my word?"

"Please forgive my insolence, Master," came the hasty reply. "I meant no disrespect." Her long hair swept the floor as she bowed her head submissively, trying to make amends.

"You would do well to remember that I do not tolerate any doubt on the part of my servant." He smiled briefly. "Legato would never have questioned anything I asked of him. It was a pity that he had to be sacrificed for my plans."

"Yes, I have heard of his devotion to you. But the son... shows much promise. His only direction has come from his mother and he is stunningly powerful. Perhaps he could be persuaded to join your cause?"

"His mother has raised him to hate me and even now he searches in an effort to kill me. That is not an avenue open for our pursuit. Still, it is good to know that his only weakness is his mother and hers is the son." Knives paused in thought for a few moments. "Kill the cub, he is of no use to me and could interfere with my plans in the long term."

"An open confrontation of the street or…"

"No, stealth is the best method to use in this disposal. The mother will be on alert for danger, so an open conflict could alert her and the others." Knives retraced his steps around the woman. "Kill Wolfwood's get too… just the son, not the daughter. I am interested in seeing how much she is like her mother."

"I understand, Master. The sons will be dealt with."

Knives stared into the distance for a few minutes. The servant waited respectfully for her master to continue. "The time draws near for my victory. My human loving brother approaches with his wench. Legato's cub and its mother are almost upon us, and my dear Milly's offspring will join us as well. It should turn out to be quite the reunion party." Knives chuckled evilly as he laughed at his own joke before continuing. "Imagine how foolish Lawren will feel when she realizes that I have had her watched all these years. And yet, if it weren't for her, I might not have lived to see my plans come to fruition. Go to the village 100 isles from here and wait, kill the sons of Legato and Wolfwood, but make sure you are not seen. I would hate for my surprise to be spoiled."

"I hear and obey, Master." The robed figure climbed to her feet and removed her hood from her head. There was a rippling of flesh as the woman's appearance changed from that of a stunning blonde to that of matronly woman.

"Morganna the Unseen…" Knives smiled at her as he took in the iron gray hair and plumper figure. "I wonder if even I have truly seen your natural appearance, and I occasionally find myself amazed that she did not suspect you for all these years. Still, if I did not know what you were capable of then I would take you for nothing other than what you appear to be… a mature woman whose only interests lie in keeping a tidy home and a watchful eye toward her chicks."

"My only goal is to please my Master and ensure that his desires are fulfilled."

"See that you continue to keep my interests as your first priority, Mrs. Evunthe. After all, we are headed for a final showdown… and this time, I will be the victor."

The woman smiled and nodded before leaving Knives' presence.


Lazarus stripped off his black clothes and washed off the stray flecks of blood in the sink before climbing into his lonely bunk. He lay quietly in his bed, staring at the ceiling, while pulling the sheet over his lower half to cover his bare body. He tossed about for a few minutes before huffing again at himself. He had to be noble and he had to be understanding. Nicole had been very frightened by the events of the evening and would have likely fallen easily into his bed. She would be here right now if it weren't for the fact that he had sent her away from him.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid…" he chided himself. He could have planted the suggestion in her thoughts or even bent her body to his will, but he really didn't want her like that. He wanted her to come to him of her own free will, to give herself to him because she wanted him and not because of some stupid incident in an alleyway or because he'd pushed her to it with a few thoughts. He supposed he would try to set her straight in the morning about venturing off without him again. She'd been through enough for one night.

A small sound drew his attention to the doorway. He sat up quickly and stared in disbelief at the sight of Nicole standing in the pale darkness of his room. "Lazarus? Are you still awake?"

"What do you want, Nicole?" His eyes narrowed in the darkness. " I told you that I was in no mood to indulge your curiosity this evening."

Nicole stepped further into the room and pulled the door closed behind her. She mentally fought to keep her voice from quivering. "I … I… came because… because…." She bit her lower lip helplessly.


"Because I want you to make love to me…" she blurted out in a rush.

Lazarus could see her face turn a fiery shade of crimson in the pale darkness. He raked her well-covered body insolently with his eyes before turning his back to her. "Go back to bed, Nicole. I told you once already that tonight wasn't the time for me to indulge your curiosity."

Nicole stared at his broad naked back. She swallowed nervously and licked her suddenly dry lips. This was not at all going as she planned. Staring about the room in indecision, she debated several courses of action.

"Are you still here? Go to bed like a good little girl. We'll talk in the morning."

Nicole bit her lip again in determination. He was not going to send her away like a little girl. Grasping the sides of her prim gown, she swiftly tugged the material over head and let it fall noiselessly to the floor. "Lazarus…" her voice whispered. He didn't move. Frowning at his back, she shouted, "Lazarus… Look at me."

Lazarus rolled lazily over in his bed and blinked several times in rapid succession. Nicole stood a few feet away, wearing nothing but her smooth white skin and a riot of black hair that hung to her waist. He smiled cruelly and pushed back the sheet that still covered him. His feet touched the floor and he crossed the room in seconds.

He smiled into Nicole's eyes as they widened in shock. He had to be sure that she really wanted this. He would not have her feel any regrets in the morning. He paced a circle around her as she trembled under his gaze. His hands reached out to stroke her bare arm, a firm cheek, and a full ripe breast.

Nicole shivered as he touched her. He was frightening her again. There had been something about his actions earlier that seemed familiar for some reason, but she had forced those thoughts away. Gathering her courage, she straightened her spine and refused to budge. His hands brushed against her body, leaving her skin feeling as though a hot coal had touched it.

Lazarus stopped in front of her and let his eyes bore into hers. "Are you sure that you really want this?" He pulled one of her hands to his semi aroused shaft. Nicole jumped as her hand closed around his most intimate part. "If you stay, I won't stop even if you beg me too. I'm going to lay you on my bed, spread your pretty legs and bury myself in you." He paused as she gasped and her eyes strayed to his member. "You will belong to me as long as either of us lives. I will not let you go and pity the individual who may seek to take you from me."

Nicole felt frightened, but her voice was steady as she answered, "You will belong to me as well… And I… I … won't have you hanging out in some whorehouse like my brother." She rushed out this last statement and turned brilliantly red again.

"With a woman like you at my side, I assure you that visiting a brothel would not enter my mind." He stepped closer and pulled her into his embrace. "You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment," he spoke quietly before claiming her lips with his.

Fire exploded in her center as Lazarus pulled her tightly against his body. His kisses demanded a response from her. His tongue slipped inside her waiting mouth as her arms twined around his neck. He tangled his fingers in her long raven locks as he tilted her head back to expose her throat to his hungry lips.

Nickie reveled in the feel of his hard body against hers. She had never felt more alive as her blood heated her body to an unbearable degree. She willingly pressed herself into his unyielding frame as his hands cupped her breasts.

Lazarus scooped Nicole up into his arms and retraced his steps to his bed. Lowering her to the mattress, he stood over her for a moment. His platinum eyes gleamed with desire as they raked the picture before him. How long had he wanted to see Nicole like this, lying on his bed, her eyes half lidded with desire. His body tightened painfully as he lowered his frame to join her.

Covering her body with his, he kissed her lips again and again, until he lowered his mouth to a firm breast and nipped sharply at a firm peak. Nickie moaned low in her throat as his teeth and lips worried the stiff peaks of her ripe breasts. Her hands wound themselves in his glossy blue locks, holding him close to her chest.

Lazarus trailed his fingers low across her flat stomach and grazed the dark nest of curls that protected her center. Nicole stiffened slightly as he stroked the outer edges of her nether lips. Her pulse leapt wildly in her body as her heart raced. No one had ever touched her so intimately. She shifted her body restlessly on the covers of the bed as Lazarus trailed a chain of kisses down her torso.

Lazarus looked up briefly at her tightly closed eyes and smiled. He slid further down her body and pushed at her thighs. Her scent was calling to him, begging him to taste the moist sweetness. She whimpered softly as her body burned white hot with longing. His tongue reached out and flicked at the taut flesh. Nicole shrieked and lunged upright, "What… what are you doing?"

Lazarus looked at her from his place between her thighs. "Do you trust me, Nicole?" He stared into her blue eyes, wanting her reply. She looked away hastily and blushed as she nodded. "Then relax, I want you to enjoy your first experience. I won't do anything to hurt you on purpose." She nodded again as he kissed her again.

He stroked her body with one hand, trailing kisses after it. Reaching her nether lips again, Lazarus again stroked the moist flesh with his tongue as he slowly inserted a finger into her waiting channel. She cried out softly as her body clenched around the digit.

Encouraged, Lazarus lapped at the sensitive nubbin for a few moments before he inserted a second finger into her tight passage. He worked her body slowly as he taught her the rhythm with his hands and lips. He reveled each time she gasped with growing pleasure. He wanted to bury himself in her tightness, to lose himself in her moist heat as he came, but he also knew he had to proceed at a slower rate for her sake. He could not frighten her now.

Nicole writhed on the bed, her hands fisting in the sheets and stroking Lazarus' hair as he continued to lap at her sensitive flesh. Nothing she had ever been told or heard prepared her for the feelings he was raising in her. Her heart pounded and her blood raced through her veins like liquid fire as he stroked her heated center.

A tightness was building in her as he pushed his fingers in and out of her passage. Her hips moved on their own, following his motions until something broke inside her. Her legs stiffened, and her back arched off the bed as a new sensation took over her entire body. Her body clenched tightly, wanting something more something she could not name.

Lazarus felt the woman in his arms stiffen and knew he had driven her to climax. Hurriedly, pulled himself up between her thighs and buried himself to the hilt in her tender channel in one smooth motion. She arched against him in a combination of pleasure and pain as he forced himself as deeply as possible into her waiting body.

Pleasure, poured through her body as it was rocked with tiny spasms until she felt Lazarus nudge against her entrance with his hardness. She tried to protest, but her voice was lost in a sharp gasp as he shoved himself deep inside her waiting body. White-hot pain mingled with the pleasure as Nicole clenched her jaw against the pain while Lazarus drew back partially and forced himself completely inside her body. Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she fought against the pain.

Lazarus held himself still; knowing the worst was over for her. He smiled down at her tightly closed eyes. "Nicole, I'm sorry… I didn't want to hurt you." He kissed her cheeks and brushed his lips against hers. "Open your eyes, my sweet. Is the pain unbearable?"

Nicole opened her eyes cautiously and held herself rigidly still. She was aware of his shaft buried in her body and could feel her passage pulsing around him. "I… I… didn't expect it to sting quite so much, but I don't think there is any permanent damage done." She smiled bravely up at him, as she brushed a stray lock of blue hair from his eyes. She moved slightly. "I think the worst of it is gone."

Lazarus pulled back slightly and watched her eyes widen. Slowly, he pushed himself back into her warmth. Her breath was released in a sharp hiss. He drew back again until only the tip remained inside her entrance. Again he pushed back into her waiting warmth and this time was rewarded with a pleasurable sigh from her. He kissed her smiling lips and thrust hard against her body, wanting to lose himself in pleasure.

She met his thrust with one of her own. "Make love to me, Lazarus," she whispered against his lips. Her arms twined around his neck as she nipped playfully at throat. His mind spun with pleasure as he drew back and thrust into her waiting body again and again. He held her close as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He kept pumping himself into her tight wetness, again and again until his body clenched and tightened as his climax hit him head on. He ground his lips against hers and swallowed her low cry. He dimly realized that she had joined him in pleasure as he poured his seed into her body. He collapsed against her, crushing her to the mattress as he gulped in air. This was what he had always wanted…


Lazarus lay awake in the dim light of the early morning. He held the sleeping Nicole against his body. She had given him everything and had held nothing back from him. As soon as this entire debacle was finished with Knives, he was going to take her whereever she wanted to go. They could travel the face of the planet, visit the large cities, and he could experience more of life than he'd ever been able to in the past.

His arm tightened on her sleeping form. Her family would have to be dealt with. He did not want her to have to choose between them, but she was his now. And he'd see them all in hell before he'd allow any of them to come between them.

He also knew that sooner or later, he'd have to tell her about his complete past and his entire name. He felt sure that she would forgive him his small deception. He sighed and pulled the covers snugly around them and closed his eyes. For the first time in his life, Lazarus was certain of a future that did not end with him dying alone somewhere on the frontier.


Lazarus smiled at the sleeping form curled up at his side. Slowly, so as not to awaken her, he eased himself from the bed, smiling in satisfaction at the small bloodstains on the otherwise pristine white sheets.

He washed and dressed himself quietly and made his way toward the door. He wanted to bring breakfast to Nicole so she could rest longer today. They would be leaving soon to meet his mother. He paused to gather some money from his travel bag.

Nickie, wrapped in a sheet came scurrying to the common area of the suite. "Lazarus… you forgot to kiss me good morning." She admonished him lightly.

He smiled at her wide-eyed innocence as she stared up at him. Her eyes held the same clear blue sparkle as they had yesterday. Clearly, loosing her virginity to him did not seem to have any negative effects on her. "So I did, my sweet… I will repair my oversight immediately." He tugged her close and lowered his mouth to hers.

"Hey Nickie, you lazy wench… Do you have any idea how worried we have been…."

Lazarus looked up sharply as the door was thrown open and people crowded the entrance. He tried to place himself in front of Nicole as she peeped around him and groaned in misery. There stood Nick, Mother Meryl, and Uncle Vash in stunned silence. "Your family, my sweet?"

Uncle Vash had a look of cold fury mingled with horror on his face. He whipped out his pistol so fast; Nicole was not sure how he had done it. He crossed the room in swift angry strides until he stood with his gleaming gun pointed at Lazarus.

"Get away from her, Legato…"

That strange eerie feeling had returned. There was a secret here that she really didn't care about. Nickie desperately tried to keep calm. Mother looked shocked or maybe disappointed would be a better word. Nick had popped the cover off of Pappa's gun and had it leveled directly at Lazarus. She'd never seen her twin so angry before. She had to do something before this situation got totally out of hand. Stepping to Lazarus' side, she tried to make introductions, "Umm Uncle Vash, I know how this must look but this is Lazarus Diaggrio."

"It's all right my sweet, I don't really think your family cares who I am at the moment." Lazarus looked into the eyes of the man who fired the gun that killed his father and felt nothing. This was not the individual responsible for Legato's death. Stepping forward slightly, he spoke to the legendary gunman, "Vash the Stampede… after all these years, I meet the man who pulled the trigger on my father…"

Vash looked stunned as he lowered the gun to his side, "Your… father?"

Lazarus looked at Nicole. She didn't deserve to find out who he was under these circumstances, but that couldn't be helped now. "My sweet, I think it is time I shared the rest of my name with you."

Nicole looked at him with wide eyes, dreading what he was going to say. "Please don't, I don't have to know… I don't want to know…"

Lazarus continued on as if he hadn't heard her. " 'Diaggrio' is my mother's name. It is the one I have used frequently over the years. When I was born, she named me 'Lazarus' for the one who was raised from the dead untold centuries ago simply because I resembled my father. My last name is the same as his… 'Bluesummers'. My father was Legato Bluesummers, the one man on the planet that Vash the Stampede actually killed."

There were several sharp intakes of breath. Nickie looked up into his eyes, "You can't be related to him… you just can't be," she whispered as the world tilted before her eyes and she slipped silently to the floor.


To Be Continued…


I know, I love to twist these poor characters tighter into my coils…

Love and Peace,

Blackhat (^_~)