Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ The Desert Circus ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The suns shone brightly as a tall figure carried another over his broad shoulders. His ocean eyes were profound in thought as he trudged through the desert sand.
Knives. I need to help you find a new way of life. One without hatred for beings that are not like us. Not all are like what you think. Some are decent and caring...And I’m going to show you...
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Months later...
A large woman sat on a rocking chair while she kept her friend, busy at the typewriter, company. The woman rocked her chair lightly as she rubbed her rather stretched abdomen. She giggled. Her big periwinkle eyes were filled with joy as she felt another kick.
The baby’s almost here. I wish your daddy was here, little one. She thought to herself.
“Meryl?” The woman expecting called to her friend at the typewriter. Meryl turned around to answer.
“What is it, Millie? Is it the baby?” Millie shook her head from side to side.
“No it’s just–,” Millie gasped.
“Millie? What’s wrong?” Meryl asked as she came to her aid.
“Meryl, I think my water just broke.” She said calmly as she held her belly.
“Ok, Millie you just stay calm. Lay down on the bed and I’ll get some towels and call the doctor.”
As Meryl turned to run out the door, Millie aggressively grabbed her wrist. “Please, be quick about it, Meryl.” She sternly said with a look of pain.
“Oh God. How bad is the pain?”
Millie closed her eyes trying to free herself from the pain and said, “If I had any military secrets, I’d talk.”
“Yup, it’s show time. I’m getting you to the hospital right away.”
“No, no, Meryl I don’t want to! I hate hospitals!”
“Millie! I have to! I’m not going to argue with you especially now!” She ran out of the room to use the phone. Half way down the hall she heavily sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “Why can’t I ever say no to that woman?” Meryl then picked up the phone and called the doctor for a house call instead...
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Groans and dragging footsteps crossed the desert sand while Gunsmoke’s suns were beginning to set. The being causing these sounds was in unfathomable agony. This soul had no idea how long he’d been traveling. He was surprised at how he didn’t die by now. This was too much. He was giving into rest...and God only knows how long he would be unconscious...or if he would ever wake up again...
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There was a cough. The man’s irritated face was soaked with water. His sand colored hair out of place and his sky blue eyes looked up at his smiling brother. He had tied him up because he refused to cooperate.
“Water?” Vash said with a smile and a cup at hand which he used to spray his brother
Knives with water.
“No thanks, I’ve had enough.” He said shaking his head to at least try to dry it. “How can you be so happy ALL the time, Vash?”
Vash merely gave him a bigger smile.
Idiot. Knives thought.
“Aw c’mon, Knives, smile!” Vash stretched his brother’s cheeks in attempt for him to smile.
“Don’t touch my face!” Knives said shaking head to gesture to Vash to stop.
“Look, you’re never gonna be untied unless you give life a chance!” He began to glare at Vash and stood in silence.
Vash sighed. “Besides, if you can’t how are you ever going to take a bath? You’re starting to stink. Heh heh.”
Knives took a sniff. “I do not. I’ve just been around humans too long.” Knives stood quiet, then suddenly a sly smile passed his face. “Or maybe it’s you, I mean, you’ve been with that damn woman for so long, even I’m starting to reek.”
Vash was silent, the smile slowly fading from his face. He was obviously hurt.
“Hmph, finally got you to stop smiling. But, she was a rather pretty creature. Say ,do you think SHE’D be interested in–,”
“Shut up, Knives!” He turned around and faced the door of the inn they were currently staying in.
“What about Rem, Knives?”
“What ABOUT Rem?”
“Didn’t you care for her at all? She loved you.”
“Bull shit. She wanted you! YOU were the one that she favored.”
“Is that what drove you to do all this?”
“...Of course not.”
“She loved you, Knives, both of us. You made it difficult for her, that’s all.”
Knives turned his face away and stared at the floor. He knew it was true, he just felt she was more to him than she was supposed to be. He hated himself for it. Vash seemed hurt, as if he felt his words meant nothing to the brother that tried to do away with him countless times before.
Yet, Vash loved him and forgave him even before Knives tried to do all of that. Vash stepped closer to the door knob and was about to open it when– “Vash,”
Vash looked over his left shoulder. “You know…I’ve never hated you.” His brother’s face softened to reveal the true innocence that was always there before.
He raised his right hand over his shoulder as if that one gesture would sweep away their grueling past. “Heh, I love you too, Knives.”
Smiling at his now speechless brother, a sudden scream broke the loving situation.
“What was that?!” Vash asked puzzled. Knives scoffed.
“Most likely a pathetic human.”
Vash glared at him. “I gotta find out. Stay put, Knives!” Vash yelled as he ran out of the hotel to the hallway to follow the screaming.
“How can I even move if you tied me up? Idiot...”
Meryl tried to comfort her.
“Alright, Ms. Thompson I need you to push and then you rest, ok?” The doctor of the town said.
“C’mon, Millie do what Dr. Moore says and then he’ll give you something to ease the pain.” Meryl said soothingly, wiping the sweat from Millie’s face with a wash cloth.
“I need something, please! This is hurting me so much!” Millie cried.
“But Ms. Thompson you had insisted on having an all-natural birth.”
Millie whined. Dr. Moore ignored her pleading cries. He was used to this sort of behavior after all. “Millie, I need you to cooperate and push. If not you can’t see your baby.” He ordered looking sharply up at her through his glasses.
“Okie dokie, Smokie!” She exclaimed in pain. Millie raised herself up from the bed and pushed while Meryl and Dr. Moore counted to ten. When the ten seconds were over Millie sighed heavily in exhaustion and lied back down.
“Are you a bit at ease now, Millie?” Meryl asked a bit sarcastically.
Millie smiled in understanding. “I guess I deserved that. These darn pains are making me so mad. I’m sorry if I‘m yelling so much.”
Meryl laughed. “Oh, relax, Millie. I’m only teasing. I can’t blame you. Having a baby does tend to make the mother irritable. You’ll probably have to deal with me this way when I have children, too.”
Millie smiled gently bringing back her cheerful self. “Why do I have a feeling that this going to be a long night?”
“Just rest, Millie.” Meryl told her annoyed holding Millie’s hand at her bed side.
Suddenly a loud noise burst through the door. Millie, Meryl, and Dr. Moore turned around to find a tall, blonde noodle-noggin panting by the door way.
“What the heck is going on?! What’s wrong with Millie?!” Vash finally let out. Meryl was speechless and flustered at his actions.
“Oh, my–,”
“VASH!” Millie shouted happily interrupting Meryl.
Vash put on the best face he could to cover his frantic look when he found Millie and a doctor in front of her. He sighed. “I heard a woman’s scream and ran around the inn trying to find out who it was. It sounded familiar-WHOAH!” He suddenly yelled out as he inspected the situation further.
Vash mortified covered his eyes to avoid looking at what parts of Millie were exposed. “What the heck is going on here?!” He asked foolishly as he looked away with his face forming an even more goofy expression.
“Ugh, what does it look like, you big oaf?!” Meryl snapped.
“Ok, ok, I KNOW what’s going on! But it’s just the discovery that I guess is making me babble.” Vash stammered.
“Excuse me, sir but this room was to be secluded from any settlers at this inn. You have NO business of being here. Now please leave.”
“No, doctor!” Millie whined.
Dr. Moore gave her a sympathetic yet firm face. “Ms. Thompson, he is not to be here unless he is immediate family, and the only exception I made was Ms. Stryfe since she has been taking care of you your whole pregnancy.”
“Meryl IS my family and so is Vash! He’s my brother. So he stays!”
“But Millie I’m not–,”
“That’s right doctor!” Interrupted Meryl. “Thank God he was here. It’s fate. Who would’ve thought a family member who lives far from here was in the same exact inn we were?”
Dr. Moore sighed. “Very well, then. Vash Thompson, it is to my understanding you are here to help. So come and help Miss Stryfe, your sister, and me to bring this baby to the world.”
Millie beamed, and Vash just stood for a minute stunned. He then walked over to Millie’s bed side, finally knowing what the commotion was all about. “Millie, for the time I’ve been gone, you were pregnant?”
Millie rolled her eyes. “It appears so.” She laughed.
“I can’t believe this. Wow, I’ve been gone for that long.”
Meryl narrowed her eyes at him. “We WILL be discussing that later. Right now we need to focus on getting this baby out.”
Vash nodded in agreement. However he added, “I have one question, though.”
“Is Wolfwood the father?” His face was serious, waiting patiently for any word to come out from Millie.
She looked away and got teary. “...Yes.”
“I’m sorry he’s not here to witness this miracle.” Millie’s soft hand grazed his cheek.
“Thank you. And thank you for being here.” She gracefully said with joy and sadness in her eyes.
“Does that brother stuff still go?” He whispered.
Millie winked. “Yeah.” Another contraction hit her. Millie started to moan in pain.
“Here, Millie. Take my hand. Whenever the pain comes again squeeze, ok?”
“Oh! OH! YIKES!” Millie yelled and squeezed.
Vash’s face cringed. “Ow, OOWW! What do you do in your spare time, crack walnuts?!”
Millie kept yelling and squeezing. Vash’s face turned white. “Ok, ok let go!” Vash shook his hand furiously and blew on it to cool it off, a bit teary.
“Millie this isn’t going well. It’s getting critical. We need to get you medical attention.”
Millie scoffed. She obviously didn’t care anymore. As long as the baby was born.
Fear struck the faces of Meryl and Vash. They pulled Dr. Moore aside while Millie breathed quietly and rested. “Doctor, what’s going on? Why does Millie need to go to the hospital?” A frightened Meryl asked.
Doctor Moore sighed. He took off his glasses from his narrow face an rubbed his temples. “I know Miss Thompson wanted the baby to be born here and not at what she calls ‘An unnatural place to have a child’, but she’s having a complicated birth. We’ve been at this for several hours and nothing has changed. Her contractions are not evenly apart and her cervix is not large enough for the baby to come out. It’s as if the baby cannot find it’s way out on it’s own. She’ll need to have surgery. We’re taking her to the hospital now. We can’t keep dawdling.”
The doctor reached for the phone on the dresser in the room. While dialing, he said, “I’m sending the paramedics to transfer her to the hospital. I need you two to get her ready to go.”
Vash and Meryl panicked, but did what they were told. As he helped Meryl get Millie ready, Vash’s face grew knotted, looking as though chiseled from rock. A small part of him, his light, was about to die out, and he knew it.
“Vash,” Meryl touched his arm. “We have to go, quickly. The paramedics are pulling up.”
The paramedics came through the door and the doctor briefly told them what to do. Vash watched as the doctor murmured to them and looked back at Meryl. He nodded. Hand in hand they ran out of the inn by Millie’s side...
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Please let us know what you think! Reviews are greatly appreciated!
Knives. I need to help you find a new way of life. One without hatred for beings that are not like us. Not all are like what you think. Some are decent and caring...And I’m going to show you...
___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Months later...
A large woman sat on a rocking chair while she kept her friend, busy at the typewriter, company. The woman rocked her chair lightly as she rubbed her rather stretched abdomen. She giggled. Her big periwinkle eyes were filled with joy as she felt another kick.
The baby’s almost here. I wish your daddy was here, little one. She thought to herself.
“Meryl?” The woman expecting called to her friend at the typewriter. Meryl turned around to answer.
“What is it, Millie? Is it the baby?” Millie shook her head from side to side.
“No it’s just–,” Millie gasped.
“Millie? What’s wrong?” Meryl asked as she came to her aid.
“Meryl, I think my water just broke.” She said calmly as she held her belly.
“Ok, Millie you just stay calm. Lay down on the bed and I’ll get some towels and call the doctor.”
As Meryl turned to run out the door, Millie aggressively grabbed her wrist. “Please, be quick about it, Meryl.” She sternly said with a look of pain.
“Oh God. How bad is the pain?”
Millie closed her eyes trying to free herself from the pain and said, “If I had any military secrets, I’d talk.”
“Yup, it’s show time. I’m getting you to the hospital right away.”
“No, no, Meryl I don’t want to! I hate hospitals!”
“Millie! I have to! I’m not going to argue with you especially now!” She ran out of the room to use the phone. Half way down the hall she heavily sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “Why can’t I ever say no to that woman?” Meryl then picked up the phone and called the doctor for a house call instead...
_______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
Groans and dragging footsteps crossed the desert sand while Gunsmoke’s suns were beginning to set. The being causing these sounds was in unfathomable agony. This soul had no idea how long he’d been traveling. He was surprised at how he didn’t die by now. This was too much. He was giving into rest...and God only knows how long he would be unconscious...or if he would ever wake up again...
_________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
There was a cough. The man’s irritated face was soaked with water. His sand colored hair out of place and his sky blue eyes looked up at his smiling brother. He had tied him up because he refused to cooperate.
“Water?” Vash said with a smile and a cup at hand which he used to spray his brother
Knives with water.
“No thanks, I’ve had enough.” He said shaking his head to at least try to dry it. “How can you be so happy ALL the time, Vash?”
Vash merely gave him a bigger smile.
Idiot. Knives thought.
“Aw c’mon, Knives, smile!” Vash stretched his brother’s cheeks in attempt for him to smile.
“Don’t touch my face!” Knives said shaking head to gesture to Vash to stop.
“Look, you’re never gonna be untied unless you give life a chance!” He began to glare at Vash and stood in silence.
Vash sighed. “Besides, if you can’t how are you ever going to take a bath? You’re starting to stink. Heh heh.”
Knives took a sniff. “I do not. I’ve just been around humans too long.” Knives stood quiet, then suddenly a sly smile passed his face. “Or maybe it’s you, I mean, you’ve been with that damn woman for so long, even I’m starting to reek.”
Vash was silent, the smile slowly fading from his face. He was obviously hurt.
“Hmph, finally got you to stop smiling. But, she was a rather pretty creature. Say ,do you think SHE’D be interested in–,”
“Shut up, Knives!” He turned around and faced the door of the inn they were currently staying in.
“What about Rem, Knives?”
“What ABOUT Rem?”
“Didn’t you care for her at all? She loved you.”
“Bull shit. She wanted you! YOU were the one that she favored.”
“Is that what drove you to do all this?”
“...Of course not.”
“She loved you, Knives, both of us. You made it difficult for her, that’s all.”
Knives turned his face away and stared at the floor. He knew it was true, he just felt she was more to him than she was supposed to be. He hated himself for it. Vash seemed hurt, as if he felt his words meant nothing to the brother that tried to do away with him countless times before.
Yet, Vash loved him and forgave him even before Knives tried to do all of that. Vash stepped closer to the door knob and was about to open it when– “Vash,”
Vash looked over his left shoulder. “You know…I’ve never hated you.” His brother’s face softened to reveal the true innocence that was always there before.
He raised his right hand over his shoulder as if that one gesture would sweep away their grueling past. “Heh, I love you too, Knives.”
Smiling at his now speechless brother, a sudden scream broke the loving situation.
“What was that?!” Vash asked puzzled. Knives scoffed.
“Most likely a pathetic human.”
Vash glared at him. “I gotta find out. Stay put, Knives!” Vash yelled as he ran out of the hotel to the hallway to follow the screaming.
“How can I even move if you tied me up? Idiot...”
“OH MY GOD, I DIDN‘T KNOW THIS WAS GOING TO HURT SO MUCH!” Millie yelled from labor pains.Meryl tried to comfort her.
“Alright, Ms. Thompson I need you to push and then you rest, ok?” The doctor of the town said.
“C’mon, Millie do what Dr. Moore says and then he’ll give you something to ease the pain.” Meryl said soothingly, wiping the sweat from Millie’s face with a wash cloth.
“I need something, please! This is hurting me so much!” Millie cried.
“But Ms. Thompson you had insisted on having an all-natural birth.”
Millie whined. Dr. Moore ignored her pleading cries. He was used to this sort of behavior after all. “Millie, I need you to cooperate and push. If not you can’t see your baby.” He ordered looking sharply up at her through his glasses.
“Okie dokie, Smokie!” She exclaimed in pain. Millie raised herself up from the bed and pushed while Meryl and Dr. Moore counted to ten. When the ten seconds were over Millie sighed heavily in exhaustion and lied back down.
“Are you a bit at ease now, Millie?” Meryl asked a bit sarcastically.
Millie smiled in understanding. “I guess I deserved that. These darn pains are making me so mad. I’m sorry if I‘m yelling so much.”
Meryl laughed. “Oh, relax, Millie. I’m only teasing. I can’t blame you. Having a baby does tend to make the mother irritable. You’ll probably have to deal with me this way when I have children, too.”
Millie smiled gently bringing back her cheerful self. “Why do I have a feeling that this going to be a long night?”
“Just rest, Millie.” Meryl told her annoyed holding Millie’s hand at her bed side.
Suddenly a loud noise burst through the door. Millie, Meryl, and Dr. Moore turned around to find a tall, blonde noodle-noggin panting by the door way.
“What the heck is going on?! What’s wrong with Millie?!” Vash finally let out. Meryl was speechless and flustered at his actions.
“Oh, my–,”
“VASH!” Millie shouted happily interrupting Meryl.
Vash put on the best face he could to cover his frantic look when he found Millie and a doctor in front of her. He sighed. “I heard a woman’s scream and ran around the inn trying to find out who it was. It sounded familiar-WHOAH!” He suddenly yelled out as he inspected the situation further.
Vash mortified covered his eyes to avoid looking at what parts of Millie were exposed. “What the heck is going on here?!” He asked foolishly as he looked away with his face forming an even more goofy expression.
“Ugh, what does it look like, you big oaf?!” Meryl snapped.
“Ok, ok, I KNOW what’s going on! But it’s just the discovery that I guess is making me babble.” Vash stammered.
“Excuse me, sir but this room was to be secluded from any settlers at this inn. You have NO business of being here. Now please leave.”
“No, doctor!” Millie whined.
Dr. Moore gave her a sympathetic yet firm face. “Ms. Thompson, he is not to be here unless he is immediate family, and the only exception I made was Ms. Stryfe since she has been taking care of you your whole pregnancy.”
“Meryl IS my family and so is Vash! He’s my brother. So he stays!”
“But Millie I’m not–,”
“That’s right doctor!” Interrupted Meryl. “Thank God he was here. It’s fate. Who would’ve thought a family member who lives far from here was in the same exact inn we were?”
Dr. Moore sighed. “Very well, then. Vash Thompson, it is to my understanding you are here to help. So come and help Miss Stryfe, your sister, and me to bring this baby to the world.”
Millie beamed, and Vash just stood for a minute stunned. He then walked over to Millie’s bed side, finally knowing what the commotion was all about. “Millie, for the time I’ve been gone, you were pregnant?”
Millie rolled her eyes. “It appears so.” She laughed.
“I can’t believe this. Wow, I’ve been gone for that long.”
Meryl narrowed her eyes at him. “We WILL be discussing that later. Right now we need to focus on getting this baby out.”
Vash nodded in agreement. However he added, “I have one question, though.”
“Is Wolfwood the father?” His face was serious, waiting patiently for any word to come out from Millie.
She looked away and got teary. “...Yes.”
“I’m sorry he’s not here to witness this miracle.” Millie’s soft hand grazed his cheek.
“Thank you. And thank you for being here.” She gracefully said with joy and sadness in her eyes.
“Does that brother stuff still go?” He whispered.
Millie winked. “Yeah.” Another contraction hit her. Millie started to moan in pain.
“Here, Millie. Take my hand. Whenever the pain comes again squeeze, ok?”
“Oh! OH! YIKES!” Millie yelled and squeezed.
Vash’s face cringed. “Ow, OOWW! What do you do in your spare time, crack walnuts?!”
Millie kept yelling and squeezing. Vash’s face turned white. “Ok, ok let go!” Vash shook his hand furiously and blew on it to cool it off, a bit teary.
“Millie this isn’t going well. It’s getting critical. We need to get you medical attention.”
Millie scoffed. She obviously didn’t care anymore. As long as the baby was born.
Fear struck the faces of Meryl and Vash. They pulled Dr. Moore aside while Millie breathed quietly and rested. “Doctor, what’s going on? Why does Millie need to go to the hospital?” A frightened Meryl asked.
Doctor Moore sighed. He took off his glasses from his narrow face an rubbed his temples. “I know Miss Thompson wanted the baby to be born here and not at what she calls ‘An unnatural place to have a child’, but she’s having a complicated birth. We’ve been at this for several hours and nothing has changed. Her contractions are not evenly apart and her cervix is not large enough for the baby to come out. It’s as if the baby cannot find it’s way out on it’s own. She’ll need to have surgery. We’re taking her to the hospital now. We can’t keep dawdling.”
The doctor reached for the phone on the dresser in the room. While dialing, he said, “I’m sending the paramedics to transfer her to the hospital. I need you two to get her ready to go.”
Vash and Meryl panicked, but did what they were told. As he helped Meryl get Millie ready, Vash’s face grew knotted, looking as though chiseled from rock. A small part of him, his light, was about to die out, and he knew it.
“Vash,” Meryl touched his arm. “We have to go, quickly. The paramedics are pulling up.”
The paramedics came through the door and the doctor briefly told them what to do. Vash watched as the doctor murmured to them and looked back at Meryl. He nodded. Hand in hand they ran out of the inn by Millie’s side...
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Please let us know what you think! Reviews are greatly appreciated!