Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled: A Leah Clearwater Story ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6
Shelly played with her red locks as she waited for me outside my Earth Science class, she liked to walk with me form there to our English class. I was glad she was in my English class, with her overly peppy blabber, it made it less difficult not to focus all my attentions on Nahuel, except when she talked about him.
“So I saw you yesterday.” She smiled, “Did you two hook up yet?”
“No” I was not willing to give her any information on this topic, she knew this and she continued to try anyway. Shelly could be many things but subtle did not tend to be one of them.
“Awww”, she said, “But you do like him, I could tell from yesterday, how could not like him? You couldn't it isn't possible.” She gushed.
We took our seats in the third row from the back and talked about meaningless things until time for our teacher to arrive. Even with all of the chatter I still didn't miss Nahuel when he entered the room. I had not seen him since I had left the house earlier and because I ate lunch in the art room. He was wearing a dark green shirt that accented his warm brown eyes perfectly. Thankfully the teacher came in and I was able to break the stare.
“Good Afternoon class,” Mr. Cooper said placing his box full of books on his desk. “We are about to embark on our first group book project!” He picked up one of the books, “ A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare but before I pass out the books, we have a new seating arrangement” We all pick up our belongings and stood in front of the classroom at the request of Mr. Cooper. He called us one by one and pointed to the location as to which we would be seating, Shelly would be sitting beside a girl named Melissa, Shelly did not seem too pleased she looked at the girl like she had three heads or something. She plopped her books down and huffed out a restless sigh. After a couple more minutes Mr. Copper said my name “Leah” he said and pointed to a seat in the second to last row (the seat exactly behind the seat I had been sitting in) this exercise now seemed completely dim-witted. “Nahuel” Mr. Copper pointed to the seat right beside mine. Was it possible to be outraged and completely full of bliss at the same time? I became extremely antsy as Nahuel made his approach towards me; this had not been a norm for him in the past couple of months he was used to running in the opposite direction. Once he sat down I felt relaxed immediately he even seemed to take a sigh in relief, however he made no attempt to look in my direction, I guess this was his “subtle” way of telling me that this wouldn't change anything. Just when my heart started to ache I heard Shelly trying to get my attention she smiled and waved, I waved back to her and I even managed to smile slightly even though I felt kinda miserable.
“Now class, I need you to get know the person you are now sitting beside because they will be your partner on this assignment, they will be responsible for fifty percent of your grade, better make sure they like you because they now how the power to ruin you.” He chuckles. I laughed at the utter craziness of Mr. Copper's statement, I then notice Nahuel glance briefly in my direction, I quickly told myself that it meant nothing and pleaded my heart not to respond. It didn't listen.
“Ahh a Midsummer Night's Dream a tale about what happens when love's arrow misses or is pointed in the wrong direction, full of comedy and pain.” Mr. Copper went to his desk, grabbed the box on it, and started distributing the books.
“There are five acts in this play three groups will take will present on Act 1, three groups will take on Act 2, and so on and so forth. He distributed the acts we were to focus on Nahuel and I were to work on Act 3, I picked up the book and flipped through it mindlessly. I had never read it before but I knew it had been made into a movie. I smiled at the book.
“I caution you even though you are assigned a specific chapter in your report it should be evident that you read the entire play. I will hand out the project information next class, right now I want you to take some time to get to know your partner, and for homework read Act 1 scene 1 and be ready for discussion tomorrow.”
“Have you read the book before?” Nahuel asked not looking at me studying his own copy of the book.
“No” I said refusing to look at him also, two could play this game.
“Then what amuses you?” he said as a pucker came between his eyes.
“Nothing important.” I felt it would be more trouble than it was worth to explain.
“Have you read the play?” I say finally trying to make eye contact he looked at me also; good eye contact was always good.
“A long time ago”, he said looking down at the book again, “I will have to refresh my memory.”
“We could study the play together”, I said slowly knowing that it was going to hurt when he refused me, “if you'd like”
He stared at me. He had not looked at me that long since the day in the forest. He sighed, “Yes that would be fine, it would probably be advisable to do, for the project I mean.” Then the bell rang. We both seem a little reluctant to leave it took every ounce of strength I could muster to stand.
“I will see you later?”
“Of course” he smirked.
Later that night I sat on the floor in Nahuel's room studying, the story was pretty interesting, it would have been even more interesting if I weren't so damn tired, being around Nahuel made my body relax and also made me realize that I hadn't had a good night's rest in a while . . . about two months. I yawned a little. He was at his desk sitting with his back to me.
“Do you mind if I sit on your bed?” I asked doing so anyway, “I am finished with my notes you can review them and see if I missed any important parts.”
“As you wish”, he took my papers, “here are mine, if you could do the same I would appreciate it” I nodded.
One of the first things I see written on his paper is a quote “The course of true love never did run smooth.” I laughed I had liked that line also.
“What?” he turns and looks at me. I was now laying on my stomach on his bed.
“You always say nothing. There is something that amuses you, else wise you wouldn't laugh.” He said sounding amused and annoyed at the same time.
“I liked that quote also.” I said and shrugged, “See, it was nothing.”
“Why do you like it?” he asked tilting his head slightly
“Mainly because it is a true statement. True love seems like something you have to fight for or at the very least wait for.” I yawned.
“One day you will find It.” he said softly.
“I already have.” I said laying my head on his bed.
“Are you ready to retire?”
“No.” I repositioned myself placing my head on his pillow where his scent seems to be the strongest. “I probably won't sleep any tonight anyway.” I murmur that is the last thing I remember.
I stretch and turn over; I had just had the best sleep of my life. It was like I was surrounded with the light honey like scent that was Nahuel. I sit up right and realize I wasn't in my room.
“Crap!” I said shocked and confused, “I fell asleep on him, he probably thinks I am the rudest . . .” Just then he enters his room with my garment bag.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked placing the bag at the foot of his bed, “You slept like you hadn't had sleep in days, I tried to wake you but you refused to be moved.” He laughed.
“Sorry, I crashed on you.” Was all I could say, feeling a little embarrassed I had crawled into his bed; I crawled out of his bed and stretched. “Where did you sleep?”
“I didn't,” he said smiling, “I don't require much sleep. I usually sleep at least once or twice a month.” He shrugged as if it were nothing, “I'll leave you to dress.” And he left the room.
The school day flew by even though nothing spectacular happened. Shelly had burned a new hole in my ear blabbing about how she much she couldn't stand Melissa. I didn't know there were so many ways to show dissatisfaction for one person. Once I came home the Cullens were gathered in the dining room to discuss something.
“Hey, Leah. Can you come in here please?” Nessie yelled once I was in there I looked at everyone and smirked. Everyone seemed slightly annoyed to be sitting there, except Alice. “Will you please convince them that Jacob taking me to the Winter Dance would be a good thing?”
“Seriously?” I know my expression had to be of nothing but shock. “I couldn't change any of the their minds if I wanted to” I say getting ready to back out the room.
“Well, what if Leah went to the dance too?” She said addressing the rest of the clan.
“The heck I will! Why don't the rest of them just go too, that way there will be several babysitters there to do surveillance.” She frowned at me like I had betrayed her in some way.
“That is a brilliant idea!” Alice said smiling, “I should have thought of that myself. We will all go to the dance!!”
“Except me!!” I said I wasn't planning on going to some dance and being reminded that I was alone.
“If it is a family event you will have to go!” Nessie smiled and they all smirked this was a set up; I can't believe I fell into this trap. I wasn't mad just extremely annoyed. Then I heard the call for Nahuel as he walked through the front door.
“Don't go in there it is a trap!” I warned with my best danger is near face.
“What are you talking about?”
“They want you to go to the dance!” I whispered
“Should I not want to go?” he frowned, “I am actually quite fond of dancing”
“Oh . . . are you taking anyone to this dance?” The thought hadn't dawned on me that he had already planned to go.
“No, however there are a few girls that asked me that same question, excuse me for a second.” He steps into the dining room and talks to the Cullens briefly and then returned to the stairs where I waited for him.
“You are not happy about going?” he asked
“No.” I saw in my mind him dancing with other girls and me being forced to watch because of his fear of biting me. The whole thing pissed me off. Dancing didn't require the closeness that biting me would entail; yet I was still being punished.
“I can't tell you that Nahuel.” I get up and start walking up the stairs. If he wanted that information he would have to pump Edward for it.
“You seriously won't tell me?” I shook my head not looking back at him for fear I would tell him anyway.