Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Humanity: Torn Between Loving It and Hating It ❯ Hate ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~*~ I can't believe I've been reduced to this……. I had spent years of planning. Plans that would have been the end of humanity. But my brother, Vash, had to screw it up. Vash, that idiotic birdbrain, had ruined everything. I had tried to convince him of how foul, imperfect, and considerably stupid the human race was compared to the superior beings we are, known as Plants.

We had met up in a small park and that was where we had our battle. Bloody and painful as it was, Vash, my kind-hearted brother, was determined to beat me. To get revenge on all the humans I had killed. That was when he HAD beaten me. My dim-witted ape of a brother had beaten me! I can still hardly believe it to this day!

Just when I had thought he was going to shoot me, to end the threat of humanity, he had dropped his gun and had knelt beside me. I was shocked beyond compare! That was when I had passed out from the ever lasting throbbing that beat out a rhythm in my many wounds.

That was two years ago. Two years has passed and I have yet to get over the fact that Vash had defeated me. I am currently living with my wimpy brother and the two female spiders. `Milly' is the kinder of the two and, well, the stupider. `Meryl' is the deadly Black Widow herself. She acts as if she has some right to order me around.

Vash told me that I would get use to it. That she isn't all THAT bad. He said that I will like her in due time. I said to him that I will sooner shoot myself with my own gun then to ever befriend her, Milly or any other humans for that matter!

I will go insane if I stay here any longer! I have been planning on escaping some time this week but-- ~*~*~

Knives stopped abruptly when there were a few knocks at the door. He quickly closed his journal and threw it and the pen into the nightstand drawer, slamming it shut. The door burst open and a giddy Vash bounced in. Knives groaned and made a face of disgust.

"Goooood morning, Knives!" Vash shouted gleefully. Knives cringed slightly from the happy note in his brother's voice. He sneered and glared.

Vash's smile faltered some and he said in a whinny voice, "Aw, c'mon bro! Don't be so mean! I came to tell you that I'm heading for the town's bar. I wanted to know if you'd like to come and have a few drinks with me?" Vash's eyes became big and watery, a look of pleading. Knives groaned, rolling his eyes.

"You're so pathetic brother…….," When Vash kept his face the same, Knives sighed and stood slowly.

"Alright! Enough with that damned face! Just to let you know though, I will not hesitate to shoot any human that even so LOOKS at me wrong…….," He patted the gun that was in the hostler strapped around his waist.

Vash laughed and slapped Knives on the back, maybe a little harder than he intended. Knives grunted then punched Vash in the stomach.

"Oof!……. OWY!!" Vash whined as he rubbed his stomach.

Knives glared, "These humans have made you weak, Vash. If you had just followed my lead in destroying these foul beasts- !"

"NO!" Knives clenched his fists at his sides. Vash smiled a little.

"I think it's time you see just how wrong you are about these people, bro! Not all humans are selfish, greedy, disgusting or a waste of space. Some are actually kind, helpful and fun to hang around with!" He winked and threw an arm around Knives' shoulders, pulling him toward him so he could whisper in his ear.

"Not to mention all the beautiful ladies you might meet!" Knives jerked away, his face crossed with utter shock and rage.

"Vash! How dare you think that of me?! You honestly believe I would find a human woman and settle down with her?!" Vash blinked a few times before breaking out in a grin.

"Aw, c'mon! It wouldn't be all that bad! Many pretty girls would fall all over you!" Knives had to resist the urge to pull out his gun and shoot dear Vash in the head.

"Never! I would shoot them all before they lay a single, dirty finger on me!" He shouted. Vash put his hands up to his face, palms out, fingers spread. He smiled sheepishly as he shook a little in fear.

"Okay, okay! I get your point! You don't want to get into a relationship right now-"

"I don't want one at ALL!"

"Alright! Sheesh! What crawled up your pants? C'mon, lets go!"

"No. I've changed my m-gah!!" Vash grabbed Knives' arm and jerked him out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the house.

"Vash! Knock it off with the damn running!" they heard Meryl scream. This only freaked Vash out and prompted him to run faster, practically dragging poor Knives the rest of the way.

~*~*~*~At The Bar~*~*~*~

"Vash! It's nice of you to visit again!" Came a soft, young voice. Knives, after beating up Vash and dusting himself off, turned and saw a young woman walk slowly around the counter and toward them. Knives narrowed his eyes.

Vash, after recovering from Knives' "rough housing", ran over and glomped the woman. He spun in a circle the allowed her feet to touch the ground again, but he never ended the hug. She laughed and thumped his chest with a loose fist.

"You're so strange, Vash! Now let go of me before I hurt you!" she threatened. Vash let go and her eyes wandered past him to the man behind him.

"Oh……. hello," she said shyly. Knives glared at her. Vash gave his brother a look.

"Kale, this if my brother Knives! Knives, this is Kale! I met her a while back and I freaked when I heard that Milly lived nearby! She and her father own this bar!" Knives, still glaring at Kale, watched without interest when her shy expression changed so something of sadness.

"Um……. Vash……. there's something you need to know. While you were away, my father died. He died upon an accident." Vash's face changed to a look of sorrow and sympathy.

"Oh geez……. I'm so sorry, Kale. I-I had no idea! If I had known you know I would have come back to comfort you…….," He went to embrace her, but she backed away a bit too quickly. Vash looked hurt. Knives was overly pissed.

"This is just one of the reasons why I hate humans, brother! They never stop to think of what their actions will do to another!" Vash turned, his expression dead serious.

"You should talk, Knives! When you hurt other people it hurts me as well!" Knives opened his mouth to give an angry reply when Kale spoke up softly, nervously.

"Please you two! You shouldn't be fighting! Knives, I don't know you well enough, but Vash! Shame on you! I mean, really!" Vash's shoulders sunk and he gave an apologetic smile.

"Sorry…….," Kale gave the man a slight hug.

"It's ok," she tugged at his sleeve, "Come! Sit down and order up!" She walked back behind the bar and pulled down two mugs. Vash and Knives took a seat next to each other.

"So, what would you two like?"

"A beer!"

"Alright. Knives, you want the same?" Knives paid her no attention. He had seated himself to where his back was to them. Ha had an elbow propped up onto the bar with his hand holding the side of his head. Kale turned to Vash with a blank look. He frowned slightly at his brother's back.

"A beer for him too. You need to ignore his rudeness. He's had a hard time and he only interacts with me. Even then it's not much! He's just a very distant man." Kale nodded and turned to a keg. She filled both up and set one in front of Vash and the other next to Knives.

Vash raised his mug and shouted merrily, "Here's to Love and Peace!" People around shouted their agreement and Vash drunk the alcohol in one gulp.

~*~*~*~Fifthteen Minutes Later~*~*~*~*~

Vash laughed and started dancing like an idiot. He had his arms around two other drunks and they sang in horrible voices.

"Twinkle, twinkle little star! How I wonder where you are! Up upon the world so high…….," Kale laughed as she watched the men act like fools. Vash had already downed eight glasses and was still able to stand! She turned to see Knives drinking his beer in silence. Ever now and then he would glance at his brother and roll his eyes.

Kale took this as good opportunity to talk to him. She gave a man another beer before walking over to him. Knives looked up and narrowed his eyes. Kale raised her hands to her face and said in a small voice, "Easy. I come in peace."

Knives said nothing but keep his gaze steady on hers, as if she would jump him if he looked away. Kale smiled softly and pulled out a cloth. She began wiping up some of a puddle of whiskey.

"So, what's it like having an outlaw for a brother?" He didn't say anything for a while. Kale thought he had not heard her and was about to repeat herself when he spoke up in a cold, harsh tone, "He's more of a monkey than an outlaw."

"That's not very nice."

"You will learn that I am not a very nice person. Get over it." He went back to drinking.

"Alright." Kale got the hint that he didn't want her talking to him so she walked away to fill more mugs. As the day dragged on, more people came in. Kale was having a hard time trying to keep up with everyone's demands.

She leaned up against the bar after she filled the last person's mug. She was exhausted. She ran the back of her hand over her forehead and let out a long sigh.

"It was never this hard before when Dad was around," she grouched. She turned when she heard another group of people walk in. She froze and stared as a group of men and two girls took a seat at one of the vacant tables.

Knives, who had stopped laughing at Vash's drunken state, saw Kale stand there ridged. He glanced over his shoulder and at the table. One of the men looked up and stared at Kale. Knives turned his head back and arched a slim eyebrow at her.

Kale turned around quickly when the man walked over. He jumped onto Vash's seat, who had passed out on the floor. The other two drunks where poking him with their empty mugs.

"Well, hello Kale." Kale acted as if she didn't hear him. She took great interest in cleaning shot glasses and mugs. This irritated the man. He turned slightly and saw Knives watching Kale.

"Hey buddy, keep your eyes off my woman!" He stated angrily. Kale spun around, her eyes wide in shock. Knives turned his gaze to the man, his eyes cold and evil looking.

"I will do as I please you filthy spider. Do not tempt me to squash you."

"What?! How dare you?!" Todd stood up and was about to jump him, when Knives pulled out his gun and pressed it to the man's forehead. Todd immediately backed away and sat back down. Knives placed his gun next to his beer.

Kale watched Knives closely. He was different from Vash. Very different. Vash had told her once that Knives was his twin. Their facial structure, height, great marksman's ship, and obsession with guns were all the same. But there were other things that kept them apart.

For one, Knives' eyes were blue. They always seemed to be plotting something against someone, in Kale's case, her. Vash's eyes were turquoise, sometimes just green. They were always soft with kindness or laughter. Then came the hair. Knives' hair was cut very short and was a whitish blonde. Vash's was always spiked and stuck up. His was a rich blonde.

Then there came attitude and personality. Vash was always kidding around, having a fun time. But every now and then he would turn serious. Knives was the complete opposite. He acted as though he was some kind of evil emperor. When it came to having fun, Vash was always up to greeting it. From her first impression on Knives, it seemed he never had any real fun. She got the idea that he just sat back and watched or paid little mind to it.

Kale snapped out of her thoughts when the man in front of her snapped his fingers in her face. She backed up a little. Knives kept his gaze on the black, marble bar.

"Missed me baby? Been a long time since I visited, eh? How have ya been?" The questions flew at her like bricks. She was infuriated that the man acted so carefree. As angry as she was, she never allowed the expression to appear on her face. Instead she smiled, a grayish eye peeking out from between her raven black hair.

"Please don't call me baby, Todd. I'm a grown woman and yes it has been a while. Also, if you must know, even though it is none of your business, I have been stressed with work and trying to pay off finances. It's hard living off with what I make here." Todd looked confused.

"Say, where's your old man? Why isn't he here helping you out?" Kale's eyes glazed over and she clenched her fists. She turned around so no one would see her face. Tears threatened to fall.

"My `old man' is lying underground in the town's cemetery. Feel free to visit him anytime ya want," she bit out calmly. Todd was swamped with guilt. Knives watched them with mild amusement.

"Oh, well, I didn't know. What happened?" Kale didn't turn around. She was going to tell him, as hard as it was, when Vash decided to come around. He leapt to his feet and into Todd's lap.

"HeeeeeLLO! Care to join me in a drink?! C'mon Kale! Filler up for this young man!" Vash slurred. Kale blinked then glanced at Knives. Knives looked like he was going to leave from embarrassment.

Kale forced a laugh and filled up both mugs. Vash snatched his drank it in one gulp. He pulled it back and looked up into with one eye.

"Say……. what happened?! I could have sworn that this thing was full!" Vash said in a whinny voice, unaware of the fact that he just drank it all. Kale patted Vash's shoulder. Todd looked annoyed and shoved Vash out of his lap.

"Todd!" Kale screeched. She angrily slapped him. Todd was more than shocked.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He growled, rubbing his reddened cheek.

"You could just picked him up! He's drunk!" Todd glared down at Vash, who had fallen asleep and was snoring loudly. He looked up at Kale.

"Is he your boyfriend, Kale?" She stuck her chin up.

"If he was you have nothing to say about it. It's not really any of your business anyway." Todd snarled and pointed to Knives.

"And who's he?!" Knives narrowed his eyes. Kale smiled slightly at him then frowned at Todd.

"What's wrong with you? I can't bring friends into my bar? Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean there's something going on. Just remember, Todd. You've been gone for nearly a year. Things change after a while you know. And if you must know, he's Vash's brother."

"Yeah right. I bet he's your boyfriend, too. Bet you're a freakin' two timer." He got up and walked back to his table. Kale sighed and grumbled under her breath, "You should talk you no-good back stabber."

Things went smoothly after that. Vash would always wake up then pass out. Knives kept staring at nothing in particular. Kale would refill glasses every now and then. Kale, after gathering her courage, walked back over to Knives.

"Hey," she whispered. Knives didn't look up. He seemed to be in deep thought. She sighed and tapped his shoulders. His head snapped up. Kale cringed when his icy blue eyes bore into her own.

"What do you want now?" he grumbled in annoyance.

"I wanted to apologize for Todd's actions. He's still a little upset with me dumping him a long time ago. I guess he still considers me his `girl'. He got what was coming to him when I found him with another girl." Knives looked bored.

"I could careless what you did or why you did it. I've just about had it with you pathetic spiders. As for that other human, he will end up dead the next time he decides to talk to me."

"Why are you always like that?" Knives cocked an eyebrow.

"Like what?"

"Why are you always talking about killing? Always threatening people? It isn't right." Knives leaned over slightly, his arms crossed on the bar. His face was a few inches from hers.

"Why do you insist on telling me what is wrong and what isn't?" Kale leaned forward, her arms crossed on the bar as well. Their noses touched, but just barely.

"Because some people need to know what is wrong and what is right. You just may be one of those people. So, why do you do it? Vash doesn't do it. He actually does the opposite. You're twins and yet you are the opposite of everything he does!"

"That is a good thing. You could say I'm his evil twin. The bad half. The better half. You humans do not deserve to live."

"And why not? Vash told me you two were Plants. Not human. But you look and act like one. Why are you any different?" Knives growled.

"I am completely different from you human garbage! If it weren't for Vash, you, along with the rest of mankind, would have perished. But he had to be stubborn and decided to fight against me and side with you spiders!" His voice rose in anger. Kale put her hand over his.

"Calm down. No one else needs to hear what you have to say." Knives looked at her hand.

"You will remove your hand now or I will take great pleasure in breaking it or maybe even cutting it off," he said slowly, threateningly. Kale, determined to get Knives to see the goodness in other people, gripped his gloved hand with her smaller one.

"Why do you hate us so much? What have we done to get on your nasty side? Did a human hurt you in the past? Is that why you think so little of us?"

Knives clenched his teeth and gripped her wrist roughly. Kale winced as pain shot up her arm. Slowly, he removed her hand, but his grip remained tight as ever. He purposely gripped harder until he had the will to crush her bones.

Kale let out a small cry. Knives jerked her arm until Kale slammed into the bar. Kale was a few inches from his face.

"You don't listen very well." He twisted her hand and she let out another cry. Kale stared at him wide eyed. He seemed to be enjoying the fact that he was causing her pain! She saw Todd stand up from the table and pulled out his gun.

"Let go of her you bastard!" Knives ignored him. Todd growled and pulled the trigger. Kale shrieked when Knives pulled her over the bar and into his lap. Knives leaned back and the bullet flew past his nose and into one of the bottles of alcohol, busting it into pieces.

"Todd! Put that damn gun away!" Kale yelled, enraged. Knives grabbed his from the bar and aimed at Todd. Kale screeched and threw her body onto his arm, making him shoot the ground. Knives shoved Kale from his lap and she landed on top of Vash. The spiked haired Plant only grunted, but never woke up.

Knives went to try again when Kale tackled him from his stool. Knives hit the floor harder than he had liked. He groaned in pain. Kale sat up on his chest and snatched the gun from his grip and tossed it on the other side of the bar.

Kale then grabbed the collar of Knives' suit and jerked him to her face and said in a low, shaky voice, "Knives do not, I repeat, do NOT shoot to kill in my bar! I refuse to see someone die by you, especially you! I'm already working up a rule to not bring loaded guns here. I will not allow you to hurt anyone here."

Knives' pupils shrank dangerously and he grabbed her forearms, tossing her off. He rolled over and slid the lower half of her body between his legs (A/N: OooOOooo…XD) as he knelt over her. He crossed her arms painfully and he leaned down. Kale shrank back some as their noses touched again.

"Filthy spider. I will do as I please. I could kill you if I wanted. I could torture you if I wanted. I could even do the most utmost horrible thing to you right now, in front of everyone and no one would be able to stop me." (A/N: RAPE! #.# Shame on you Knives! You bad, bad man!) Knives pulled back and stood up.

"Get my gun," he ordered and went over to backhand his brother.

"Vash wake up. We're leaving." Vash mumbled something about love and peace. Knives rolled his eyes.

"If you don't open your eyes right now I will be forced to kill everyone in this bar including your spider friend." Vash's eyes snapped open.

"You wouldn't!" he shouted in rage. Knives chuckled and stood up. He turned around, expecting Kale to hand him his gun. Instead she threw it at him, getting him in the side of the head. He shouted something very naughty and glared at her. She smiled and twinkled her fingers at him.

Vash handed him his gun as he rubbed his cheek then looked at Kale. He waved to her and she waved back. Knives grabbed Vash by the collar of his red coat and dragged him out of the bar.


THERE! XD God I think all the best Knives romance plots are taken so I had to make something stupid……. I envy you Knives lovers with really good romance plots! >.>……. Anyway, hoped ya enjoyed it! Dun hate me if I get Knives OOC! I personally think I can do Knives better than Legato. I've seen Knives more and no how he acts more really. ^^