Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon A December ❯ Once Upon A December ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everyone! I know I took down two of my stories. They are currently under INTENSE re-writing. I might just scrap everything but the idea and start over. Dunno yet. However, I'm gonna try some new things. I'm finally recovering from some extended illness, and I'm starting to get some skills back. Right now I'm just kinda babbling and making one-shot fics. I might start another multi-chapter story soon. One I've thought about for quite some time.

This is my take on what happens after the end of the series. Hope you like it. This story just kinda happened one night. Review and let me know if you like it.


Once Upon a December

The wind danced in his torn coat. The cool air refreshed his tired soul, as he looked out at the sunset from the edge of the cliff. So many sunsets had gone before, yet each time he watched the day fade, he felt something inside him crumble just a little more. Memories of a happy time, long since past, haunted him behind his eyes.

Dancing bears,
Painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

Eyes closed, but every slow movement of the sun was etched into his heart. A soft smile ghosted on his lips as happy moment with those he loved laughed with him. All the people whom he loved, and whom have loved him continued to give him strength. The warmth from their hearts, no matter the distance, warmed him in a place too cold to bear. Flashes of her continued to dance through his mind… Not moment has he gone without thinking of her. Not since then.

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...

Knives stood, his back to Vash.

"It's over now," Vash said.

"It's not over till one of us is dead," Knives all but growled.

"I still love you, brother. But I can't let you keep killing," Vash pleaded. They'd been arguing for weeks now.

"Why not? They'll die soon enough anyway. You must kill the spiders to save the butterflies," Knives said yet again.

"You can save both," Vash sighed and leaned against a tall boulder.

"How? If you try to save the butterfly, the spider dies anyway. And slowly. If you don't interfere, the butterfly dies, and the spider lives to kill more butterflies. How can you save both?" Knives demanded.

"You wouldn't understand," Vash shook his head.

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...

"Why won't you just say it, or do you even know?" Knives walked up to Vash and glared at him.

Vash closed his eyes, then looked to the sky. He smiled softly as he thought of her.

"I love you brother. I wish you well in the future, but I have something I must do," Vash said quietly, peacefully.

"Just tell me, damnit!" Knives roared.

Vash walked slowly, then paused. He turned and smiled at his brother.

"You simply turn the spider into a butterfly."

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...

Softly, Vash began to sing a song from a time long ago. A song who's words had never been far from thought. He sang peacefully to the first stars that shined in the night.

Again, she appeared in his mind. He even heard her voice, singing with him. He took a deep breath and stopped singing.

Yet the words still came, in her voice. Slowly Vash turned, and smiled. She smiled back and kept singing. She stood next to him as he joined her in song once more. And together, they sang to the stars.

And a song someone sings
Once upon a December