Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Meryl's Secret ❯ Say What?? Knives is afraid ohhhhh ^_^ ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5

Say What?? Knives is afraid ohhhhh ^_^

Well Meryl is looking after a sick and stubborn Knives, oh the endless possibilities *grins evilly while rubbing hands together* this is going to be fun!

~~~ POV

** Thinking

/ Talking telepathically

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ok, well I had just had the `best' morning, and now my day was getting better by the second. I slowly opened Knives' door to go in and check on his wounds, he was fast asleep, so I walked over to his bed to try and clean his wounds, which had once again started bleeding. Knives' was mumbling something in his sleep that I couldn't quite make out, but I knew it was something bad because he had sweat dripping down his face and his face looked as if it were in pain. For some unknown reason, I reached up and wiped his hair away from his face, my heart froze when his hand snapped up and I found it around my tiny wrist. I looked down from my wrist, into a pair of very angry and very awake piercing blue eyes. I looked into his eyes and found no emotion, nothing, it was like an empty void, it was like, like he had no soul. I gasped and covered my mouth with my free hand, and I saw a smirk come across his lips. His face when once more back to it's previous state, void of any emotion and he spoke.

" What do you think your doing?" He growled at me, I just looked at him trying to understand the sudden interaction. " I…I'm here t…to lo…look after you." I was somewhat annoyed with myself for the stuttered reply and made a mental note to kick myself later. He snorted and let go of my wrist and looked out the window, " I do not need your help, I can look after myself!"

I couldn't help myself and I felt my eyebrow twitch ** OH GOD! He's as stubborn as his brother, but I'm not giving in that easily, I'll just see how he's going to do on his own for a while. Hey I'm only supposed to make sure he doesn't die, Vash didn't say anything about having some fun though. ** A wide grin spread across my face and I looked over at the injured man before me, "Ok, you can look after yourself then, you can wash yourself, clean your cloths, feed yourself, dress your own wounds, walk to the bathroom yourself…" as I prattled out the seemingly endless list every time I said a different thing he would have to do by himself, I noticed he slightly flinched. I couldn't help myself and I smiled, letting out a low and soft laugh, but it was loud enough to get Knives' attention and he turned to glare at me.

It didn't affect me the same was as it did last time, in fact, it rather amused me this time and I burst out laughing. This really annoyed Knives and he yelled at me at the top of his voice, "HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I AM MILLIONS KNIVES, I COULD KILL YOU IN A HEARTBEAT DO YOU HEAR ME! HUMANITY ARE DISCUSTING, YOU ALL DESERVE TO DIE!!!" By the time of his outburst I was no longer laughing, in fact, I was down right angry, the fun was over. I stood from my spot I had been lying in from rolling on the floor laughing and calmly walked over to his bed. This, I could tell slightly unnerved Knives and I could see it in his eyes that he was sorry about his outburst, because he didn't know what was going to happen next. But as always he hid behind a mask of hate and looked up at me with eyes full of hate and anger to try and cover up the fear and pain inside, but I could see it. I stood right above him and glared down, " You know nothing! You think that humans are worthless, but it is you who are worthless!" I looked down to see a very angry and shocked Knives but I continued anyway.

" You think that humans are a disease that you can cure, but your wrong, no one has the right to take the life of another Knives, did you ever stop and think for a second? I know your trying to create Eden, but are you really doing what your brothers and sisters want? Do you know what they want? You cannot make decisions for them, only they can do that. I'm going to tell you something Knives, something I haven't told anyone, and I hope it will help steer you in the right direction." He looked like he was about to explode, but refrained himself, to be truthful; I think he was intrigued by my secret. " I can talk to plants Knives, don't ask me how but I can. I have talked to them on many occasions and they have told me what they think of your idea of Eden. They hate it! They hate it Knives, they hate what your doing to the humans, did you know that they think of the humans as their children, do you know the wrath of a mother? If you continue with your plan of wiping out humans, you will just end up being alone, just like you always have!" I looked down at him my face clear of all emotion, but his face was twisted in disbelief and anger.

" YOU KNOW NOTHING! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! YOU'RE LYING TO TRY AND SAVE YOUR PATHETIC SPECIES!" But his eyes told me that somewhere; deep inside himself he knew I was telling the truth. " Knives, right now I don't care, your wounds need to be redressed." I said adding, " Unless you'd rather do it yourself that is." holding out the bandages, I smiled at him looking at the bandages with a frown, "fine! Do what you must!" was all he said as he turned towards the window to stare once more into the desert. I slowly unwrapped his blood soaked bandages and cleaned the wounds; I could feel him flinch every time I ran the cloth over one of his wounds.

"Argh! Don't be such a baby and hold still!" I told him grabbing hold of his shoulder. His head snapped over to me and he was about to protest, " Ah, ah, ha that's a no-no!" I said through a smile as I squeezed his shoulder, he closed his eyes trying not to scream and I loosened my grip. I continued to clean his wounds in silence, when I was finished I walked over to the sink to wash out the bandages and clean my hands. I was just about to walk out the door, I heard Knives speak, " You know what? My brother is an idiot, he should have killed you long ago, but I'm glad he didn't because it leave's me the pleasure of killing you myself!" I could hear the smirk in his voice. I was angry, no I was down right furious, it wasn't the fact that he said he was going to kill me or the fact the he said that Vash should have killed me, it was the fact that he had called Vash an idiot! In my books that one of the top taboos around me, NO ONE insults Vash.

I turned around to look at the smirking man in bed; I put on a smile and slowly walked over to his bedside where I stopped. I looked down at him sweetly and reached down, and with a surprising amount of strength I lifted him off the bed by his shirt collar and held him so he was eye level with me (remember Meryl is standing, I know it's not that high ^_^" but bare with me, and remember Knives is hurt so any movement is painful ^_^). I looked into his eyes and narrowed mine to slits; I hissed at him through clenched teeth, " Don't you ever say that about him again!" and with that I surprised Knives and myself by throwing him over my head and through a wall. After I had calmed down slightly I walked over to the hole in the wall and looked through, it was a sight to behold, here was Knives, the mass murderer, staring up at me with wide frightened eyes, and I couldn't help but laugh. I leaned in through the hole and was very close to his face when I spoke,

"Your brother told me to take care of you and make sure you don't die, he didn't say anything about not having any fun while doing it. So, I'm going to make your life a living hell Knives and you know what? Vash won't believe you when you tell him, so you're just going to have to play nice if you want me to play nice. Do you want me to play nice?" I asked glaring down at the I'm shocked but happy to say frightened Knives, who could do little more than give me a dumb nod. I stood up and walked Knives back over to his bed, and was just at the door when I turned around to look straight at Knives, " let the games begin," I said with a smirk as I walked from the door. I could hear Knives laughing down the hall after I entered my room, cleaned up and walked down stairs to wait for Milly and Vash.

Ok, so what did ya think? Hmmmm, Meryl has a bad side, WOHOO! Ahem… Meryl has started to play games with Knives, how will this turn out? And what will happen if Knives tries to tell his brother about this different side to Meryl? Will he believe him? Omg, this is one of my fave chapters in this fanfic, and I hope you have just as much fun reading it as I did writing it ^_^.

Till next time Trigun fans ^_^


*Stands and does Vash's love & peace pose*