Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Meet me in the moonlight ❯ Haunting Memories ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Meet me in the moonlight
By: Haruka-chan

AN: There is nothing I can say about this story, but it was inspired by episode 15 demon eye. This is a twisted little story; Vash and Wolfwood will be as they are. I don't own Tirgun.

*....*- Means that it's character thoughts.
*~....~*- Character is thinking about what someone said in the past.
"...."- Means characters are talking.
****.....****- Means dreams of the character.
~~~***...***~~~- Means letters and notes from characters

Haunting Memories...Chapter 2

The escape of pain, of suffering and off all that was once lost. Something new gained. Is life just a simple game, or a part of a puzzle that must be put together. A journey through a maze of confusion, and compassion. So many word would express what a person felt inside, if only put in to words...

Last Time...
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"Meryl!" said the big girl as she came close to the two standing there staring at each other. "Meryl!" she said. The small girl looked toward her friend and a small smile escaped her once more. "Milly..." she said. Vash watched her smile, she was beautiful when she smiled a small like that he wondered what she would look if she was happy and smiling. "Meryl, were finally going to be free!" she said as she hugged her friend. "Yeah Milly...we are" she whispered. *But the question now was will I be able to bring myself out?* thought Meryl as more tears came. "Come on girls we better get moving before those guys find us out" said Wolfwood. They nodded and followed quietly behind the two. "Such a sad life" said Wolfwood. "Yeah, to be filled with that kind of a pain" said Vash. "It's not only a pain it's a scar that is left with in them" said Wolfwood. "But we all have scars that caused us pain, but the important thing is that we move on" said Vash. Wolfwood chuckled "If only everyone could think like you" he said. "Your the second one today to tell me that" he said glancing back at the small girl, who had her eyes on the ground, as the big girl next to her talked on with a smile. *Life is so cruel sometimes it's pain to want to live* he thought.
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"I have never met anyone as good and understanding as these two men. They helped us even knowing getting involved meant that they would be haunted for their life. I wondered if God finally heard my prayers, if he finally thought that I had repent for what ever I did to get a life like this..."

Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl and Milly sat at a saloon. Milly went on talking to Wolfwood, and Vash while Meryl sat quietly. "I love this pudding thank you Mr. Priest" said Milly. Vash looked toward Meryl. "Are you all right?" he asked. She didn't answer, she sat and started at her drink. Vash frowned as he watched her, it was as if she was hoping the cup of tea would swallow her whole and save her from the cruel reality. "So how did you ladies end up with those sick bastard?" asked Wolfwood. Milly's smile disappeared. "Excuse me" said Meryl. "Huh?" asked Wolfwood as he watched Meryl get up and walk out. "Meryl doesn't like talking about it, she and I were never really part of the family that we became slaves too. Lately the security of belonging in a family is important for men anyway. They invite other men in and they use women as their toys" said Milly. "That's awful" said Vash. Milly nodded. "Meryl and I use to work for a company that was very well known. Meryl was the best in the company and I was her partner, there was one man in there that hated that, not to mention he had a thing for her. He was part of one of those families, and somehow got the chief involved in it. Soon the only thing he wanted was Meryl to be his plaything. When she refused to have anything to do with him..." Milly had tears in her eyes. Vash looked towards the door of the saloon. "It's no wonder the small girl is so quite" said Wolfwood. "It's my entire fault...Meryl was trying to help me" whispered Milly. "What do you mean?" asked Vash. "I come from a big family one of my sisters need medical attention and at that moment my family didn't have the money, so they asked me. My job paid well but I still need my own spending money. Meryl tried to help me out by lending me some money, but it wasn't still enough" said Milly.

"I walked away, how could I tell them the truth? How could I bring back those memories? It was impossible it was already hard just living, to bring back those images in to my head...would be to much for me. I didn't want them to see me cry. I didn't want to seem any lower then I already was..."

"My sister had a kidney failure, she needed a transplant right away, and the only way that was possible was with the coast of $25,000 and a donor. When we did find the donor, we were short on money. Meryl went to talk to he chief, when she did she found out that the only way she could borrow that much money was if she sold herself to him...she was shocked that the chief would suggest such a thing, but the truth was he was being controlled by Mr. Johnson. Meryl came back and told me that we had the money...she looked so sad when she smiled, but I was too selfish and stupid to see what she had done" whispered Milly as the tears flowed freely now.


Bernardelli Insurance company...

"Meryl are you serious we have the money? The chief will be lending us the money?" asked Milly with joy. "Yeah, I just spoke to him" said Meryl with tears in her eyes. "Oh Meryl how can I ever thank you for this? I don't know what I would have done without you" said Milly hugging her friend. "Hey don't worry about it, I have to go home now, you better go on too and call your family" said Meryl. "Yeah ok, Thanks again Meryl I'll be sure to mention to middle big sister, and have a goodnight" said Milly. "Yeah ok goodnight Milly" said Meryl. Meryl sat at her desk and stared down at nothing. Her eyes just filled with more tears, and soon she started to cry in to her hand, I had left something at my desk and I went back only to hear Meryl and chief talking. "You know what you have to do don't you Miss. Stryfe?" he asked. "When should I stop by?" asked Meryl quietly. "It isn't just stopping by, Miss. Stryfe, you will be living at the family house from now on" said the chief. "What?!? You never said anything about that" she said. "Miss. Stryfe did you think I was going to give you all that money just for one night?" he asked. "You bastard!" yelled Meryl. The chief laughed and grabbed Meryl by the arm. "You know Miss. Stryfe you are a very beautiful woman, not to mention so strong willed, I wouldn't mind at all to add you to my 'collection' you would be my most prized attraction" he said. "Let go of me" said Meryl struggling against large chief.

"Might I remind you Miss. Stryfe we did have a deal, you get the money for you partner, and you belong to me, not unless Miss. Thompson's sister to have an unexpected death" he said. Meryl gasped with wide eyes. "You wouldn't!" she yelled. "Oh but I would, I am quite capable of that" he said. Meryl's eyes watered at his words. "Fine, but you have to promise not to pull anyone in to this" she said. "Very well" he said releasing her. "When will you be joining us?" he asked. Meryl looked down at the ground. "Whenever you want me" she whispered. The chief chuckled. "Oh but I want you now, but that doesn't mean that I will take you today" he said. Meryl wiped her eyes and stood up with what pride she had left in her. "I understand" she said as she went back to her desk. I stood in the hall way with nothing to say, I didn't know what to do. Both my sister and Meryl were important to me but I couldn't do anything about it at all. I walked in to the room with my cheery smile as always, I don't think Meryl noticed and even if she did, I don't think she had the heart to say anything. She couldn't even look me in the eye. "I am sorry I left something" whispered Milly. "Don't worry it about it" she whispered back. I left without say anything more. Once I got home all I could do was cry and think of what I could do.

*********************~End Of FlashBack~********************

Milly was now crying full-blown. Vash was in tears also. Wolfwood shook his head. His head hung low. "She still insists that it has nothing to do with me, she still says that it's not my fault" whispered Milly. "She must have gone through a lot, and yet she has her head high" said Wolfwood. Vash stood. "You should try and comfort her" he said to Wolfwood who nodded. Vash walked out and saw Meryl sitting on the bench next to the fountain. "Hey" he said as he sat down next to her. "Milly still blames herself for all that has happen doesn't she?" she asked. Vash nodded and looked down at the ground. Meryl chuckled "She is so childish sometimes, I tired to explain that to her before she ruined her life as well" said Meryl. "That isn't all that happened is it?" asked Vash. "Your smarter then you look" said Meryl. Vash turned SD and smiled. Meryl looked up at the sky. "That is all that Milly knows, if I told her any more, the poor girl would have died" she said. "And what about you?" he asked. "I died that day I agreed to all this hell" she said. "Yet you don't seem to blame anyone like a human would" he said. "I try not to be human, because they are cruel. And anyway why would I blame anyone for what I chose to do?" asked Meryl. "Your really responsible" said Vash. "That is what I built my life around, so I should be good at it" said Meryl. "I am surprised that your so strong" said Vash. Meryl looked at Vash. "Do I look strong to you Mr. Vash? Do I truly look like I don't blame anyone?" she asked. "I see all that in you, you are strong and brave" he said. Meryl chuckled and looked away. "You are a broom head" she said. Vash had to smile even if the insult was towards him, he had made her loosen up a little.

"I found myself chuckle at this man's ideas, and thought on me. I have never met such an idiotic man in my life. But despite all that he made me feel like I was a normal woman, like I never have been scared with the life of a slave...That my feels were never abused. I was strong before all these things happened. But just sitting next to him, I had to admit that I felt different somehow. I hid a lot from a lot of people, my best friends, my family and etc. Yet I just couldn't hide myself from him, it was as if he could read me like an open book...and frightened me for that he might start to take pity and that pity will turn to disgust and hate afterwards..."

Vash stared at her. He could understand why a guy would want her, even if she weren't vertically fortunate, she was blessed with everything else. She was beautiful, even now someone who didn't know her wouldn't know that she lead such an awful life, that she was hiding so many secrets. "So what's your deal?" she asked. "Huh?" asked Vash. "I know your not just a guy that just travel around for no reason at all" she said. "Your sharp" he said. "Do you think your the only one here who has some idea on life?" asked Meryl. "No, I guess not" he said. "So are you going to tell me?" asked Meryl. "There isn't really anything to me" he said. "I thought you were the famous Vash the Stamped, but a broom head like you couldn't possibly be him, maybe you just took on his name" said Meryl. "Why wouldn't you believe that I am Vash the Stamped?" asked Vash. "Your wimpy looking" she said. "Come on you can't possibly think that" said Vash standing in front of her going macho poses. Meryl smiled "Your a strange man" she said. "And your a strange woman also, you look very nice when you smile" he said. Meryl felt her cheeks burn. "I left a smiling life behind me, there is nothing to smile about" she said. "I think there is much to be happy about" he said. "Like what?" asked Meryl. "The simple fact that your alive is one" said Vash. "I guess, but what's the point if you smile and your eye give away all the pain you hold inside?" asked Meryl pointing at his eyes. Vash smiled "Not everyone is that observant" he said. "If you say so" said Meryl.

"I watched as he took a seat next to me asking me stupid question, but I found I liked them. I liked talking to him...he had a secret just like me, but he was hesitant just as I am. He is also afraid that if he tells people they won't understand. But I want to know, I want to know more about him, and his way of life...maybe I could start over...maybe I could finally have my mind in peace..."

Wolfwood and Milly smiled as they watched their friends talk it was a strange feeling, but the truth was they were so much alike. They were always worried about others, instead of themselves. They locked away their problem for themselves. "I hope your friend can trust me and Vash" said Wolfwood. "I think she will, but she needs time" said Milly. "Time..." he repeated as they watched from the window of the saloon. Vash looked up at the moon. "It's a beautiful night out" he said. "Yeah this about the only time this planet isn't a dump" said Meryl. "The moons look good" he said. "Yeah, they do" she said as she closed her eyes to think back to her mother's words...

AN: Thanks a lot for all the reviews they really helped me. I know it's short but am I trying to think of idea, the night before I couldn't sleep with all the ideas in my head, yet now I don't know what happened to me. I wanna make this story good and interesting so please wait. As the chapters go on I reveal a lot, one thing you have to understand is that this is a whole different kind of Gunsmoke. Meryl is living a big secret, beside the fact that Milly knows of, I will slowly reveal it with in the chapters. I will put more W/M fluff in the next chapter, but the story is basically focused on M/V. About the Grammar and Spelling is just my word doc, always changes it I know the right you're and your, but it changes it in the automatic spelling check. I am sorry about spelling and grammar as always. Please review and tell me what you think. Thank you ^_^