Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ My Dark Angel ❯ Prologue
Konichi wa!! Fist off I have to say that O do not own the characters from Trigun, as you should very well know (I am still confused as to why we should write this).
WARNING!!!: Contains spoilers so if you haven't seen episode #23 - Paradise and also contains Yaoi. This is a Vash/Wolfy fic so if you do not like then I don't recommend you continue past this point (thought I wouldn't mind if you kept an open mind and tried ^_^).
Review please! I am addicted to reviews and comments, seriously. Please tell me what you think.
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~^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^ ~ ^_^~
The door opened slowly, a bit too slowly for my liking, but what can one do when the same door hasn't been opened for so long. Don't even ask me why I kept the bodies of the gung-ho guns, god knows, I'm not even sure myself. But what I am sure of now is what I have to do.
It hurts me to think of all the pain, suffering and loss I have inflicted on my brother over the years. I didn't do it because I thought I hated him, no it was quite the contrary, I did it because I love him so much and I thought it was all for the best, thought I was saving him when it was really me who needed saving from my own ignorance.
I have done this all for you brother, a thank you in a way and in another an apology. An apology for all the pain I have caused and a thank you for so many things.
A thank you for loving me and trying to save me despite how appalling I acted towards you.
A thank you for letting me live and have a chance to realize the beauty the human race holds.
A thank you for letting me fall in love.
A thank you for letting me meet `her'.
You have lived for over a century knowing very little happiness and now I want to give one of the few things that did make you happy back. I am bringing the one person back who can make you as happy as I am now.
You hide your feelings well my brother. Meryl still has no clue as she still thinks you love her in some way even if you and her live hundreds of iles away. As for Millie, I do believe she has always known subconsciously even if her conscious self has no idea.
I do this for you brother, I just hope it works.