Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Open Eyes ❯ .Through Open Eyes. ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Open Eyes
Chapter One

The cum rolls down my throat, I can not describe how it tastes, for it is something too familiar to me to describe. He removes himself from my mouth, and lays down on the bed, I too lay down.
As we stare up at the ceiling, he grabs my arm, and licks it up and down, he sucks on my fingers, and moves to my chest nipping my skin with his teeth. He bites down on my shoulder, and draws blood. He tells me to turn over, I do so, like the slave I am, for he is my master, and I will do what ever he asks. I feel him enter me, the pain is indescribable, but it is followed by great pleasure.
I get up, slowly rolling Meryl's body away from me, she seemingly crept up on me in the night, but she will deny it if she awakes lying on me, and call me a perverted asshole, oh well, don't think I'd like that. I look at Nicholas and Milly, he rests his tired head, on her pregnant belly, protecting it from anything that may creep up on the unsuspecting baby with in it, and harm it. The look so beautiful together, but still it all it takes is one of the two to make anything look beautiful. I walk to the door looking back, at the floor that we had to turn into our home, until we reach December, until we get of this Sand Steamer, I look back a Nicholas' sleeping form, and blush, I mutter underneath my breath, "Nicholas..."
I see Dominique walk past my open door, headed for Legato and Knives' room. I sit on my bed shirtless, covers thrown everywhere, bed missing another, prepared to block out the noises of Legato being pleasured by Dominique. I sort through a pile of cloths bunched up on my floor, searching for a clean, or at least a somewhat clean shirt.
I watch her naked body waltz into my bed, as she lays on top of Legato, I watch her not give a shit about who else is in the bed, just Legato.
What's she like, Legato? I ask him trough his mind.
He does not respond, he does not respond to me! His master, He should be happy that I let her do this in my bed, with me in it. I only put up with it cause she couldn't give a shit with who I am, she only listens to Legato, and only cares about, and for him, and even though I am upset by this, I must say, it amuses me all the same.
My left arm goes numb, the hand at the end of it cracks it's knuckles, I turn my head to my master's face, he smiles at me. My right arm goes numb, my right hand moves from, her breast to her shoulder. My left arm shoots up and grabs her other shoulder, both of my arms push Dominique down to my chest, and further down to my length. She understands what I want, or at least what my master wants her to do to me. Her lips enclose on the tip on my penis, as my hands push her mouth down further. Faster, and Faster, until she raises her head, mouth dripping with my cum, I smile, she collapses on top of me, just as I regain total control of my body.
I think I enjoyed that more than you, Legato. My master's voice says in my mind.
I rush back up the stairs, running down the halls to Knives' room, my hand pushes open the door.
Mother Fuck!
I forgot that Dominique was still in there, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I seemingly cough. Legato, nor Dominique hear me, over their own screams of pain, and pleasure.
No. Knives smiles at me,
Well at least someone was listening to me.
My voice says to him, through my mind.
He laughs, "Well why did you come here," He says to me, propping himself up on a pillow "Midvally? not to watch these two, I hope."
I blush as he says this, That was never my intention.
"Good, then why did you come in?" he asks me.
"We found Vash, sir. We found him." Midvally's voice says, though I can not see his form through my misty eyes.
"What?" Master's voice says.
"He's on a Sand Steamer headed for December."
"Has anyone been sent?"
"Hoppard, Monev, and Grey. "
"An odd team, you know that Hoppard is all we need."
"Just taking precautions sir."
"You call Grey a precaution?"
"Yes sir, you see sir, Grey could easily destroy the whole Sand Steamer, and take many lives. We can use this against your brother, very easily."
"You mean as a threat?" My Master asks.
"Yes, sir." Midvally responds.
"Good. He will crumble beneath them quickly, he is weak."
The darkness of sleep which had enveloped me like a woolen blanket pulled over my head, now dissolves as my eyes open, to the surrounding world.
I feel like shit.
Milly really loves me, I mean she's pregnant for goodness' sake. But I cant live with my self, why? not because she's carrying my child, no, because I used her, I used her as a replacement, replacement for him, and now that I finally admit it, I feel like shit.
I sit down on a cold steel bench, it is positioned right it front of the protective railing, giving me a great view. I hear footsteps from behind me, I turn my head to see who else besides me is up at such a time, my answer, Nicholas. He sees me, and waves, then walks towards me, and sits on the bench. His eyes are swollen, he bites his lip, and tears flow freely from his face. He edges closer to me, I try to smile, but the view I behold, makes me stop trying. I pat his back, he edges closer, I hug him, he hugs me, crying into my shoulder. He raises his head, he opens his mouth to speak, but only silence comes out, I open my mouth to say something too, but only silence is heard. As we stare at each other, with open mouths so close that I can feel his breath inside of my mouth. Our mouths, move closer, and closer, until they can not, go any further, but instead they enclose on each other, forming a kiss. We pull back, and smile ate each other, then our mouths come together again.
I can not believe what I am fucking doing!
I just used someone else!
---3'rd Person---
"I don't see what you like about him Chapel."
"Yeah what the fuck do you see in him?" two different voices say.
"What the Fuck?!" Nicholas said whipping his head around.
"You miss us, Chapel?" Monev, the Gale asks.
"Monev?Hoppard?" Nicholas says bewildered.
"Why the long face, pal? We're here to bail you out." Hoppard, the Gauntlet says.
"Yeah, since you did your job, now its our turn." Monev says smiling.
"And once Monev, and I, have done our job here, you can go home with us." Hoppard says.
"Any how, our concern is with you Vash, the Stampede," Hoppard says "You may either come with us quietly, or we will destroy the whole Sand Steamer, and then take you with us."
"You haven't heard?" Zazie asks me.
"Nope, have you, Rai Dai?" I ask
"I too have not heard such things, Midvally." He responds
"Well," Zazie says pausing "There's going to be a big party, in celebration."
"Says who, dare I ask?" I say somewhat sarcastically
"Dominique." Zazie replies
"And you expect me to believe everything she tells you." I say to him
"Yes." Dominique's voice says from behind us.
"Dominique?" Rai Dei, Zazie, and I say startled.
"In the blood, everyone except for Caine, and Monev will be there."
"Why not Monev, he will be back by then won't he?" I ask
"Don't know Legato wouldn't say why. All he said was that Knives was throwing a party-"
"Knives?" I ask quizzically
"Yeah, Knives." She says "Oh, and Legato wanted to see you in his room, Midvally. Bye guys see you tonight." She says waving, as she walks away.
"Oh well I guess I should be going, too." I say.
The door opens slowly, I turn my head to see who it is, Midvally, good, Dominique must have told him.
"You wanted to see me?" He says quizzically.
"Yes, I did," I pause, and turn my head back to where it was before, looking out a window. "I thought you'd like to know something, and even though I don't have to, I thought I would."
"Cut to the chase." He snaps at me. "Because then after you tell me whatever your talking about you'll make me take off all my cloths and do what you want with me."
"Actually I won't, but if your suggesting something.."
"No, I am not." he interrupts.
"Well than I will then as you said 'cut to the chase' it's about your little boyfriend Nicholas...."


I stand up right, on the stage, and look at everyone sitting at the tables eating, everyone is so happy. I pick up my sax, and play, the music vibrates through there ears, I play harder and harder, some begin to dance, that makes me want to laugh, but I know I can't stop playing. With every note I play, their feet move as if they are synchronized with the music. I close my eyes, and all I see is the music, it surrounds me, as I play, I feel it flow through my body and soul, as I become part of it lost within it.
Wonderful, Midvally. Legato's voice says in my mind, they ring over and over again in my head, as I stop playing. The room is filled with the sound of clapping, the sound echos in my ears, over, and over again.
He steps down from the stage and bows, I smile at him and wink.
He looks at me, and then quickly turns his face away pretending not to have seen me.
He knows what I want from him.
Legato gets up, and begins to walk towards Midvally, I read them both, and then understand. I turn to my left, and begin talking to Chapel, about his son.
Then thats when I feel him, he's going to be here soon, my eyes grow wide, with excitement. I excuse myself from the table, and Chapel understands what is going on.


He pushes me up against the wall, unbuttoning my shirt, licking my chest, biting my neck, kissing my body. He pushes me onto my bed, and begins to take off my pants. He is already naked, so once he pulls off my boxers, he'll be ready to take me. He is ruthless, an animal taking out all it's pain on me. He turns me over, and get on top of me, his hard length pushes up against me. He positions himself, and then thrusts into me, and bites down on my shoulder at the same time, I scream in pain, completely unprepared. Faster, and faster, he thrusts into me, I begin to bleed, tears roll down my cheeks. He climaxes into me, and falls almost lifelessly on top of me.
He gets up, and puts his cloths on, and walks out my door.
"oh, and Midvally?" Legato says, turning around "Nicholas should be arriving soon."
He smiles, and then walks out of my sight.

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