Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Sinner ❯ Broken ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ch 2: Confessions

The three young woman finally got Vash to another town. There they all took jobs and turns watching over him. Millie had gotten a job with the well diggers, Meryl as a waitress and Seraphine, to the other two's surprise, had gotten a job as a singer in another bar!

"I didn't know you could sing!" Millie said in surprise

Seraphine simply smiled a bit, "Well, we've all got other little talents." She had said and that was really the end of it. The three of them worked to keep up the house, and to take care of Vash. Between the three of them they were able to rent a house on the edge of town 4 bedrooms 2 baths and a common room that was like a dining room, kitchen and living room all wrapped into one.

They took shifts taking care of Vash, Millie worked days, and Seraphine and Meryl evenings. However Seraphine's other senses told her that that might have to change soon. There was no mistaking the life-force that was growing inside Millie, the legacy of Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Seraphine simply smiled and said nothing, she would find out soon enough. It had been almost 10 days since they had arrived, Seraphine sighed worriedly as she saw Meryl come out of the house.

"Hey Meryl." She waved a bit, "Any chance?" She asked.

"None." Meryl said unhappily, "I'm going to the store to pick up a few things." She said, "I wasn't going to be long but now that you're here I don't have to hurry back." She smiled a little, the sadness tinging her eyes.

"Sure, take your time." Seraphine said as Meryl thanked her and moved off. Seraphine watched her go with a ting of sadness around her eyes. She knew the young woman loved Vash, it was so apparent that it was almost painful. Her own emotions churned in regards to the outlaw gunman, but as to the reason…she didn't really know. Well, that wasn't true. She knew, but it was an impossible dream to her. Sighing she opened the door and went into the house. Some soup simmered on the stove, she smiled a bit. Meryl was a greak cook as well as being a top rate insurance agent and Seraphine though that her little talent was a bit odd…oh well. She walked over and ladled out some soup she looked to Vash's room and started to make her way over to the door. She entered the room with the bowl of soup and looked up…

"V….Vash!" She stammered a bit, the young man was sitting up in bed, looking at her with those lost emerald eyes that held so much pain and anguish. Time seemed to stop for a moment as they looked at each other. Emerald meeting sapphire, as an unspoken connection joined to two.

Seraphine shook off the feeling a bit as she smiled, "I'm glad to see that you're awake." She said as she walked over to the bed. "You've been out since we got here ten days ago."

Vash looked down at the sheets, "Wh…where are we?" He asked softly. God even his voice sounded so broken! Seraphine swallowed grief that knotted up her throat.

"In a town about a two hundred iles away from LR…." She faltered a bit as she turned to look at him. To see him now, you would never have known that this man was Vash the Stampede, the wanderer looking for the elusive mayfly of love. The energetic man whom had been thrown through almost every hell known to man…and how somehow survived them all, until now.

Vash closed his eyes, "I remember…." He whispered softly, as fear clinched Seraphine's heart. "I remember…..everything!" He said brokenly.

"Vash…" Seraphine whispered.

"I kill him!" He said as he brought up one hand tears in his eyes as he looked down to his real hand. "With this hand I took his life!"

"Vash, stop it!" Seraphine ordered

"I did! I committed a sin! I killed someone with my own hand!" His voice rising hysterically tears streaming down his face. "I'm no better than him!" He balled his fist and slammed it into the bed screaming as he did…venting his anguish and pain.

"Vash!" Seraphine grasped his shoulders startling him making him look up as her Sapphire eyes bore into his "Now you listen to me," She said determinedly, "Yes. You were there. Yes. You pulled the trigger." He sobbed a bit, as she caught his chin and forced him to look at her. "But you didn't kill him, Vash." She said softly as he looked to her confused. Gingerly she sat on the bed next to him…her hand cupping his face gently. "Lagato Bluesummers was already dead. His soul died a long time ago, because someone else saw to that. All that was left was an empty husk of a human." Her thumb stroked his cheek gently as he caught his breath.

Her eyes….so compassionate, so forgiving. He had committed the most terrible of sins, and she forgave him so easily. He didn't deserve her compassion, or her kindness. He was exactly like him now, exactly like Knives, a cold blooded murderer. Angrily his eyes hardened, as she pulled away from her

"You don't understand!" He rejected, "I'm….."

"Only human?" She said softly as he gasped, his eyes widening as he slowly looked over to her his eyes wide as she watched him calmly. "Vash, you're not omnipotent. You can't see everything all the time, no one can! And because of that fallibility can't always see other options to every given situation." She turned to look to him her eyes clouded, "Sometimes there isn't any alternative, Vash." She said softly, "No matter how much we wish otherwise, sometime…there isn't anything except the option that presents its self at that one moment."

Tears welled in his eyes, "You're wrong!" He said, "There's always another option to killing, Rem said there always is! I just didn't see it in time…I couldn't see it!" He looked down to his hand his eyes wild as they began to tremble. "I'm a murderer!"

"Vash, stop!" Seraphine said as she clasped her hand on his shoulders.

"I'm a monster! I took a life!" He couldn't hear his, his anguish wrapping around him threatening to push him over the brink, "I…..!" Suddenly he found he couldn't speak, lips covered his mouth preventing him from speaking anymore. He gasped out as his eyes darted up and found Seraphine's face so close to his own, her lips pressing into his. When he had opened his mouth to gasp, her tongue had slid in touching his own and inside his mouth…immediately he felt himself flush from his hair all the way to his feet. The adrenalin left him making him feet weak as he felt himself moving back down to lie in the bed…Seraphine followed him her lips still pressed into his, her tongue gently stroking him…tasting him. He was shocked, and stunned. Wrapped in anguish and self blame now he was being kissed for the very first time in his life, this was hardly the way he had envisioned his first kiss ever…but it made him feel past the cocoon of anguish and pain. His eyes drifted off of this own accord, his heart sped up for some unknown reason and a sent he had never smelled before floated into his nose. A soft musky sent, that he couldn't label.

He lay there as Seraphine kissed him, he couldn't respond he didn't know how. He was confused as well, why was she doing this? Why was it making him feel this way? After a few more moments she pulled back from him. Slowly he opened his eyes to look up at her shock, confusion, and perhaps a little fear shown in those eyes.

"You need to get some sleep, Vash." She said softly, "You're still healing and need your strength." She was leaning down, Vash could feel the heat of her body so close to his, and then she slowly pulled back as she pulled up the covers around him. "Here." She smiled a little as she took the forgotten bowl of soup. "Let me go rewarm this for you, okay?" She rose gently and turned she felt him watching her as she walked over to the door. She stopped and turned and smiled. "I'll be right back, okay?" She asked as she slipped out.

Vash watched her go, a mixture of pain, confusion, sorrow and anguish. He had done something so horrible, so wrong. He had sinned, he had taken a life! Yet….and yet….Seraphine……she didn't blame him. She told him that it wasn't his fault….but it was his fault! He sat up in the bed again and looked down to his trembling hand tears welling in his eyes.

"I….I did a bad thing, Rem." He whispered his voice trembling. "I……Rem…I…." A tear spilled over his cheek as he cried out in absolute pain.

Seraphine dropped the bowel as she heard Vash's anguished cry. Something within her snapped as the tears broke over her eyes and trailed down her face. She collapsed to her knees covering her face as Vash screamed again.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as she cried, "Please, stop. I'm so sorry! I didn't get there in time to save you from this! It's my fault! It's all my fault!" She whispered as she looked down at her hands. "What good is your hands being stained with blood if you can't save someone special to you?!" She demanded as she slammed her fist into the ground over and over until the skin broke open bleeding she continued a few more times until the pain brought her back to her senses as she remained there, kneeling down her hands out in front of her, as she bowed her head.

"I'm sorry, Wolfwood. I tried…..I really did!" She whispered as she balled her fist up the pain shooting up her arm as the tears poured down. "I'm so sorry."