Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Why The Clearwaters Will Never Imprint ❯ Relax censored ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: This chapter is my way of giving everyone reading a great big Easter Egg and I will dedicate it to Countess Black for her birthday this Thursday! Thankyou for your PM and kudos for the birthday guilt trip method! Also to all you twilight fans reading this fic consider it dedicated to you as well - it's a weird and morally disturbing coupling but at least their fictional.
Disclaimer: After the way SM treated Leah one would think that she dislikes her, I mean no happy ending? Come on… you think she'd give her to me, I mean Seth would have to come too, right... packaged deal? Too hopeful?
WARNING!! - This chapter has been censored greatly, if you want to read the full version PM me your email and I'll send you a copy… ff dot net does not allow explicit content and that's what the full version of this chapter is all about.
Chapter 3 - Relax, enjoy it, it's your day off…
Leah woke up the next morning, content in the knowledge that her entire day was free. As she had finished school and being a werewolf kind of put a stopper in university and college plans, she only had work to fill her days with, and after standing along side the Cullens, Jacob's pack (and Sam's to some extent) had little to no financial issues. Leah worked part-time at the diner in Forks to ease her boredom while most members of her pack were at school, patrolling or with imprints. Today she planned on resting though, a long bath before a belated breakfast/brunch then a long nap to supplement the fitful sleep of the night before.
“Mum? Seth?” Leah called down the stairs, wrapped in her robe.
When she received no answer she assumed that her Mum had gone off to work and Seth had left for school. Grabbing her iPod and bath kit from her room she prepared her bath and settled in for a long soak.
Had Leah ventured downstairs she would have seen her mother's note informing her of a teacher's training day at Seth's school and asking her to ensure he did his homework before goofing off…
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Seth woke to a shout breaking distantly through his light slumber. After hours of pitying himself and tormenting himself with his sister's image, he had managed to drift into a half doze. As he floated lazily back into a more conscious state, he considered the bond he had with Leah and how she felt about him.
`I know I love her.' He thought to himself as he sat up, stretching his shoulders and back. `I love her more each time I see her.' He stood and, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, made his way over to the wardrobe. `She loves me too, she told me so… but it's not the same…' He faltered in his search for something clean, `she loves me as she should, like her little brother, not like I love her at all…' Seth dropped the top he was holding and slid to the floor, tears welling but unshed in his eyes. `I want her, she's my imprint, and she's mine, my Leah. Not Sam's or anyone else's… mine and I'm in love with her. But she doesn't want me like that, she loves me but isn't in love with me… I can't have her - ever… she's my sister, and was my sister before any of this happened, and it's so very wrong… I'm wrong, the imprint's wrong… I can't…'
Seth stopped himself there, unable to continue without sobbing. Wiping his eyes roughly and standing again, he pushed those thoughts out of his head and yanked the top he had grabbed before on. Resolutely he marched down to the kitchen, hoping that a large breakfast to fill his stomach and a quick jaunt as a wolf would help clear his thoughts of negativity. It wouldn't do to dwell on things he could not change, better to push on with that tried and true `Seth-ultimate-optimism-attitude' and wait for things to sort themselves out; imprinting was like fate, so fate should be the one to make it work.
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Leah pulled herself out of the tub with a sigh, the whole point of the bath was for her to relax but although her fingers and even her knees were wrinkled her body remained wound tightly. She walked to her room and began to towel herself off. The cold had puckered her nipples and as she dried her chest the friction of the towel rubbing them sent light jolts of arousal through her. Sighing she dropped the towel and sat on her bed naked.
`The bath didn't help me relax… maybe a little `alone time' will…' She thought to herself as she laid back, hands drifting to her chest. Closing her eyes a fantasy began behind her lids as her hands moved teasingly over her upper torso.
A hot and heavy body lay over her, pressing her deliciously into the soft mattress. Lips and teeth moved lightly across her jaw and neck, nipping her every now and then. Heated hands tickled her ribs, scratching tingly lines into her sides making her arch up into the hard male body above her. His mouth took hers, timid at first, in almost direct contrast to his wondering hands. But soon their tongues were so entwined that it seemed their mouths were one.
“Look at me.” He commanded gruffly as he pulled away.
Her eyes fluttered open slowly, expecting to see Sam as most of her fantasies like this had been. But instead of Sam's deep brown eyes, the eyes she looked into were coloured hazel, almost green like her own. Seth's face smiled lovingly down at her, both childish delight and lust beaming out in his expression.
Keeping eye contact, he took a nipple into his still smiling mouth. He sucked hard on it, enthusiastically nibbling and pulling it. She cried out, panting for breath as the sharp sting of his teeth and the moist warmth of his mouth sent shivers of pure bliss down her spine. A deep rumbling chuckle escaped his throat as he licked across the valley of her cleavage to feast on her other breast.
His hands ran lightly down from her ribs to cup her hips and bottom, gently kneading in time with his suckling.
One hand worked its way across the front of her pelvis and lay, cupping her mound, his overheated palm adding to the warmth that had pooled in her stomach and that was now throbbing violently at her core. Seth lifted his head from her breast and rested his forehead against hers, starring into her eyes intensely as his fingers dipped inside her, teasingly. His free hand grasped hers and brought it down to cover his.
“Show me how Leah…” He whispered, his breath wafting sweetly into her face.
“Mgnnhn, Seth-” His fingers thrust into her at her urging.
Again and again, his hand and hers, pushing up into her, palms brushing her pearl making her groan. She was close, frustratingly close, chanting his name while he murmured encouragement and declarations of love. She was arching up; the tightness in her almost peaked when reality broke in…
Leah had her eyes closed, hands moving in time to her daydream, moaning without restraint as she thought the house was empty. It was coming fast, she hadn't done this or had any sexual contact since becoming a werewolf, group minds were hard enough to deal with, without covering up sexual escapades, but as she had been able to conceal her imprinting, her fantasy time should be easy enough. Seth's name spilled from her lips as she arched, close to her peak. She didn't hear the gasp from the doorway, or the footsteps to the bed, as distracted as she was though she did notice the hands that wrenched hers away from her crotch and the mouth that engulfed hers. She fought to get away from her captor, frantically trying to get him off her, but when she opened her eyes and saw who it was her heart nearly stopped and the shock ceased her struggling.
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Seth had come in from his wolf run no less conflicted and despairing than before. Quil had phased right before Seth had reached home but apart from that his mind had been thankfully alone during his run. Deciding that maybe killing aliens on his X-Box may help empty his thoughts, he headed up to his room. As he passed Leah's room a groan from inside made him stop in his tracks. When he peered through the slightly ajar door he was met with what could only have been the most alluring sight he had ever seen. Better than any porno he'd seen, more erotic than the thoughts he'd gleaned off the other guys in the packs and much more alluring than the lap-dance Jake, Quil and Embry had bought for him.
Leah lay, sprawled on top of the covers, her hands on her breasts, moaning softly. `I really shouldn't look. I should go right now… X-Box and stuff in my room. Feet move!' Seth couldn't move despite his attempts to look away, he gripped onto the door frame. He pushed the door more open, watching intently.
“Seth…” Leah groaned.
Seth froze, convinced he'd been caught, but her eyes remained closed. `Must have imagined it, she's probably thinking of Sam again… She'd never do this while thinking of me' He turned, feeling deflated, considering plugging in his earphones and stuffing his face full of food to some loud angry music.
“Mnngh, Seth!” Leah cried.
`There's no way I miss heard that!' He thought, whirling around so fast his head spun. He shook his head slightly and resumed watching his imprint. His control was growing thin as she panted and gasped, but it broke completely as she began to chant his name.
He gasped in realisation, `OMG Leah's Thinking About Me!' and before he knew it he was standing over her. He moved her hands away from her snatch in one fast moment, capturing her lips less than a second later. When her surprised thrashing stopped he opened his eyes and stared right back into hers, he repositioned himself, releasing her hands and shifting over her.
When air became vital again, he pulled back, gasping in a lungful before pressing his lips to her brow and cheeks and hair and anywhere else he could reach. He wanted so badly to devour her, to lick every inch of her, tasting the sweetness he'd sampled in the kiss and her scent. He became aware that she had recovered from his sudden appearance and was now trying to get his attention. Reluctantly he moved his lips from her ear and looked down into her face.
“Seth, what do you think you're doing?!” Leah hissed, blush colouring her cheeks.
“You were pleasuring yourself.” Seth responded dumbly, watching how her mouth was turning deep red from his bruising kiss.
“Everyone does it, you're not meant to attack people who you find doing it!”
“You were doing it to me… You were crying out my name!” Seth felt hurt at the attacking comment.
Leah tried to push him off her, but he pushed her back.
“Get off me now Seth!”
“What do you mean, `No'?!”
“I mean, you imply that the only love for me you have is for that of a sibling, even though we have this whole soulmate imprint thing, and I've been depressed thinking that you'd never feel anything more for me and you do this, with your door wide open, in front of me. You are my imprint! You love me just as much as I love you!”
Leah stilled under Seth as he confessed, her anger cooling as his flared. Seth pulled away from her slightly, kneeling over her, legs either side of her stomach. He grabbed her hands again, and held them firmly but gently in his left hand.
“You want me as much as I want you!” He continued, his eyes growing more intense and his face losing some of its anger, lust creeping in as his eyes surveyed her exposed breasts. His wolf instincts reacted to her subdued state, telling him to claim her, to rebuke her for her defiance of his feelings, to punish her and push his status as dominant.
“Admit that you want me! I know you love me but tell me that you want me too!”
Leah gulped, trying to organise her jumbled thoughts. There was a reason that she'd refused to acknowledge him for all this time, she was sure of it. After long seconds of thinking hard she still couldn't remember so she lunged for his mouth. Unwilling to be dominated easily, the wolf in her fought against her imprint, trying to outmanoeuvre him. He kissed her firmly back before pulling back, raw emotion hiding behind the lust in his eyes.
“Just tell me Leah, please!”
“I do want you Seth… more than you know and it's wrong, you're my brother. My baby brother who I have to protect, not molest! I love you too much to do that, to ruin you with this…”
“I don't care about that! Who cares what anyone else thinks! We love each other, we want each other! Fate or whatever has designed us for each other!”
After his impassioned speech, before she could protest again he dove right in, licking and biting her flesh. He slid down her body and began kissing her there as he'd kissed her mouth. He pulled back, pushing his fingers into her again. Leah, taken by shock held nothing back and it wasn't long before his name was all she could utter, her voice rising in volume and desperation as she came convulsing as she cried out. The sight of her helpless abandon brought him as well.
Seth collapsed on Leah's naked trembling body. Leah came down from her high and began to thread her fingers through his hair. He was overwhelmed with emotion and began sobbing lightly, she murmured reassurances as he mumbled `I love you' and `don't leave me' over and over and gradually they both were over come with exhaustion and slipped into a contented sleep.
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