Trinity Blood Fan Fiction ❯ Our Little Secret ❯ Abel's Lusting? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This is a story that I just had to sit down and write one night. I love the closing titles of Trinity Blood where it looks like Abel and Esther are lovers. I thought it would be nice if they actually did end up together. Imagine my disappointment when the series was over with nothing to show for it. Anyone can tell that Esther has feelings for Abel. She's always acting as if she's a little jealous when other women pay attention to him. He seems to have feelings for her too, but he's to clueless to do anything about it. Maybe in 1,000 years priests and nuns will be allowed to marry. Anyway, read and ENJOY!

Disclaimer: don't own anything I wish I did, but I'm poor and homeless jk

Our Little Secret
Abel Lusting? ("Well he certainly is lusty. (blush) Right Ladies?")

"Hello Father, Sister Esther Blanchett reporting for duty.” Abel looked up from his cup of (sugar) tea. Standing before him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Abel knew that a priest of the Vatican was not allowed to have thoughts like these, but she was just so.……

"Father is their something wrong?" Abel turned a bright shade of red as he realized that he had been staring at her ample bosom. "Oh, Sister Esther, I'm sorry. I was lost in thought for a moment. Why don't you sit down and have some tea with me? We don't have to leave for the Empire for some time. I can abreast (blush) you of the situation."

As he said this Father Nightroad's sparkling, blue eyes rested again on the young nun's breasts. "Um, Father you're acting strange. Were you just looking at my breasts? I mean, I know they're big, but you don't have to stare. You are a priest after all."

"Abel started squirming in his chair. “N-n-no of course I wasn't looking at your...I-I-I'm a priest Esther. I don't have those sorts of thoughts."

Esther held back the urge to laugh at the poor priest, and instead she gave him a little wink. "Our little secret Father. Well, what did you want to discuss with me?"

Abel thought that she was enjoying his suffering a little too much. However, he quickly shrugged off that thought. Gaining his composure, Father Abel began a brief summary of exactly what their mission will be.

"As you know, Cardinal Caterina has asked us to weed out the insurgence in the empire. There is a faction that would love nothing more than to overthrow the Empress. They are trying to start a war between the Methuselah and us humans. We must keep the real reason for our visit a secret. The only ones who may know our real identities are the Empress herself and our lovely hostess, Astharoshe Asran. We will remain guests of Asthe's as long as we have need."

"Our mission is to keep a close watch on our friendly Methuselah brethren. We are to report any suspicious activity directly to Asthe and Cardinal Caterina. Asthe will help us in our endeavors in any way she can. Do you have any questions Esther?"

Esther looked a little confused. "Father, what do you mean by 'suspicious activity'? What exactly are we supposed to be looking for?"

Just as he was about to explain, they heard loud blasts of gunfire.

“Father, what's going on?” Esther was frozen with fear.

“Esther, get down!”

Fearing she would be killed, Abel jumped up from the table and threw himself on top of her. Just then, a barrage of gunfire ricocheted off the table were they had just been sitting.

From under the table, Esther could see Father Tres in a heated battle with a Methuselah.

Tres tried to hold up his own, but unfortunately, his aggressor pulled out a new type of weapon. He aimed it at the priest and fired, disrupting the androids circuits.

“Esther, stay here. I'm going to go help Father Tres. Will you be alright?” He stared into her beautiful blue eyes, unwilling to leave her until he was sure she would stay put. 'I have to do something soon or she may be killed. I cannot loose anymore of my friends to the Rosencruez. Not her, especially not her.'

“Yes Father, I'll be okay. Please be careful.” Abel crawled out from under the table and trained his gun on the vampire. He tried to shoot, but his gun jammed. Abel began fiddling with his gun, trying to get it unjammed.

The vampire leapt into the air, and flew towards the AX priest with surprising speed. He attacked Abel in full force, knocking him down to the ground. He then stabbed Abel through the abdomen with his right hand. If Abel had been stabbed higher and a little too the right he would have died instantly.

“FATHER! You, stay away from him!” Esther ran out and grabbed father Abel's gun. Shakily, she picked up the gun and aimed it at Abel's attacker. Unfortunately, the gun was still jammed. Now the vampire turned on the helpless nun. He grabbed the young nun by the throat and proceeded to try and bite her neck.

Just then he felt a jolt of pain. Though his wound was great, Father Abel had somehow managed to grab Father Tres' gun. He then shot the Methuselah in the back with a silver bullet. "You will not touch her. I'll kill you before I'll let anything happen to Esther." The Vampire let go of Esther and crumpled to the ground.

Writhing in pain, he cursed Abel and Sister Esther. “Filthy Terrans, you will all die. I was not the first to attack the Vatican and I won't be the last. You Vatican scum haven’t accomplished anything. That child will still be assassinated.”

Abel grabbed him by the collar. “What are you talking about? Is their going to be another attempt on his Holinesses life? Who are you working for, the Rosencruez?”

The Methuselah smiled evilly. “When we're done with what we have planned, you'll have nothing left. So much death, so much suffering. (insert evil laugh here)

By this time, Father Tres had fully recovered. Walking over to the three of them, he took hold of the vampire. “Status report.”

“I'm alright Tres. Oh Sister Esther, are you alright?”

Esther looked as if she were about to cry. “Of course I'm alright Father, but what about you? You were so badly injured.”

Father Abel, not wanting to alarm her, put on his best smile. “Don't worry Esther; it'll take a lot more then that to kill me.”

Always the cold one Father Tres proceeded to turn to walk away. “I will take the enemy to his cell.”

Abel called back to him. “Very well Father Tres.” Just as he was about to turn his attention back to Esther, he found that he had lost too much blood. Now that the adrenaline was leaving his body, he fell to the ground, unable to stand.

“Father, please be careful. You were badly injured. We should get you to the infirmary.” Esther ran to Abel and tried to lift him, but she was to week to help him. "Stay here Father, I'll go get help."

Well there it is, finally the first chapter. The second chapter is about half way done. I expect to have it done soon. I usually like to have a fic completed in its entirety before I post the first chapter, but this one may take some time. R&R please. Sorry if Tres is not entirely in character throughout this story, but someone who is devoid of emotion is hard to write for. I like lovey dovey scenes and angsty scenes best. Action, on the other hand, is not my forte so, before I get bad reviews I apologize ahead of time. I hope everyone likes it, but let me know if you have any problems with it. I have a place in my forums where readers can discuss my work. So check it out.