Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Vile Beginnings ❯ Guardian ( Prologue )
September 9th - Our Company has been commissioned by the Trans-National government to commence work on their latest top-priority black project, the Human Enhancement Project. The HEP has been code-named Project Guardian. We have been granted access to the Research Center in sector 3, better known as the prestigious Verona-Specialty Research Operations Facility. I have been made the Operations Director of Guardian. I don't like the situation we're in though. The previous party working on Guardian was removed pretty hastily, so everything is in disarray for now. But it's more than that. The Trans-Nats will not speak to us about when and how our research and final "products" will be deployed. Several Federal operatives have been assigned to us by the Trans-Nats (to handle "security issues") and they've been watching us pretty closely. They're jumpy…far too jumpy, even for a project of this nature. However, the Feds have given us an extremely large financial budget and a substantial amount of technology and equipment. Not only that, but they've given us some leeway to utilize the budget, resources and equipment to develop our own projects. They've laid out our objectives pretty clearly, which we have a 10 year window to complete. I feel pretty uneasy about the posting but I'm going to take a professional approach to all this. It seems I will have to keep my concerns to myself. Still, I've posted a coded memo to all my people, telling them to be cautious.
November 3rd - The equipment that we need has finally been shipped and installed into the Verona complex. Construction on the new North Wing is just about wrapping up and we're finally prepared to move ahead with Guardian. Like I said before, the previous company working on Guardian was rushed out of here pretty quick. Due to this, much of their research, findings and information are all mixed up. The old research is critical to our success; therefore I have authorized the creation of a new sub-department charged with cataloging and organizing the previous information. I have chosen our import from Britain, Dr. Alec Norman to lead the new sub-department (which will operate under the name "Prior Research Categorization" or the PRC). Testing systems are completely operational. We have been provided with a set of four state-of-the-art Magistrate-class supercomputers. Also, the Transport department is about to come online. Six FR-415 Hercules Heavy-Cargo Transport planes have landed in the dock. They have been provided courtesy of Pursuit Aerospace. Basically, I think we're about ready to commence work on the project.
December 12th - Guardian is well underway. The Verona complex is completely operational and we have our procedures down packed. Norman's department is going through the old research at a good pace. At the current rate, cataloguing of the research should be wrapping up late June. Norman's people are working around the clock and we've linked two of the four Magistrates to meet that January deadline. The Feds are as tense as ever. They've begun random searches of the staff's living quarters. Thankfully, they haven't found anything…nobody is foolish enough to sneak away any of the research material. I don't know how long before the research gets too confidential. I still feel pretty uneasy about the Feds and the Trans-Nats…something is not right. It looks like some of the staff is feeling a bit uncomfortable around the damn security. I've issued another coded notice to the staff, but for that's all I can do.
January 22nd - The previous Guardian research has been completely arranged. The preceding organization responsible for Guardian conducted a large number of virtual tests by linking Super-Computers. Their research has been sufficient enough for us to begin work on the premier prototype. Our objective is to create the test model for the "perfect" human-being. Along with the organization's data, we have acquired a general timeline and history of Guardian. The idea is quite old and was actually first introduced and investigated in the late stages of the 20th-century. The military was seeking an alternative to the "normal" soldiers by creating an elite breed of warriors. However, the project, which ran under many different names, was abandoned because of the lack of knowledge in the Genetics field. The official desertion of the projects August 21st 2032, all records and knowledge of the event were destroys with all assets liquidated. The project was then reopened 17 years ago, under the code name, Guardian.
February 15th - We are nearing the completion date of our first prototype. Technically, the prototype is the 112th test subject. This includes both virtual and physical tests that the previous organization ran. This is also the first `complete' prototype. All previous prototypes tested certain parts of the final product. PT-112 combines these parts into a singular test subject. . We've also administered a number of new drugs from our CED (Chemical Engineering Department), including RTZ-739 B or "Ceraphus". Twelve years of our company's hard work has produced only 200 gallons of Ceraphus, enough to administer to 2 million people. When administered the drug stimulates and greatly increases the growth of brain cells and sharpens the senses. Nerves become super charged and the subject's awareness and perception level rises dramatically. Previous tests have shown that subjects administered Ceraphus had an IQ increase of nearly 250%, and this was only when the subjects were between ages 20-25. The CED reports that if the drug is administered during the first 3-months of the zygote's development, IQ could potentially rise between 500-700% of the average human being. We've used a standard `in-vitro' fertilization method and have divided the will-be fetus into 12 zygotes using a cellular mitosis stimulation drug. Eleven of these zygotes have been preserved in the Cryo-Labs, as back-ups or test models if PT-112 Type-1 succeeds or shows promise. If Type-1 fails however, the zygotes will be discarded. PT-112 T1 Subject 1 will be fitted with a number of "Tech Implants" on a biological level. This of course, means that a number of enhancers will be grafted onto the bone and skin of Subject 1. The implants are responsible for increasing the subject's perception level, strength, speed, agility, IQ and so on, through the use advanced bionics and `theoretical' quantum computers. We have already implanted the Test Subject into `Origin', our assortment of artificial womb systems (which are located in the "Blue" wing of the Product Testing Lab) for the implantation of the rest of the zygotes. Also, we've been using a number of growth stimulants on `Origin-1' (which is the womb where the primary test subject has been implanted) to speed up the process of birth. The growth rate is remarkable, something we've never seen before. The Zygote has already completed its Primary trimester in just over a week and a half. We can only hope that the growth rate does not affect the test subject and that this growth rate can be maintained. The Magistrates estimate that the test subject will be completed by April 2nd 7:34 AM EST. The Trans-Nats have caught word of our progress (through the bloody `security' no doubt, more like informers) and have been coming down here pretty often. They seem quite pleased that we've broke ground so quickly. I however, will not be satisfied until the test subject has been delivered, evaluated and passed that evaluation.
March 31st - The 112 Test Subject was delivered prematurely early this morning. This is the first time that the Magistrates have been wrong, however, a small margin of error is to be expected. They were off by only by two days after all. Nothing seems to be directly wrong with 112. The enhanced speed of growth has not hampered the subject's development. We have not started the grafting process as of yet, as the subject is too young. Even with the enhanced growth and development systems that the subject has been exposed, there is no way the subject can survive the grafting process as of yet. However, the development rate of the subject is being maintained and 112 T-1 is growing as fast as it was inside Origin-1. The Magistrates hypothesize that the test subject will attain the target age (which is six) by July 10th. The trans-Nats are becoming more and more bothersome, sticking their noses into our work, reducing efficiency with their ridiculous `safety' measures. They're even talking about building a damn wing for a designated Trans-Nats committee to stay with us and `monitor' our progress.
July 10th - Test Subject 112 has reached the optimal age for the grafting process to begin. We have been strengthening the bones with a number of specialty calcium-supplements to prepare them for the grafting process. The Operation team and equipment has been prepped for the surgery, which will take place in seventy-two hours. The chances of success are nearly 93.9642% with a failure ranging in at 3.69875% and 2.33705% for an unknown outcome. The numbers are quite good and the entire team seems to be in good spirits about the surgery. Meanwhile, they've completed work on the Trans-National wing of the Verona Complex. They've stepped up security once again, especially in the Green Block. They've also started construction on some sort of underground tunnel system. Right now, it's restricted, even for us. I still can't believe that they're restricting parts of OUR goddamn facility! Still, the project is far too impressive for us to abort now…But perhaps this was the plan of the Trans-Nats all along…Not that the illustrious Trans-National Government would ever admit to it.
July 20th - Subject 112 has been in the Medical center, ICU, recovering and regaining strength for much longer than we expected. The surgery turned out to be more strenuous on both the staff and 112, who has been holding on to life by a thread. Brain activity is barely acceptable, and nowhere near what the projected brain output was. Also, there have been an increasing number of errors in the quantum computers since day 1 of the implantation. The computers cannot sustain the theoretical 32-number code and continually switch back to the old binary code (1s and 0s). Although this would be suitable for quantum systems which are used to runt tests, such as the ones found in the Theoretical Computer Labs in the facility, it is highly dangerous to 112's health (as they control the blood, oxygen to the brain, and the other implants among other things). The Ocular implants have also not been functioning correctly (probably because of the Quantum Computers), causing the subject to lapse into temporary blindness. Muscle development and brain cell growth has fallen rapidly, and 112 is barely growing at all. We still don't know whether this is because of the surgery or just because of an error in the genetic code, but we've linked all the Magistrates to find the problem. It's hard enough as it is, but with those nosey Trans-Nat and Federal bastards it's damn near impossible….They've evacuated the building 3 times today, for `classified' reasons. I've heard it has something to do with the sublevels being constructed down there. I've also picked up a more horrifying rumor, which I doubt is true. They're supposedly constructing a mental asylum and a detention center. I still haven't figured out if that's true, but God help us if the Trans-Nats have a jail on the complex…
July 27th - TS-112 has finally stabilized. The quantum systems no longer seem to be malfunctioning and his growth rate has returned. He has been out of the ICU for almost four days. Everyone, including the Trans-Nats, is ecstatic, and they have begun administering their combat training. TS-112 has shown most excellent potential and is unbelievably strong, agile and fast. His rate of learning is absolutely unbelievable. We've never seen anything like it. The Trans-Nat's have increased their spending on the project. The amount of money being put into the project is astounding. I suspect that there are a number of corporate sponsors, regardless of the fact that this is Government-Black Project. SINC West (Second in Command-Western Division) of the NDOD (National Department of Defense) himself can't even look at the file. Of course, with enough money, corporate sponsors can buy their way into helping develop a black project. Their advantage is getting the technology early as well as having a chance to hire the staff who originally worked on the project. This means large profits and an edge over the competition. The materialistic Bastards! They've even made black operations a business! The TN's are still continuing their work on the sublevels. We still haven't found out what the hell they are.
August 6th - Test Subject-112 has ceased to exist. His systems shut down abruptly this afternoon in the middle of a training exercise. The cause is still a mystery to us. The systems showed no abnormal signs, the readings were all normal with quantum systems functioning at 89%. The highest efficiency rate we have seen yet and then the system along with 112 just shutdown, without warning. We just don't get it. I've assigned a large contingent to analyze 112 and figure out the problems. The Trans-Nats are furious and have threatened to remove us from Guardian, and removal from a level-10 (the second highest level) Black-Project doesn't mean getting fired. They've given us a deadline of March 22nd to develop and prepare a functioning test subject. If the deadline is not met, our contract along with us will be terminated.