Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Eden ❯ One-Shot
Title: Perfect Eden
Fandom: Trigun
Pairing: Knives---> Vash
Rating: R (for implications of incest, PG otherwise.)
Word Count: 442
Disclaimer: Trigun and its characters do not belong to me, even though I like to take them an manipulate their emotions for my own nefarious purposes.
Permission to Archive: Temps Mort, all others, please ask.
Notes: I decided to write Trigun, just to prove to myself that I still's been awhile since I've done it...
This was written in response to the "Adversary" challenge at the Temps Mort community on Livejournal. The challenge: Write a fic on the adversary of the piece... remember, this can mean "opponent" or "enemy." The twist? The piece must be written in second person.
The piece I'm including in my entry here took 30 minutes total. Written by hand, then typed with minor editing done during type-up. (The time limit was 90 minutes.)
In case you missed it in the pairing, if you read this as a pairing fic, you'll have to take incest into account. This takes a look into the more obsessive side of Knives' nature, giving reason to his attacks on Vash and humanizing him-making him more than the pure villain the anime seems to suggest. There are some manga references herein, as well, and anyone who has followed the manga will pick up on them-Knives `assimilation' ...technique, and a vague reference to Tessla.
I don't really want to put any more than that since saying any more would be spoileriffic. Besides, you're here to read the story, not my babbling.
You sit and you wait for him. You surround yourself with a sterile environment: cold metal beauty- depravation of comforts and emotions. Comfort is something you can find only in him, and emotion is weak. Weakness is human. You are above that. In this perfect place of oblivion, there is only him. There has never been anything else. He is all that ever mattered.
Beautiful. Perfect.
Sublime harmony should be yours. Wrapped in his exquisite embrace, surrounded by his ethereal presence...
But he chose them over you. He betrayed you. Shot you and disappeared. Walked out on you to stay with them. The ones who hated you; always hated both of you. Tried to separate you, tried to destroy you. Those who tried to play creator and ended up only creating something else to use, abuse, and eventually discard.
He is so blind.
They will hurt him, crush him, betray him and leave him. They will take away his heart, his patience, his kindness. They will extinguish his essence, dissolve his spirit, and invalidate his emotions. They will take away everything that makes him so pure and leave him only flawed like you.
That cannot happen.
You think, only for the briefest of moments that maybe his perfection is flawed by his humanity. That perhaps he has become so much like them that he will have to be absorbed. Assimilated. Not fought, not pushed, not convinced.
Never destroyed.
You think you can wrap yourself around him, pull him in. Make him part of you again-- the way it always should have been.
He is yours. Not theirs. Never theirs.
But you know that you can make him see the truth. You can make him see that they are capable of such terrible crimes against themselves, against their environments, against your kind; his kind. You can make him see that they will do anything to get what they want. They will lie, they will steal, they will deceive.
And they will give nothing back. They only take; they only destroy.
And when they have destroyed him almost completely, and they will (maybe with a little help from you), he will come back. A broken shell will stumble back alone. Hurting. And his eyes will finally be open.
He will beg you, if he still has the capacity, for your forgiveness; for your love. For something to take away all the pain and suffering. For something complete and absolute.
And you will give it to him under once condition.
That he will stay with you.
Because you belong together.
And together, you can destroy them all. Together, you can make a perfect Eden.