Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Vash and Knives Baby Book ❯ Check Up Time ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Does everyone like that last chapter? Well here is chapter two!
Do I have to say this? I may be a insane obsessed Trigun fan but I do not own the Anime or the Manga.
Just for the record these little stories are random; they have no real connection to each other only to the fact that they are stories of Vash and Knives babyhood. Alright? Okay then on to the next chapter!
Just to note that some of the vaccines mentioned in this story are fake, they aren’t real.
The only vaccines mentioned that are real are Hepatitis B and Vitamin K vaccines, these two are real injections and are given to newborns seconds after being born. I would like to thank my mom’s friend who is a nurse for giving me this information for this chapter.
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Vash and Knives Baby Book
Chapter Two:
Check Up Time
“Alright Vash your all ready” Rem said putting little blue boots on Vash’s feet; it was time for the twins check up, it was there second one since they had been given a check on heath when they were born. Now they needed another one to make sure everything was alright; they weren’t human babies and anything bad about their health could spring up without them knowing, plus they needed to get their immunizations to all the infant related and childhood related illnesses that popped up a few years before Project SEEDS was created. However she was a little worried about how the boys would take it; Vash had gotten through his Vitamin K and Hepatitis B shots without a problem when they were born, Knives however had screamed so loudly through both that the crew had thought someone was being murdered. He was such a fragile little thing when it came to pain, nothing at all like his younger brother…
“Speaking of Knives were did he go?” She wondered putting Vash on the floor and the boy went to grab his favorite toy. Knives was always getting into everything, she had to constantly remember that she couldn’t take her eyes off him even for a second or he’d crawl off some place. “Knives? Knives were did you go now?” she called hoping the blue eyed boy would respond to his name and come out of hiding…no such luck. “Knives…come on now come out…please we’re going to be late” Rem said looking through the toy chest which was a favorite hiding place for the older boy. Rem sighed and pushed a few strands of her long black hair to the back of her ear, looking up when she heard a giggle from the bathroom. Smiling she walked in and didn’t see and viable sight of the twin “Knives are you hiding in here?” she asked playfully and gained another giggle, noticing that it came from the hamper she put the twins dirty cloths in, she was glad the laundry had been done already and it was empty. “Oh were oh were did my little Knives go hiding to” she said walking over to the hamper “Could he be…HERE!” she quickly opened the hamper and picked up the pale haired boy who had begun squealing.
“Well now that we’re done playing hide and seek for now…we better get to the Medical Bay or Joey will be wondering what happened to us” Rem said picking up Knives younger twin. Walking down to the Medical Bay Rem amused herself by watching the two babies play with each other; they were kicking their feet at the other and laughing when the others feet made contact, a version of paddy cake maybe but with using feet instead of hands and no cutie song. It was obvious to anyone who watched them that they were going to be inseparable when they became old enough to walk and talk. Knives was already protective of his little brother as was any older sibling, once Rowan had agreed to watch the boys when Joey called Rem to speak to her about something. He had sat down and picked up Vash so he could feed him; Knives however saw this as Rowan trying to take his little brother away, the older twin had crawled up to the man in record speed and bit him on the arm…very hard! As for Vash once she had picked up Knives to go give him a bath; the moment his older brother was out of his sight he became the saddest baby anyone would have ever seen, and being that it was sweet little Vash doing the crying it would have pulled at anyone’s heart strings to see him that upset.
Vash wouldn’t stop crying until Knives was back in his sights when Rem placed him back on the floor; the younger boy had been happy when Knives was back beside him inside their playpen and had shown it by snuggling up against him making happy baby sounds. She had ended up giving both boys a bath to keep Vash from crying anymore. Either way Rem smiled; she was glade that at this age they were showing high hopes of few sibling quarrels, or if they had any fights at all that they would make up easier the siblings that were years apart. They were twins after all; neither living a life before the other and seeing each other the very day of their birth, having a friend, playmate and sibling for life all from the very beginning. She looked at the two boys and laughed at the picture that popped into her head; one of the future of when they were finally on their new home planet where ever that may be, of a teenaged Vash and Knives talking about the best way to impress a girl. Yes they were boys; and with boys came the constant chatter about girls then they were older, she just hoped that they didn’t try that silly ‘acting macho’ bit with any girls, she would have to tell them early on that it did not work despite what anyone told them, she would know she was a girl after all…
Then a picture of them getting married and having children; being that them being born from plant bulbs and her caring for them Rem guessed she had cheated in that area, but any children they had she would see them as her grandchildren no matter what. “Just don’t make me an official old woman yet though…I’m still old enough to marry you know” she said to the two babies who didn’t know what she was talking about; they simply looked up at her with their big blue and green eyes before going back to their game just as they reached the Medical Bay. Walking in it looked like any doctors office would; jars filled with alcohol with cotton swabs, a sink and on the shelf next to it was a bottle of antibacterial liquid soap, paper towel dispenser, cabinets filled with things she couldn’t make out, and then the tiny veils of medicine used for injections and the needles themselves resting in a jar similar to the cotton swabs and a jar of tongue depressors. In the center of the room was an exam table that for comfort purposes was cushioned and had paper on it for sterile reasons, next to it was a metal table with a box of sterile latex gloves and a biohazard bin to place any used materials that might cause a health risk.
“Well, well my two favorite patients” Joey said smiling at the boys whom he had become a foster father to.
“Joey are you sure you don’t need to be watching the crew? I mean you are the caption and all…”
“Nonsense Rem! I learned about medicine from my father who was a doctor, I was studying to become a doctor before I became apart of Project SEEDS and became caption and to be honest I don’t think the medical team here are very comfortable about Vash and Knives” Joey said this softly, he knew that it hurt Rem whenever she heard of someone being scared of the boys simply for being different. “The crew will be fine without me for little; making sure these two are in good heath is important” Joey said putting the stethoscope into his ears “So who first?”
“Better do Vash first Joey…Knives is going to put up a fight so we might as well get Vash over with first” she said looking at the green eyed younger boy. Joey walked over and picked Vash up from Rem’s arms, no sooner was he removed from his older brother’s side that Knives began to fuss. “Knives it alright, he isn’t taking Vash away” Rem said trying to calm the older boy.
“Protective little guy I see, they’re going to be thick as thieves when they’re older” Joey said putting the stethoscope under Vash’s shirt to listen to the boys heartbeat.
“You have no idea Joey…” Rem said trying to keep Knives from falling out of her arms, the older boy was now reaching his arms out trying to get to Vash, making unhappy noises that sounded that he was close to brawling.
“Why not put him on the table too? It will stop Knives from trying to wiggle out of your arms” Joey said who had gone to pick up the scale to record how much Vash weighed along how much he had grown. He picked Vash up as Rem put Knives down on the table and wrote down on Vash’s medical file is weight and length “He’s grown a bit and put on a healthy amount of weight…for his size…I can’t be one hundred percent sure because of their growth rate seeming to be faster then a humans”
“Yes they do seem to be growing rather fast…I hope that isn’t a bad thing” Rem said glade that Knives finally calmed down; Joey took Vash off the scale and back on the table were he started babbling something in baby talk to his brother. “It would be nice to know what they were saying wouldn’t it?” she said with humor in her voice.
“Yes it would…” he said as the boys laughed “I’d love a good joke right now” the two adults laughed. Joey checked Vash’s ears which the boy laughed finding it ticklish maybe, but he did not enjoy having a light in his eyes when Joey checked his eyes. “All that’s left is the blood draw and the immunizations” Joey said getting the needle and bottle used for drawing blood.
“Don’t worry…Vash doesn’t seem to mind it…Knives on the other hand”
“I remember…I thought something was hurting him, I still can’t believe Knives can scream that loud, god to see he had a healthy set of lungs” Joey joked. Joey drew Vash’s blood with no trouble and set it on the stand on the desk with the boys name labeling it, throwing the needle in the biohazard bin. He took out two more needles for the immunizations for the diseases of Kekliatoeses and Hepluenza; two illnesses that popped up recently before project SEEDS began, while diseases such as cancer, AIDS and other former deadly diseases were at last curable and rarely seen anymore. These two took their places and could kill a person at the same speed if not given some protection in the form of an injection, and regular check ups “Alright time for Knives…” he did all the tests he had done with Vash, however Knives found it funny to grab at the short hairs of the mans mustache while he was checking the boys ears. Before Joey started the shots Rem spoke up.
“There’s one thing I want you to check for me”
“What’s that Rem?”
“Well…Knives has been chewing on everything, and biting anything and anyone who gets close to him with the exception of Vash and me. He’s even been gnawing on his hand…and he’s been crankier the normal lately, I think his teeth are coming in”
“I’ll check and see” Joey took out one of the tongue depressors and opened Knives mouth to check the boys gums. He didn’t have to put his fingers on the boys gums to know that there were little bumps on them; a sure sign of teeth beginning to grow in, he could even see a tooth at the top already cutting through the gum, the source of the poor boys discomfort. “You were right Rem, there’s even one tooth cutting through the gums”
“Poor thing that’s why he’s been so upset lately”
“Well if his are coming in then Vash shouldn’t be to far behind. If Knives starts showing signs of fever don’t worry…that happens some times with teething, but if you feel something isn’t right bring him back to me okay?”
“Okay, thanks”
“Now…your going to have to hold him while I do this, he partially gave the ships doctor a nasty bruise when giving him his shots”
“Okay” she took little Knives in her arms; the baby boy not knowing of what was to happen kept his eyes on his brother and started sucking his thumb. The moment the needle penetrated his skin however and he started screaming. Rem held him still as his blood was drawn; she hated seeing him like this but it had to be done for his own good, and Knives screaming got worst with the last two injections were given.
“Knives its okay, its over now” Rem said trying to get the boy to stop crying; his cheek red from screaming and tears still coming from his blue eyes, he looked pitiful “Joey I hope those didn’t hurt him” Rem said finally calming the boy down.
“No, no…some people can take them…and some can’t” he knew that might have sounded cold but there ready anything much other then that about the subject.
“He’s so sensitive to pain; I hope that isn’t something to worry about…”
“Its normal trust me, some people don’t have a high tolerance for pain. Now how about a reward for you two hmmm?” Joey said opening a cabinet.
“What are you going to give them?” Rem asked, the boys could have lolly pops yet like doctors usually gave.
“These” Joey held out two rubber toys; one of them was shaped like a doughnut and had fake chocolate frosting and sprinkles painted on it, the other was oddly enough was light blue and had a butterfly at one end. “Teething rings for both of them” Joey laughed when he saw little Vash’s green eyes widen as he looked at the doughnut shaped one “You want this one Vash?” Joey asked handing the baby the toy, the boy squealed at the idea of a new toy, Joey handed the butterfly one to Knives who began gnawing on it vigorously “Looks like he’s grateful” Joey joked “Just make sure you clean them every time before giving the rings to them, babies have a habit of dropping them all over the place” Joey said.
“I will, at least Knives seems to forgive you now…until the next time” Rem said as Knives bit down hard on the ring, Vash was simply playing with his not really needing a teething ring at the moment but that time was coming up soon if Knives was already starting.
“Well then, I’ll have to get back to the controls…I’ll see you same time next month?” Joey asked taking the gloves off his hands.
“Yes of course” Rem said picking the boys up.
“I’ll give you the results of their blood tests in three days, five days tops”
“Alright thank you again Joey”
“I’m sort of a father figure to them…have to set an example career wise for them don’t I?”
“I guess so…I’ll see you later” Rem said waving and walking to the door.
“Okay” the black haired man called. Walking to their room Rem looked at them both; she wondered what careers they might choose, she guessed with how much of a mommy’s boy Vash was he might want to have a career similar to hers. Knives…she could see him as a doctor or business field. She smiled at them, whatever they decided to do with their lives she would happy if they were happy.
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And that’s it for chapter two. Everyone just loves baby Vash and Knives!
Do I have to say this? I may be a insane obsessed Trigun fan but I do not own the Anime or the Manga.
Just for the record these little stories are random; they have no real connection to each other only to the fact that they are stories of Vash and Knives babyhood. Alright? Okay then on to the next chapter!
Just to note that some of the vaccines mentioned in this story are fake, they aren’t real.
The only vaccines mentioned that are real are Hepatitis B and Vitamin K vaccines, these two are real injections and are given to newborns seconds after being born. I would like to thank my mom’s friend who is a nurse for giving me this information for this chapter.
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Vash and Knives Baby Book
Chapter Two:
Check Up Time
“Alright Vash your all ready” Rem said putting little blue boots on Vash’s feet; it was time for the twins check up, it was there second one since they had been given a check on heath when they were born. Now they needed another one to make sure everything was alright; they weren’t human babies and anything bad about their health could spring up without them knowing, plus they needed to get their immunizations to all the infant related and childhood related illnesses that popped up a few years before Project SEEDS was created. However she was a little worried about how the boys would take it; Vash had gotten through his Vitamin K and Hepatitis B shots without a problem when they were born, Knives however had screamed so loudly through both that the crew had thought someone was being murdered. He was such a fragile little thing when it came to pain, nothing at all like his younger brother…
“Speaking of Knives were did he go?” She wondered putting Vash on the floor and the boy went to grab his favorite toy. Knives was always getting into everything, she had to constantly remember that she couldn’t take her eyes off him even for a second or he’d crawl off some place. “Knives? Knives were did you go now?” she called hoping the blue eyed boy would respond to his name and come out of hiding…no such luck. “Knives…come on now come out…please we’re going to be late” Rem said looking through the toy chest which was a favorite hiding place for the older boy. Rem sighed and pushed a few strands of her long black hair to the back of her ear, looking up when she heard a giggle from the bathroom. Smiling she walked in and didn’t see and viable sight of the twin “Knives are you hiding in here?” she asked playfully and gained another giggle, noticing that it came from the hamper she put the twins dirty cloths in, she was glad the laundry had been done already and it was empty. “Oh were oh were did my little Knives go hiding to” she said walking over to the hamper “Could he be…HERE!” she quickly opened the hamper and picked up the pale haired boy who had begun squealing.
“Well now that we’re done playing hide and seek for now…we better get to the Medical Bay or Joey will be wondering what happened to us” Rem said picking up Knives younger twin. Walking down to the Medical Bay Rem amused herself by watching the two babies play with each other; they were kicking their feet at the other and laughing when the others feet made contact, a version of paddy cake maybe but with using feet instead of hands and no cutie song. It was obvious to anyone who watched them that they were going to be inseparable when they became old enough to walk and talk. Knives was already protective of his little brother as was any older sibling, once Rowan had agreed to watch the boys when Joey called Rem to speak to her about something. He had sat down and picked up Vash so he could feed him; Knives however saw this as Rowan trying to take his little brother away, the older twin had crawled up to the man in record speed and bit him on the arm…very hard! As for Vash once she had picked up Knives to go give him a bath; the moment his older brother was out of his sight he became the saddest baby anyone would have ever seen, and being that it was sweet little Vash doing the crying it would have pulled at anyone’s heart strings to see him that upset.
Vash wouldn’t stop crying until Knives was back in his sights when Rem placed him back on the floor; the younger boy had been happy when Knives was back beside him inside their playpen and had shown it by snuggling up against him making happy baby sounds. She had ended up giving both boys a bath to keep Vash from crying anymore. Either way Rem smiled; she was glade that at this age they were showing high hopes of few sibling quarrels, or if they had any fights at all that they would make up easier the siblings that were years apart. They were twins after all; neither living a life before the other and seeing each other the very day of their birth, having a friend, playmate and sibling for life all from the very beginning. She looked at the two boys and laughed at the picture that popped into her head; one of the future of when they were finally on their new home planet where ever that may be, of a teenaged Vash and Knives talking about the best way to impress a girl. Yes they were boys; and with boys came the constant chatter about girls then they were older, she just hoped that they didn’t try that silly ‘acting macho’ bit with any girls, she would have to tell them early on that it did not work despite what anyone told them, she would know she was a girl after all…
Then a picture of them getting married and having children; being that them being born from plant bulbs and her caring for them Rem guessed she had cheated in that area, but any children they had she would see them as her grandchildren no matter what. “Just don’t make me an official old woman yet though…I’m still old enough to marry you know” she said to the two babies who didn’t know what she was talking about; they simply looked up at her with their big blue and green eyes before going back to their game just as they reached the Medical Bay. Walking in it looked like any doctors office would; jars filled with alcohol with cotton swabs, a sink and on the shelf next to it was a bottle of antibacterial liquid soap, paper towel dispenser, cabinets filled with things she couldn’t make out, and then the tiny veils of medicine used for injections and the needles themselves resting in a jar similar to the cotton swabs and a jar of tongue depressors. In the center of the room was an exam table that for comfort purposes was cushioned and had paper on it for sterile reasons, next to it was a metal table with a box of sterile latex gloves and a biohazard bin to place any used materials that might cause a health risk.
“Well, well my two favorite patients” Joey said smiling at the boys whom he had become a foster father to.
“Joey are you sure you don’t need to be watching the crew? I mean you are the caption and all…”
“Nonsense Rem! I learned about medicine from my father who was a doctor, I was studying to become a doctor before I became apart of Project SEEDS and became caption and to be honest I don’t think the medical team here are very comfortable about Vash and Knives” Joey said this softly, he knew that it hurt Rem whenever she heard of someone being scared of the boys simply for being different. “The crew will be fine without me for little; making sure these two are in good heath is important” Joey said putting the stethoscope into his ears “So who first?”
“Better do Vash first Joey…Knives is going to put up a fight so we might as well get Vash over with first” she said looking at the green eyed younger boy. Joey walked over and picked Vash up from Rem’s arms, no sooner was he removed from his older brother’s side that Knives began to fuss. “Knives it alright, he isn’t taking Vash away” Rem said trying to calm the older boy.
“Protective little guy I see, they’re going to be thick as thieves when they’re older” Joey said putting the stethoscope under Vash’s shirt to listen to the boys heartbeat.
“You have no idea Joey…” Rem said trying to keep Knives from falling out of her arms, the older boy was now reaching his arms out trying to get to Vash, making unhappy noises that sounded that he was close to brawling.
“Why not put him on the table too? It will stop Knives from trying to wiggle out of your arms” Joey said who had gone to pick up the scale to record how much Vash weighed along how much he had grown. He picked Vash up as Rem put Knives down on the table and wrote down on Vash’s medical file is weight and length “He’s grown a bit and put on a healthy amount of weight…for his size…I can’t be one hundred percent sure because of their growth rate seeming to be faster then a humans”
“Yes they do seem to be growing rather fast…I hope that isn’t a bad thing” Rem said glade that Knives finally calmed down; Joey took Vash off the scale and back on the table were he started babbling something in baby talk to his brother. “It would be nice to know what they were saying wouldn’t it?” she said with humor in her voice.
“Yes it would…” he said as the boys laughed “I’d love a good joke right now” the two adults laughed. Joey checked Vash’s ears which the boy laughed finding it ticklish maybe, but he did not enjoy having a light in his eyes when Joey checked his eyes. “All that’s left is the blood draw and the immunizations” Joey said getting the needle and bottle used for drawing blood.
“Don’t worry…Vash doesn’t seem to mind it…Knives on the other hand”
“I remember…I thought something was hurting him, I still can’t believe Knives can scream that loud, god to see he had a healthy set of lungs” Joey joked. Joey drew Vash’s blood with no trouble and set it on the stand on the desk with the boys name labeling it, throwing the needle in the biohazard bin. He took out two more needles for the immunizations for the diseases of Kekliatoeses and Hepluenza; two illnesses that popped up recently before project SEEDS began, while diseases such as cancer, AIDS and other former deadly diseases were at last curable and rarely seen anymore. These two took their places and could kill a person at the same speed if not given some protection in the form of an injection, and regular check ups “Alright time for Knives…” he did all the tests he had done with Vash, however Knives found it funny to grab at the short hairs of the mans mustache while he was checking the boys ears. Before Joey started the shots Rem spoke up.
“There’s one thing I want you to check for me”
“What’s that Rem?”
“Well…Knives has been chewing on everything, and biting anything and anyone who gets close to him with the exception of Vash and me. He’s even been gnawing on his hand…and he’s been crankier the normal lately, I think his teeth are coming in”
“I’ll check and see” Joey took out one of the tongue depressors and opened Knives mouth to check the boys gums. He didn’t have to put his fingers on the boys gums to know that there were little bumps on them; a sure sign of teeth beginning to grow in, he could even see a tooth at the top already cutting through the gum, the source of the poor boys discomfort. “You were right Rem, there’s even one tooth cutting through the gums”
“Poor thing that’s why he’s been so upset lately”
“Well if his are coming in then Vash shouldn’t be to far behind. If Knives starts showing signs of fever don’t worry…that happens some times with teething, but if you feel something isn’t right bring him back to me okay?”
“Okay, thanks”
“Now…your going to have to hold him while I do this, he partially gave the ships doctor a nasty bruise when giving him his shots”
“Okay” she took little Knives in her arms; the baby boy not knowing of what was to happen kept his eyes on his brother and started sucking his thumb. The moment the needle penetrated his skin however and he started screaming. Rem held him still as his blood was drawn; she hated seeing him like this but it had to be done for his own good, and Knives screaming got worst with the last two injections were given.
“Knives its okay, its over now” Rem said trying to get the boy to stop crying; his cheek red from screaming and tears still coming from his blue eyes, he looked pitiful “Joey I hope those didn’t hurt him” Rem said finally calming the boy down.
“No, no…some people can take them…and some can’t” he knew that might have sounded cold but there ready anything much other then that about the subject.
“He’s so sensitive to pain; I hope that isn’t something to worry about…”
“Its normal trust me, some people don’t have a high tolerance for pain. Now how about a reward for you two hmmm?” Joey said opening a cabinet.
“What are you going to give them?” Rem asked, the boys could have lolly pops yet like doctors usually gave.
“These” Joey held out two rubber toys; one of them was shaped like a doughnut and had fake chocolate frosting and sprinkles painted on it, the other was oddly enough was light blue and had a butterfly at one end. “Teething rings for both of them” Joey laughed when he saw little Vash’s green eyes widen as he looked at the doughnut shaped one “You want this one Vash?” Joey asked handing the baby the toy, the boy squealed at the idea of a new toy, Joey handed the butterfly one to Knives who began gnawing on it vigorously “Looks like he’s grateful” Joey joked “Just make sure you clean them every time before giving the rings to them, babies have a habit of dropping them all over the place” Joey said.
“I will, at least Knives seems to forgive you now…until the next time” Rem said as Knives bit down hard on the ring, Vash was simply playing with his not really needing a teething ring at the moment but that time was coming up soon if Knives was already starting.
“Well then, I’ll have to get back to the controls…I’ll see you same time next month?” Joey asked taking the gloves off his hands.
“Yes of course” Rem said picking the boys up.
“I’ll give you the results of their blood tests in three days, five days tops”
“Alright thank you again Joey”
“I’m sort of a father figure to them…have to set an example career wise for them don’t I?”
“I guess so…I’ll see you later” Rem said waving and walking to the door.
“Okay” the black haired man called. Walking to their room Rem looked at them both; she wondered what careers they might choose, she guessed with how much of a mommy’s boy Vash was he might want to have a career similar to hers. Knives…she could see him as a doctor or business field. She smiled at them, whatever they decided to do with their lives she would happy if they were happy.
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And that’s it for chapter two. Everyone just loves baby Vash and Knives!
