Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Bella's Feelings ❯ Chapter 1
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Even when everyone is around
It still is only me
And when i fall to the ground
No one seems to hear me scream.
People dont look
They dont even care
They just keep reading their books
Like no one is there.
Everything is getting dark
But it is only noon
I keep on falling apart
I just feel doomed.
I try to swim
And it starts to rain
Everything is going dim
All i feel is pain.
I dont think i can go on much longer
My legs are gonna give
The pain is so much stronger
I dont think im gonna live.
The water keeps pounding
I am so cold
I know im drowning
I dont think i can hold.
I try to yell
But my voice seems to freeze
I know im going to Hell
For when i leave.
I just cant take it
The pain is so much more
I know i wont make it
Then darkness closes the door.