Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Meryl's Secret ❯ Stuck With Disarster ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4

Stuck with Disaster

~~~ POV

** Thinking

/ Talking telepathically

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(It's basically from her POV, with a bit of the others ^_^)

I woke up in a sweat, **God, what is with that dream, it seemed so real. ** My mind raced as I tried to comprehend the recurring dream I had had last night. I was dragged from my thoughts by a small knock on the door, "Ah Meryl, are you ok?" Milly asked opening the door slightly and poking her head in. I smiled as her and rubbed my eyes, "Yeah Milly, I'm fine, why did you ask?" I looked up at her with an expectant look on my face, I'm sometimes not a very morning person if I haven't had much sleep ~_~. She gave me a surprised look then laughed, " Meryl do you know what time it is? It's 9:30." Milly laughed at the look of dread that covered my features, ** Oh my god! Why didn't anyone wake me up, it's so late, I haven't even made breakfast, God I haven't done ANYTHING! ** My mind raced as I shot up from my bed only to be pushed back down again.

" No, Meryl, you stay there, Breakfast has already been made and everything else has been taken care of." Milly said as she let go of my shoulders, " but… but…" I tried to utter my protests but Milly wasn't having it, " Oh and by the way, the reason no one woke you up is because we all heard you crying and calling out in your sleep." so I gave in, sighed and sunk back into my bed. "Something about angels..." Milly mumbled as she exited the room. My heart froze as I stared at the open door, ** OH MY GOD! I talked in my sleep last night, oh god I hope I didn't say anything about what else I saw! ** Visions of the dream sped through my mind and I was more confused than before. Suddenly a figure blocked the doorway and I looked up to see Vash smiling and waving at me, ** God he can be an idiot sometimes. ** I laughed to myself but I couldn't help but smile back.

" Goooood morning Meryl, did you get enough sleep last night?" Vash seemed genuinely concerned and it took me off guard.

" Yes, Vash. I did… well sort of anyway." I couldn't help but mumble under my breath something about the dream.

" What was that?" He asked cocking an eyebrow, ** god he is so handsome, even if he does have doughnuts for brains. ** I laughed at my little joke and walked from the room, with Vas tagging along behind me wining like a little baby wanting to know what was so funny.

" Meeeeeryylllll… what's so funny, tell me pleeeeeeease!" He wined from behind me; I was just about to tell him to drop it when a sound was heard from Knives' room.

We both quickly ran into the room to find him on the ground holding his hand to his side, lying in a pool of blood. My heart clenched and my stomach was in knots, he looked like he was in so much pain. Instinctively I ran to his side, only to be greeted by an icy glare, "Get away from me spider, I don't want your help!" he said and he tried to bat me away with his arm to no avail. By this point I was nearly boiling over the edge with anger, **WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING! DOESN'T HE WANT TO GET BETTER? WELL IF HE KEEPS THIS UP HE'LL BE HERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME! ** I was too concerned with knives that I forgot that Knives can read peoples thoughts. He looked up at me with a mixture of shock and disgust, for some strange reason the shock was more apparent. Vash picked up his brother and placed him back in his bed, and we went down stairs and talked with Milly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knives' POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What the hell had just happened?? I was lying down in my bed, my head still hurting from the spiders mental out burst, man she had a loud voice, but somehow... She seemed concerned, I could tell in her voice, but that couldn't be, she just a filthy human after all. I snorted and looked out the window and stared out into the desert, my mind had so many thoughts running amuck that I nearly couldn't control them. ** What have I done to deserve this? ** I silently thought to myself, I was stuck in hell and it was all because of my idiotic brother. A low growl found it's way out of my mouth just thinking about what my brother had done, he had shot me AGAIN! I tried to move again but pain flared through my body like electricity and I stopped, I'm not exactly good with pain, in fact, I hate it. I just silently hoped to myself that I wouldn't see that god dam spider again, but little did I know what was about to happen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We were sitting on the couch drinking coffee, Vash eating doughnuts as per usual, but there was a silence that was almost, unnerving. Thankfully Milly spoke and broke the god-awful silence, " Meryl… um… there was something that Mr. Vash and I needed to talk to you about." I could see Milly was nervous because of the way she was clutching her cup, and she was bighting her lip, and frankly, it scared me.

" What's wrong Milly, you can tell me." I said looking over to my best friend, I could see the fear in her eyes, I didn't know what the cause was, but I was intended to find out.

Milly looked over at Vash and shared a nervous glance, and then it was Vash that spoke.

" Meryl… Milly works with the townsfolk on the well, and… well… I'm now the sheriff in the town..." Vash said, trying to put off what he was going to say as long as he could. I was slightly getting annoyed with this and before I could stop myself I found myself yelling at him, "VASH STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH, AND JUST FUCKING TELL ME!" I put my hand up to my mouth and let out a little gasp, my heart clenched in my chest as I saw the look of mortification on Milly's and Vash's face. A ferocious blush found it's way to my cheeks and I bowed my head, " I'm sorry, please continue." I looked up and saw Vash blinking repeatedly, trying to figure out what had just happened, but he eventually shrugged it off and smiled at me, I couldn't help myself and I smiled back. "Well Meryl, me and Milly can't take care of Knives during the day, so I was wondering if…" His voice trailed off and it puzzled me, until sudden realization hit me full force, the smile drained from my face as well as my blood at the realization.

"YOU WANT ME TO TAKE CARE OF THAT MANIAC!!!" I screamed, even surprising myself with the volume. Vash shrunk back into his chair, but suddenly leapt from it with a yelp and hid behind the couch. He had moved with good reason, for where he was sitting now lay my coffee cup lying on its side; it's hot contents all over the seat.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vash's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Well Meryl, me and Milly can't take care of Knives during the day, so I was wondering if…" I let my voice trail off because I knew she would be angry with me for even asking her to do this for me. My hands suddenly shot up to my ears and my heart began to race, "YOU WANT ME TO TAKE CARE OF THAT MANIAC!!!" Man was she angry; I was just about to say something when I saw something flying through the air, aimed straight at me! I quickly jumped from my seat with one of my oh so famous yelps (AN: I think his yelp is so cute, as a matter a fact, everything about him is cute * goes into detail about how cute he is with stars in my eyes * Ahem anyway…. Back to the story ^_^) and landed behind the couch.

I looked back over at my previous spot and was glad that I was no longer there, because there was hot coffee all over my nice seat. I frowned, ** Man why'd she have to go and do that? The cleaning bill is gunna cost a fortune! ** I sighed and dared a peak over the couch at Meryl… Bad, BAD idea! My heart froze and my eyes widened as I looked at the small insurance girl, and boy was she mad, MAN! Once again I saw the flames and red eyes, but this time they didn't go away, and she was really beginning to scare me. I was just about to go and try and talk to her when she calmed down, blinked her eyes a couple of times and sat down. ** What the hell??????? She was totally pissed at me a minute ago, what happened??? ** I thought to myself as I rather shakily stood from behind the couch to take a sea next to Milly, who hadn't moved an inch through this entire ordeal. I sat there and waited for Meryl to speak, " Ok Vash," She said, and then she turned to me and added, " I'll do it for you, because you asked me to." Meryl smiled and my breath caught in my throat, ** She… she said she would do it for me… she actually said she would do it. God she looks beautiful when she smiles. ** I thought to myself as I smiled back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" I'll do it for you, because you asked me to." I said, smiling at Vash, I really didn't know what had come over me, I mean I had been angry about them so called `dumping' knives on me, well, I didn't think it was dumping him on me, but anyone else would have thought they were, well you know what I mean, anyway back to the story.

The look in Vash's eyes made my heart sore; it made me feel like I was flying, he looked so happy. Then without warning, he launched himself at me and gave a tight hug, not a bear hug, but not a friendly hug either, I couldn't stop myself, and my cheeks turned bright red. I looked over at Milly, who smiled, got up and left the room, I was left in the room with a VERY clingy Vash holding onto my waist. He looked up at me and smiled, then looked down and saw that he was still clinging to me and pulled away very quickly. He put his hand behind his head and laughed, " Ah… sorry bout that… ha ha… I don't know what came over me, well I gotta go now, thanks for looking after Knives for me." And with that he ran from the room, and when I say ran, I mean RAN, like he was being chased by a pack of hungry wolfs.

But before he left I could have sworn I saw his cheeks a shade of red, and I could hear him mumble under his breath " Shit! Shit! Shit!" I just sat there for the next couple of minutes trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened. Then I sighed and spoke out loud to myself, " great! Now I'm stuck with a murderer, this is going to be a disaster. Why do you get yourself into these things Meryl?" That little annoying voice in the back of my head reared it's ugly head once more, " Your doing it because you love him, and because your intrigued at what happened to Knives to make him hate humans so much." I mentally kicked myself and pushed the voice back into the depths of my mind, tomorrow was going to be a looooong day.

Well, what did you think?? Good?? Bad?? Gimme reviews and tell me what you think. What will happen now that Meryl is taking care of Knives? And what about Meryl's dream, could it be connected to something in her long forgotten past? (yeah sorry I didn't tell everyone before, but before she met Milly, Meryl hit her head and she can't remember anything about her past ^_^… lol soz) Well if you want to find out what happens next in this tale of love, romance and intrigue, you're going to have to review

Hope to get lost and lost, so I can continue *frowns* if not, I don't think I can continue, I need inspiration to write my stories, and what better inspiration than from my readers^_^.

Till next time LOVE AND PEACE!

* Stands and does Vash's love and peace pose*