Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Knives ❯ Beginning ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kourime Fire Kitsune Dog Demon: I wrote this two years ago and now I'm posting it on here. lol. Enjoy you people that like knives! I also like him so enjoy! R&R please.


A man with short pale blonde hair and blue eyes in a dark red outfit walked through the deserted town. He was known as Million Knives, brother of Vash the stampede. Knives hated his brother for being for so soft and for caring too much. He heard some noise and he followed the noise through the town. He finally found where the noise is coming from. A bunch of men were in a circle, beating a little girl.
"Maybe this'll teach ya to disobey us, you little brat!" One man yelled kicking a blue haired blue eyed girl.
Knives took his black gun out and shot all of the men. All of the men fell in a heap after they were shot. Knives looked over at the pile of men and seen a small human girl that was shaking. She looked up at him with fear in her blue eyes and she layed against the wall of a building.
*What a disgusting little girl.* He thought, looking at her.
The little girl's blue hair was messed up and her face was dirty. Knives approached the little girl and touched her head. the little girl cried in fear at his touch.
"Quit crying. No ne is going to kill you. Not even me." He answered.
The little girl just stared at him. Knives picked her up and put her on her feet. Then he bent down until he was eye level with her.
"Now.....what's is your name?"
The girl didn't answer but instead she just looked at him. There wasn't fear in her eyes anymore at least. Knives sighed and stood up. He started to walk away when he found a hand slip in to his. He looked down and seen the little girl holding his hand.
"What the? What're you doing, you little human?" He asked.
The little girl looked up at him.
"I guess you want to come on along with me, don't you?" Knives asked, looking down at the little girl.
The little girl nodded.
"Come on, kid." He started to walk again and the girl followed him.

How sweet....he has a little girl now. lol.