Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ The Physical Nightmare: And Personal Hell ❯ Prolog ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


What are plants...?

I laugh at the question, even though I hear it almost all the time. Sure, you could say we're just energy stored into a light bulb. Or we're a race which humans..Created with technology..Which is partially true.

Once, in my life a women who cared for Vash told me we're all fallen angels who still have their wings...How true she probably was, for a human.

Right now I feel as though I don't have wings, but yet, I have wings of a demon. Why..? Unsure at this point, no, I don't say things without reason, but...Deep down I feel as though I do have demon wings..Like I said before.

I guess you could say, that I feel guilty, do you not believe in what I say?

Looking at the blue skies and it's clouds was horribly depressing. Seeing the light blue painted sky, and how high it really high it truly was, made me feel like I'm stuck here, stuck with creatures that I despise so dearly.

The clouds wasn't helping the situation at all, since they fly, really to me it looked like swimming, inside the blue ocean sky. How free they could be to get away from the humans and their sins.

I never truly liked humans, But When I was smaller I never felt like hurting them.

But I didn't want to get close to them either...

Turing my head my eyes squinted when seeing brightness in the sky made my eyes see circles and lines of colors. This happens when you glimpse at something bright then look at something dark.

Heh, such things happen to humans. Yet...I'm not human.

I felt alone in the dark, small room...

...So alone...

Like I have been for the past 115 years. Yes, I know how long it has been without any company, well, human company. Legato...He wasn't a creature from the sins of our past or present, he wasn't part of creatures who think they smarter, WISER than other creations on this planet, or that other planet...

Legato..I will you as much as a Plant could miss a friend...

Yes he was a friend...A good one at that point. I wouldn't try to hurt him, I haven't ever hurt the man since he was small, about 10 or so...

Closing my eyes, I adjusted my pitch black pupils once again get use to the darkness that surrounded the room and me.

Turning over, I groaned, then screamed slightly and the stinging pain from all over.

So, this a nightmare, huh...

Where your stuck in complete darkness surrounding you, making you feel alone. Without company to support you, to help you break the spell, the spell of fear.

While pain throughout you body consumes you, ripping every inch of you. In till you scream for mercy, and forgiveness.

A nightmare...How enjoyable they truly are...Just as much as sarcasm.

Turning my broken and beaten body, I heard the door slightly creak with every movement it made.

I cringed at the noise, my head was still sensitive to sound, or movement for that matter.

I heard a young women's voice say softly,"Vash...Go and get your stupid donuts". Even though she was insulting my brother's favorite food, she did gentle enough to make me believe that she was being kind to the less smarter twin of mine.

"Don't worry, Vash", I could even hear Vash in his annoying high pitched voice say things like,"But he might try to hurt you..." No, I wouldn't hurt anyone, I would, but as everyone could see I'm in pain...Terrible pain I might add.

"Okay, bye Vash!" She louder, but quite enough, so it wouldn't make my head sting any worse than it already was from the beam of light coming from the open square hole where the door use to be. When the door was closed, of course.

" That Vash..." heard her say to herself, oh great, this women is taking care of me is insane. How lovely for me...

Her soft chuckle reached my ears, I blinked.

If only her taps of the sole of her shoes were as quite as her voice, I grimaced at the sound.

Oh, this was was giving me agonizing head ache...

Right when she reach to me, I calmly spoke,"Get the hell away from me, human..."

I almost wanted snicker loudly at the short female, as her eyes went so wide you could see her pupils in the darkness. Yet my pleasure went straight to pain when she hollered,"OH MY GOD!!!" and tumbled onto the floor, knocking over a small table next to my bed. Making whatever in the world fall onto the floor as well, one object crashed. It have been a lamp or a flower vase.

"Will you stop with the racket, Human!" I grumbled, and cursed as she calmed herself on the floor after my sentence of 'Please, shut up, and quit screaming!'

She heaved her small frame off of 'my' room's wooden floor, then apologized."I"m..I'm S-Sorry..." She mumbled, but I could hear her anyways,"God..I'm such aa fool."

"Yes, yes you are.." I mumbled equally, then looked at her, straining my neck slightly. Since my head was peacefully resting on the pillow. I was watching her every action though. I had too, didn't trust this file species around my territory, or near me.

After a minute of pure silence, I spoke to her once more."Where's my brother?"

"At..A-At the donut shop..." She paced back and forth, which seemed like for no reason. I watched her in confusion."What are you doing, filthy spider?"

"Something to sit on..." simply, she gave me an answer."Then why are you pacing?"

"I' m thinking where I put my stool." Right, I forgot some humans pace when forgetting a simple item like a chair, or stool.

It's kinda funny to see really, how they mumble, and grumble when trying to remember. Then sometimes freak out and cry. Quite amusing to watch.

Finally after thinking of funny things about her species, she must have remember where it was. Since I saw her reach over besides my head, and pull out the small stool she was talking about. Seating herself on it, she smiled lightly, and scooted near me.

I backed away little. Keeping a good enough distance away from her.


---- -------- -----

It seemed like for hours of non-stop talking, it was ANNOYING! Sorry, was I not proper to say how much a bothersome she was to me?

Well, she was annoying to me by talking to much. And about simple things, like her family and where she use to live.

The only thing I found truly interesting was her father use to work in a plant, it seemed to be a brother of mine. More likely, yes. He worked to help my brother stay under control so he would't explode. Or what she just said.

"And so, my brother and I said our last good byes..." she was speaking about her dear brother, who I guess became a reporter. Using a damp, blue towel, she soothed my aching head.

"Hn." was the only thing I could say for all what spoke to me about. Yawning, I covered my mouth with a untouched with wounds, hand. Which I cringed again from the dull pain in the shoulder.

"Damn it..." she blinked at me, I could see her and her confused face looking at me.'What haven't you heard cursing before, human?' I thought, about to say the words I thinking.

"What?" I sneered at her,"Quit staring!" I ordered her. She shrieked.

...So much pain in one day...My head...Stop the yelling, please...

I groaned softly, so she wouldn't hear.Polity, she guided her head away from looking at me. I felt, a smidge bit of guilt at the rudeness, but I didn't let guilt get to my pride of hating humans with a passion.

"I guess your staying here till Vash returns, huh?" She nodded, I nodded along with her. Yet, feeling ill at the fact an human will be watching over me. Does she even know how to take care of me?

Probably not...Well, she does take care of Vash, I bet. So yea, she might know how since he has so many wounds and scars it's impossible to count them.

So in my personal Hell, I'll be watched over by an human, who might as well be my angel protecting me from getting hurt anymore, worse I might get burned without this...Angel.

Oh, how I love nightmares..They consume me so...Just like hatred, how hatred consumes me and let's me live off of it while I despise humans.




Knives: So...Your back, Huh?


Knives: -.-;;; Help me!! She made another story!!

L.A.G: Damn right!

Knives: Watch your language young lady!

L.A.G: o.0;; do you even care?

Knives: Your right, I don't care! Bwahahahaha!!

L.A.G: *shakes her head* Please R/R! and No flames, man..There like..Hurtful, man..

Knives: *turns into a hippie* Hey...Dude..Like..Humans, man...What up with them? Like her..Man...

L.A.G: *shrugs* Well he's lost it! Bai Bai for now Trigun fans! *drags Knives away*

Knives: MAN! Humans! There like...wicked to my species man!!

L.A.G: Last Note: The next chapter will be much longer and much better! ^-^ I promise!

Waking up in dark room, he feels as though it's a nightmare he can not wake back up into reality. Meryl is there for comfort him in his personal hell... (I'm bad at sumarries!!) (Knives/Meryl) and maybe (Milly/Vash) R/R please!

The Physical Nightmare: And Personal Hell