Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ One Day Soon ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Trigun….

She felt so alone. It has been sometime since he had left her to pursue his brother…eighteen months to be exact. Since he left she found it harder and harder to sleep and she was slowly becoming sick. She could tell by the body aches she woke up with, the major sinus headaches not to mention the scratchy throat. Sure she always had Millie to talk to, but she wanted something more than just to talk.

If he were to return she'd first yell at him for keeping her waiting for so long, then she'd probably walk down to the store and buy him two dozen doughnuts as an apology for flipping out on him. Then she'd probably have something to say about him not changing one bit since he left. Then she'd probably bring some of the few times they spent when she wasn't yelling at him then she would probably just leave it at that.

"That's right, Meryl… be the coward like you've always been." She sighed pouring herself yet another drink from the bottle that was almost empty. She let her head hit the table rattling the glass on the table. She then crossed her arms on the table and rested her head against her skin and began crying. "That's all I ever am, a coward." She began crying harder and harder. "That's probably why he left…" She took a healthy swallow of the glass she had before throwing it clear across the room letting it shatter.


"I'm not going to work today?" She slurred out before grabbing the bottle as it was and began to finish off its contents before letting that too shatter against the wall. She stood up only to be ready to fall.

"You've been up all night again haven't you?" Millie lifted her no problem and set her in the bed. She didn't receive an answer since a very drunk was now very much asleep. Millie sighed and pulled on her top hat to get ready to start mining yet another well.

Hours later Millie had manage to strike a working water vein and the town was almost ready to celebrate again. She had earned her pay for the day and went to buy groceries. Usually Meryl was the one to do that but lately Meryl hasn't been fairing too well as she had begun thinking up reasons why he hadn't come back. She refused to think it was because he died, so automatically in Meryl's mind it was because of her he didn't return. First she began to think maybe he hadn't cared for her like she thought he might have, and then she thought it was because she wasn't well proportioned when those who really know her knew that wasn't true. Then her complete image of herself began to falter and she had started doing less work.

"Oh Meryl… I wish I could help..." She whispered bumping into someone. "I'm sorry sir I wasn't paying attention to where… I… was… going…" She looked up at the face of a man with short pale blonde hair and blue eyes. For a second she easily would've mistaken this man to be him but she knew better. This man had a cold look to him, one that proved he could be murderous if he had the opportunity. No this wasn't the one they had been waiting for, he didn't have those kind eyes or that lost look he put up when he had something interesting to say or do.

"Next time watch where you're going, spider…"

"Spider…?" Millie looked lost for a moment. "Did you just call me a spider?" He gave her a look that read 'No shit, Sherlock.' "Why would you call someone you don't know that? Spiders are gross, I don't' know but I've always had this strange fear of them since I watched a spider devour a butterfly. It was really creepy you know." She kept on babbling which only served to piss the man off further. "You know you shouldn't frown like that it'll put wrinkles in your skin sooner than you… oh. Sorry I see you don't like me very much and it's quite understandable since I don't get many things and…" She hadn't noticed his hand that was trembling.

"Knives don't hurt her! She's a friend!" A voice came from nearby… actually the doughnut shop.

"Mr. Vash?" Millie looked at the guy… his hair styled in a similar manner as it was when he left only not nearly as long but nowhere as short as the man standing before her.

"Hey, long time no see Insurance girl!" He raised his hand in his 'Hello' manner.

"Too long…" Millie turned her eyes away from him so he wouldn't see the tears ready to fall. But she sucked it up in a moment's time and smiled at him. "I was just about to go grocery shopping and now that you're here maybe you can help me carry the bags home!" She said walking into the convenient store across the street from the doughnut shop.

"Come on, Knives." Vash strutted off to catch up with the tall girl. Knives muttered a few choice words but followed nonetheless. "Hey doesn't the other Insurance Girl do all the shopping?"

"Usually…" Millie spoke softly and paid for the food. When they got to the house Millie put a finger to her lips and they walked into the house. Meryl was sitting at the dinner table with her head in her hands with a glass of water sitting next to her plate of food.

"Remind me I owe you for the groceries…" She spoke softly.

"It's okay…" Millie said as the front door slammed shut instantly bring her hands back to her head.

"Here…" Millie handed her some Motrin.

"I remember why I don't like to keep liquor in my system… it's such a bitch waking up with such a headache."

"Tell me about it…" A voice spoke making her jerk her head upwards. She stared at his face before shaking her head.

"That's because you're a moron…" She muttered.

"Come on, Meryl!! Not in front of Knives!!!" He pleaded making her wince.

"Millie, I'm going to bed again… see you in the morning." She said stiffly before leaving the room with her glass of water.

"Oh come on it's been a while since we hung out! I came to see how things were… Meryl!!!" He began whining.

"Just leave her alone, Vash…" Millie said making both him and Knives a plate of food. "She missed you, trust me when I say that. It's just she's going through a rough patch right now…"


The sun rose and set several times and well Meryl had been going back to work and had cut out drinking… I mean she had to, Vash and Knives were going through a sibling rivalry thing and had a drinking game a few nights ago. She knew she was upsetting Vash by ignoring him… she could see it in the way he would look at her when he tried to say something but she couldn't bring herself to answer him. Soon after a week had gone by and the only thing she had said to him since he arrived was 'That's because you're a moron.' She couldn't even feign to be upset with his crazy antics.

"Here's your pay for the day." Her Boss handed her, her money. "Try to get some rest, Meryl, you look like pure hell!

"Thank you, Sir…" She said not even bothering to go home, she needed to be alone to think… and just outside of the city she knew of a cliff to be at.

She took off her cape and laid it on the ground to keep her Uniform from getting too dirty and lay on her back. She stared up at the stars sighed. She remembered when she ran around all over the place with Vash and whenever he managed a moment alone he would stare up at the stars lost in thought. Shortly after her thoughts began to swirl around one night when she had the intent on telling him how she felt but he started singing a song she once knew and she couldn't help but just provide company for him instead of burdening him with her feelings.

"So… On the first night a pebble falls to earth from somewhere."

"So… On the second night the pebble's children hold hands and sketch a waltz. Sound life" She jumped at the sound of his voice. She looked at him to see his face trying to force out a smile, but she simply sighed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him making his smile broaden a bit.

"Finally you've said something more to me." He sighed in relief. "I was afraid you hated me." He said sitting next to her before lying next to her. "What happened to you Insurance Girl?" He asked only to have silence follow that question.

"It's been a long time…Too long." She said.

"Millie said the same thing." He said.

"It was too long. I was worried…"

"Aww come on I'm the humanoid typhoon… the first human disaster... something" He said trying to cheer her mood. "I've lived through worse things…"

"I'm not talking about whether you lived or not. I was worried you'd never come back. I was worried that maybe you hated me." She said hearing him sit up. She didn't have to look at him to know he was confused. "I was afraid that maybe I had abused you to the point of really hating me… Or maybe I didn't smile enough. I just thought you'd never come back on my account."

"Meryl…" He looked at her and saw she was genuinely crying. The same sad look Rem had on her face when she cried, suddenly her gaze left the sky and she stared at her hands that supported her upper body to sit up.

"Before you left I choked. I wanted to tell you everything about me to even out that I know everything about you… I couldn't so I was hoping you'd come back so I could say something." She paused hoping for some sort of response while slightly wondering if he knew she had been lying through her teeth. She continued to gaze at her hand when she heard his familiar whimper from next to her. Suddenly her tears ceased and she gazed up at him. He was looking off in the distance but his usual lower lip was trembling rather hard and he had his emotional face on as his tears streamed down his face as a never ending water fall. "Vash, are you-" She was ready to ask if he were okay when he suddenly tackled her pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so happy!!!" He said muffling himself, conveniently, in her chest.

"What are you talking about?" Her fiery tone returned to her voice as she tried to hide the embarrassment she felt as his warm tears dripped onto the amount of cleavage that showed from the low cut uniform she had to wear. Soon she felt his warm breath on the skin that was exposed as he began to ramble. Without a moment's hesitation her hand came up to bop him on the top of his head.

"What'd you do that for?!? It killed the moment." He said pulling away to see her face nice and rosy.

"You had your face in my chest you moron!" She said gently as his face too took on a shade of red. "And I couldn't hear what you were saying."

"I was saying I'm happy that you're finally showing me your true self instead of that bitchy woman that had Knives 'understanding' what I see in you humans." He said. She nodded slowly.

"But the bitchy woman gets more done…" She said.

"Like what getting on the nerves of handsome guys like myself!" His face seemed to glitter within the fifth moon's moonlight as he put on his 'I'm good looking and you know it' look. Meryl couldn't help the eyebrow that quirked itself at him.

"No, things like not losing my nerve when I want to tell a blonde outlaw, worth Sixty-billion double dollars might I add, that I'm in love with him." She said as he turned to her with his mouth ajar at the confession. He had expected some sort of witty comment on keeping blonde outlaws in order to prevent more trouble.

"Meryl, what did you…?" He was going to make sure he heard her right but she only served to lean forward to catch his lips against her own.

This caused him to tense in shock, but tremble with excitement as his heart rate ascended at an alarming rate. It was all too weird… him and the Insurance girl sucking face in a very secluded spot outside of the town. Vash had no idea that by following her to this place would have such a turn out. All he had wanted was to know if something had gone awry since he had left the girls. He needed to know if she hated him, if so he had to do something to make it right… but never in a million years did he think that she would doubt herself when it came to him.

"I'm sorry…" She took his lack of response as rejection. Vash just looked at her with his green eyes racing with emotion. Should he just smile and let it go… or do what he was feeling and steal a kiss of his own.

"I'm the one who should be sorry…" He whispered before deciding choice one would probably make him miss out on the one chance to see how happy could he could possibly be…

"What did you-" Now it was her turn to be shocked as he just rushed in to take another kiss.

His kiss was gentle and careful almost as if he were afraid to break her. She hadn't expected his artificial hand to wrap around her waist to pull her closer as the kiss proceeded to go deeper. Her hands touched his face to pull him in telling him it's okay to be a little rougher with her but he stuck to his gentle ways. He was honestly afraid that he might cause her pain… such a thought was most definitely a turn on but it wasn't what she needed right now, nor what she wanted.

She practically giggled when she decided to take his lower lip between her teeth to nip it a bit before sucking on it. As a response to that he just merely groaned a bit allowing his real arm to trace the lines of her petit body coaxing a moan out of her… He didn't expect his whole body to shudder at the melodic sound, nor did he expect her to take control and push him on his back to settle herself comfortably on top of him. Both of them tensed once she had, only because she had earned a very appreciative reaction out of him. She had been the first to move… she had purposefully rocked her hips against his. He hissed at the feeling of her body dry humping him, even more so when she had guided his real hand to flesh that he had been dying to touch but afraid she'd hit him for being perverted.

"It's okay Vash… It really is." She whispered as hand stayed perfectly still when she placed his hand over the buttons to the dress she wore.

She then felt his hand tremble as realization hit her. He was afraid of her. Here is the man who had a maniacal brother who destroyed a good chunk of what he worked hard to protect, the man who had never hesitated with flirting with other women before and here he was trembling at the fact he was so close to doing so many things.

"Well if you won't touch me… I'll touch you." She said quickly unbuttoning the white shirt he wore exposing his scarred chest to her eyes yet once again in all the time she knew him. Gently she ran her fingers over the marred flesh finding that it only seemed to fuel him up even more.

"Meryl… this has to stop." He whispered catching her hand against his chest almost shuddering at the move. He watched her eyes fill with confusion. "I don't care if you hit me but this very well can't happen."

"What?" She looked at him with anger burning in the depths of her grey eyes. "Why not, Vash the Stampede?!?" Her voice proved just how angry she was and he sighed knowing because he probably mortified her just at that moment.

"I- Knives is still very unstable." He closed his eyes feeling majorly disappointed himself but what they had been so close to sharing couldn't exist. At least it couldn't right no. "Meryl, I really am sorry it's just… Knives have gotten better since our fight eighteen months ago. It's just that should anything go completely wrong with him it could send him back over the brink again. It would pain me more than anything if he targeted you first because of the differences in our beliefs." He raised one of her palm and brought it to his lips. "That is the only reason it took so long for me to return to you." He said watching her contemplate the whole thing.

"Where is Knives right now??" She asked.

"Last I checked he was pinned to the wall, courtesy of Stun Gun Millie."

"He touched the pudding didn't he?" Meryl asked standing to dust herself off trying to rid herself of the feeling of rejection.

"Yes…" He smirked at her before lifting her to kiss her. "I really am sorry about all of that."

"Me too." She whispered.

"One day soon though…" He murmured kissing her one last time as they walked back to the home they shared with Millie and now Knives.