Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled: A Leah Clearwater Story ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12
When I woke up, I felt completely recharged and indestructible. All of Nahuel's and my worrying had been in vain. We made out and I have luckily lived to tell the story. I sat upright, stretched, and ran my fingers through my hair. I noticed that my hair seemed a lot longer than it did last night. I shook my head gently. I felt slightly disoriented. I was had too many thoughts running through my mind at once. My eyes felt funny and the whole room seemed way too bright. I looked beside me to view the alarm clock on my nightstand. Wow, 5:00 PM! Everybody must think I am ill. I had never slept this late before in my life. I hopped out of bed to find Esme and calm her nerves. On my way, I stumbled over an IV line and noticed a large variety of medical equipment in the corner of my room. What on Earth happened last night while I was sleeping? My first thought was Nahuel, is he okay! I walked swiftly down the hall and down the stairs. I heard Carlisle, Edward, Alice, and Rosalie talking very loudly. This was odd because in most of the time that I have known the Cullens, they tended to talk in rather hushed tones.
“There is nothing else that can be done” Dr. Cullen said, “Now, her skin is even resisting the needles. There is no way we can feed her.” As I listen by the door I become worried. It was a she did something happen to Shelly? Then, I hear her voice far off somewhere. It was not her, so who are they talking about?
“But she is still in there!” Rosalie argued, “Edward said she is still thinking, still dreaming. Brain activity is always a positive sign.”
“Yes, but . . .” Edward then notices me eavesdropping, so I decided to join their party.
“What's going on? Who is hurt?” I asked sitting down, “Is it one of your patients, Dr. Cullen?” They all stared at me like I was some kind of alien. For some reason, I felt the need to repeat myself, louder and slower, for those apparently hard of hearing.
“No . . .that's not it” Carlisle said finally snapping out of it, “Leah, how are you feeling?” They all leaned toward me slightly. I frowned at them puzzled by the question. I chalked it up to them just being all together weird.
“I am fine” I laughed, “Right as rain and never been better” The kiss I shared with Nahuel consumed my mind and bliss overwhelmed my body. I laughed once more. Edward cleared his throat, but I ignored him.
“Well, that is good to know” Rosalie huffed still frowning; I wondered why they still continued to speak so loudly.
“You know, Rose, there is no need to yell. I can hear almost as well as the rest of you. You can speak in your normal voices.” She frowns once more and looks at Edward.
“Our normal voices now seem extremely loud to her.” He said picking my brain yet again, “She still doesn't quite get it.”
Then, Carlisle sat in front of me as though he was trying to brace me for some important news.
“Leah, you have been in a coma for over a month”, he said his voice near a whisper. “We thought you were dying. Your body rejected the IV we had placed in your arm last week. We thought you were going to starve to death or that Nahuel's venom would finally run its course. It is a miracle that you are talking with us right now.” He smiled gently. I blinked a couple of times. This couldn't be right? I was just sleeping and dreaming of Nahuel. I was never in any kind of coma. They must be mistaken.
“Huh, I was wondering how my hair had grown that fast. I was going to complain to Alice about putting extensions in my hair.” I laughed trying to make light of a way too serious situation.
“That's not the only thing that's changed.” Alice disappeared and reappeared with a mirror. My irises were now light gray, my skin tone was slightly paler, and the features on my face were sharper and more defined. I looked down to make sure I hadn't grown a third arm or anything. Nope! Everything seemed to be in place. I looked in the mirror and wondered if Nahuel would approve of the involuntary changes.
“Nahuel would love you, even if you had grown the third arm.” Edward laughed slightly.
At the mention of his name, my brain automatically shifted to Nahuel. My Nahuel! He had to be worried sick. Where is he?
“Some test still need to be done, Leah” Dr. Cullen said catching my attention briefly, “The venom seems to have affected your DNA in some obvious ways. We need to figure out if there are any changes that we may not know about. We don't know how long the affect will last or if the venom has finished affecting you. Just because you are awake, doesn't mean that you are out of the woods.” He motioned for me to follow him to his office. I stand up and then I pause. Where is Nahuel?
“He is in the forest. He has been going off on his own ever since this incident happened. He should return shortly.” Edward answered my unasked question.
“Can I talk to him before you run these tests?” Carlisle nodded.
“Excuse my urgency, I am just curious. Technically, you should have died within two minutes of the venom hitting your system. All of the tests done using your brother's blood and Nahuel's venom have had the same outcome dead cells.”
I opened my mouth to respond when the faint smell of Nahuel tickles my nose.
“Wow, your sense of smell is stronger as well as your vision.” Edward murmurs but I hear him clearly.
“How far away is he?” I asked. He seemed shocked by something.
“Not. Far. He should be back in five minutes or so.” He said nodding towards Rosalie. They both stand and exit. Dr. Cullen followed behind them shortly.
I sat perfectly still as I waited for him. Minutes seemed like individual eternities when I was spending them without him. His scent got stronger and stronger until I could taste it. I went to the front door. I would find him waiting was just something I couldn't handle. I opened the door and there he was. His warm eyes looked cold when they first saw me.
“Nahuel!” I hugged him and I immediately felt his body relax as did mine. We sat down on the couch and his face went angry once more.
“How could you do that?” he said grabbing my hand, “How could you risk the most important thing in my world, for one kiss?” There was at least fifteen minutes of silence between us, even though he was still mad, I laid my head on his shoulder. A ticked off Nahuel is better than no Nahuel at all. I sighed once more.
“I love you Leah. You must promise to be more responsible with your actions.” He said kissing my forehead, “Promise me.”
“I promise,” How difficult could it be to show a little more restraint? Nothing beats a fail, but a try. And, I would most definitely try!
We sat in Dr. Cullen's office and watched him as he speeds back and forth gathering materials necessary to run the tests.
“Okay,” he said sitting down in front of me.
“Nahuel, there will be blood shed.”
“I am more than sure I won't be affected by her blood.” He said as he smiled at me. Just then, I felt a slight tickle on my arm.
“Amazing” Dr. Cullen, stated as he looked at the needle that had been destroyed in efforts to draw my blood.
“I still can't penetrate you skin, however, I can feel the blood running through your veins,” he said feeling my arm. “I can also still hear your heartbeat. It sounds slightly slower than it did before you went into a coma, but it is steady.”
I nodded for lack of anything better to do. He found some weird object that he had used to draw Ren's blood when she was three and placed it on my skin. I jumped from the pressure. He collected enough blood to run his tests, and then he checked some of my reflexes. After that, I was free to leave.
As soon as we turned the corner, Nahuel lifted me. “You still feel the same.” He smiled. I stared in his eyes. I was furious with myself for missing out on a month of his beauty.
“There are some experiments I'd like to conduct of my own.” I smiled leaning in to kiss him.
“Leah,” he murmured trying to keep his mouth closed.
“What are you doing, Nahuel?” I questioned him obviously annoyed; we should be passed this tight-lipped thing. He put me down and I pushed him into his room. Desire rushed through me; in less than a minute I realized that I had to have Nahuel right now. I went to him and tried to once more engage him in a kiss.
“Leah, No!” I frowned; did he just use a dog command on me?
“And why not?” I countered. Any damage that was going to take place had already been done.
“Can't we just wait and see what Dr. Cullen's results say?”
“Wait?!” I huffed, “It's just a damned kiss, Nahuel, just one!”
“I know and I am sorry. I would just feel better, if we waited.” He looked at the floor as he spoke, not willing to look into my eyes and see the hurt and disappointment in them. I went to leave his room and he was at the door before I could touch the knob.
“Don't leave. I have missed you so much! Now, you are awake and here with me.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me slowly towards him. “I will never hurt you again.”