Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ In The Shadow Of The Sun ❯ Confrontation ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 13

Leina groaned as she looked at all of the bags in the trunk. They had gone grocery shopping; Luna had gone completely overboard! There were bags of marshmallows, gummies, icing, chocolate and other sweet things that they really didn't need. Only about three bags were loaded with rational items, like milk and bread.

She turned to complain to her friends and ask them for help, but Leonna all ready had three bags in her arms, while attempting to unlock the door for a bouncing Luna.

Leina turned back to her task, and grudgingly started looping the handles of the bags around her arms. Once she had them all, by some miracle, she managed to close the trunk. She sprinted up the drive and into the house, closing the door with her foot.

"Thanks for the help, Luna," she said, sarcastically.

"No problem!" Luna answered, grinning obliviously.

Leina sighed and set all of the bags down. Leonna set down her own set of groceries, then stretched sleepily.

"You tired all ready, sleepy-kitty?" Leina asked, grinning.

Leonna smirked back. "Not 'til after the party!"

Leina sighed at being reminded of the party.

"Which reminds me; we need to go up and get dressed..."

Leina sighed yet again, slumping over with mock-depression. "Fine, I'll go upstairs and get ready... if I must..."

The other two girls laughed as they all went upstairs and divided to go into their respective rooms.

Leina walked into her room, and sighed one last time before resorting to getting ready. "This party is not going to go well..."

Firstly, and probably most importantly, she was going to have to look normal. Like she was relatively enjoying the Halloween party. The whole time, the Cullens, Leonna, and Luna would all be trying to act the same way. Yet the whole group of them would be very tense. Would the new students show themselves? Would they actually be Volturi vampires that the Cullens suspected they were? Or was everyone merely jumping to conclusions...?

Leina's head started to hurt a bit from all of the "what if...?" questions running through her mind.

Shaking the images and scenarios aside of what would happen if they were Volturi vampires, she turned to the other reason. Leina was never truly into parties. Though she did usually enjoy most of the music played, a great deal of it was never to her taste. She rarely found any other friends or even relative acquaintances at these kinds of parties, save Luna and Leonna.

"At least this time I might have the Cullens to hang out with..."

Leina quickly took her shower, then stepped over to her bag containing her costume. She gently pulled it out, taking a moment to appreciate its beauty.

It had a tube corset top. The fabric was mainly a light silvery-purple with black spider webs, which met up with a vertical band of black in the middle. It had silver-ribbon laces, which ran up the center, tying the corset together. The skirt was black with two slits in the front-sides, and a spider web sash-belt. It came with interesting arm socks. The first layer was a simple, black, fingerless glove which ran right up to her elbow; the second layer over that was a fishnet sleeve that belled out at the bottom. The costume’s name? It was a classic “Spider Vampiress” costume.

Leina grinned, wondering what the Cullens’ reactions would be.

She quickly towel-dried her hair, then put on the skirt and corset top, loving the silky feel of the fabric. She spun over to the mirror, the skirt flaring out around her, and smiled. Leina actually liked the way she looked in the costume.

“That’s an unusual first...” she murmured.

All of a sudden, Leina heard the doorbell ring.

“Who the heck could that be...?”

She quickly peeked out the door. No one else was emerging from their room to get the door.

Leina sighed. “Fine...”

She hurried down the steps and ran over to the door, just as a knock came from the other side.

“I’m coming,” she said as she opened the door. Leina saw who was there, and gasped, her eyes growing wide.

The very familiar boy standing on her doorstep looked... like something you could only find in a fairytale book. He wore a formal white shirt with gold ties running horizontally up the center. The shirt also had thin gold shoulder pads with small tassels, and gold wrist cuffs. The shirt was paired with dashing black slacks and dress shoes. His bronze hair had been straightened and styled slightly (most likely not by his own will).

Then Leina looked up at his face. Edward Cullen’s expression matched her own. Except he had managed to keep his mouth shut, instead of Leina’s slightly open mouth (due to her state of awe at his appearance). Yet both of their eyes had widened as they looked at each other’s costumes.

“Wow... he looks... so royal...” Leina thought.

Then Edward’s expression changed into a very smug half-smirk. “Is this,” he asked, motioning to her costume, “supposed to be some kind of secret, ironic joke?”

Leina shrugged, smiling. “Maybe...” she said slowly. Edward raised his eyebrows. “Okay, yes... mainly an attempt at irony.”

Edward shook his head. “Seems almost like a really bad pun...”

Leina laughed. “It’s supposed to be that kind of humor.”

“What kind?” he questioned. “The kind where one has to just groan at it?”

“Exactly,” she smirked back.

They stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

“May I come in?” he asked politely.

“Oh, of course!”

She stepped back, allowing him to step inside, then shut the door. An awkward silence filled the air. Leina stared down at the floor, then finally broke the silence.

“So,” she began hesitantly, “not to be rude or anything... but what exactly are you doing here?”

Edward chuckled softly. “I came to pick you all up for the dance. I thought we could all go together.”

A light blush came over Leina’s face as they stood there silent again. Yet again, Leina was the first one to talk. “Um, I’m still getting ready...” Her eyes scanned around the room. She couldn’t hear anyone coming down the stairs. “...and the other two are still getting ready as well...”

“What should I do? Should I just leave him down here while I finish getting ready? No, that’d be kind of rude... Should I wait down here with him while the other two finish up, and then go get ready- no, we’ll be late if we do that... plus, we still have to get tickets... wait, we have to get one for Jacob as well- No, focus, Leina! Man, what should I do...?”

“Would you just want to come upstairs while I finish getting ready? I should be too much longer...”

Edward, looking like he had been interrupted while thinking, shook his head a bit. “I’m sorry?”

Leina took a breath. “Would you want to sit in my room while I finish up?”

The corner of his mouth crept up a little. “Sure.” He took a step towards her. “I do suppose you need to finish getting yourself ready... your hair, perhaps?”

Leina grabbed a section of her hair. It was still a bit wet... and definitely looked messy. She blushed. “Y-yeah...” She turned around and started hurrying up the steps. She heard him faintly chuckle to himself behind her.

Once they got into her room, Leina went into the bathroom, leaving the door open. She started to fix her hair. In the mirror, she saw Edward walking slowly around her room.

“So, are you ready for the party?” she asked him, trying to make conversation.

He chuckled. “I’ll manage... how about you?”

Leina stopped drying her hair for a moment. “Do you mean in a sense that I want to go, or that I’m mentally ready? Because, obviously, my ensemble could use a bit of work.”

She heard him laugh behind her. It was almost like music. “You choose.”

She thought for a second. “Well... I’m still kind of unsure about going... I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I’ve never really been a fan of parties. And mentally ready? Well, still only half-way there!” she laughed.

Leina heard him chuckle again. “What do you mean by that?”

“I’m a little nervous about tonight... and worried...”

“Well, you have reason to.”

“Huh?“ Leina stuck her head out the door. She noticed he sat at the foot of her bed again. She chuckled quietly.

“What is it?” he asked.


“You laughed. What was so funny?”

She shook her head. “Nothing, really.”

Leina heard him sigh. “This is quite frustrating, you know...” he reminded her.

She paused, making him wait, then answered, “I just noticed that you said in the same place as last time. I thought ‘I guess this is just going to be his normal spot in my room.’”

“Ah,” Edward sighed, understanding.

Then Leina noticed something else. He was holding something: her iPod. Seemingly subconsciously, Edward was turning it over and over in his hands, staring down at the floor. She suppressed a grin. He seemed to be in deep thought.

Edward then looked up, his ocher eyes practically burning their way into hers. “You look very-”

Leina rolled her eyes. “Different?”

He chuckled. “Well, yes, but that’s not exactly what I meant.”

“So what did you mean?”

“You look different; but in a positive way,” he explained to her. “Very classic vampire. Beautiful.”

Leina blushed. Her hair was now dry and brushed almost straight. The back ends refused to stay straight, so they flipped outwards. She was wearing dark gray-black eye shadow that had silver glitter in it, making her crystal blue eyes stand out even more than usual. She then tried to turn the subject away from how she looked.

“Would you be offended if I said, ‘I vant to suck your bluhd?’”

Edward rolled his eyes at the poor joke.

“So, anyway, what did you mean? About my having a reason to be worried?”

Edward looked back down at the ground again, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration again. It seemed that he was having a hard time transferring his thoughts into words.

"You're going to be at a party where two potential Volturi vampires are more or less searching for you."

Leina slowly walked over and sat next to him. "I'm sure I'll be fine. They wouldn't... try anything in the middle of a party like that, right?"

Edward shook his head, still silently refusing to look at her. "You don't understand," he stressed quietly. "These vampires aren't like us. Any part of them that was human has left them completely. They're ruthless... many wouldn't hesitate to... 'dispose' of you during a party. In their minds, they'd only have to kill witnesses and clean up their mess. With as much influence and power as the Volturi have, it would be no problem for them."

Leina looked down at the floor, mirroring his figure. "So, I should be scared..."

"No," he said fiercely. "Only aware. My family, Leonna, and Luna will protect you. I promise; we won't let anything like that happen to you..."

Leina looked up at him, surprised. His voice was filled with so much emotion... she couldn't help but believe him.

"Leina, are you ready?!"

Luna burst into the room, interrupting and surprising the two. Edward jumped off the bed and away from Leina. But he wasn't fast enough; with Luna's pixie-vision, she saw where he was before he moved.

She smirked over at the two. "I'm sorry. Did I interrupt anything?" she hinted.

Leina blushed, glaring at Luna.

Edward smiled good-naturedly. "Not at all. Leina was just finishing up."

Luna gave him a disbelieving look.

"I like your costume, Luna," Edward said, distracting her.

Luna's face practically lit up. "Really?!" she exclaimed as she spun around, making the white and blue mage dress swish. "I like it, too! I should wear it to school sometime!"

"Oh, you most certainly will not!" said Leonna, walking into the room. She smiled in her pirate costume. "Oh, so Edward is here... I thought I heart him... so, everyone ready to go?"

Everyone except Leina nodded.

"I just have to get something really fast," she promised. "I'll be right down."

The rest of them shrugged, filed out of the room, and down the steps.

Leina turned around and walked into her bathroom. On the sink counter was the necklace that she had been given as Edward's part of her present only yesterday. She had forgotten about it completely, though the current circumstances were excuse enough.

She put the necklace on, adjusting it slightly, then looked in the mirror. She necklace seemed to reflect and enhance her eyes, as they did the same to the jewel on the chain. Leina smiled, slipped into her silver flats as quick as she could, and went down the stairs.

"All right," she said as she jumped down the stairs, actually sticking the landing (despite the no-traction shoes), "I'm ready now. Let's go!"

Leina noticed, just by a short glance, that Edward's eyes grew as he recognized the necklace that hung just below the base of her neck. Then a slow, small, crooked smile spread across his face, causing Leina's heart to pound for just a second.

"Man, what is wrong with me...?" Leina wondered. "He's just glad I'm wearing his present. I like it when Leonna or Luna wear or use a present I've given them. It's no different," she told herself.

Leonna started to walk over to the entrance to the garage.

"This way, Leonna," Edward smirked, gesturing to the front door, fitting his prince costume's character. "I shall be the one driving tonight. Your carriage awaits."

Leonna turned, then dryly smirked back. "In the form of a silver Volvo?"

Edward's perfect white teeth flashed as he smiled wider. "Precisely." He held the door open for them as the three girls stepped outside onto the porch.

Outside, the sky had turned a dark indigo color, yet not quite pitch black yet. There was a light, sprinkling rain, which glistened on the surfaces as the light from the front porch light hit. The sky was growing steadily darker.

"I could pull the car up closer, if you like," Edward offered.

"No, we're fine, Edward," Leonna replied, then took off running towards the Volvo.

Edward got there first, unlocking the doors. He then got in himself. Leonna jumped in the front seat. Luna took the back seat behind her, leaving Leina to run around the car to the seat behind Edward.

As soon as Leina was in the car, Edward threw the car in gear and spun out of the long driveway and down the main street of Forks. Slowly, Leina's knees crept up until her heels were resting on the edge of the seat. They then rested on the side door of the car. She heard Edward chuckle softly in the front seat.

"What?" she asked defensively.

"Are you really that scared of my driving?" Edward asked, a slight joking tone in his voice.

Leina thought for a moment. Her pulse was normal, she wasn't hyperventilating... actually, Leina realized, she wasn’t scared.

“Maybe I really am starting to feel safe in his car...”

“Leina?! Are you in there?!” Luna called out, knocking on Leina’s head.

Leina turned to Luna, rubbing her head. "That hurt, you know."

Luna merely grinned. "Yup!" she said, giving Leina a hug.

Leina sighed, patting Luna on the head. "You're so weird..."

Luna giggled. "Yup, I know!"

Leina rolled her eyes, then turned to look at Edward in the mirror. The only part of him she could see were his eyes. They were getting a little bit darker.

"He must be getting hungrier..."

"Now, to answer your question, Edward, I'm not scared of your driving. I am scared of getting caught... and having my brains splattered across the pavement," she added.

He chuckled. "I've told you, we're not going to get caught by any police. Built-in police radar, remember?" he said, tapping his forehead. "And I'm sure my reflexes will ensure your safety."

Leina folded her arms over her chest, glaring out the window. "Fine..." she muttered. He made her sound like such a worry-wart. "But, if we did crash, they'd all be fine. They have nothing to worry about..."

Finally, Edward pulled into the school's parking lot. He whipped into his usual spot and turned off the car. Quick as lightning, he got out of the car and opened all of the girls' doors, stopping at Leina's. Luna bounded out of her seat, while Leonna slipped gracefully out of the car.

Edward held out his hand for Leina to take. Reluctantly, and slightly embarrassed, she took his hand and he helped her out of the car.

"Can't you just be normal for a second?" she asked, frowning and avoiding looking at his eyes.

She heard him chuckle. "Very funny."

"Come on, you two! Let's go!!" Luna shouted, throwing her hands up in joy.

The others laughed as they walked up towards the school.

Even the entrance of the school was decorated. The stair banisters were all decorated in fake spider-webs and creepy, purple-tinted lights. All of the pillars and doorways had spider-webs over the top. The spider webs were starting to droop a bit, due to the light rain.

"Welcome to Forks' Haunted Mansion, madams and monsieur.”

Leina turned to her left.

“Um... Mr. Banner?”

Mr. Banner was dressed in the formal suit of a traditional butler. His face had been paled to look gray, almost dusty. He was holding a serving tray.

Leina grinned. He really did look the part.

Mr. Banner smiled from underneath his makeup. "Yes, hello, Miss Saxen."

"I'm likin' the outfit, Mr. B," she joked, winking.

He rolled his eyes. "Enjoy the party, madam."

The group continued walking and went to go get their tickets. They all paid, then Leonna turned to the other three.

"I'm going to go wait outside for Jacob, 'kay? We need to give him his ticket."

The others nodded as Leonna turned to weave through the crowd.

Edward smiled at Luna and Leina. "Shall we?"

Luna grinned and looped her arm through his, as if he was escorting her. Leina rolled her eyes.

"Leina, you on the other side! Let's make an entrance!!" Luna squealed.

Leina rolled her eyes at her hyper friend. "No, Luna, that's really okay..."

"I really don't mind." Edward looked at her then, looking very much like a gentleman, offered her his other elbow. "Might as well...?"

Leina hesitated, then, making sure he'd actually be comfortable with it, lightly placed her arm in his.

They walked into the dance room like this, attracting many stares. Luna practically danced and bounced as she walked, waving to the people she knew (or the random ones who stared at her). Edward, Leina noticed, looked like he was concentrating on something.

"What's wrong with him...? Is it... my... smell?" she wondered.

Leina looked around at the dance room. The gym looked even bigger, with all of the decorations they put up. They had put up some chandeliers, hanging from the rafters (which had been decorated themselves). The whole room had been plastered with spider webs, and the lights had been covered with multi-colored screens to create the different colors. A DJ was playing a hard rock song, which (those who weren't staring at the three of them) was making the crowd cheer, head-bang, and jump up and down to the beat.

Luna was jumping more than usual, eager to start dancing.

Unable to be heard by Leina, due to the loud, ear-pounding music, Edward leaned down to speak in Leina's ear. "I see my family. Would you want to go over there?'

Leina shrugged. "Sure, I'm good with almost anything."

Edward smirked, the corner of his mouth creeping up into that adorable half-smile, as he led the two girls over to his family.

Over on the side of the dance floor, away from others, were the rest of the Cullens. Emmett (in a Grimm-Reaper-inspired costume) and Rosalie [in a costume that looked Alice-home-made: an angel that had some minor devilish features (white and red dress with angel wings and a small devil's tail) were dancing together to the beat. Jasper was twirling Alice, very ballet-like (regardless of the music), as Edward, Luna, and Leina walked over.

"Luna!" Alice called, seeing the three. Jasper spun her around once more, then, very fluidly, walked over with Alice leading the way. Alice let go of Jasper's hand and hugged Luna. "Luna, I'm so glad to see you! Your costume looks so cute!"

"Thanks!" Luna said, taking a step back. "Yours looks pretty fabulous yourself!"

Alice grinned. She was wearing a black corset top with a short, black skirt with crinoline underneath. Her pale legs were covered with sparkling spider web fishnet, while her feet were covered with black ballet flats. Her arms had lacey sleeves that tied near the top of her bicep. She wore a small black tail, a silver bell collar, a shining, black eye mask, and black cat ears.

“I made it all,” Alice said. “The corset took a while, but I think it turned out very well.”

Leina grinned. “You look amazing, Alice.”

Alice smiled at Leina. “Thanks. You do, too! Wow, did you have to order that dress?”

“No,” Leina replied, blushing a bit as Alice circled around her. “I just got it at the same costume store as Luna and Leonna.”

“Wow... I’m impressed!” Then she stopped and smirked at the two. “Now Leina, don’t you just look like the vampiress trying to steal the white prince!”

Leina’s face twisted into an expression of confusion. Then she realized it; her arm was still in the crook of Edward’s. She immediately let go, holding her arms straight, rubbing her palms on her skirt in embarrassment. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Edward’s expression. Was that... one of... embarrassment...?

“Why would he be embarrassed...? He was probably just embarrassed that I didn’t let go of his arm...”

“Um, Jasper, you look nice, too!” Leina said, trying to switch the direction of the conversation.

Jasper smiled just a little, nodding his thanks to her. He was wearing a red-jacket pirate costume. Leina smirked as she realized exactly what his costume was. “Leonna’s just going to love this...”

Emmett walked over, grinning. “Hey, ladies! You both ready to party?”

Luna and Leina grinned. Emmett’s easy-going charm was infectious to just about everyone.

“Kind of...”

“Of course!” Luna said, her mouth stretched to its widest grin.

Emmett laughed, then turned mainly to Edward. “Okay, we’ve gone over the faces again and again. The new girls haven’t gotten here yet.”

Edward nodded. “I didn’t think so. I haven’t heard any bits of what could possibly be their thoughts, so I didn’t think they’d be here yet.”

Emmett nodded. “We’ll be on the look-out, ‘kay?”

Edward smiled at his brother, then looked over at Leina. She was standing there, barely bopping to the dance music, watching the crowd going crazy. He smiled, then went over to stand behind her.

“Are you enjoying watching them?”

Leina turned, then gasped. She was surprised to have him so close to her.


He smiled a little more. “Are you sure you don’t want to go out and dance with them?”

“Yes, I’m sure I-”

“Hey, guys! I’m back!”

Edward and Leina turned. Leonna was dragging a dark-jester-Jacob through the crowd to where the Cullens had made their party-base.

Leonna grinned at everyone. “Hey, all, how’s it going?”

Alice smiled at Leonna. “Very well! You haven’t missed much, don’t worry.”

Leonna’s grin widened. “Good! Oh, this is our friend, Jacob Black,” she said, introducing the boy.

Jacob smiled and nodded to them. “Nice to meet you all,” he said with an easy smile.

“This is Edward Cullen and his siblings, Alice and Emmett,” she said, pointing to each person in turn. “That’s Rosalie, and that’s Jasper-”

Leonna stopped, turning quiet. Then her finger raised again to point at Jasper.

“What’s wrong?” Jasper asked, clearly confused.

“We match!” Leonna sighed, a look of exasperation on her face. “Rats...”

Everyone laughed at the two matching blondes.

Jacob turned and looked at the crowd. “Looks like everyone out there’s having fun! You guys want to go join in?”

Leonna nodded. “Sure. C’mon Luna, let’s go.”

Luna literally jumped a foot in the air, letting out a fist-pump. “YES!” she screamed in triumph, then followed Jacob and Leonna out to the techno-dancing crowd.

Leina looked around at the room and started walking. She stayed on the fringes of the dancing, trying to make sure she didn’t get in the way of anyone. She watched as the people in the crowd started cheering as the song changed to a very popular dance tune. They all jumped up and down, smiling at each other as the lights flashed all around. One group passed a guy up on their shoulders and helped him start crowd surfing. Leina giggled as a teacher rushed over to yell at the students to let the student down (regardless of the fact that he was enjoying it).

“Everyone’s having such a good time...” Leina thought to herself. “Maybe... I could join in... just if no one’s watching...?”

Leina made her way through the very edges of the dancing, just bopping up and down. She smiled as the beat seemed to take her away, subconsciously telling her what to do and how to move. She closed her eyes, letting the music take over.

Then she heard it. The outside-door to the dance room opened noisily, letting slight and the sound of rain flood into the room. Leina’s eyes shot open, searching for who the ones who were entering.

The first girl looked, in a word, insane. Her long, brown hair was messy, matted in places, as if she hadn’t brushed it in a long time, and wet from the rain. She was wearing all white, though it hadn’t stayed that way. It was covered in mud and dirt spots. Then Leina realized what her costume was. It wasn’t just a long-sleeved white shirt, oh no. It was a straight jacket. This girl looked like she had just escaped from an insane asylum.

The girl that followed her looked almost the opposite, and Leina could not help but stare at her. She had dark hair, either dark brown or black; it was hard to see with the dim lights. Her skin practically glowed, it was so pale. She wore a long, black cloak, but it was easy to see her costume underneath. It was a silver-blue; a tube-top dress with a short skirt that flared out (with the help of a white crinoline skirt). Overtop was a white apron with faded red and black hearts. She wore black fishnet that stood out from her almost white legs, and intimidating lace-up, knee-high boots.

Regardless of how “Innocent-Alice-In-Wonderland” her costume seemed, she practically radiated confidence and power. And it showed in her walk. She looked around at the crowd, a superior smirk on her perfect-looking face.

"That's them..."

Leina looked around her. Leonna, Luna, Jacob, and all of the Cullens had quickly made a protective semi-circle next to her, keeping her at the center.

"Really, I'll be fine, guys..."

"No, you won't," Edward growled under his breath.

The whole crowd was whispering about the new arrivals now as the girls picked their way through the crowd. They nodded to some and smiled, looking more dangerous than friendly. Then they stopped in front of the Cullens.

"You must be the new students we've been hearing about," Leonna said conversationally, trying to be polite.

The mangy-haired girl grinned evilly. "Yes, I suppose we are," she answered, her voice harsh and worn.

"Now, now... be nice," said the taller, dark-haired girl, a playfully-reprimanding tone in her voice.

Alice tried to speak. "Welcome to Forks-"

"Oh, can't we just skip all of the formalities?" asked the dark girl, a grin flashing her perfect white teeth. "I'm sure we will have... more time later to get to know each other."

Jasper seemed to force himself to smile. "Regardless, we'd like to know your names."

"Oh, very well," said the girl, giving in. "My name is Ayden, and this is my... cousin... Emma. And what are your names?"

Leonna stepped up to the plate first. "I am Leonna Lexa."

"Luna," said the pixie, pointing to herself.

Ayden smirked, showing her canine teeth. It still looked more like a threat than anything. "A pleasure, I'm sure," she purred.

"Jacob Black."

"You don't live around here, do you?" Emma questioned.

Jacob's brow furrowed. "No. I live on the rez... but how did you know-"

"And what are your names?" Ayden asked the rest of the group.

"She's hiding something... The other girl must have messed up," Leina thought.

"I'm Emmett Cullen. This here is Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and Edward," Emmett explained, moving his head slightly to indicate who he was talking about.

Ayden then looked straight at Leina. Leina sucked in air, trying to stay calm on the surface. Ayden's eyes were a glowing, almost-fluorescent red.

"And your name?"

"Leina... Leina Saxen."

Ayden smirked at her, squinting her eyes for a second. She looked like she was sizing Leina up. Then she straightened herself. "Well, I'm sure we need to go meet some other students and introduce ourselves to the rest of the student body. Enjoy the remainder of the party."

"Thank you. You both as well," Emmett replied, nodding.

The girls smiled again. Ayden motioned for Emma to follow. Then the two disappeared into the crowd, looking as if they were heading towards the door to the rest of the school.

Jacob was the first one to speak. "Well, that was weird..."

Everyone else stayed silent, looking around at the crowd. Leina wondered why they were being so quiet. Listening to where the two girls were going, perhaps?

Alice turned to Leonna, Luna, and Leina. “We’ll go spread out in the dance area. Just to make sure they don’t try anything, okay?”

Leonna merely nodded, looking mentally preoccupied with something.

Luna smiled at Alice. “Thanks, Alice.”

Alice grinned back at her friends, then disappeared with Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie.

Leina glanced over at Edward. He hadn’t said anything during the whole conversation. He was glaring at something. Leina followed his gaze.

Ayden was walking out of the doorway now. She hesitated and then, as if sensing his stare, turned and looked back. She smirked at the two of them, waving for a second, then left with Emma. It looked like she was taunting them.

Leina’s vision returned back to Edward. He was visibly shaking now, his hands clenched into tight fists.

“What’s wrong...?” Leina whispered.

Edward seemed to then realize that there was someone standing next to him. Looking almost startled, he turned to look at her. Then his face went back to one of seriousness. “Nothing much. She says she won’t try anything tonight... but I can’t be sure of it. Her thoughts are... almost whimsical.”

“Hey, I’m going to go get drinks,” Jacob announced, not having heard any of their conversation. “Does anyone want anything?” he questioned, mainly turning to Leonna.

“Um, a water, if you will,” Leonna replied, forcing herself to smile at him. Just because she was a feline ball of nerves, that didn’t mean that she should take it out on him, her guest. “Thanks, Jake.”

He grinned, turning a little red. Then, more politely, he turned to the others.

“No, I’m fine,” Leina replied with a wave of her hand.

“As am I,” Edward said, giving Jacob a small smile and nod.

Luna grinned. “One large orange soda, please!”

Jacob laughed. “Okay, I’ll see what I can do!” Then he disappeared into the crowd in his search for beverages.

Luna then turned back to the others. “I’m gonna go dance now, ‘kay?”

Leonna shook her head, as if getting rid of her nerves, then smiled. “I’ll go with you, Luna. It’ll help to get things out of my mind.”

Luna then turned to her other friend. “Leina, you should come, too!”

“Um, I really don’t think that’s a good idea, Luna...”

Luna grabbed and started pulling Leina’s arms. “Oh, pleeeeeeeeeease?!” she pled.

Leina made no move to go. “No, Luna, I really don’t think it’s a good idea... I can’t really dance, remember?”

Luna frowned. “Oh, yes you can, you wallflower...”

“I didn’t even know you knew that word.”

Leonna sighed. “Leina, it’ll be good for you. Experience the party; don’t just come to it, you know?”

Luna then turned to the last person. “Edward, please help us make her come!”

Edward smiled just a bit, despite how tense he felt. “Leonna’s right. You’ll be safe, Leina,” he assured her. “Go have some fun.”

Leina’s bottom lip stuck out just a bit as her eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t want to...”

““PLEEEEEEEEASE?!”” Leonna and Luna pled simultaneously.

Leina looked into the desperate faces of her friends, then sighed. “Okay, fine...” Then she smirked, adopting an impish expression. “But only if he comes, too.”

Luna grinned. “Okay!” She grabbed both of their arms and pulled them out into the dance crowd. They were in the crowd, but enough out of the mass that they had their own area.

“Now, why did I have to come as well?” Edward asked, not looking particularly happy.

Leina smirked over at him. “If I have to suffer like this, you’re gonna have to suffer along with me.”

Edward shook his head. “That’s hardly fair, Leina.”

Leina shrugged. “You shouldn’t have taken their side.”

All of a sudden, there was a drastic change in music. *”SexyBack" started blaring over the sound system, causing the crowd to cheer again and start a new kind of dancing.

Leina, remotely remembering the song, started dancing just a little bit. She bopped from side to side, snapping on the even beats. Leonna and Luna were really getting into the dancing, grinning as they moved. Then they looked up at the two others. Edward was merely standing there, watching them.

“Oh, come on! You guys are no fun!” Luna exclaimed. She went over to Leina, grabbing her arms and waving them around.

Leina looked more like an octopus-puppet than a dancer, and she knew it. Her eye twitched a little. “Why...?”

Edward snickered as he watched.

Luna then ran over to Edward, trying to push him. The rock-solid vampire didn’t move an inch, looking amused at Luna’s attempts to make him dance. Then she backed away, looking very frustrated. “COME ON, YOU GUYS!” she complained.

Leina merely shook her head, her hair flicking out. “No... way...”

Edward just merely stared at Luna, not saying anything. But he did not look like he was going to dance.

Leonna grinned, and moved a little further into the dancing crowd. “Be back!” she mouthed to them before she disappeared into the mob of people.

Luna sighed, seeing that she was the only soldier to her cause. Then she got a devilish look on her face and started running. She jumped onto Edward’s back, trying to make him dance. She moved his arms and legs around by kicking him, with a force great enough to actually make him move. Then she leaped off of him and ran over to Leina again. She grabbed her hands and started spinning both of them around.

Leina looked terrified. “Oh god, what if we hit someone?! This girl is not going to give up!”

Then, Luna let go.

Leina flew back, her eyes clenched closed.

She hit something hard, but solid. Cold hands closed around her upper arms, steadying her.

“Are you all right, Leina?”

Leina looked up. Edward was leaning over her. She had flown right into his chest! His expression was a combination of something that looked like restrain and concern.

Leina grew extremely self conscious. “Y-yeah, I’m fine!” she said, practically jumping away from him. She scratched her head. “You’re just a lot more solid than I thought...”

Edward laughed, his face lighting up with a full smile. Leina gasped, her heart beating double-time.

*"Disturbia" by Rihanna started playing over the speakers now.

Luna looked around, then leaped over to the two. “Dance!“ she demanded. She pushed them together with surprising force, then took a few steps back.

Leina looked up at Edward, blushing. "Um..."

"How would you want to dance to this song?" Edward asked.

Leina looked confused. "Isn't there really only one way?"

Edward chuckled, shrugging. "Well, there's the most modern way. That's what you're probably familiar with, yes?"

"Um, yeah..."

"Would you like to demonstrate, then?" Edward asked, looking like he was enjoying himself.

Leina gave him a look. "Not exactly..."

Edward's eyes seemed to sparkle. "Please...?"

Leina looked away from his eyes, trying to break the hold. "You're doing that on purpose... aren't you...?"

Edward chuckled, knowing what she was talking about. "Just a little bit," he admitted. "I want to see you dance."

Leina took a few steps back to give herself some room. Grudgingly, she started dancing. At first, it was more of her bopping up and down to the music. But slowly, as before, the music started to seep into her and transform her dancing. Her dancing style was more modern. She rolled and swung her hips to the beat, eyes closed, shaking her head back and forth, her hair covering her face. Then, forgetting where she was for a moment, she spun in a circle, dancing and making her dress flare out.

Out of the blue, she felt someone grab her hand. Her eyes flew open, trying to figure out what was happening. Edward had taken a hold of her hand and was guiding her twirling. Then, with a jerk of his wrist, he made her stop and pulled her in closer. She noticed him pause for a measure, checking whether he was in control of himself, then he started his own version of dancing.

Edward led Leina into a combination dance. Instead of a modern-couple dance, he started doing a classic ballroom type dancing. It was very fast paced, with a good bit of tango-movements. He moved very quickly, and she noticed that her feet were actually keeping up with his. She felt sort of like a marionette in his arms.

"Am I... ballroom dancing...?!" she thought as he spun them both around together.

Edward twirled her out, quickly making sure she had her balance, then let go of her hand. He did a very quick, modern-guy move. Then he stopped, a slightly embarrassed, half-smirk on his face.

Leina chuckled, a wide grin on her face. She did her own move, bending her knees and bounced a little as she got lower. Then she shot herself back up, jumping into the air.

At the start of the final chorus, they twirled together, both smiling at each other as they lost themselves in the beat. They finished doing a combination of Edward's more sophisticated ballroom-tango with a few of Leina's contemporary dance moves, creating a medley-dance. Then, to end the song, he dipped her back, and she pretended to go limp, the puppet returning back to its inanimate state.

The room burst into loud clapping and cheering. Leina's eyes scanned around the room as Edward righted them both.

"Oh gosh... they're clapping... for us!"

Indeed, they were. In the middle of their dancing, the surrounding people had spread out, providing more room, and created a watching circle around them. They all grinned, cheering wildly; some even whistled!

Completely and utterly self-conscious, Leina's face was turning redder by the second as she weakly waved to the crowd.

"Did you see this happening?" Leina whispered to him through a pained smile.

"Yes, a little. I could hear them, but I didn't pay it any mind," he answered as he nodded to the kids.

"You could have given me a little bit of notice!" she hissed angrily.

The DJ grabbed his mike.

"Oh... no, he is NOT..."

"Let's give it up one more time for the dancing couple in the center!" A new round of yelling and whistling erupted.

From this encircling crowd came Leonna, Luna, and Jacob. They pushed through the last line of people, running up to Edward and Leina.

Edward let go of Leina's hand as Leonna hugged her. "That was amazing! A gothic vampire tango to Rihanna... genius!" she congratulated them both.

Luna gave Leina a wide smirk. "See, Leina, you liar! You can SO dance!"

A small blush added itself to Leina's all ready red face. "It was mostly Edward... he led, after all... I just kind of followed along..."

"Well, you showed me the more modern moves," he pointed out. "I never thought I'd actually enjoy dancing like that to this kind of music. But you've proved me wrong, Leina."

"W-well... I guess thanks for showing me... whatever your kind of dancing was..."

Edward chuckled, his smile getting wider.

Right then, the song changed again; a slow song this time. The crowd started to pair up and close the circle around them, creating a sea of couples.

"Hey, Leonna..." Jake said, scratching his head.

"He looks pretty nervous..." Leina noticed.

"You want to dance...?"

Leonna smiled. "Sure, Jake."

"Aw, man!" Luna mock-complained. "Now I have to go find myself a dance partner!"

The three left, dispersing themselves into the crowd.

Edward half-bowed, holding out his hand. Leina noticed that he looked very much like a prince right then.

"May I have this dance, Miss Saxen?"

Leina rolled her eyes at his theatrics. "What's my next line?" she joked.

Edward straightened up and, taking both of her hands into his, slowly pulled her closer. "How about you reply with a 'yes'? Does that sound like it should fit into the script?" he asked, playing along with her joke.

"Um... yes...?" she replied, sounding a little dazed.

Edward chuckled in return, her apparent lack-of-functionality amusing him.

Leina sighed. "Fine... might as well, right?"

He smiled down at her. "Right."

Slowly, the two started turning as they slow-danced. Edward placed one of his hands, very carefully, on Leina's waist, and held her hand in his. Leina placed her other hand on his shoulder, feeling a little self-conscious.

Leina's rambling thoughts started to get the better of her. "What was with those two girls...? Could he hear anything from them? He probably heard something... What could those two be planning-?"


Leina shook her head, being brought out of her thoughts. "W-what?" she asked.

"You looked somewhat dazed... like you were in deep thought," Edward replied, looking down into her eyes. "What were you thinking about?"

Leina paused for a moment, trying to decide which question she should ask first.

"Well... I was wondering... Your reaction to the vampires..." she started quietly, "You really didn't say anything the whole time. When we were done meeting them... you were shaking, Edward. Your hands were both clenched into fists... I thought you were going to tear someone's head off."

Edward looked away, appearing slightly guilty.

"You weren't going to actually rip their heads off, were you?"

He shook his head. "No, I wouldn't actually do that. Even if I wanted to."

Leina glanced up at him after a moment of silence. "So... what was wrong?"

Edward looked like he really didn't want to say what had been truly going on in his head. Eventually, he started talking.

"Whatever their reason for being here is, it's not a pleasant errand. Their stance, their tone, everything about them screamed 'confrontation'... as if they enjoyed it. They were taunting us, that's the only reason they came up to us..." he explained, shaking his head in frustration. "And it... irritated me, for lack of a more accurate term... that I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't ask them why they were here or what they wanted. I suppose they waved the bait in front of my nose, and I played into their set-up."

"That makes sense..." Leina reflected on that for a couple of turns. "Well, did you hear anything from them? You know," she tapped her head, "up here?"

Edward chuckled, looking upwards for a moment.

"I did hear some things. It was a lot more than it was before. Her mental block is... incredible. That girl, Ayden... her mind is quite strong. I don't know whether she has a power or something like ours... but it's almost like her mind has a translucent wall around it. I can only see some things."

He stopped for a moment, looking down and away from Leina. "But... that other girl... Emma..." His golden eyes flashed up to hers. "She's different from the other one. Her mind is... chaotic. There's barely any rhyme or reason to how she thinks. It's so much instinct. Blind, vampiric, killer instinct. She even-"

Edward stopped his sentence, looking away from her again.

"He's debating whether to tell me this next part or not..."

"Edward, you don't have to give me the edited version. Just tell me," Leina said bluntly.

His expression looked pleading. She could tell that he didn't want to scare her.

"She was... thinking about you. She's not as 'civilized' as Ayden. She hungers for your blood. She... wanted to..."

Leina nodded. "I understand... Is my blood really that alluring...?" she wondered aloud.

"To most of us, yes... even to the most practiced of us," he admitted, an uncomfortable look on his face.

Leina was quiet for a moment, thinking.

Edward bent his head down, looking into her eyes again. "Are you scared?" he asked.

Leina returned his look for a moment, then replied, "Psht, no! Why would I be scared of two vampires who barely know me, when I have a whole over-protective family of them, plus a were-cat?" Then she laughed. "Actually, it's probably Luna they should worry the most about; she'd sparkle and annoy them all to death!"

They both chuckled at the thought.

"So... what should we do about the situation? Should we demand for them to tell us what they want, or should we-"

Edward stopped her, putting his index finger to her lip. "Enough for now. We can talk about this with the others later. For now, let's just enjoy the party, all right?"

Leina sighed, but nodded in agreement. She looked around the dance room. She could spot all of her friends. Rosalie and Emmett were classic-couple slow-dancing, gazing into each others eyes. Jasper was twirling Alice around, a look of absolute endearment on his face. Leonna and Jake were dancing in the same fashion as Leina and Edward were. And, lastly, Luna, who had found a dancing partner in Richard from Leina's History class. He was looking over, longingly, at Leonna, while Luna attempted to slow dance with him.

Leina chuckled. "Poor guy..." Then she resigned her speculations of mysterious vampires in order to have some actual fun at the Halloween party.
At last, the DJ finished his last song and picked up the microphone. “Hey, all, it is midnight! Thanks for coming to Forks High School’s Annual Halloween bash. Y’all have a good night.”

Leina, Leonna, Luna, Jacob, and a forced-Edward had been dancing in the front crowd for the last couple of songs.

Leonna turned to the others. “Let’s go,” she said, motioning for them to follow.

The group slowly made their way back to their original area. As they broke through the throngs of people attempting to collect their possessions and get out of the gym, they saw that Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper were waiting for them.

Luna rushed up to Alice. “So, what are we doing now?!” she asked excitedly, as if there was a Forks Halloween Party- Part 2.

Edward chuckled softly. “Don’t you have a bedtime, Luna?”

Leina snorted. “Psht, sleep… who needs that, anyway?” she scoffed.

“Hey, Leonna!”

The faction turned to see a boy fighting his way through the stream of exiting party-goers.


The boy rushed up, a dorky grin on his face. “Hey, Leonna! I wanted to catch you before you left! I’m having a get-together at my house… sort of a Halloween After-Party…” he shrugged. “I wanted to know if you wanted to come…?” he asked hopefully.

Leonna deliberated for a moment. “Well… it is a school night…”

Richard’s promising expression faded and his shoulders slouched.

“But… I figure one night of partying won’t hurt my internal alarm clock TOO much,” she concluded, grinning.

Richard’s face brightened up immediately.

Leonna turned to look at her friends, then back at Richard. “Do you think I could bring my friends, too? Or would that be too many people?”

Richard shrugged. “Sure, why not? Most of the school’s student body is coming; I don’t think the addition will tip the scales too drastically,” he said, grinning agreeably.

Leonna turned back to her group. “What do you think, guys? Would you want to come, as well?”

Leina shrugged. “Sure, why not. You’ve all ready put me through two Halloween parties… what’s one more, right?” she joked.

Luna was practically vibrating from anticipation. “Of course, let’s go!”

Leonna next turned to the Cullens. They seems to be having a very quiet conversation. Jasper was, surprisingly, the one to represent their decision. "We'll come for a little while," he said, a completely straight expression on his face.

Everyone turned to look at Jacob. He scratched his head, looking very apologetic and regretful. "Sorry, I can't come. Curfew," he said, rolling his eyes. "Dad barely let me come tonight. Sorry, man," he directed at Richard.

Richard smiled agreeably at Jacob. "That's okay, man. Maybe another time."

Leonna then turned to speak to Richard. "So we'll be there soon."

Richard looked ecstatic. "Great! I'll see you there!" He practically skipped off, waving to Leonna as he went (and bumping into a great amount of other people).

The group made their way outside to the parking lot. The rain had finally cleared, but the threatening clouds had remained. Jake waved at everyone, saving the last wave for Leonna, then jogged out of sight, supposedly to his car.

Leina, with a mischievous grin, leaned over to whisper in Leonna’s ear. “You know, he gave you a pretty special smile there...”

“Really? I don’t think so...” Leonna said offhandedly. Leina thought the line seemed to planned... an automatic reaction, of sorts. Even so, she let the subject drop. Leonna wouldn’t say any more about it; Leina knew that.

“So, how’re the driving arrangements going to work?” Emmett asked.

Alice answered, “I think that we should keep them the same as when we came here. Edward, will you take Leonna, Leina, and Luna to the party?”

Edward nodded. “Of course.”

Leina rolled her eyes, suppressing a snicker. “Always the gentleman...”

“So we’ll see you there,” Alice said, smiling as the Cullens walked away towards Rosalie’s red BMW (which had collected a gathering of young males, who seemed to be admiring the car in great detail).

“See y’all there!” Luna called out, waving with her whole arm and grinning widely.

Emmett turned as the group was walking away. “Yeah, we’ll see you when you get there, Edward! Might take a while, eh?”

Edward grinned competitively. “Yes, just try and keep up, Em! We’ll wait for you as long as we can!”

Emmett merely returned the spirited expression and got into the car.

Leina then turned to Edward. “Hey, how about I drive?” she asked.

Edward turned to Leina, absolute surprise on his face. “Are you sure...?” he asked carefully. “It’s not like your Camaro...”

Leina only smiled up at him, holding her hand out for the keys. “I think I can take it.”
"Okay, where the heck are we...?"

Leina looked around while driving. All she knew was that she was driving in a very forested part around the barrier of Forks. It was extremely dark out on the narrow, gravel path, even with her high-beams.

Obviously, Richard's house wasn't too easy to locate. It was out of the edge of Forks, just where the mountainous forest was in his backyard. But, thankfully, they had Edward.

Luna stuck her head between Leina's driver seat and Edward's passenger seat. "You're like our own personal *Map Quest!" she exclaimed, "Only better!"

Edward rolled his eyes. Leina noticed he hadn't been too happy to hand over his keys to her and having to sit in the passenger seat, rather than the driver's. But he had complied without too many audible complaints. Only his body posture suggested his mild discontent.

"Just keep driving... and then take your next right," he said quietly, watching the road ahead.

Leina looked in her rearview mirror. The Cullens and Hales were following them in the BMW.

Leina heard Edward chuckle softly next to her. "What's up?" she asked.

"Rosalie's getting exasperated with your speed,” he said.

Leina, not wanting to intentionally get on Rosalie’s bad side, sped up fifteen more miles per hour.

“She... appreciates that,” Edward told Leina, a small smile on his face.

“Sure,” Leina said, rolling her eyes. “You’re editing for both of our sakes, aren’t you?”

Edward said nothing. But the widening smile said it all.

At long last, both groups made it to the party. Leina looked around. The driveway was very wide... almost like a parking lot. But, even so, the area was packet with cars. Some of the kids had even started parking their cars in any free grass area they could find.

"There's a spot," Leonna said, pointing to a spot next to a faded 1999 Hyundai Sonata. Leina quickly pulled in, hitting the spot in one shot. The four of them got out. Leina locked the car, then tossed the keys over to Edward. Rosalie had found a parking spot elsewhere, but they caught up to them quickly. Leina looked over at Richard's house.

It definitely wasn't a newer home, but it wasn't falling apart either. It looked... lived in, Leina decided; not like a show home that looked perfect in every way. It was two stories tall, with a garage on the side of the average sized-house. The front of the house was done in mainly dark brown brick, with some graying columns holding up the porch. There were few windows, but the dim lights and outlines of people could be seen from meters away.

They could hear people in the backyard, but they all silently agreed to be more polite. The group went up the porch. The could hear music pulsating inside.

Luna knocked on the dark wooden door. No one answered. Luna shrugged. "Well, since no one's answering..." She opened the door, finding it unlocked.

Leina followed everyone in. They immediately walked into a small foyer. As soon as they walked in, they were absorbed into the thickening crowd. She noticed that no one had changed from their Halloween costume. Leina tried to move through the people, shoving and apologizing as she attempted to keep track of her friends. She took a left into a dining room area. Leina noticed a table with some snacks and drinks. Suddenly realizing how thirsty she was, she quickly made her way over.

Leina had grabbed a cup and was about to pour some punch when some kid (who she hadn't seen in the whole entire school) poured some other liquid into the punch, then took an uncertain swig from the same bottle. He grinned, his eyes unfocused, saluted her, then disappeared into the crowd. Leina slowly put the cup and ladle for the punch down; she looked like she was handling a ticking bomb. Then she picked up an un-opened lemon-lime soda and continued through the crowd.

Finally, she opened the back door, emerging into another crowd on the screened-in porch. The Cullens, Luna, and Leonna had waited for her. She smiled, then nodded for them to keep going. The group then made it out onto the outer porch and started walking down the stairs.


Leina and the rest of her posse looked up. Richard was rushing up the short dirt path that led from the steps to a fire pit. Even with Leina's human eyes, she could see Richard's happy grin very clearly.

"Hey, guys! I'm glad you could make it!" he said, bouncing over.

Leonna smiled pleasantly. "We said we would be here, Richard."

The boy shrugged. "Either way... come on! We're all roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories down at the fire pit!"

Richard led them down the path to the fire pit. About five logs circled the pit, and the kids were all using them as benches. One hadn't been claimed yet. Emmett and Rosalie went to sit on that one, followed by Alice and Jasper. Leonna sat down on the edge, and Richard (obviously and deliberately) sat himself between Jasper and Leonna. Luna grinned, then jokingly sat on Leonna's lap. Then she ricocheted off and sat down on the ground near Emmett’s feet.

Leina noticed that there weren’t any other seats. So did Edward.

“Richard, do you have any other seats?” he asked in a very formal tone.

“Um, no, not out here... but I can bring some out, if you want,” he volunteered helpfully.

Leina waved her hands. “No, that’s fine. I don’t mind sitting on the ground!”

Richard started to protest. “But, Leina-”

“No, it’s fine. I actually like sitting on the ground,” she insisted. She shot a look over to Edward, attempting to tell him that he better not push the issue. He seemed to understand.

“Um, Edward? Would you want me to get a chair for you...?” Richard asked, like a true host.

Edward cracked a small smile. “No, that’s all right, Richard. But thank you. I’ll just keep Leina company here on the ground, if it’s all right with her.”

Leina shrugged, looking away. Why would he ask her if it was okay if he sat on the ground...? Leina sighed. “He’s so weird...”

Richard shrugged, then addressed the masses. “So, who wants to step up to the plate first?”

Everyone nervously looked around at each other, trying to get someone else besides themselves to start. Finally, one brave soul (Leina thought his name was Clay or something like it) started his story.

One by one, the kids took turns telling the scariest stories they knew. Some talked about ghosts and specters that they, or friends of friends, had seen. Others told of odd coincidences and events that seemed to line up. Even others told tales of past-mass murderers and other psycho-criminals.

Then one girl stood up, having been coerced by her friends to tell her tale. She walked over and stood in the center, by the flickering flame of the fire, preparing to tell her tale.

"A young girl and her mother lived together in a small cottage. One day, her mother came in from working in the garden, looking very weak and complaining of how ill she felt. She laid down on the couch, and the girl noticed how ashy her mother's face appeared. Her mother looked up at her and said, 'Don't worry; I'll never leave you. I'll come back for you.' The little girl stayed by her mother's side, holding on to her mother's hand until she finally fell asleep. When she woke up, her mother was gone. The people in the area told her that her mother had died in her sleep, and that they had moved her. But the girl noticed how the people could not look into her eyes as they told her this. She did not... could not... believe them. She searched in the forest, thinking of what her mother had said; that she would never abandon her daughter. She looked around the forest with a flashlight, crying out, 'Mother, Mother, where are you?'"

Leina shivered as she felt herself imaging herself as the young girl, crying and searching for her mother in the forest. "Mother! Mother, come back!!!"

"'Mother, Mother come back! You said you wouldn't leave me!' she yelled as she fell down in despair. All of a sudden, the little girl, through the haze, saw a light. It looked like a flashlight, waving ahead. She heard a voice calling her name. The little girl stood up and started running towards the light. But no matter how close she thought she got, she could never see where the light was coming from. No matter how hard or how fast she ran, she never seemed to gain any distance."

Leina started to picture herself as the little girl, running towards the light but never getting any closer.

"Hello, Human..."

Leina spun around, silently sucking in air.

Ayden was leaning down so her face was right next to Leina's ear, her dark hair cascading over her shoulder.

She chuckled, smirking at Leina. "You seem to scare quite easily, Human..."

Leina frowned. "I do not!" she argued.

Ayden giggled. "Well, the expression on your face says much different!"

The Cullens all turned, identical looks of hostility on their faces.

Leonna glared at Ayden. "What do you want...?" she asked, her usually calm voice unnaturally harsh.

Ayden's smile grew, showing her canine teeth. "I only want to talk to you."

Edward looked up, his ocher eyes blazing with tense fury. "Whatever you have to say, you can say it now..." he growled.

Ayden shook her head. "No, I don't think so. I think it would be much more... prudent, if we spoke elsewhere. I don't want anyone else hearing our conversation. Something a bit more private would be more suitable."

Edward sighed. "Fine..."

All of the Cullens stood up, and Leonna leaned over to Richard. She told him that they would be back soon. Richard nodded, a look of confusion on his face.

They followed Ayden as she walked into the woods that surrounded Richard's backyard. Leonna, Leina, Luna, and the rest of the Cullens continued to follow Ayden through the dense forest. It seemed to be getting thicker as they went further in.

Leina looked around. The trees seemed to make darker, more sinister shapes. They seemed to make faces, mocking her. It was as if they were trying to foreshadow or warn her about what was ahead in the more dense art of the forest.

Emmett followed immediately behind Ayden, Rosalie practically stomping at his side. Jasper held Alice's hand as they were the next to follow in the line. The last in this motley crew, Edward, Leonna, and Luna had created a protective semi-circle around Leina, as if they were trying to keep her as far away from Ayden as possible. No one said anything until they finally came to a very small clearing.

Leina saw the girl Emma, leaning on a tree, her arms crossed over her chest, still wearing her muddy white straight-jacket costume, except for a notable difference. She now wore dilapidated bunny ears on her head. One ear seemed to have been chewed excessively, and it flopped down half-way up. The other ear was still standing erect, yet a chunk seemed to had been gnawed off near the top.

"Great... a murderous Alice and a psycho White Rabbit...? This is more twisted than any Lewis Carroll novel..."

Edward made a sound that sounded like a low, guttural growl. “Why did you have to bring us out here...?”

Ayden turned and said, “To get us better acquainted with one another, of course,” as if her motives were obvious. “I believe we can grant you the favor of the first question... you may be assured that this one, as a promise, we shall answer true.”

She folded her arms and leaned on the other side of the same tree as Emma, seeming as if she enjoyed this.

“After all... what would we gain by lying to each other?” she smirked.

Edward stared at her, and Leina recognized that he was probably trying to read her mind. “Fine... then tell us... are you both Volturi?”

Ayden turned to Emma, as if allowing her to answer. Emma widely grinned, and shook her head violently. “Uh, huh!”

“We know about your... covenanted barrier on your hunting grounds,” Ayden explained as she tied a light blue ribbon into her hair. “But we would like to know what areas are allowed to us, for the time being, of course. How close is ‘too close’?” Ayden asked, strangely diplomatic in her manner.

Emmett stepped forward a set, describing the Cullens’ barriers to their land. “Basically, anything that would cause us trouble... all humans in Forks are off limits.”

Ayden nodded. “Sounds reasonable... right, Emma?”

The girl seemed to be muttering to herself; something about how wide the off-limits land stretched and how long it would take for her to find her food.

Ayden continued. “I heard something back in Italy of your family’s... ‘unique’... style of hunting...” She rolled her eyes. “Animals... really, how do you live? Letting a man like that force you to eat-”

Edward raised his hand, stopping her. “Please do not misunderstand. We choose this path on our own.”

Ayden snorted with disbelief. “Really? Well, it seems like he’s your coven’s version of a master-”

“We choose to stay here with our family,” Rosalie replied heatedly. “Carlisle is not our ‘master’... we could leave whenever we want.”

Emma shrugged. “It still seems like he has a pretty tight leash over you all...” she smirked.

“Not a leash. As we said, we choose this... along with his rules,” Jasper explained.

Edward smirked at the crazed-looking girl. “But it seems that your position is more like being leashed down than ours.”

Emma’s eyes widened as the color seemed to flare up to a fire-red. Her breathing grew louder and harsher, and her hair seemed to stand on end.

“What did you just say?!” she screamed, her voice sounding even more rough than usual. “I can take you out if I have to, you smart-mouth! Actually, I could take you all out!!! Screw this diplomacy; you’re screwed-!!!”

Leina looked around. Emma had disappeared. “Oh god... where’d she go...?”

Ayden looked up lazily at a tree branch behind them. “Emma, please stop this. You’re being very naughty...”

“I don’t care!!!!!” Emma said, a maniac-smile on her face. She seemed to race about in the trees above them, laughing. “I think I’ll start with your little pet there, Edward!” she mocked from above.

Immediately, all of the Cullens and Luna surrounded Leina. Leonna was in the middle of the circle, holding Leina’s hand, scanning the area. Her eyes looked just as bright green as Emma’s were red.

“Emma...” Ayden warned, sounding like she was getting serious.

With a scream, Emma jumped down from the trees, falling down to the circle. Leina looked above her as the insane vampire fell down, her eyes wide in fear, almost seeing it in slow motion.

“I’m really going to die...”


All of a sudden, Emma’s body flew to the side, as if an invisible force had hit her in mid-air. She crashed into a tree a couple of feet away, shattering that part of the trunk with a loud, ear-splitting crash.

Leina watched, wide-eyed, as Ayden walked around the defensive circle to Emma. As she passed, Leina saw her eyes. They were extremely wide in anger, her eyes as bright as Emma’s had been. Leina shuddered, realizing that it was branded into her instincts to fear this kind of person.

Ayden looked positively livid. She walked up to Emma, who was still stuck in the tree, then stretched out her hand, palm facing Emma. With a twitch of her finger, Emma got down from the tree. Her movements seemed sectioned, sort of like a robot’s movements. They would start, then stop suddenly, then start back up again. Ayden moved her hand away from the tree, and then down. Emma knelt down on the ground, shuddering.

Leina gasped. Emma’s red eyes and black pupils had disappeared, leaving only a hazy, light gray color. They were looking up at the sky as she shook.

Ayden bent down next to Emma. “You’ve been very naughty, haven’t you...?” she said, as if talking to a child.

Emma shook her head.

“Haven’t you?!” Ayden said more forcefully.

Slowly, and grudgingly, Emma nodded.

Leina heard Edward’s short intake of breath next to her. She gradually looked over at him, still a bit afraid of taking her eyes off of the demented vampire. “What is it...?” she whispered.

“You... your power...”

Ayden straightened herself, a questioning look on her face.

Edward’s lips slowly curved into his signature crooked smile. “You can control minds, can’t you?”

For a short moment, Ayden looked rather astounded. Then she seemed to regain her composure. “Very perceptive, Edward... though I have to say that I all ready knew of your ‘talent’, so I suppose we’re even now.”

“That explains why I couldn’t hear you all of the time...” Edward said, his tone growing with understanding.

Ayden merely smiled. “I believe that’s a conversation for another time. It seems that, due to your taunting of Emma, your human seems to be more at danger. Such a pity... I was so enjoying our little chat.”

Ayden nudged Emma with her shoe, and the vampire stood up. They both turned and started to leave.

“I look forward to seeing you all at school tomorrow,” Ayden called over her shoulder. Then, the two were gone.

Leina looked up at Edward. He was shaking a little... most likely with fury... and staring after the two threatening vampires.

Alice stepped over to Edward, lightly touching his sleeve at the elbow. "Come on, Edward. Let's go."

Edward seemed to grimace, but finally complied. "All right... let's go..."

Everyone turned around and started walking back the way they had come. The whole group had fallen completely silent, each lost in their own thoughts.

Leina looked around at everyone, then asked quietly, "So, what next...?"

No one answered. It was as if she had never spoken. They continued to walk on.

Leina looked down at the ground, but managed to catch up to Edward. He seemed to be consistently walking faster, focused, as if he couldn't get out of the forest fast enough.

"Um... Edward...?" she asked softly, looking up at him. "What are we doing now...?"

Edward said nothing, and continued to walk. She saw him slowly close his eyes in concentration. Then, completely out of the blue, they flashed open. He seemed... shocked. Horrified.


Yet again, he stayed silent and sustained his increasing speed.

Leina sighed softly, looking at her feet.

Then, she felt something very cold take her hand. Stunned for a moment, she looked down. Edward had taken her hand in his. He was still looking forward, still focused on what was before him. Leina nodded to herself as he, more or less, pulled her along.

Eventually, they emerged from the woods. They were walking up towards the house when Leonna said, "Leina, I think the best idea would be for us to head home, okay? We've had a long night... I'm tired, you're probably tired... let's just go get some rest."

"AW! Can't we stay a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit longer?!" Luna whined. Leonna only gave her a look that, against the odds, silenced her.

They were walking up the stairs to the back porch when they heard someone calling their names behind them. They all turned to see Richard running up the path to the steps.

"Hey!" he said, trying to catch his breath. "Where are... you guys... going?"

"We... we have to... go..... go home, I mean-"

Leina noticed that Leonna seemed to be having trouble staying calm while she talked, so Leina stepped forward.

"Sorry, Richard!" she said, improvising an excuse. "I just remembered that I have an English assignment to do for tomorrow. I'm really sorry for having to leave so soon!"

Richard shrugged. "That's okay... there'll be other parties."

He waved a goodbye to them all, which Leina and the rest returned. Leina noticed that Richard gave Leonna a small salute, looking very depressed to see her go.

The group walked down the driveway in the general direction of the cars. Leina, keeping her head angled downward, looked around at the rest. She could practically feel the tension, as if it was a tangible thing.

Edward was the one to break the silence. "I'll drive them home," he said as if he was answering someone's thoughts. Leina could hear that he was forcing himself to sound calm.

Alice nodded. "We'll see you back at the house."

Edward didn't even look at her, but the slight twitch of his head told her that he heard her. Alice smiled at the girls. "I'll see you all tomorrow, okay? Be safe, and good night!"

The other Cullens merely nodded or waved as they walked over to Rosalie's BMW.

"Hurry," Edward whispered to the three of them. They walked at an almost-jogging pace, Edward still pulling Leina along next to him. Even though Leina knew the gesture of him pulling her closer to himself was out of concern for her safety, she couldn't help but be a bit uncomfortable about it.

Edward dragged her over to the passenger's seat. He finally let go of her hand, but helped her into the passenger seat. He seemed to start to grab for her seatbelt, but then seemed to rethink his action and just closed the door. In half a second, he was sitting down in the drivers seat.

"Oh, so I guess I'm not driving home?" Leina asked nervously, trying to provide a little bit of humor to the situation.

Edward rolled his eyes, giving her a quick "obviously not" look, before throwing the car into reverse and flying down the driveway.

The ride back to the girls' house was silent. The whole time, Leina was shifting in her seat, nervous and agitated by the absence of sound. Especially because the situation was brought about because of her.

When they were pretty near the house, Leina eventually said, "Okay, someone say something. I really don't care what-"

"Um... cupcakes?" Luna offered from the back seat.

Leina sighed. "Okay... not what I was thinking... but okay..."

Edward pulled into the driveway and put the car into park.

Leonna spoke up as well after a moment of silence. "Edward... what are they planning...?" she asked, referring to the newly-confirmed Volturi. "Just tell us..."

Leina peaked over at Edward. He seemed to be debating on how to tell them. "He doesn't want to scare me... or make them worry more than they all ready are..."

"Just say it, Edward..." Leina said quietly, but resolutely. "We can take it."

Edward, just for a moment, looked over at Leina. Apparently, what he saw in her eyes reassured him that she really could take it.

"Emma... the crazed one..." he started stiffly, "is imagining... different ways to get to Leina. She wants her blood now. Thankfully, she isn't a tracker, so it won't be bred into her to keep chasing Leina until she.... gets what she wants... or dies. But... she seems to be mentally unstable, so I don't know how hooked she is on Leina's scent."

Leonna sighed. "We shouldn't underestimate the power of Leina's blood. It can be a... very addictive scent."

Edward nodded, still refusing to look at anything or anyone in particular. "Yes... on the good side, Ayden is doing everything in her power to make sure that Emma doesn't do anything to Leina. She's keeping track of Emma's thoughts, movements, everything. She's trying to make sure she keeps their promise to us... about not attacking humans." He laughed bitterly. "She doesn't want to get into a pointless and unproductive dispute..."

No one said anything as they all absorbed what Edward was saying.

"So... what should we do...?" Leonna asked. "At least, for now...?"

Edward ran his hand through his hair, obviously agitated. "Ayden will make sure Emma won't do anything tonight... she's promised me that... and, for now, just go get some sleep for tomorrow."

Leonna nodded, then motioned to Luna. Both of them got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride home, Edward," Luna said as happily as she could be.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Leonna said, shutting the door.

Edward eventually looked over at Leina. She was just sitting there, staring blankly ahead.

"Could I speak with you, Leina...? For a moment...?"

Leina just continued to stare ahead, as if she hadn't even heard him.

"What is she thinking...? Why is she so... so quiet? It's not like her at all..."

"So..." Leina started, her speech quiet and controlled, "what's going to happen to me...?" She paused, waiting for Edward to say something. When he didn't say anything, she continued. "She's set on getting my blood, right...? Am I going to... am I going to die...?"

"No," Edward said harshly, almost spitting out the word. "Not if I can help it..."

"You know... she almost did kill me..." Leina said quietly. Then she glanced over and saw his horrified expression. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-"

"You don't have to be sorry, Leina. It's not your fault; it was beyond your power... my power... any of our power. So please... don't blame yourself."

Leina looked unconvinced.

"Leina, look at me."

Leina slowly turned her head, unwilling to meet his eyes.


Leina's eyes cool eyes shot up to meet his. "I promise... I swear to you... that she will not harm you."

His warm eyes shot through her ice ones as he tried to show her the force of his promise. Leina had to look away, just like she would have to move away from a fire after sitting too close for too long.

"I... have to go inside now..." she said slowly, trying to clear her head. "I'm pretty exhausted..."

Edward nodded. "... Are you sure you'll be all right...?"

Leina chuckled and said as honestly as she could, "Of course! I'll be fine! I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

With a quick smile, Leina got out of the car. She walked up to the front door and, right before opening the door, she turned around. Edward was still sitting in his car, watching her intently. Was he trying to determine whether she really was okay? She gave him a quick wave, then went inside.

Leina walked into the sitting room. Luna had conjured up a fire in the fireplace (probably using her magic), and was pacing around the room, picking up random things and putting them down again. Leonna was sitting on one of the chairs, her head in her hands, thinking. Leina took a deep breath, then tried to put on her best "happy-face."

"So, I'm parched... anyone want hot chocolate?"

After a moments pause, Luna smiled kindly and said, "I'll go make some, okay?" Then she walked into the kitchen.

"Please say she doesn't blow up the kitchen..." Leina thought. "That's the last thing we need..."

Leina walked over and sat next to Leonna and rubbed her back. Leonna looked up at her friend's smiling, encouraging face.

"Really, Leonna, I'm fine. Edward said that Ayden girl won't let the crazy one near me... she promised Edward that."

Leonna sighed. "I just hope she can keep that promise."

Leina shrugged. "She seemed to have a pretty good hold on her... I don't think it'll be too much of a problem." She gave her friend a hug. "We just need to get some sleep, okay? We can worry about school tomorrow morning, all right?"

Leonna straightened up, smiling back. "You're right... there's no use worrying over it now."

"Okay, everyone, I got the hot chocolate!!!" Luna yelled, grinning her usual wide-grin, carrying three mugs of steaming hot chocolate. "I put in extra mini-marshmallows into them all... and Leonna, I put a shot of coffee into it... so it's one of those macho-things!!!”

The room burst into laughter. Luna gave them all a look... she had no idea what they were laughing about.

“Luna, sweetie,” Leina said through her tears of laughter, “I think you mean ‘mocha‘!!”

Luna’s eyes brightened with realization. “Oh, that’s the word!”

The three girls continued to laugh as they all collapsed onto the floor, attempting to keep their mugs of steaming hot chocolate from spilling onto the carpet.

Leonna was the first one to recover. “Okay, girls, I think it’s time we headed up to bed.”

“Aw, five more minutes, Mommy?” Luna joked.

Leonna nudged the pixie in the side, making her squeak. “No, up to bed with you children!” she laughed.

They all trouped up the stairs, still giggling despite of the overall situation of their lives. They said ‘good night’, giving one another giant hugs, then went into their respective rooms.

Leina walked into her bright orange room with the white carpet and floors, and felt a bit better. She walked into her bathroom and looked in the mirror. She looked down, shocked. She had totally forgotten she was still in her Halloween vampiress-dress. It seemed like another world ago, yet it had only been a few hours.

Leina maneuvered out of the dress, hanging it up carefully. She took a few minutes to try and scrub the makeup off of her face, then got into the shower. She shivered as the burning hot water poured over her head. Leina lathered her hair in a comforting, Oriental-woodsy-smelling shampoo, glad to be eliminating the smell of smoke from her hair.

Once she was done, she quickly towel-dried her hair, changed into her black tank top and plaid pajama pants, turned off all of the lights and slid into bed.

After turning into more positions than a yoga teacher knew, Leina sighed and sat up. Her body was exhausted. She felt like a bag of wet sand. But no matter how tired she felt, her mind just wouldn’t stop wandering. She kept running through scenes that had occurred during that night.

The anxiety of getting ready for the party... the way Edward had looked at her (and how he had looked himself) when he came to pick her and her friends up... how he had listened to her worries before the party... Edward’s expression when he saw that she was wearing his present... dancing with him...

Leina sighed, running her fingers through her hair. “Man... when did I turn into such a girl?!” she thought, chuckling. “I’m just glad that I had someone to talk to about the whole thing...” she told herself. “That’s all...”

Then the more unpleasant memories started their re-run sequence. Ayden and Emma appearing at the party... the confrontation in the woods... Emma’s look of excitement as she attacked Leina from above...

Slowly, Leina laid back down again, eyes widening. Little by little, her body started to curl itself into a ball. She hugged herself tightly, trying to squeeze the horrid images out of her head.

“I could have died tonight... died... What chance DO we have against these vampires...?”

A scared hiccup snuck out of Leina’s mouth, which continued with an unwanted sob.

“I could have died....”

These thoughts, no matter how hard she tried, just kept playing themselves through her mind as she drifted off into an uneasy sleep.