Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Years After ❯ Runaway-The Squeal ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Runaway-the sequel

"But not only because we have a daughter, but because I-I think that I-" She became nervous, what was he going to do to her once she let the cat out of the bag… she didn't want more bruises….

"Well…." He pushed her on, wanting to get out of the stuffy room. He could just go let out his anger on Vash, or maybe -

"I love you." His eyes widened as they starred at her. No one had ever really loved him, besides Rem, but in the end she choose Vash over him, so he killed her…. But now some one loved him.

Without realizing it or letting it happen, a small smile crept on his face.

He felt something in his chest swell up, he didn't know weather it was a good feeling or not he didn't feel pain this time, just…happiness.

She shifted and began to push herself off the bed to get dressed. But he clasped tightly onto her hand, yanking her down to him.

Stroking her soft short hair he gently rocked her back and forth as if tiring to coo her sleep. She just lie there, totally at peace and ease with the world.

Many Years Later….

Meryl and Knives still with each other, and Vash lived in an apartment down the street. They were a very happy little family, and now had three children.

Raven the oldest girl.

Nick the middle child,

And Jake the youngest of the three, Knives had been over thrilled when Nick was born [even though he didn't show it.]

"Raven, come get your clothes I just washed, um!" Meryl yelled bending back over the laundry basket to fold her other children's clothes.

"Coming!" Raven had grown tall in the last couple of months; her hair was dark like her mothers and looked purple in the light. She had her father's nose but the rest of her features came from her mother.

She slid down the banister and ran to the laundry room, which was just around the corner and nearly ran over her baby brother, Jake.

Jake was only two months but in human he was two years old, so he was the baby of the family. By this time next year he would be fourteen while he brother and sister were sixteen and eighteen.

"Hey have you seen Daddy? I need to ask him something." Meryl just shook her head and looked up at her daughter from her little stool in front of the washtub.

"Maybe I can help." She shook her head,

"I really need to ask daddy this one, mom." Meryl bent her head back and began to soak some of the baby clothes.

"Well good luck finding him…." Raven walked away before anymore was said.

She found him outside with Nick, doing their usual training thing. Nick was only twelve but had been going through training every since he was five months [years.]

Nick was lanky but muscular, like his uncle, and had light blonde hair like his father and his eyes. Though his face was gentle like Meryl's. He held the same beliefs as Vash did and promised to keep the love and peace going whenever he may die.

"Daddy!" Raven yelled putting down her clothes on the back swing porch, and running up to him in no time. By the time he turned around she right in front of him giving him a look.

"Yes?" She became playfully nervous and stuck her hands behind her back and bouncing lightly on her feet.

" Well I was wondering if I could… learn how to fire a gun…?" Knives looked back her from aiming, never allowing the pistol to waiver or drop.

Finally allowing the black gun to drop he sighed and approached her placing his hands on her thin shoulders.

"Let me tell you something Raven, come with me… I'll be back Nick, keep practicing." Gunfire was heard as they walked away, onto the porch.

"Raven, me and your mother made a deal when you were only a couple of months old. We agreed that if you wanted to used firearms that you would have to be taught by your mother, not me." Her jaw dropped and fake tears welled up in her eyes.

"But Daddy… I wanted YOU to teach me."

"I'm sorry Raven, now get going if you want to learn how the fire go get your mother and we'll teach at the same time."

She grabbed his around the neck, choking him before jumping off and grabbing her clothes yelling for her mother.

A couple lay in bed, exhausted from the days work. Their children were grown and had their own families, and even had their own great grandchildren. So now the famous couple Knives and Meryl comes to an end. They had been on this world long enough, and now it was their time to leave it for good.

Vash had passed a couple of months ago; a bullet took his life, shooting him through the heart. But he died peacefully and Nick still fought for Love and Peace like he promised.

With their hair black as night they curled up next to each other knowing what was to come.

They had been married for over a hundred years and now they were though they couldn't take it anymore they had no energy left in their bodies.

"I love You Meryl,"

"I'll see you on the other side, Knives. You've changed for the better…."

And they were gone……………..