Urusei Yatsura Fan Fiction ❯ The Senior Year ❯ Great Father Ataru Stage Two: Remembrance ( Chapter 55 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Milan Domo was bored.

The Vosian Civil War had all but ended. The Mikado's forces had gone to
ground. There was no further public interest in locating dissidents from the
dictator's rule to learn how bad he really was. The Mikado was past news,
Milan's field director on Zeiwan told her. Hence, it was back to the rat
race, heading out on her scout with her camera crew sniffing out new stories.
Many people back on Kurakoa thought Milan was so lucky with her glamorous
career, meeting the big celebrities. *Hah!* the reporter sneers. *Let them
come out here and see what's so glamorous about being a newshound for INN!!*

Just once Milan wished for the big chance, the scoop of the century to
come her way. Like all of her profession, she knew most of the viewing public
was drawn by sensationalism, the glitter of something new, something
different. She had been at this job for twenty...count them, twenty years!
Still, she had not come close. Some reporters for the Intergalactic News
Network had got their Rumis on their first reporting assignments. Would it be
too much to ask Lady Luck to shine her way for once?

Her psionic senses detect that her crew were nervously eyeing her,
realizing the foul mood she was driving herself into. No small talk; that
sparked their boss' wrath. Milan was glad for it. She had no use for this,
especially in boring interludes like now.

Suddenly, the Sakarahavite pilot hisses, "What iss that?!"

"Eh?!" Milan's eyes snap open. "What?!"

The answer soon appears all around her: the tan bulk of a ship so
impossibly huge, it consumes half the cosmos around their small scout. The
camera crew gape in disbelief as this giant of giants slides to port, then
lowers itself to float alongside the INN ship with unnerving grace. Milan,
being a descendant from Sagussa (Kurakoans called their ancestral homeworld
the Old Country), is quick to recognize the giant floating alongside. "The
Gatherer?!!" she exclaims. "What's it doing here?!!"

A communications signal flashes. "They're ssignalling uss," the pilot

Milan's eyes widen. What did the New Mothers want with her? "I smell a
Rumi coming my way!" she chortles gleefully...

* * *

Urusei Yatsura - Great Father Ataru: "Stage Two: Remembrance"
by Fred Herriot
**** **** ****
Edited by E.B. Kushnir
**** **** ****
Forty-first of a series of fan-fiction stories based on "Urusei Yatsura"
created by Rumiko Takahashi
**** **** ****


1) Some elements of this story were inspired by stories written by members
of the alt.sex.fetish.robots (ASFR) Usenet group. If you're interested (you
should be over 18; these people don't pull their punches when it comes to
graphic content), go to http://www.pathway.com/~bond/homepage.htm and proceed
to the fiction section.

2) The galactic reporting prize is taken from the name of you-know-who.

3) SIGINT - Signal Intelligence. Sometimes referred to as COMINT
(Communications Intelligence). Electronic eavesdropping on other people's
transmissions. Other forms of intelligence are HUMINT (Human Intelligence,
intelligence gathered from people), PSYINT (Psionic Intelligence, telepathic
eavesdropping), TECHINT (Technical Intelligence, analysis of technological
capabilities) and ELINT (Electronic Intelligence, that which comes from other
forms of electronic eavesdropping such as computers).

**** **** ****

"You're gonna do what?!!" Ten-chan exclaims.

Noa is busy setting controls on Lum's scout, hovering in orbit over
Oshika. Strange that those who kidnapped Lum did not think of taking her
ship; perhaps the animals believed Ataru's new friends incapable of piloting
an Urusian craft. No matter; the *ashi'cha* had bigger fish to fry. Koibito
Otaku, for example. "I'm going to intercept the slime who's holding Lum
prisoner, then bring her to Sagussa, Ten-chan," she repeats. "You have a
problem with that?"

"Noa-onee-chan, what if this creep catches you?!" Ten-chan panics. "He
got to Lum-chan...!"

"Ten, Lum isn't in her right mind at the moment," Noa stares at him.
"What he's doing goes against every moral principal my people adhere to.
Besides, before putting herself under, Lum ordered her body to kill anyone who
gets in her way of finding me. If I DON'T stop her, there'll be a trail of
bodies from here to Yaminokuni. Do you want that?"

"Um...n-no, not really," the young Oni muses. "But why won't you call

"Because if what I suspect is true, the people who're trying to hurt Lum
have very high connections in the UDF," the Sagussan sighs. "Whatever's going
on with Lum has something to do with the pending fight between the Imperial
hangers-on and the Democratic Alliance over the future of your people, Ten-
chan. I'm sure of it! I know you're young and might not understand what's
going on, but you have to trust me on this."

"Of course I do!" Ten-chan protests.

"Good," Noa faces him. "Now, promise you won't tell your uncle what I'm
up to."

He hesitates. The idea made no sense to him, especially when Noa warned
that the Defence Force was probably involved. He was used to them helping his
family whenever they got into trouble. That was the way things worked on Uru.
The concept of those nice officers and enlisted personnel turning against
Invader's family scared him. But...how could he argue with Noa?

"I...I promise," he nods.

"Good," she kisses him. "You won't regret this."

"Famous last words," he mutters, earning him a dirty stare...

* * *

Ten thousand parsecs away, the *ashi'cha's* companion android double was
dressing in Noa's gold trimmed black dress uniform. It felt strange actually
pretending to be her template, even though that was her primary purpose as a
companion android. Ask her to mimic Noa's personal and sexual habits and she
was on familiar terrain. But place her in front of all the *daishi'cha* to
play out the role Fate selected for Noa the day she encountered Ataru? That
was pushing it.

The door slides open, revealing Hunba. "Ready?"

"No," the android sighs, trying to make her central processors calm
down. It was a habit her organic "sister" shared; she HATED public speaking.
If Noa was not so driven to distraction over Lum, she would have insisted that
the matter of investing Ataru as *daite'cha* be kept private. Everyone had
already made up his mind about who he wanted as head-of-state. "I just wish
Onee-chan was here doing this."

"You'll be fine," Hunba assures her. "After all, while you're up there
playing Noa, the real Noa stands a better chance of finding Lum and bringing
her home. What's wrong with that?"

"I can list sixty-four reasons right now," the android quips. "And my
CPU's still processing all the relevant data."

"Uh-uh!" Hunba warns. "You can't act that way on stage."

"Don't remind me..."

* * *

The Hall of the People was located at the opposite end of the Chamber of
Eternity from Ataru's bedroom. A giant covered amphitheater was crowded with
all the *daishi'cha* free from important projects, like monitoring the rover
units or the SIGINT staff monitoring signals inside the Barrier. Better than
the reception when he arrived, Ataru muses as he relaxes in the front row of
spectators. "Did we get everyone?" he whispers.

Kei pulls up a datapadd. "Let's see," the crimson-haired administrator
and future Personal Assistant to the Head of State muses. "Milan Domo's INN
crew. Princess Kurama of Tengu. Angus McTavish of Canada representing the
United Nations. Minister Hessur of the Provisional Government of Vos.
Minister-Archdeacon Fireye Windrider of Magairu representing Zephyrus. That's
it," she smiles.

"Good," Ataru nods. "Just hope Milan doesn't mind the time delay."
Given Sagussa's position outside the Galactic Barrier, no INN communications
relay could transmit into the galaxy. Milan was totally dependant on Sagussan
systems, which the ELINT people were now organizing. The ceremony would be
taped. After it was over, Milan would get a fast warpshuttle to Zeiwan to
file the story. Ataru cants his head, hearing the Kurakoan's delighted
giggles. Typical, he sighs...just as the lights fade.

A volunteer band from Internal Security strikes up "Book of Days,"
Sagussa's unofficial anthem. Everyone stands, paying their respects as the
black flag is hoisted over the stage. As the band falls silent, a lone figure
appears. Noa...or rather (as the *daishi'cha* could sense) her double.

"Good morning," the android bows. "I bid you all peace, logic and
harmony. I am Noa, *daishi'cha* #19282 of the Grand Design of the Fifth
Republic of Sagussa. On behalf of All Sagussa, I call this meeting of the
Grand House of Assembly to order..."

* * *

Thousands of light years away, the real Noa relaxes in the cockpit of
Lum's scout, heading toward the fringe worlds of Federation space. Two rover
units had located Koibito Otaku's starship passing Zeiwanite border posts
sometime earlier. With Warpshuttle 100 giving her a needed warp boost to
intercept (on Lum's scout, the trip would have taken a week), Noa had placed
herself in the path of the oncoming juggernaut. Once there, Noa quickly
sabotages key elements, then prepares herself, knowing the world-be galactic
Casanova would soon arrive...

* * *

Lum feels consciousness return to her. The contours of the ante-chamber
holding her and her fellow living statues return to her vision as she feels
the paralysis agent deactivate. A new sensation comes to her: someone
bestowing her a very passionate kiss. To the Oni's surprise, it is Ayesha,
the strawberry blonde look-alike of Noa, an earlier victim of the gregarious
collector of beauty. Around them, the eighteen other females in Koibito's
collection are also awake, taking intimate pleasure of each other's company.
Noting her new friend is awake, the Seishin teen relaxes. "Oh! Good morning,

"Good morning, Ayesha," Lum rises from her chair, stiff muscles quickly
losing their rigidity. "May I enquire why you were kissing me?"

Ayesha blushes. "I noticed your attraction to me when you came in," she
sighs. "Koibito-sama rarely permits others to come here unless they're to
become parts of his collection."

"Where is he?"

"He's not here," Ayesha shrugs, coyly smiling. "But every once in a
while, he unfreezes us to allow us the chance to get to know each other. Why?
Is there something wrong?"

"He will die for his interference," the Oni announces.

Ayesha blinks. "Why do you want him to die?" she innocently inquires.
"Aren't you happy that you're here?"

"My happiness is not relevant," Lum explains. "I must locate Noa. She
is all that matters."

"Who's Noa?"

"She is my lover."

Hearing that, Ayesha sniffs. "Don't you like me?"


The Oni then finds herself deluged in tears. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
Ayesha screams. "You hate me, you hate me, you hate me!!!"

"I did not say that..." Lum tries to calm her.

<<Who is this ditz?!!>> a familiar voice demands deep in Lum's mind.

<<Noa?!>> the Oni jolts. <<Is that you?!>>

<<Of course it's me, silly!>> the Sagussan giggles. <<Soon as you
awoke, I sensed you. What happened?>>

Lum relaxes, then relays information about her capture. <<Paralysis
field, huh?!>> Noa groans. <<Damn...prim-...i-...tive! This joker definitely
lacks imagination. How do you feel?>>

<<What I feel is irrelevant, Noa,>> the Oni replies. <<I have my
orders. Transport myself to you...>>

<<And I'll take you to Ataru,>> Noa completes. <<Okay, okay! Sit back
and relax. I'll be with you in a bit. In the meantime, why don't you shut
off the crybaby?!>>

Lum stares at Ayesha, venting copious crocodile tears, totally ignored
by her fellow living mannequins. <<Her behaviour is most curious,>> she
notes. <<It is as if she desires to be a prisoner.>>

<<Well, different strokes for different folks,>> Noa sighs. <<Be there

The contact fades. Lum returns to her chair. Suddenly, her hand is
grasped by a droopy-eyed Ayesha. "Why do you hate me?!"

"I did not state that I hated you," Lum blinks.

Ayesha yelps as she overpowers the Oni with a bear hug. "Oh, I knew you
liked me!!!" she beams. "Now we'll be friends forever!!!"

Lum gasps as she attempts to push her companion away. "Ayesha, please
cease this act!" she grunts...

...then stops as her eyes detect something on the back of the Seishin
teen's head: a small hatch built into the skull. "What is this?" she
wonders, her hand reaching for the mechanism.

"Hey!!" Ayesha pulls away. "Don't touch that!"

"Are you an android?" Lum inquires.

"No," the Seishin teen shakes her head. "I'm Ayesha."

<<Biodroid, then,>> Noa's voice filters in. <<Check the others.>>

Rising, Lum examines the others. Sure enough, part of the skull at the
joining of the parietal and occipital plates had been cut away, allowing these
hatches to be inserted. Staring closely at one, she notices the hatches are
filled with inch-long glowing rods. There is space for sixteen, although in
her companions, there are usually fourteen. "Ayesha," she calls out.

"Yes?" the eager Seishin teen kneels beside her.

"What happens if I remove one of these rods?" she whispers, pointing at
the Seifukusu woman before her, now in the warm embrace of a Vosian.

"You mustn't do that," Ayesha shakes her head. "It makes us do bad

"Such as?"

"I can't tell you," Ayesha shudders. "It's bad."

"But I do not presently possess your control mechanism," Lum reminds
her. "How can I understand what is soon to happen to me? I assume that our
captors will modify me as you are modified."

"That's right," Ayesha nods. "Koibito-sama's sister does it. She's
nice," she smiles. "She says this allows us to forget all our worries."

"Then how can I forget all my worries unless I possess that mechanism?"

"Well, that'll happen soon enough," Ayesha smiles, leaning up to Lum.
"In the meantime, I can help you forget your troubles."

Lum sweats. <<Noa, help!>>

<<Lyna's Soul, what a one-track mind...!!>> Noa moans. <<This animal is
definitely going to die!>>

* * *

"Why didn't you tell me that you have a new statue, brother dear?"
Koibito's sister Itamu muses, staring at the security screen showing Lum
vainly trying to resist Ayesha's advances.

"Well, I just obtained her yesterday," he shrugs, cackling. "You were
busy with all your statues, remember?"

"True," Itamu sighs, a twitch in her eye. "My boys do like it when I
give them my attention. Perhaps we should go to Elle and steal their silly
queen's Cute Boys and add them to my collection."

He snorts. Itamu presently possessed over a hundred young men in her
collection, all lobotomized and preserved like his nineteen lovelies. She was
the brains of their family/partnership, constructing the mechanisms that
removed such annoyances as a person's willpower and most of his memories, thus
making the statues quite willing to remain in her "care." Not that many of
them had much to live for in the first place: the statues were drug dealers
or destitute vagabonds when the Otakus encountered them. Who would miss them?
"Well, do whatever you want," Koibito sighs, then jolts as his ship's sensory
gear detects something in their path. "What's that?"

A small Urusian scout lies adrift before the mammoth ship. "Now what
would an Urusian be doing here?" Itamu muses.

"We'll find out," Koibito hums. "She's transmitting a distress call."

Pressing the two-way receiver, the Otakus blink as a haggard Noa
appears. "Hi!!" the Sagussan gushes with relief. "I'm so glad someone came
this way! Could you give me a lift?!"

Koibito's eyes lasciviously swim to Noa's quite exposed cleavage.
"Certainly, my dear!" he grins. "We're more than happy to be of service."

"Oh, thanks!! Are you ever sweet!" Noa sighs, her thoughts storming.
Lum fell under the control of THIS piece of genetic refuse?! Killing him was
going to be such a pleasure...

* * *

"They're all dead?" Yethis growls.

A viewscreen reveals the pale, haggard face of Kakaru Azu. "Yes,
General. The entire crew was butchered. My medical officer states it must've
happened in the last day or so, sometime after you last contacted them. All
of them were killed by physical force. It's like nothing I've ever seen!"

Yethis' eyes narrow. Nassur's training did not cover that sort of
combat; all Invader permitted the Vosian to teach his daughter was to better
control and use her lightning powers, plus some basic self-defense techniques.
Lum was no killer by nature...and Invader never wanted her to be that. All
the better luck for Yethis when he launched his plan. Or so he thought. "So
where is Lum?"

"She was bound for Phentax Two when she was intercepted by, of all
people, Koibito Otaku!" Kakaru groans. "What's worse, the stupid idiot
allowed herself to be beamed aboard that pervert's ship!!"

"That's not like Lum," Des Azu grumbles from Yethis' right.

"Sorry, Grandfather, but I forgot something," Kakaru blushes. "It seems
that Lum now has the ability to withdraw her very soul into herself, shield
herself from any form of hypnotic suggestion. I have the flight recorder
tapes if you want to see them."

"Transmit them back here as soon as you can, Captain," Yethis sighs.
"In the meantime, locate Otaku's ship and persuade him to return Lum to us.
I'm sure you can propose a swap with one of your crew."

"I'll keep it in mind, sir," Kakaru smiles. "What about Otaku?"

"Kill him."

"Yes, sir," she churlishly smiles.

* * *

Moments later, a cleaned up Noa finds herself aboard Koibito's ship.
Acting like a typical intergalactic tourist...wide-eyed, wanting to see every
detail...she gushes as she takes in the primitive teleporter chamber around
her. "Wow!!" she breathes. "What a neat ship! Do you own it?!"

"We've...built it over the years," Itamu smiles as she walks around the
console, grasping Noa's hand. "My, what a pretty girl you are. What's your

"Noa Aruka."

Itamu blinks. "Forgive me, but I never thought Urusians would ever make
use of the names for the Maidens of Aruka...especially if they hailed from
your very House."

Noa shrugs. "My father thumbed his nose at tradition," she gushes,
squeezing her host's hand. "Gee, you really have nice hands!" she stares at
the unmarked features.

"Th-thank you," Itamu blinks, surprised at the compliment. "Well, why
don't you come with me? I'll introduce you to my brother."

"Sure!!" Noa readily nods, mentally wincing. *Yuk!! Don't pour it on
too thick, Noa!*

The two proceed out of the teleport room, turning down one of the long
corridors connecting the ends of the nine kilometre ship. *Just like Highway
101 on the Gatherer,* Noa muses, remembering the catwalk connecting the ends
of the superdreadnought's main hull. It was named "Highway 101" after an
Earth jazz tune Nagisa liked.

Staring at Itamu, the Sagussan projects a friendly smile...then her eyes
detect something she last perceived while looking through Lum's eyes as
Ayesha. *Lyna's Soul, even his own sister?!!* she mentally exclaims. *This
bastard is sick!!!* "Um...what's that on the back of your head?" she
innocently inquires.

"Oh!" Itamu blushes, surprised at Noa's perception. "I'm a cybernetic
specialist. It's a cyberlink point which allows me to better access my
computers. It's nothing much."

"Couldn't you just tell them what to do, then go at it?" Noa wonders.
"Computer where I come from don't need things like that."

"You must be lucky," Itamu slips an arm around Noa's shoulder. "Tell
me, Aruka-san. Do you like boys?"

"Sure!" Noa nods, winking. "I like them a lot! I like girls, too."

"Well, I think you're in for a treat," Itamu mentally beams. "How'd you
like to see my collection?"

"You collect boys?" Noa blinks. "You sure you're not related to Queen

"Well, I'm not as prolific as she is, I admit," Itamu laughs as they
stop by a door, then keys a control. "But I think my cute boys are nice!
C'mon and look!!"


They enter a beautiful chamber. Layered five deep on all sides are a
hundred frozen nude men spanning a dozen races. All physically perfect
specimens, they stand at attention, staring blankly ahead. "Wow!!" Noa gasps,
walking up to a red-haired Oni. "Are they...um, are they real?"

"Oh, they're real, alright," Itamu nods. "All of them were loners, no
families. Many of them were...already hurt. Mayaku dust and all that. I
rescued them, I healed them, I nurtured them and I care for them. My
contribution to philanthropy."

*And made them mental zombies along the way!* Noa sneers, mentally
scanning the Oni but finding little in the way of a psyche remaining. *Time
to learn who's the guilty party here.* "Um...do they have what you have?" she
indicates the back of her head in emphasis.

"Yes, they do, poor dearies," Itamu sighs, escorting Noa to stare behind
the Oni's head. "They don't mind it. Actually, I believe they seem quite
aroused by the fact that someone likes me cares for them."

After years of humanoid observation, Noa was well versed in detecting
the subtle body language hints people produced. Itamu was saying one thing
but her body was screaming another. She was as much a prisoner of Koibito
Otaku's perversions as Lum. Noa had no need to touch her to understand that.
Her peripheral vision detected security cameras at all corners of the chamber
when she entered, providing coverage of everything that occurred here to
whomever was watching. "Well, at least they have a home!" she coyly smiles,
shifting to face her host. "I bet their Itamu-oba-chan takes good care of

Itamu shudders as Noa leans close, softly exhaling on her ear. The two
slide into a tender kiss, then Noa starts to work on her cheeks. "Which one
frees you?" she softly whispers.

"What?" Itamu blinks.

Noa's hand drifts over her host's cyberlink points. "Which rod frees
you of your brother's control?" she repeats. "Let me help you."

Itamu giggles, then draws Noa with her toward a large bed. "Well, if
you want to be that personal, I could arrange it!" she laughs, unzipping her

"I don't mind!" Noa taps her left wrist bracelet.

In a minute, both are naked, frolicking in the bed. Noa pulls the
covers over them, then kissing Itamu, pulls the bracelet to her lips. "Rover
Quebec-Six-ten, jam the security systems," she hisses. "Respond when done."

Both kiss, then Itamu hisses, "First on left, second to bottom."

<<Go, Lum!>> Noa telepathically orders.

<<Understood,>> Lum replies. <<Freeing the others.>>

A pair of tweezers magically appears in Noa's hand. Good thing she took
Priss' lessons on hiding things. Gently grasping her host's head, she allows
Itamu a very intimate look at her bust...while yanking out the offending
control rod. "Mmmm...you have such lovely breasts!" Itamu coos. "May I?"

"Please," Noa hides the removed rod under the pillow.

Unseen, the security camera lights wink out. The soft voice of a rover
unit then announces, "*Security system jammed, Minister.*"

Hearing that, both women relax. "You're free!" Noa holds up the
tweezers. "You okay?!"

Itamu stares at her. "Insert it in my upper right slot."


"So I can be your love-slave for life!" she playfully growls, embracing
Noa and delivering a thank you kiss. "Oh, bless you, Aruka-san!! After so
long, I'm free of my own stupidity!! How can I ever thank you?!"

"How about helping me get Lum off this ship?" Noa wonders.

"That might be difficult," Itamu rises, drawing several universal tools
from her nightstand. "Here," she gives two to Noa. "Free the others. Bottom
right slot controls their movements. They'll know what to do once they're
awake...but we have to hurry. Koibito may be a lech, but he's not stupid!"

"Right," Noa nods.

In a minute, both are yanking out the control rods from the stilled men.
Immediately, the freed living mannequins stretch. "Itamu-chan, what's going
on?" the red-haired Oni who caught Noa's eye wonders. "Who's the cutie with
the tattoos?" he nods at the Sagussan.

"No time, Jei," Itamu barks. "Everyone get dressed!! We're free!"

Within a minute, everyone is awake and dressing. Noa and Itamu relax,
slipping their clothes on. "So, I assume Koibito took advantage of you when
you experimented with that," she points to the back of her host's head.

"Yes, I did it to myself," Itamu shakes her head.


"I...I told you the truth," Itamu sighs. "This was meant to allow me
better access to my computers. But I later discovered that it could be used
to control people, eliminate their wills, destroy their memories. Literally
turn them into perfect, obedient robots. Some of these fellows," she
indicates her reviving statues, "...were criminals, drug dealers. No one
uld miss them, I believed. Besides, after the treatment, they had no
inclination to return to their former lives. Then my brother strikes on the
idea of using my device to help him make his own harem. Naturally, I
balked...but then he took over, forced me to do as he asked."

"What about the rest of them?" Noa muses. "Surely you didn't do all of
them before Koibito took interest."

"No, about a quarter were my 'originals,'" Itamu smiles. "But every
once in a while, Koibito would allow me to run loose for a bit. I tried to
get help anywhere I could. But every man who talked to me, Koibito captured,
then forced me to..." she helplessly waves.

"Lum's not been through this, right?"

"No...but he'll want to do it soon," Itamu warns.

"In fact, I want it now!" a voice snarls.

Everyone spins to see Koibito standing at the door, a pulse gun in hand,
aimed at Noa and Itamu. Beside him, Ayesha and another woman, dazed looks on
their faces, hold a comatose Lum. "That's not a nice thing to do to your
brother, Itamu dear," he snickers. "Jamming my security system. Now, as for
you," he lecherously smiles at Noa, "I think you'll be joining my latest
acquisition in my collection," he smiles at Lum.

"I don't think so," Noa smiles.

"Oh?! Why not?"

"Because Lum's going to kill you. Right, Lum?"

Before Koibito could react, Lum's hand seizes his gun. He gasps as
Ayesha and her friend release the Oni, allowing her to turn and fire! As his
corpse slumps to the deck, Lum smiles. "Right!"

"How did...?!" Itamu gasps.

"Simple," Ayesha beams. "Lum has a psi-bond with Noa. When Noa's
friend told her what chip to remove to release us, Lum freed us before that
pig came along!"

"Simple case, simply solved," Noa relaxes, allowing Lum to sink into her
embrace. "You okay, love?"

"I am now," Lum nods. "Can we see Darling?"

"We sure can," Noa smiles. "In fact, we'll arrive on Sagussa just as
the investiture ceremony is finished. I'm glad; I DON'T like to face a crowd
when I'm speaking!"

"Aw!!" Ayesha pouts. "Do you have to go? Couldn't you stay?"

"*Minister,*" a rover unit signals.

"What is it?" Noa taps her communicator.

"*Signal from Rover Sierra-Six-oh-four,*" the probe responds. "*A UDF
battlewagon is en route your position, under the command of Captain Kakaru
Azu. Her orders are to locate your bond-mate and return her to Uru.*"

"Damn!!" Noa spits out. "Eluza's playmate from that business over the
North Pacific! I thought she'd been taken care of."

"If she interferes, she will die," Lum announces.

"Oh, be assured of that!" Noa growls. "What time is she due?"

"*Twenty-point-seven hours at maximum speed,*" the rover announces.

"Then we still have time," Itamu muses.

"No, you don't," Noa faces her. "Even if the slimebag who caught Lum is
dead, you're still in danger. These animals are capable of anything. I
wouldn't put it past them to kill you."

"That's alright," Itamu smiles. "All you have to do is deactivate us.
We're no better than robots, even me. If they find a ship full of biodroids,
they'll just assume we were captured and tortured for Koibito's amusement.
Your friend CAN wreck the security system, can't he?"

Noa blinks, then considers her options. No one had any idea how far
this movement after Lum went in the Urusian military. If it was a small group
of Imperial fanatics, then there was no use provoking a war with Uru to
protect Lum. A quick insertion of strike teams...Pathfinder Troop Six and the
crew of the "Hasei'cha"...and the problem would be eliminated in no time. But
to flush them out, bait was necessary. A plan was now formulating in the
minister's mind, a plan that, if properly executed, would eliminate the last
danger facing her bond-mate and child-mate. "Rover Quebec-Six-ten."

"*Yes, Minister?*"

"Signal Sagussa. Inform Elle that a ship is to be dispatched here PDQ
to pick up Itamu and all her friends, then transport them home. Get Rally's
and Henshuuko's gang to get to work on them. Looks like a lot of them will be
in the matrix before long; pass that on to Lupica. I want them off this tub
before our old friend Kakaru shows up. Destroy the security system, make it
look as if the people aboard did it before abandoning ship. Where's Lum's

"*Rover Quebec-Four-sixteen has it, Minister.*"

"Prep it. Lum and I're going back to Uru. Pass it on to Ataru."


"We're not going to see Darling?" Lum blinks.

"Lum," Noa sighs. "I know right now you can't understand, but if I take
you back to Sagussa, it won't eliminate the problem of whoever is coming after
you. If I do take you back now, it'll be as if I kidnapped you, which would
give whoever's engineering this the excuse to provoke a war against Sagussa.
We don't want that right now, not until we know what we're up against."

"But Sagussa cannot be harmed," Lum notes. "Sagussa is beyond the
Galactic Barrier. No Urusian ship can penetrate the Barrier."

"That's right, but Urusian ships CAN attack Earth," Noa reminds her.
"They'll do it just to get Ataru out in the open; they'll probably be tempted
the instant news of his becoming *daite'cha* hits the airwaves. Lum, you and
I have to go find these people, then get rid of them. Once they're gone, your
people are safe, mine are safe and we can go back to see Ataru and get you
fixed up. Does that sound okay?"

The Oni blinks. Noa was her lover. Logically, Lum could trust Noa's
judgement. "I understand," she nods.

"Good!" Noa sighs, then turns to Itamu. "Sorry to leave you so soon,
but right now, you're in the middle of a big mess that's getting bigger by the

"I understand," Itamu embraces her. "Thank you, Aruka-san. Good luck."

"We'll need it," Noa nods. "Come on, Lum."

"Wait!!" Ayesha cries.

Both stop. "What is it, Ayesha?" Lum inquires.

"Can I come with you?" the Seishin teen wonders. "Please?"

Noa stares at her. She had no idea what Ayesha had been through to
bring her to this point, but her instincts about people were usually dead on.
Taking Ayesha's hand, she draws it to her mouth. Delivering a light bite, she
offers her hand to the Seishin teen in the timeless act of blood-sisterhood.
Once both have tasted the other's blood, they embrace, kissing to allow their
blood to intermingle, become one. "Blood of my blood, you are now my kin,"
Ayesha intones. "We are now family, sister."

"Go back to Sagussa," Noa sighs. "You'll be exposed to many new things.
Don't be afraid, sister. There's someone there who can help you understand.
An android, my double. Allow her thoughts to become yours. She'll
understand; she's always wanted to be organic. Through you, she'll be that
way. Does that frighten you?"

"No," Ayesha shakes her head. "After what Koibito put me through,
that'll be an improvement. Come back soon, sister."

"I will," Noa nods, then leaves, Lum following.

Ayesha watches her go. "Blessed Noa, savior of my people, watch over
your future-self," she intones, clapping her hands in prayer. "Help her and
her friend fight those who would destroy us all..."

* * *

It takes time for news to travel across the local cluster.

The ceremony crowning Ataru as *daite'cha* of Sagussa, followed by the
anointing of the Republic's ruling councils, takes three hours. Two hours
later, a fast shuttle delivers Milan Domo's on-the-scene report to Zeiwan,
home of the Intergalactic News Network. With judicious use of Sagussan
communications relay stations near Yaminokuni, live broadcasts become
possible. Two hours after the news hit Zeiwan, INN commenced its special on
the founding day of the Fifth Republic.

The news of Ataru's good fortune affects different people in different
ways. Most males who knew him only by his womanizing reputation bray his good
fortune with "Lucky guy!" and like comments. Most females who knew his
reputation breathe a collective sigh of relief. Surely a hundred thousand
could quench his appetite.

Then there are the specific responses...

On Hustaros, where six billion died thanks to kokushibyou, Ataru, one of
the heroes of their final salvation, is toasted for his good fortune.
However, people on Suki's homeworld are too busy burying their loved ones and
restoring order to concern themselves with such frivolous elsewhere.

On Zephyrus, one of two worlds directly descended from those whose
existence caused Sagussa's destruction, the mood is mixed. Officially, the
Emissary to the Ancient Homeworld, Ataru Moroboshi, has fulfilled his destiny.
However, feelings on Zephyrus toward Sagussa are as different as the people.
Many wonder why Zephyrite women never became *daishi'cha,* why the Holy
Republic could not be allowed to help restore the Fifth Republic. The few
fringe fanatics demand that Zephyrus excommunicate the *daishi'cha* and allow
ONLY Zephyrites to resettle their ancient world. Most others, those who
believe that Zephyrus was settled for more divine purposes, are content to
allow the Fifth Republic to go its own way.

On Vos, recovering from the Mikado's downfall, more pressing matters
than developing close contacts with such a remote state weigh on the minds of
the Provisional Government. However, many who had fought alongside Sagussan
ground troops in Lecashuto's capture demand that the *daishi'cha* who risked
their lives to liberate Vos be given their proper due.

On Elle, their queen is in a state of shock. Her Sagussan namesake is
presently Shipmistress-prime of the Sagussan Navy. Worse, her Honey possesses
a harem compatible with hers! Elle's aides roll their eyes in disgust as the
Rose Queen bemoans that she may never win Ataru's love.

On Ipraedos, Schwartz is upset. Why had the Empire's many intelligence
agencies failed to detect the Maidens' interest in Ataru? With Sagussa an
ominous unknown in the question of who wins Earth, the *Asan'on* leadership
potentially faces war on two fronts. The *Dowe'on* Tribunal, as is their way,
hail the foundation of the Fifth Republic as living proof of their theories.

On Uru, there is no government response. The only announcement is that
the Tribal Council is debating the issue. However, the Democratic Alliance,
aware that Imperialists have tried to kill Ataru (the Alliance's matriarch IS
bond-mated to the commander of Pathfinder Troop Six), hail Sagussa in the same
manner as the *Dowe'on* Tribunal: the Fifth Republic's existence demonstrates
how different people can work together.

And then, there is Phentax Two...

* * *

Due to the nebula surrounding Niko-Phentax, home star to the first four
planets of this trinary system, INN transmissions must be stored in relay
stations before being beamed to Phentax Two. It is afternoon in Lumukyou, a
pleasant summer day. However, the mood in Oogi's mansion is unpleasant.
Nassur and Benten are busy with the president's security trying to locate
their missing daughter. Not wanting to run away when their friends need
support, everyone remains in the presidential mansion. The bodyguards and
their girlfriends sit around a wide-screen television. "This is the first
time I've ever seen intergalactic TV," Yasashii muses.

"Turn on the news, if there is any," Megane yawns.

"Okay," Tanoshii keys the remote.

INN comes on, revealing a generic broadcaster. "...just joining us,
here is a special report, an INN first. The first ever report from OUTSIDE
the Galactic Barrier," she glances at her notes. "For ten thousand years, she
sailed the spaceways," an icon of the Gatherer appears over a question mark.
"No one knew the true story behind this great ship or why a hundred thousand
humanoid women became her Maidens. Today, the mystery is revealed as Milan
Domo reports from a planet named...Sagussa."

The scene shifts to the plateau outside the Chamber of Eternity. "Hi,
Milan Domo here on a plateau in the first of five worlds in the Fourth Stellar
Cluster," she conspiratorially smiles, then waves up. "And if you don't
believe me, look up there!"

The camera shifts to show the vast expanse of the Milky Way Galaxy.
"That's right," the eye returns to Milan. "This bleak, desert world is the
present home of a hundred thousand women. Having died on over two dozen
worlds in their previous lives, restored to life by means which still elude
even their experts, they now have the task to bring new life to this desolate
and war-ravaged place. Today, the fifth civilization to stand on Sagussa,
here called the Fifth Republic of Sagussa, was officially launched...and we
were invited to be its witnesses. So, come on...let's enter the Chamber of
Eternity and meet the man who can answer the question 'Who IS the Chosen One
of the Eternal Voyager?' with 'Why, that's me!'"

By that time, the others have streamed into the television room. The
image shifts to the Hall of the People. The camera is affixed on stage as the
anthem "Book of Days" is played. Noa's android double then arrives, calling
the meeting to order. "We have come here today, with the galaxy as our
witness, to decide who will become our *daite'cha,* our first head-of-state.
As Elder Mother," a twitch of discomfort shifts her mouth, "...I am granted
the right to introduce the one I believe will best serve in this role.

"He is a person of great compassion, great courage...and great humility.
When he returned two days ago, he reminded us this is OUR planet, OUR society.
He is not here to enslave us, force us into the roles most other races demand
of their women. He stated then that he is OUR servant...and he wishes to help
us create our world. I first encountered him fourteen years ago when he and
his sister provided shelter to a wanderer from another world. Then, I was
struck by his sincerity, his honesty.

"Such did not fundamentally change in the fourteen years between then
and now. True, he faced enormous adversity. True, he came from a cold home.
True, his life was savagely wrecked by forces of Entropy within him and around
him. But nothing changed that which so impressed me the day I met him.
Therefore, it is my pleasure to introduce to the Grand Hall of Assembly for
your consideration the name of Ataru Moroboshi of Earth as *daite'cha.*"

A shocked cry of outrage echoes from above the television room.
Everyone looks up. "I do not believe we're the only ones watching this,"
Cherry muses.

"Tough luck for him," Lan snorts.

Honey, Lufy and Catty quickly support Noa's motion. The android calls
for the vote. Unanimous. It was expected. Ataru is then invited to the
stage to officially don the black jacket emblazoned with his insignia as
*daite'cha.* "Thanks," Ataru holds up his hands as the thunderous cheers wave
over him. "Thank you!" he calls again, waving everyone to silence. "I'm more
than happy to accept the honour this planet has given me. I pray I will serve
you with the trust and devotion you have shown not only to myself, but to
numerous innocents throughout this galaxy."

Applause. "And there's the answer you wanted, folks," Milan's voice
cuts over the sound. "Ataru Moroboshi. Defender of Earth. Killer of the
Masters of Noukiios. Savior of Hustaros. And now, the Chosen One of the
Eternal Voyager. At this point, I am told that Ataru will announce the
members of the Inner Circle, Sagussa's ruling cabinet. All these positions
have been chosen on merit by co-workers and through vigorous tests, so no one
can say these are patronage positions."

Ataru draws a datapadd, then announces each position to be filled. Each
person walks to the stage, is stripped of her blank dress top, dons another
bearing the proper rank insignia, then receives personal congratulations from
Ataru. His personal staff are up first. Noa, Executive Assistant. Honey,
Aide-de-Camp. Kei and Yuri, Personal Assistants. Yoakenikkou, first of the
*daishi'cha,* Ombudsperson. Catty, Personal Surgeon. Lumuneko, Personal
Dental Surgeon. Shiko, Family Daycare Officer.

Government personnel come next. Sakura, Prime Councillor. Lumunookaa,
Deputy Prime Councillor. Madoka, Speaker of the House of Assembly. Hikaru,
Master-at-Arms of the House of Assembly. Asuka, Judge Advocate General.
Yonko, fourth *daishi'cha,* Chief of Corrections Services. Kaede, Minister of
External Affairs. Kaori, Deputy Minister of External Affairs. Kimaenowakai,
Ambassador to the Galactic Federation. Ookako, Ambassador to the United
Nations of Earth. The provincial prime councillors: Nagaiwakai for Tere'na,
Seiteki for Kyre'sha, Imo for Ly'sha.

Government and citizen support staff are summoned. Shinobu, Chief of
Government Administration. Ten'nookaa, Deputy Chief of Administration.
Rally, Chief of Computer Services. Henshuuko, Chief of Techno-Entertainment
Services. Oyuki is then summoned as Thoughtmistress-prime. In her wake comes
Carmen, Director of Intelligence. The logistics chiefs: Carla as Chief of
Logistics; Kinshou as Chief of Supply; Aikyou as Chief of Resource Management.

The leaders of the Sagussan Defence Force. Benten, Minister of Defence.
Elle, Shipmistress-prime. Oryuu, Inspector-General. Feb, Strategic Defence
Director. Leona, Commander Warsuit Brigade. Rayna, Commander Pathfinder
Brigade. Miranda, Commander Hovercycle Brigade. Dakejinzou, Commander First
Fleet. Sansura, Commander Second Fleet. Bushi, Commander Third Fleet.

Then the engineers. Ryuunosuke, Engineer-Commander. Urayako, Chief
Engineer Articifer. Biiko, Architect-prime. Nagisa, Chief of Fleet
Engineering. Yuukiki, Chief of Construction Engineering. Lan, Chief of
Weapons Engineering.

The life services directors. Lupica, Surgeon-General. Shinobi, Dental
Surgeon-General. Tanoshii, Tere'na Province Surgeon-General. Aijooa,
Kyre'sha Province Surgeon-General. Kenmei, Ly'sha Province Surgeon-General.
Yasashii, SDF Surgeon-General. Momoe, Deputy Dental Surgeon-General. Kumiko,
Chief of Dental Hygienics. Kurama, Chief of Child Services, Natsuko, Chief of
Physical Education and Recreation. Chara, Chief of Psychology. Nozomi, Chief
of Physiotherapy.

Finally, the science directors. Windy, Chief of Archaeology. Cinba and
Junba, joint Chiefs of Zoology. Tsuyoko, Chief of Geology and Terraforming
Sciences. Hazel, Chief of Hydrographic Sciences. Ryooko, Chief of Botany and
Agriculture. Wendy, Deputy Head Scientist and Chief of General Sciences. And
the last one...

Head Scientist Lum, *daishi'cha* #8979.

An inhuman scream bellows from above. Silence reigns in the television
room as everyone, now augmented with Nassur and Benten, stare at the screen.
The reporter drones on, covering interviews with the special guests. General
data on Sagussa's leaders are relayed. Next comes an overview of Ataru's
life, one which is remarkably flattering to those he once despised. Finally,
the special ends. Silence. "Well?" Cherry wonders after a minute.

People exchange looks. Koosei then stands, gracefully bowing to Sakura.
"Prime Councillor, would you answer a question on policy, please?" he points a
microphone at his former classmate. "Will Sagussa destroy Phentax Two?"

The house comes down. "I don't believe it!!" Shinobu snickers as
everyone rolls on the floor laughing. "My spirit-sister called me a 'fat-
hipped titless wonder' at the end of the Spirit War! Yet..." she blinks, then
shrugs, "...I've never been so flattered in all my life!"

"If Cinba and Junba were alive, they would be flattered," Nassur muses.

"Ju-chan sure is!" Shinobu beams.

"At least he remembered us!" Kenmei nods.

Tanoshii and Yasashii nod. "Hey!!" Aijooa snaps. "What about me?! My
so called spirit-sister's an Ipraedies!!!"

"It's alright, Aijooa," Koosei cuts in. "Noa told me that those girls
took their names from snippets of Ataru's and Lum's memories. If that girl
took your name, that means there's no Terran-like girl who resembles you."

"Well, I could take that," the track star grumbles.

"I should get my spirit-sister to loan me some weapons," Lan muses. "I
could use them to get rid of Rei-chan's stupid uncle!"

"Ask my spirit-sister and she'll loan you the Gatherer," Benten snorts.

"Well, at least we seem to be taking this event much more calmly than
our host," Oyuki gestures to the floor above.

"I hope Ataru-kun doesn't have an Oedipal complex," Shinobu muses. "He
has *daishi'cha* named after his mom, grandmother, great-grandmother, Lum's
mom and Ten-chan's mom!"

"All of them are below twenty, Shinobu," Koosei cuts in.

"And that's not all!" Megane announces, standing. "There's one other
thing we should remember!"

"What's that?" Paama wonders.

The guards' leader smiles. "He didn't forget Lum!"

Everyone socks him with pillows! "AH, SIDDOWN, YOU JERK!!!!!!"

Laughter rocks the room then quiets down as everyone assimilates what
has happened. "Well, now that Ataru has a viable government working, what
now?" Nassur turns to Koosei. "Where can they go with what they have?"

"Well, most of them'll be too busy rebuilding," the teacher shrugs.
"Water supply is primary. Turning Sen'a into a G-class star is right behind
that. Seeding and foresting the planet. Repopulating the animal stocks,
everywhere. Cities have to be constructed. Their fleet has no combat ships
whatsoever outside the Gatherer and the 'Lyna'cha'...and that ship's a command
ship, not a full-fledged battlecruiser. They have to set up construction
facilities. Sen'sha Seven has to become a viable space colony..." he shrugs.
"It's the time for miracles...and Sagussa needs a dozen, maybe two."

"They should've picked another planet, then worked from there," Benten
muses. "What about inside the Barrier? Until people inside can penetrate it,
the Defence Force has little to do."

"Something tells me that Ataru'll keep them busy," Koosei muses. "I
hope you noticed there will be an ambassador to Earth."

"My sister's spirit-sister," Sakura muses. "Chances are, she'll be
seeing the U.N. tomorrow."

"The big question is will the Galactic Federation allow it," Nassur
hums. "Despite everyone bending the rules, Earth is technically still under
the protection of the Non-Interference Treaty. No one is to establish an
official embassy with a world under the Treaty's protection."

"You mean if people pull what they did when that couple was under
Eluza's care, we have no way of officially redressing it with the parties
responsible?" Sakura demands.

"Well, everyone has been throwing out the rule book when it comes to
Earth, haven't they, Oyuki?" Nassur stares at the princess.

"Quite correct," Oyuki nods. "I'm more than sure my father will ask
Lupica to declare this a personal matter between Earth and Sagussa. Besides,
Sagussa is NOT a signatory of the Non-Interference Treaty. Furthermore, no
one has the right to demand that Sagussa becomes a signatory. I do believe
they have their own version of the Treaty."

"But what if they become a member of the Federation?" Megane wonders.

"I don't believe Ataru will do that," Oyuki shakes her head. "If Kaede
is an intelligent foreign affairs specialist, she'll recommend that Sagussa
stay clear of the Federation. Ataru has been keeping abreast of developments
on Uru. Just because an ambassador is being dispatched to Lupica does not
imply that Sagussa plans to become part of the Galactic Federation."

"That's good," Benten nods. "That'll give Ataru a free hand here."

Everyone stares at her. "Any idea where your baby is?" Shinobu wonders.

"Nope," the Fukunokami shakes her head. "Believe me, if Ataru decides
to come here to settle Oogi's hash, I'll be glad. The Gatherer could sniff
out Aiotoga in no time."

"Especially if someone's using a *haijo-ju* prototype," Koosei warns.
"That *te'a* reading we got in the Great Lum Church means that one of the
prototypes has to be close."

"Are they really that dangerous?" Nassur wonders.

"Are you kidding me?" Koosei blinks. "Remember the Cyborg? No one
could move Ataru if he didn't want them to. The Cyborg was powered by the
*te'a.* The *haijo-ju* is a transmitter which allows people to harness the
energy of the *te'a* to do...well, do almost anything!! How can you fight the
power of all of Existence?! You can't!"

"Let's hope it's not the real thing, then," Benten gulps.

"No, Ataru has the real *haijo-ju,*" Koosei shakes his head. "He had it
in hand when he was officially declared *daite'cha.* Against the real thing,
everything else is a pale second."

"Good!" Nassur nods. "Everything's working to our favour for a change."

The door then slams open, revealing Oogi! Everyone turns to see the air
around the president aflame, he is that angry. "What's with you?" Lan hums.

Oogi huffs like the big, bad wolf facing the pigs in their brick home.
"***Did...you...see...that...ABOMINATION?!?!***" he demands.

"Yeah, we saw it," Benten muses. "Neat, huh?!"

"NEAT?!?!?!" the president screams. "That...that bastard DARES name
those murderous bitches after all of the Holy Company...not to mention that,
that...that THING resembling Lum-sama?!!"

"Hey, you better know that Lum-chan fought with Lum against the *saikoo
jinseijitsu* in the Spirit War!!" Benten growls. "So did my spirit-sister."

"Not to mention mine, Shinobu's, Lan's and Oyuki's," Sakura adds.

Oogi pales. "'Spirit-sisters?!!' You KNOW them?!!"

"Sure!!" Benten smiles. "We've known about Sagussa since the Spirit
War! Noa came to Earth sometime before graduation; that's when we got the
whole story!! In fact, my spirit-sister stayed with me while Nassur went to
the Planet of Shadows!"

"AND YOU ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN?!?!?!" Oogi screams.

"Nothing we could do to stop it!" Lan shrugs. "The *daishi'cha* aren't
going to let anyone stand in their way! They want Darling and Lum-chan?
They're going to GET Darling and Lum-chan!!"

Oogi feels his legs go. "They...want...Lum-sama...?"

"Sure!!" Lan smiles. "In fact, I know something about Lum-chan that you
don't know! Wanna hear it?!"

"What?!" the president leaps to the Seishin teen's side.

Lan whispers in his ear. Oogi trembles, then a volcano explodes behind
him!! "***WHAT?!?!?! LUM-SAMA'S BECOME A...?!?!?!***"

"Actually, Lum-chan's bisexual!" Lan smiles. "She is attracted to
Darling, too! In fact, Lum-chan told me that Noa's the best lover she's ever
had outside Darling...eh?" she blinks. "You okay? You look a little cross."

Steam billows from Oogi's nose. The president seems on the verge of a
heart attack. "That...that...how could this have happened?! How could we
have LET this happened?!! Oh, Lum-sama, Lum-sama, forgive us, Your humble
disciples!!" he turns heavenward, a spotlight falling on him, "How we have
failed You!!! We could not protect You from the Great Evil's sorcery, his
vile plot to destroy Your Holy Company, banish You from Your Holy City!!!
Now, now You are in the grip of the Great Evil's demon servants!!! But be
assured, Oh Light of Creation, we shall save You from that monster's wrath and
spread Your Gospel across the Universe!!!"

Mendou and the bodyguards applaud, their hands touching in a measured,
disinterested pace. Beside them, their girlfriends flash score cards marking
their opinion of the president's speech: 0.9 from Sil, 0.6 from Tanoshii, 0.2
from Aijooa, 0.4 from Kenmei and 0.5 from Yasashii. "I find it incredible
that he has enough energy to keep saying these things," Koosei muses.

"What is that old Sagussan saying again?" Cherry sips tea.

Suddenly, a communications relay sounds off. A Kuromegane takes phone
in hand, then announces, "Mister President, it's Jariten-sama. The message is
being piped to the television."

The set comes on, revealing Ten-chan's face. "Hi, everybody!!" the
young Oni waves.

"Hi, Ten-chan!" Nassur sighs. "How are you doing?! Any news on Lum?"

"Oh, you won't believe what's been going on!" Ten-chan sighs, then
proceeds to tell everyone what has happened to Lum over the last several days.

Hearing what their friend has been subjected to, everyone pales, even
Oogi. "Lum was hypnotized into attacking Ataru-kun?!" Shinobu exclaims.
"Well, at least they're okay! What happened after she was captured by this
Otaku person?!"

"Oh, Noa-onee-chan went and rescued her about a half-hour ago!" Ten-chan
smiles. "I heard Lum-chan killed the creep. Not only did that jerk have a
whole bunch of nice girls hostage, he even had his sister hostage! Noa-onee-
chan freed them and sent them to Sagussa!"

"Well, at least Ataru won't have to pillow those girls alone," Koosei
hums. "Are Noa and Lum on their way back to Sagussa?"

"Uh-uh," Ten-chan shakes his head. "Actually, I heard this from Noa-
onee-chan's new sister Ayesha. They just became blood-sisters. Anyhow, Noa-
onee-chan and Lum-chan are staying inside the galaxy."

"Why?!" Nassur blinks. "Ten-chan, if Lum's in the shape you say she's
in, sending her to Sagussa's the only safe thing to do!"

"Yeah, but they're afraid that somebody's gonna make a big stink over
it, maybe try to provoke a war between Uru and Sagussa, especially now that
Sagussa and the United Nations are buddy-buddy now!"

Nassur sighs. "I still don't think that's smart. Ten-chan, I'll call
Noa and talk some sense into her."

"Um...you better not, Nassur-chan," Ten-chan leans up to the screen,
lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Ayesha-onee-chan told me
that Noa-onee-chan and Lum-chan wanna be alone. They don't need peeping Toms.
Doing adult stuff, if you know what I mean."

Nassur blinks, understanding Ten-chan's message: Noa and Lum had to
remain in the dark to ensure the Oni's pursuers could not locate them until
Noa could draw forces from Sagussa...Lufy and Priss looked awfully good right
about now...to destroy them. "Oh, yes," he smiles, winking. "Noa and Lum've
been apart for three months. They need the time to be alone."

Suddenly, an anguished howl shakes the mansion to its foundations!!
Everyone spins around to see Oogi venting copious crocodile tears. "OH, THE
SHAME OF IT ALL!!!!!!" the president bellows through a megaphone. "HOW COULD

"What's his problem?!" Ten-chan wonders.

Oogi drops to his knees as everyone, even his own Kuromegane, hold up
umbrellas to prevent his tears from soaking them. "Oh, Lum-sama, I can just
imagine how that demoness Noa will treat you!!!"

Everyone quickly conceives of what the president believes will happen...

A helpless, weeping Lum, scantily clad in a lace bikini, cowers on her
bed as a foreboding shadow falls over her. "Lum!!"

"Y-yes, Mistress...?" Lum hesitantly stares at her visitor.

Drooling over her is a drooling Noa, dressed as a dominatrix. "On your
knees, slave! It's time for your lesson!!"

"D-don't hurt m-me, Mistress!" Lum pleads as Noa drags her off the bed.
"Please d-don't hurt m-me!"

"Heh-heh-heh!!" Noa cackles demonically. "Now, you are mine!!"

Nearby, a flower falls off the table...

"Oh, the shame of it all!!!" Oogi wails. "Lum-sama, we shall avenge
You!!! We shall avenge You...eh?!"

Everyone is ignoring him. "HEY!!!!!!" the president screams. "I'M

They still ignore him. "Whoopee!!!" Ten-chan snorts. "You aught to see
INN now!! Wait until you get a gander at how others're reacting to what Ataru
did!! See ya!!"

The television shuts off. "I'll put it back on INN, sir," a Kuromegane
switches channels.

The image melts into a view of a generic broadcaster. "Right now, a lot
of ladies across the local clusters are in quite a state after Ataru Moroboshi
named a lot of his cabinet after those he has encountered in his all-too
numerous 'girl hunts' before the Spirit War," she stares at her notes. "We
dispatched INN crews to those whose 'spirit-sisters' now form the majority of
the Sagussan Republic's Inner Circle!"

First scene is Yaminokuni, showing Crown Princess Carla beside her
husband. "Well, personally, after hearing how Ataru changed after the Spirit
War, I was afraid he'd come after ME with a bazooka," she laughs. "But...gee,
Chief of Logistics, eh?" she hums, then faces the camera. "Hey, honey, hope
you got your own bazooka!! You're gonna need it when people forget that
quartermasters keep everything going!! If you want, I'll loan you mine!!! I
don't need it anymore!"

Next comes Lupica. "Well, I never considered becoming a surgeon..."

Chara. "A psychologist?!" she blinks. "Gee, I could understand her, I
suppose...given that I have to counsel androids a lot..."

Sansura. "Are the Maidens on Sagussa as aggressive in bed as they were
when they lived here?" she muses, then smiles. "Well, Ataru'll teach them how
to make love to people!"

Hazel. "I hope I NEVER become that big!" she exclaims to the audience,
then turns to Daros. "Did you see her?! She had to be a fifty-D!!!"

Windy. "Well, at least Ataru-chan remembered everyone...even if my
spirit-sister is from Earth!"

Yukio. "Koichi, did you forget me?!!"

Kurama. "Actually meeting my spirit-sister was interesting," she
chuckles, then sighs. "Still, I have to find someone to be the father of my

Elle. "HONEY, HOW COULD YOU?!?!" she screams at the audience. "Put ME
under BENTEN?!?! How cruel can you be?!!"

Dakejinzou Shogai. "Well, yes, they are organic Umanoshippo, but I
don't believe those on Sagussa remember where we come from..."

Nokoko and Mal. "What about us, Ataru-chan?!!" the former demands.

Ten-chan's mother. "I heard once that administrators are a government's
fire fighters!" she smiles. "Knowing that my spirit-sister is in charge of
things there, I KNOW Sagussa's administration is in good hands!"

Lum's mother. "The instant I heard Lumunookaa-chan's name, my husband
started to address me as 'Madame Deputy Prime Councillor!'" she laughs. "Then
he started calling our daughter 'Madame Head Scientist!!' Funny," she muses.
"Lum-chan was never good in science..."

Pepper, Ginger and Sugar. "Hey, Ataru, how about us, huh?!!"

Bushi. "What exactly does the Third Sagussan Fleet do, anyway?!"

Kimaenowakai Hana. "I wish Ataru-chan made my spirit-sister ambassador
to Earth instead of that silly place Tofunokoibito!"

Nagaiwakai Moroboshi. "Lucky thing Nyatsu-chan isn't there! What will
he ever do with TWO of me?!"

Kinshou Moroboshi. "Ataru, please don't tell me you're developing an
Oedipal complex!! I want you back, but not THAT way!!!"

Ryuunosuke's father. "Ataru, how could you?!!" he screams. "Naming a
girl after Nagisa-chan's fine, but Ryuunosuke?!! He's a BOY!!!!"

Watching this, Oogi moans, thinking the end of the world is at hand.
Everyone continues to ignores him. Lan then kneels beside him. "Gee, by the
looks of things, everyone likes the idea of having a spirit-sister on
Sagussa!" she purrs, icily eyeing Oogi. "Wanna know how I feel about MY

"IT'S A TRAGEDY!!!!!!" Oogi screams.

The commentator's face returns. "This just in!" she looks at her notes.
"Princess Lupica has now received Ambassador Kimaenowakai of Sagussa. We now
turn to the grounds of the Royal Palace on Tofunokoibito for their press

The image changes to the gardens of Lupica's palace. Kimaenowakai
stands beside Lupica, a statement in hand. "I come bearing greetings to the
Galactic Federation and her member states," the ambassador reads. "First, I
would like to state that Sagussa's intentions towards the Federation are
peaceful. However, we will not, at present, consider entering the Federation.
Logistical and other problems, as well as the sheer difference of technology,
make this impractical. Perhaps in future generations, we can rejoin our
ancestral homeworlds, but that is for them to consider, not us.

"I am authorized by the Prime Councillor to announce at this time, a
delegation composing of the Prime Councillor, Minister of External Affairs
Kaede, Minister of Defence Benten and Ambassador Ookako are proceeding to
Earth to establish our embassy and commence negotiations for an Earth-Sagussa
mutual recognition treaty," Kimaenowakai stares at her notes. "We do this out
of a mutual need of friendship, of alliance, with a world which has provided
over eight thousand of our citizens, chief of which is our *daimon'cha.* Both
Earth and Sagussa are newcomers to this vast galaxy and we feel that together,
we may achieve that which we cannot separately.

"Sagussa and Earth have been in official contact with the other for
fourteen years. At our request, the United Nations has NEVER told any other
power about our interest in their world. This treaty we hope to sign within
the next couple of days will respect the sovereignty not only of Earth, but of
Earth's system-mate Triton. We feel the time has come for these inexcusable
incursions on Terran and Tritonian sovereignty to cease and are prepared to
defend that sovereignty to the best of our ability. At this time, with your
permission, Your Highness," she nods to Lupica, "...I will take questions.
Yes?" she points.

"Madame Ambassador, will Sagussa be exporting any of its very advanced
technology to Earth?" a reporter inquires.

"No," Kimaenowakai shakes her head. "Our Non-Interference Directive
forbids the transfer of any technology which could be seen as destabilizing to
Earth's development. However, technology for non-military purposes, mostly in
the life sciences and agricultural realm will be on the bargaining table.
Yes?" she points.

"Madame Ambassador, how will the interests of the neighbouring powers be
respected or acknowledged by this treaty?"

"I have to discuss that on an individual case," Kimaenowakai sighs.
"The primary power of interest is Zephyrus, of course. The *daimon'cha* has
spoken to Minister-Archdeacon Windrider when His Grace was our guest. Sagussa
and Zephyrus share a common history; Zephyrus was settled by citizens of the
Fourth Sagussan Republic over twenty thousand years ago. While many on both
sides really don't know what to think of the other, I believe that shouldn't
stop us from establishing friendly relations. Further, Zephyrus wishes the
Earth-Triton sector to be at peace, which we will guarantee in our treaty."

"What about the Dominion?!!" three reporters shout at once.

Kimaenowakai's mouth twitches. "The Seifukusu Dominion is what we'd
call a power on the wane. We humiliated one of their Houses five months ago.
If necessary, we can destroy them all. I don't think that will be necessary.
The Magate Round must sooner or later come to understand that reform is
necessary if the Dominion is to survive."

"The Ipraedies?!" two reporters bark.

"The Ipraedies Empire is at a crossroads," Kimaenowakai smiles. "Over
the last decade, five hundred Terran citizens were kidnapped by Emperor
Schwartz's agents in preparations for their planned invasion of the planet.
Most of those Terrans left behind families, loved ones! Now, personally, I
don't believe Emperor Schwartz will survive the next five years...especially
if the *Dowe'on* Tribunal has something to say about it!"

Everyone laughs. "The final power is the Union of Uru," the ambassador
sighs. "Currently, the Union also faces a crossroads. We're taking a wait-
and-see posture when it comes to pending reforms the Democratic Alliance of
Uru are soon to present to the Urusian people. If they initiate reforms, then
we wish them the best. What the United Nations will do with concern to Uru is
their decision, not Uru's. And we will guarantee it if Earth decides they no
longer desire to deal with the Urusian government. Yes?" she points.

"What about Lum?" a reporter asks. "Where does she fit in all this?"

Kimaenowakai emits a depressed sigh. "The facts are simple. Lum no
Midorinokaminoke-oni is our *daimon'cha's* Other. Let me explain. When we
decided twelve years ago that Ataru Moroboshi would become *daimon'cha,* we
then learned he was psi-bonded to someone else. We referred to that person as
'the Other.' That someone is Lum. We later learned it was one of our own
people...Executive Assistant Noa, to be precise...who psi-bonded Ataru and Lum
fourteen years ago when Lum was accidentally transported to Earth from Triton.
This act was done with Ataru's and Lum's full consent. I must note that back
then, we were nothing more than living logic machines. Further, we're trained
to listen to children, because even with their lack of experience, what they
say is valuable because it reflects what they feel."

"Because of that, how is Lum seen by your people?"

"She is a Sagussan citizen," Kimaenowakai announces. "Regardless of how
she became a part of us, Lum has the indisputable right to live with us, seek
our protection from those who would hurt her. And, remembering that oxymoron
on Phentax Two called the Church of Lum, that includes those who would pervert
her, the people she loves, her friends and her very life into some vile
abomination she clearly wishes no longer to be a part of!"

Hearing this, Oogi begins to smoke. "This bond which exists between
Ataru and Lum is unbreakable!" Kimaenowakai adds. "No power in this galaxy
can shatter it. Already, people have tried. Lum cannot return to Sagussa, to
Ataru and Reiko, because criminals don't like the idea that they should wed.
They have already tried to brainwash her into killing Ataru. They failed and
they paid the penalty for it. But others are out there, planning to do
unspeakable things to a Sagussan citizen. I'm pleased to note that I've
discussed this matter with Princess Lupica," she nods to the crown princess.
"She has given us her full support and cooperation, permitted us to go out and
seek those responsible for hurting one of our citizens and make him pay!"

Kimaenowakai then faces the camera. "And let me tell you something,
whoever you are," her voice turns to brittle ice. "Wherever you are, whoever
you are, we WILL find you. And we will destroy you with the full level of
fury and anger we can muster! The attempted alteration of another's thought
patterns is a capital crime on Sagussa. Don't bother trying to hide. We have
eight hundred year lifespans on average, plus we have ways of avoiding death
should that possibility confront us. YOU don't, whoever you are...and sooner
or later, you will slip up...and we will be there waiting for you!"

The television is shut off. "Looks like Ataru just gave his people a
hunting license," Koosei muses. "And there's no bag limit!"

Everyone grimly nods. Nearby, Oogi shudders with rage. *So!* he
mentally growls. *He wants to punish us for our veneration of Lum-sama, eh?!
We'll see about that!!!*

* * *

Within a day, the Earth-Sagussa Mutual Recognition and Alliance Treaty,
the first intergalactic treaty signed by the United Nations in the wake of
Resolution 442, becomes reality. The General Assembly, its members acting on
the orders of their home governments, unanimously vote for the treaty's
acceptance. A modification to Resolution 444 is also passed, excluding
Sagussan citizens from its restrictions.

With the stroke of a pen, Terran industrialists are forever hamstrung
from seeking to exploit Sagussan technology to serve their own purposes. The
Non-Interference Directive forbids that. Also, fringe radical forces who
would exploit aliens to press their dark agendas are trapped. If a Sagussan
is discovered to be victimized by such forces, the captors would be located,
targeted and exterminated by Sagussan-Terran rescue teams. Manipulating a
Sagussa against her will is a capital crime, punished by complete mind-wiping
and mental reprogramming. That is also in the treaty.

Immigration is covered. Terrans can migrate to Sagussa. A two year
acclimatization program would be run by the Sagussan Embassy in New York City
before the immigrant could migrate. While restrictions are not mentioned in
treaty, an unwritten agreement about the type of prospective citizen Sagussa
desires is made. Males preferred, but that would disappear as the gender
balance reaches an equilibrium. Of course, women fleeing oppression would
automatically be permitted to migrate. All immigrants must possess an open-
minded attitude about living in a matriarchal society. No religious
missionaries whatsoever; the Directive, working on its "two-way" principal,
forbids the import of foreign beliefs into Sagussa. Likewise, Sagussan faith
could not be promulgated on Earth.

Foreign relations come last. Earth is free to enter further alliances
with other races. An alliance with Triton seemed logical; the two share the
same solar system. However, Earth has no right to include Sagussa into such
alliances. Resolution 444 still hangs like Damocles' sword over other races.
Sagussa would provide technical assistance in flushing out alien terrorists
who attempt to disrupt Earth society. Sagussa could make war on any race if
Earth's safety is threatened. If necessary, Sagussa could erect permanent
bases on the Moon and Mars if the threat is of a long-term nature. Of course,
as soon as Earth developed its own technology and was capable of assuming its
own defensive responsibilities, Sagussa would immediately vacate those bases.

* * *

Reaction is immediate.

Observers from Vos and Zephyrus invited to inspect the treaty before
passing declare it a fair document. An edict from the Holy Republic divorces
Zephyrus from protecting Earth, although such would change if Zephyrite
interests are threatened. Vos passes a law declaring Earth under Sagussa's
overall purview, setting the foundation for a possible Vos-Sagussa treaty.

The Ipraedies and Seifukusu propaganda machines denounce the treaty as a
first step of a Sagussan conquest of Earth...and from there, who knows?
However, problems in those empires render their militaristic bombast nothing
more than empty air.

The Federation also remains quiet. A conference between various heads
of state and governments concludes that since neither Earth nor Sagussa is a
part of the Federation, there is little they could do to change matters.
Besides, Sagussa appeared friendly to the Federations' interests...and with
Sagussa present, the Ipraedies and the Dominion would be wary.

However, there are two objecting voices. The Federation's leader is
currently dealing with one. "General, I don't begin to understand why Uru has
a problem with Sagussa protecting Earth," Lupica stares at the image before
her. "Surely Uru would welcome the chance to redeploy forces to more pressing
areas of concern. With the immenient possibility of an Ipraedies civil war,
your border with the Empire could become a flash point."

Yethis' eyes narrow. "Your Highness, for the past three years, my
people have taken many hits because of the problem Earth presents not just to
us, but to the Federation as a whole," the chief-of-staff sighs. "The idea of
being chased out of that system without the chance to defend our actions is
galling. Surely it must be evident that permitting this total unknown into
Federation space is more a threat than a blessing."

*A threat to you, you mean!* Lupica mentally sneers. "We are taking a
risk, I do admit," she sighs. "But with a person YOUR people selected to be
Earth's tag champion, a person soon to become the son-in-law of one of YOUR
leaders, as Sagussa's head of state? If Ataru Moroboshi can't guarantee the
Republic's neutrality, I'm not sure who can."

"I don't trust him," Yethis muses. "He's overreacted with us since the
day we made him Earth's tag champion. His motives make him more than a risk
to the safety of all of us. May I remind you, Your Highness, Moroboshi has no
real reason to love you," he knowingly smiles.

Lupica shudders, then smiles. "If he dislikes me so much, why did he
install my spirit-sister as the Republic's Surgeon-General?" she muses.
"While merit always matter, I'm sure Ataru's patronage has something to do
with it. His actions on Sagussa have made more of a statement about how he
considers non-Terrans than any other form of reconciliation. And may I remind
you, General, that the Federation's ruling council runs on majority vote. Uru
and Phentax Two were outvoted. Live with it!"

She snaps off the comm line denying Yethis his response. An aide ushers
in Ambassador Kimaenowakai. The Vosian-turned-Sagussan has a disgusted look
on her face. "What's wrong?" Lupica notes.

"Oogi," Kimaenowakai holds up notes she took from the conversation she
had with the Niphentaxian president.

"Oh, Fates, what does he want?" Lupica groans. Watching Oogi continue
his mindless antics was nauseating enough without remembering his political
power as the head of state of a Federation member.

"Here are his demands before Phentax Two could ever accept Sagussa's
treaty with Earth," the ambassador snorts. "Ataru has to be removed as head
of state, then extradited to Phentax Two to face trial for genocide. Noa has
to be extradited to Phentax Two to face trial for coercion of the great Lum
and her Holy Company. The *daishi'cha* have to submit to the teachings of the
Church of Lum, renouncing all native 'pagan' faiths. Those who planned the
destruction of the Niphentaxian forces over Earth are to be extradited to
Phentax Two for war crimes trials. Finally, Sagussa has to assist Phentax Two
in the recapture and submission of escaped slaves...the Avalonians, in other
words. And so on and so forth..."

"Oh, spare me!!" Lupica shudders. "What did you say?"

"Ataru would get back to him," Kimaenowakai smiles.

"I can guess how Ataru would do that," the princess muses...

* * *

Ataru holds the *haijo-ju* in his hand, sitting in lotus position on his
bed. The device's ruby-like crystal...it is red diamond meson...glows as its
energies flow into the *daimon'cha's* body. Ataru pays the probes no mind; he
had already tasted the fire long ago. In Takenotsuka, where he took the first
step which led him to this place, embracing his destiny.

Now, as always, agents of Entropy manoeuvre to challenge him. No
matter. As an agent of Creation, it was Ataru's duty to confront Entropy.
Not natural Entropy, of course; against that, everyone fought a losing battle.
But Entropy guided by mortal hands...ah, that was another matter.

The communique from Kimaenowakai had arrived some time before. After a
collective laugh, Ataru decided to meditate on the matter. Once in his
quarters, he had taken the *haijo-ju* in hand and got to work. He had not
forgotten the message the *te'a* left him after his meeting with Lyna.
Nassur's and Benten's child was in mortal danger. The *te'a* was involved,
which automatically demanded Ataru's involvement.

After all, he had to repay the *te'a* for being able to use the Cyborg.

Through the mists of Eternity, Ataru's mind reaches, shielding himself
from Its power. The only way the energy of the *te'a* could be tapped by
mortal hands was through a receptacle like the *haijo-ju.* Besides Horan's
final product, at least a dozen prototypes had been constructed. Scattered by
the Clone Rights War, their whereabouts (save for the Sceptre of Lecasur) were
unknown to this day...


Ataru blinks. A dungeon somewhere. Images appear. Cherubic little
Junba innocently sleeps in a golden bowl. Hovering over her are several monks
reminding the *daimon'cha* of Soyuha oMoroboshi's mechanical lackeys he had
destroyed in the Twentieth Millennium. One, an evil looking man, glares at
the sleeping babe as if she was a virus. His facial details become known.

Concentrating, he listens to voices. "This baby's existence will soon
end," a monk intones. "Sad, but necessary. Our race has never been so united
than under the Church of Lum. The Holy Company must be frozen in place..."

Ataru jolts, his revulsion for the Niphentaxians forcing him free of the
*te'a's* influence. They were going to kill Junba just to ensure Nassur and
Benten, ALL of Lum's friends, could not escape the roles Oogi's lunatics had
forced on them?! Shuddering, he rises, eyes ablaze, then storms out of his
quarters, striding into the Galactic Situation Room.

The Situation Room is where Sagussans could keep watch over the other
planets of the galaxy, usually through rover units. Currently, it is staffed
by a mixture of defence, external affairs and intelligence personnel. "Can I
help you, Ataru?" Makoto wonders.

"Where's Feb and the others?" Ataru asks.

"Aboard the 'Lyna'cha.' Is there a problem?"

"Yes," he nods. "We're going to destroy the Church of Lum!"

Hearing that, the duty personnel cheer...

* * *

"Phentax Two, to any race inside the Barrier, is one very tough nut to
crack," Janny briefs Ataru, Benten and the defence chiefs sometime later
aboard the "Lyna'cha." With Ataru's order, troops were mobilizing, preparing
for the long-sought battle. "First, the Niphentaxian Navy. It's battle
strength is three thousand ships. Combat craft include four hundred
battleships, over a thousand minor combat craft and a dozen mobile Planet
Destroyers. According to latest intelligence, the majority of the Defence
Force is based in the other solar systems the Niphentaxians claim. A
reinforced squadron is near New Avalon, obviously to coerce the Avalonians
into returning to their 'proper' place in life."

Growls of disgust and disapproval emanate from the defence bosses. "The
real problem begins with Niko-Phentax's natural defenses," Janny indicates the
nebula surrounding the star and her four charges. "This nebula is almost as
dense as the Galactic Barrier itself. No ships from other races can punch
through it. No problem with our ships. However, there is a gate, always
opening toward Hito-Phentax," she points to the yawning gap facing the trinary
system's central star. "This is the only clear path to Phentax Two.

"Guarding that are the System Destroyers," Janny indicates the six Death
Star-like gun stations ringing the inside of the nebula. "Compared to the
Kamahanite versions, they're nowhere in the same ballpark. They are quite
good at what they can do...wrecking fleets. The Mikado learned that the hard
way. Inside that, there're patrol forces around Phentax Two, Three and Four."

"Quite a multi-layered defence," Elle muses.

Benten stares at Ataru. "How do you want to play it?"

Ataru sighs. "We should hit the planet itself," he wipes his face.
Boy, it was hot in here! "Destroy the fleet but leave Phentax Two, Oogi can
just build a new one. What we have to do...is destroy Phentax Two's ability
to threaten another race. Any suggestions?"

"If I may," Janny faces him. "We've already prepared a battle plan to
fit those parameters."

"What are we targeting?" Oryuu wonders.

Janny turns to Jun, asking her to call up the battle plan...

* * *

"We've looked everywhere!" Benten tearfully sighs as she collapses on
the sofa. "Where is she?! What have they done to her?!"

Nassur shakes his head. Several times, his powers had detected Junba's
brainwaves. Each time, SOMETHING blocked him from triangulating her location.
If that something was the *haijo-ju* prototype they had detected earlier, then
it meant both good news and bad. The good news was that Junba was still
alive. The bad was that her captors were not going to allow the baby's
parents the chance to find her. Nassur had not given up hope, although it
looked very grim. Koosei was right, he had realized; how DO you fight the
power of all of Existence? "She's still alive," he sighs.

"I hope so," Benten shakes her head. "I hope so. Damn, damn..."

Sobbing, she sinks into Nassur's embrace. Tears brim the Vosian's eyes
as he reflects on their situation. They were hostages to the Church of Lum, a
church which technically worshipped them because of their friendship to the
Oni. Hostages to a deeper faith, older, probably as old as Phentax Two's
race, a faith which shielded the many to the cost of the one. And until
something changed, they would remain hostages. Helpless.

The door opens, revealing Lan. The Seishin teen slams the door behind
her. "Damn!!"

"What?" Benten wonders.

"I wanna go home!" Lan snarls. "I've had it with this damn rock, doing
nothing but listening to my so-called 'loyal faithful' praise me to the skies!
I want to take Rei-chan back to Earth and forget this place existed!! But do
you think these goofballs would let us go?! No!!! We have to stay here!!
The planet's on a war alert now!! It's not safe for Lum-sama's frigging Holy
Company to leave the bosom of their loyal worshippers while they're trying to
destroy those heretics on Sagussa!!!"

Nassur and Benten blink. "Is that what they told you?" the former asks.

"Yeah!!" Lan snaps. "Oogi, stupid idiot he is, sent a list of demands
to Darling before Phentax Two would accept the Earth-Sagussa Treaty! You
never heard such garbage!! There's no way Darling could possibly accept any
of them! Lucky thing the rest of the Federation isn't that stupid!!"

"Where is Oogi?" Nassur rises. "I think it's time to hash this out
before someone gets hurt, namely us!"

"Oh, don't bet on seeing him!" Lan snorts. "His Noble Excellency the
President is now with his wonderful fleet doing exercises!! I heard from one
of his aides that he's going to personally lead the attack on the godless
Terrans who dared reject the Great Lum's blessed teachings!!"

"They're going to attack Earth?!!" Benten exclaims. "Is he nuts?!"

"Oh, believe me, he is!!" Lan shudders, then looks away. "This is just
crazy! Earth's my home, for heaven's sake!! Why is Oogi so hell-bent on
destroying them?! They have nothing to do with Lum!!"

"Oogi doesn't care," Nassur sighs. "In his own way, he believes in the
same thing those animals who kidnapped Junba-chan believe: if we change,
Phentax Two is doomed! Ataru and Lum are charging full speed ahead and he
can't hack it!! Lecasur's Soul, dealing with Shutaro and the others was easy
for Ataru in comparison to Oogi!"

"Is there any news?" Lan wonders.

"You actually care?" Benten sarcastically asks.

Lan's eyes flash. "Please, Benten...don't start with me!"

"Enough, both of you!!" Nassur snaps. "Let's get everyone together.
We'll send a communique to King Fuyu on Triton. Everyone else'll be
transported home via the Central Warp Chamber. Oogi's idiots haven't yet
discovered how to stop that! Benten and I'll stay here to find our daughter,
then we'll join you."

"Fine, then," Lan sighs. "I'll tell everyone."

In minutes, everyone gathers in the main living room. "Any news on
Aiotoga?" Shinobu wonders.

"Nothing, although I still suspect she's alive," Nassur weakly smiles.
"The *te'a* energies are still blocking my tracking powers. It prevents me
from finding her, which indicates she's still alive. If she was...dead, there
would be no need to shield her brainwaves; she wouldn't have any."

"Sensei, we should divine if Junba-chan is alive," Tanoshii turns to

"Agreed," the elder priestess nods.

"I'm already at work," Cherry announces.

Everyone turns to see him hard at work cooking something on a portable
burner. "I was able to obtain the necessary ingredients from those who've
taken me for their inspiration," the monk lightly smiles. "I did remember to
keep my purpose secret, through. Now, let's see what we can discover..."

"Cherry," Koosei shudders.

"What is it, lad?"

The teacher clasps his hands together as if praying. "PLEASE, Cherry...
get the ingredients right!!"

Cherry nods, then takes his beads and begins his prayers. Everyone is
still as the monk intones his petitions, then stares at his stew. More
prayers, another stare. Time seems to stand still as Cherry continues his
work. Finally, Cherry reads the results. "Your child is alive...for now," he
sighs. "But she is trapped in the embrace of the dark phoenix."

Everyone breathes out in relief. "Wait!" Cherry holds up his hand.
"There's more!!"

"More?!" Sil gulps.

"Yes," the monk's eyes narrow. "The light phoenix approaches. Ataru
comes with a mighty host. He will be the one who frees young Junba from the
grip of the dark phoenix. But when those powers clash...Doom will come to
many...too many to count..."

Shuddering, Cherry turns away. "Uncle," Sakura moves to his side.

"I fear for the lad's soul, niece," Cherry shakes his head. "I tried my
best to help him, aid him in fighting the demons clawing at him, even though
I, like all of us, did not begin to understand the true demons ravaging him.
Sadly, my all-too human frailties soured Ataru's opinion of me and my advice.
I knew this was coming...a long time ago. If Ataru embraced the phoenix's
power, he would become Its slave, bound to It for good and ill. But now...now
it is too late. He has embraced the phoenix...and doomed himself. Now...not
even Buddha himself knows where Ataru's destiny will take him. Will he ever
reach Nirvana...or will he be forced to live through this again and again
before he achieves his peace?"

Everyone stares at Cherry. "I think...that given what Cherry has
discovered, we better get to a place of safety," Megane adjusts his glasses.
"Nassur, are there any bomb shelters in this place?"

"I'm not sure," the Vosian shakes his head.

"If this city is an exact duplicate of Tomobiki, then there has to be a
Mendou Clan special emergency shelter in the Ginza," Mendou muses. "We could
be safe there."

"Let's get to it, then!" Benten nods.

The crowd swiftly streams out of the mansion, attracting the attention
of several guards. "Honoured Sirs, Ladies, where are you going?" one salutes
with his rifle, standing in their path.

Aijooa's eyes glance up. "Hey, what was that?!" she points.

Everyone turns to her, then looks up. A brilliant flash of light
appears against the crimson backdrop of Niko-Phentax's nebula veil. Seeing
it, the soldier shudders. "Oh, no...!"

"What was that?" Nassur demands.

"That was one of the System Destroyers, I think," the soldier shakes.
"It's either fired on something...or it's..."

Suddenly, air raid sirens blare over the mansion. A Kuromegane runs out
of the mansion. "Red alert!!!" he screams over a megaphone. "All the System
Destroyers have been destroyed!!! Inner patrol forces are under attack by
alien forces!!! Battle stations!!! Battle stations!!!"

Pandemonium erupts as soldiers and bodyguards scramble to defense
stations. Battle tanks and patrol craft leap into action. In the middle of
this, everyone remains in place. "How could the System Destroyers have been
attacked at once?" Oyuki wonders.

"Six System Destroyers," Koosei winks. "One superdreadnought, one
command battlecruiser, four defence monitors. No contest."

"With the fleet gone..." Lan pales, "Darling's attacking here!!"

A Kuromegane comes up. "Honoured Sirs, Ladies, please come with us! We
will take you to an emergency shelter downtown," he indicates a series of
command cars.

"Thanks!!!" Megane screams as everyone clambers into the vehicles...

* * *

The skies over Phentax Two become no-man's land as the Niphentaxian
local patrol forces, long unexercised due to the supposed invulnerability of
the home system from outside attack, is overwhelmed by the rampaging hornets
of the Fourth Sagussan Fleet, still under Oryuu's temporary command. Forming
an encompassing bracket over the planet, Sagussa's six battle craft prepare to
unleash a firestorm on the vulnerable world below. "If it moves, shoot it!!"
Benten barks to her field commanders. "If it grows, burn it!! If it can
build, wreck it!! We've got a five hour margin at best before Oogi's fleet
can get back here to give us another headache!!! Kick ass!!"

The squadron and unit commanders bark affirmatives. In a minute, the
warships' main gun batteries locate their targets. "All warships, this is the
Gatherer!!" Elle barks over her personal comm set, standing on the bridge by
the watchmistress' station. "Main batteries, commence, commence!!"

A storm of particle fire and missiles streams to the surface. Tipped
with a mixture of annihilation and tactical nuclear warheads, they unleash a
firestorm on their targets. Between the target zones of the bombarding
capital ships, Gladiators, Warsuits and hovercycles sweep on bombing and
strafing runs. Whole cities are transformed into great funeral pyres. Fields
of grains and produce are set aflame. Power stations are forever shut down.
Industries are gutted, turned into scrap.

A planet's very means of survival is destroyed in an instant!!

* * *

Darkness shrouds the cave below the Great Lum Church. The roar of
oncoming death does not reach this place as the monks continue their prayers
of banishment. Junba still sleeps in her sacrificial urn. Watching over her,
its ruby eye winking with the weak link of the *te'a,* is the element
preventing Nassur from locating his child.

Fourteen thousand years ago, Sagussans called it the Staff of Gihan.

Beside the Staff is a handsome woman, distantly resembling Otako. Robed
in a matching shawl, she is blessing a knife with a twisted blade. Her eyes
weakly glow, the influence of the Staff all too apparent. It was sheer luck
that the Staff of Gihan had been located, drifting somewhere near the Densha
star system, by elements of her particular faith. Perhaps it was Fate that
armed them with the power to ensure their people would survive.

They cal themselves Guardians, these monks. Acknowledging the faith of
the day, but watchful of signs which could endanger the Niphentaxian race.
Their importance became paramount when the Church of Lum became so widespread,
so accepted. They knew the ancient prophecy warning of impending destruction
should this state of affairs evolve to its dread conclusion.

A conclusion Ataru Moroboshi had been engineering for over a year!

From a distance, they observed, growing more frightened as days passed.
Ataru's power was unholy, his determination to free Lum and her friends from
the loving embrace of their Niphentaxian servants apparent from the beginning.
He had proven how powerful he was on Phentax Twelve, slaughtering her child
and four million colonists without a second's hesitation. That made this
personal, Hekiko's eyes burned.

Then Luck was kind to give Otako's mother the power to destroy Ataru,
she purrs as her hands grasp the Staff. It too tapped into the power Ataru
called on to become the Cyborg. It had taken her several months to learn how
to control it, manipulate it. Now, with Ataru no longer directly connected to
the *te'a,* he could not save himself.

The door opens, revealing a panicked monk. "Lady Hekiko, the Maidens
are here!!" he exclaims. "They're destroying everything!!!"

Hekiko's eyes glow. "It's time!" she rises, knife in hand. She then
notices Junba still asleep. "Sleep, little one," she sighs. "Soon, you will
rest for eternity..."

* * *

Inside Lumukyou's special emergency shelter below the city's Ginza,
everyone shudders as the distant roar of explosions increases in ferocity.
The Sagussans were closing in on Lumukyou, surrounding the capital city with a
sea of fire. The ground itself quakes under the relentless hammering.
"Lecashuto sounded like this when they came," Nassur mutters.

"Geez, what's he doing out there?!" Megane moves to look outside.
"Trying to rescue us or unleashing Armageddon?!"

"Siddown, you idiot!!" Ryuunosuke snaps. "Now's not the time to get
curious! This isn't a game, you know!!"

Megane is quickly yanked down by Tanoshii. Suddenly, the door bursts
open, revealing a panicked guard. "Save yourselves...!" he screams.

A burst of bullets shreds him. Priss' face then stares into the
shelter. "So, there you are!!" the coxswain exclaims. "C'mon, let's go!!"

"About time!!!" Benten exclaims as they scramble out of the shelter...

...and walk into a nightmare. "Oh, gods!!!" Sakura gapes.

Lumukyou is aflame. Missiles and bullets scream around them as
buildings are torn apart, houses crushed. Screams are everywhere as Nassur's
party find themselves surrounded by Pathfinder Troop Six. "Don't you people
do ANYTHING with subtlety?!" the Vosian exclaims, staring at Sylia.

"When someone is making use of a *haijo-ju* prototype, we don't take
chances!" Sylia snaps. "We found your child! She's in a cave below the Great
Lum Church!!"

"Bensaiten's Grave, right under our own noses!" Benten exclaims.

"Best place to hide someone," Sylia smiles. "Asuka!!"

"Yo?!" Asukanoevan walks up.

"Scoop up some ground transport, get the rest of these people to the
'Renegade,'" the commander barks. "I'm sure they can take the ship up to the
Gatherer for the trip home. Nassur, Benten, you two care to join us?"

"Our pleasure!!" Nassur growls.

Linna's communicator sounds off. "Pathfinder Six here!" she responds,
then blinks. "HE'S WHERE?!?!?!"

* * *

To Ataru's surprise, the Great Lum Church had weathered the bombardment
the Gatherer unleashed on Lumukyou unscathed. He did not mind it; he wanted
the pleasure of wrecking this place himself. Taking a Phantom armoured combat
spacesuit from the Gatherer to the surface, he brought two things with him.
His *qu'f-piaqu'r* and the *haijo-ju.* With the latter strapped to his waist,
he loads high velocity scattershot into the musket, then kicks his way through
the front door.

Screams of outrage echo from the church's guards as Ataru finds himself
surrounded. His weapon thunders, cutting them down before theirs could reply.
They prove ineffective; Ataru's personal shield belt turns back all incoming
fire. As the guards are cut down, he moves into the foyer. The *haijo-ju*
glows, its energy resonating with its weaker sister below. Staring at it, he
smiles. "Close, eh?" he slings the musket. "Let's go introduce ourselves,"
he takes his other weapon in hand.

The ruby glows star-white, melting the floor below Ataru's feet, then
allows him to drop into the cave. His eyes quickly adjust to the dark as he
notes the presence of an underground chapel, something which had to predate
the Church of Lum. "Surprise!!!" he barks.

Monks cry as they notice who had barged in. An angry mob lunges as
Ataru. The *haijo-ju* glows again...and they disintegrate! "Too much sun,"
Ataru quips as he walks into the chapel, then stops.

Hekiko hovers over Junba, the knife poised to plunge into the baby's
heart. The Staff of Gihan is in her other hand. "So, you decided to come at
last, butcher!!" she snarls, her eyes aflame.

"Who are you?" Ataru evenly inquires.

"I'm the mother of the priestess you butchered on Phentax Twelve, along
with four million other innocent people," the priest growls.

"Otako's mother?" Ataru blinks. "Well, she is alive...albeit as an
Avalonian now...and living on New Avalon. As for the rest, they were killed
by that curse meant to hurt Lum. Now, if you don't mind, I want the Staff, I
want Junba-chan and if you interfere, I'll kill you."

At that moment, Pathfinder Troop Six, Nassur and Benten arrive.
"Aiotoga!!!" the Fukunokami screams, then levels her gun on Hekiko. "You
bitch!!!" she fires.

The bullets deflect off a forcefield surrounding the Niphentaxian
priest. Hekiko laughs. "Do you think you can stop me from saving my race?!"
she exclaims. "Some thanks for the people who've respected and cared for you
all this time!"

"You call what you've done to us 'RESPECT?!?!'" Nassur exclaims.

"Did you expect anything less?" Ataru stares at the Vosian, then glares
at Hekiko, taking a step toward her.

"Don't!!!" Hekiko screams. "If you do, this child dies!!"

"You were going to kill her anyway!" Ataru snaps, raising his hand.
"All just to protect your worthless planet. Well, I've had it with you and
your race! It's time **I** started putting people out of MY misery!!
Besides..." he snaps his fingers.

Junba and her sacrificial urn disappear...to reappear at Ataru's feet!
Hekiko gasps as Ataru smiles. "My connection to the *te'a* is a lot more
secure than yours!" he shrugs.

"No...!" she cries.

The glow in the Staff's ruby fades. Seeing his chance, Nassur levels
his gun and fires! The bullet rips out Hekiko's heart, flinging the priest
against the far wall. The Staff drops to the floor as Hekiko collapses.
"There!!" Nassur sighs. "Now, we can leave!"

"Aiotoga!!!" Benten drops her weapon, running over to grasp her child.

Junba's eyes flutter open, then she gurgles, rubbing her head against
her mother's skin. Benten sinks to her knees, crying with relief that her
baby is safe. Nassur embraces them both, his cheeks wet. "Um...guys," Priss

"Wh-what?" Benten wonders.

The coxswain points. Everyone turns to see Hekiko haltingly rise, the
Staff in hand. "You...will...not..." she gasps, her eyes burning.

The Staff of Gihan glows bright white, blinding those around the dying
priest! Everyone screams as the energy explodes from the ruby, funnelling up
to obliterate the Great Lum Church!! As the warriors of the Sagussan Navy
watch in horror from orbit, the energy spreads like a wave from Lumukyou,
encompassing the whole planet in the blink of an eye. In every town, in every
commune, the energy snakes through homes. Some people are spared, wondering
what they did to deserve this divine salvation.

Others...too many others...die.

The glow fades, the energy returning to the *te'a.* It leaves behind a
devastated planet. No fires burn. A black pall hangs over Phentax Two.
Skeletons stand where great cities once teamed with life. Nothing remains of
over three billion people save ashes...

* * *

"What happened?!!" Benten exclaims.

As everyone's vision returns, they find themselves in an open pit.
Ataru quickly takes a head-count of survivors. Nassur, Benten, Junba, Sylia,
Priss, Reinoevan, Linna, Nene. Turning to where Hekiko stands, all he sees is
the smoldering Staff of Gihan, its ruby forever dark, standing like a grave
marker over the priest's final location in this realm. Walking forward, Ataru
kicks the Staff over. It falls, the ruby shattering on impact.

The silence is deafening. Ataru slips the *haijo-ju* into his belt as
he climbs out of the hole, looking around. Very little of Lumukyou remains.
Gladiators and Warsuits roar overhead, still hunting for targets. Nearby, the
"Renegade" departs Lumukyou's spaceport, the frigate manoeuvering toward the
site of the Great Lum Church. Ataru squints as he sees everyone else who had
been with Lum plus Asukanoevan on the bridge. At least they were safe.

But the cost...

The cost...

Nassur and Benten climb out of the hole, then Sylia passes Junba up.
"Lecasur's Eternal Soul!!" the Vosian exclaims, looking around. "What

"What did you expect, Nassur?" Ataru stares at him. "She so fervently
believed that if everyone freed themselves from the Church of Lum, Phentax Two
would die..."

"Her beliefs impregnated themselves into the Staff," Reinoevan sighs.
"And when Ataru proved himself superior..."

"The Staff made her wish reality," Sylia sighs.

Nassur and Benten stare in disbelief at Pathfinder Troop Six's
commander. "You mean...the whole planet...?" the latter is ashen-faced.

By that time, "Renegade" lands. Everyone pours out, the horror on their
faces revealing that they just learned something they truly did not want to
know. "Oh, Aiotoga's safe!!" Shinobu cries as she runs up to stare at her
goddaughter. "Thank the gods!!!"

"What happened?" Sylia turns to Asukanoevan.

"They just did the fatality count," the chief sighs. "Three billion."

Nassur and Benten gape. "But...there were five billion people on this
planet..." the former feels his legs go.

"Not anymore," Asukanoevan shakes her head. "Near as Feb and the others
can figure, the Staff of Gihan sought out and killed all the hard-core Church
of Lum believers it could find. The survivors, at least from what the ground
forces are learning, either aren't so fanatic about it...or never bought into
it in the first place."

Everyone finds themselves unable to speak. "Ding dong, the wicked witch
is dead..." Koosei mutters. "And she took everyone with her."

"I wanted them to get a life, not all end up dead!" Lan exclaims, for
the first time in her life feeling sorry for these people.

Ataru sighs, then turns to Sylia. "Get everyone packed up. We're going

"Yes, sir," the commander nods.

The non-Sagussans stare at him, stunned. "How could you stand there and
be so calm about it?!" Shinobu gasps.

Ataru's eyes narrow. "I was there when six billion died on Hustaros,"
he evenly states. "You might say I'm acclimatized to it."

With that, he walks away...

* * *

"We cannot profoundly express our shock at this tragedy," Kimaenowakai
faces the reporters several hours later. The Sagussan Navy cleared out of
Niphentaxian space an hour before Oogi's forces arrived. "Simply put, the
facts are this. The Niphentaxians secretly believed that if some force
disrupted their social structures, they would face destruction. This
effectively trapped Lum and her friends when the Church of Lum was founded,
then gained such widespread acceptance. It is Entropy's way to keep things in
place, halt development. But it is the way of Creation to explore new things.
In embracing Creation, Lum and her friends took control of their lives, freed
themselves from Entropy's grasp. At the same time, they threatened the very
foundation of the Church of Lum. All this situation required was one demented
fanatic armed with a weapon she did not begin to properly understand...and
three billion people paid the supreme penalty for their faith."

The ambassador then faces the cameras. "But in our eyes, the true
guilty party is the man responsible for this state of affairs," her eyes flash
with sullen rage. "The man who, without regard to his people's feelings or
the feelings of the one he 'worshipped,' created this Church of Lum. Oogi is
no better than a stalker, drawing poor, deprived individuals into his warped
game. We hold him personally responsible for the mindless deaths of three
billion people...and we pray the Niphentaxians see fit to punish him..."

Shinobu shuts off the remote, lying on her bed. Once again, everyone
found themselves on the Gatherer proceeding to Earth. Nassur, Benten and
Junba returned to Home Base, escorted by a monitor and a Gladiator squadron
looking for a fight. This time, they made it home unmolested. So would she.
An exhausted sigh escaping her, she rises, heading to the bridge. There, she
finds Oryuu in command. "Oryuu, is Ataru-kun in his bedroom?"

The fleet shipmistress nods. "He's alone."

Shinobu presses the doorbell. The door opens a minute later. Inside,
Ataru relaxes in his bed, working on a datapadd. The *haijo-ju* sits on his
nightstand, its ruby glowing. Shinobu represses a shudder, giving the device
a healthy dose of respect as she sits beside her former boyfriend. "What is
it, Shinobu?" he blinks.

She stares at him. "You don't seem to care."

He sighs, placing the padd aside. "What do you want me to do?!" he
wonders. "Do you want me weep for the innocents who lost their lives? Do you
want me to vent rage at Hekiko for using the Staff against her people? Do you
want me to plot Oogi's assassination, maybe?!"

"Well, feel something!!!" she cries.

"I can't!!!" he roars.

Shinobu trembles as he looks away. "Maybe if this was a year ago, I
would feel something," he sighs. "But...I've seen too much. I've experienced
too much. Now...now with this inner eye that lets me LOOK at the *te'a*
Itself, I can't react anymore when someone dies! Especially after Hustaros!
Thank Lyna I couldn't see that happening..."

"Ataru, you have to feel something," Shinobu pleads.

"I do," he exhales. "But you want to know something? This is the
simple truth of life as I understand it. When you're born, you're separated
from the *te'a.* You die, you return to the *te'a.* You either die naturally
or you choose your time of death, but in the end run, that's the way it works,
Shinobu. I can't scream at Hekiko because she wanted to die. I couldn't stop
that. I can't scream at the Niphentaxians because they were so hollow, they
allowed themselves to be killed. I couldn't prevent that, no matter how hard
I tried. What am I supposed to do?"

Silence falls over the room as Shinobu finds herself shuddering. Until
now, she had held a deep hope that Ataru would somehow revert to his old self.
Not the sex-crazed idiot before Icarus, but the maturing young man who still
retained some of his previous attributes. His profound love of life, most of
all. The man who, in the end, would never hurt a fly. The one who always
helped people discover their dreams. But how could that person exist in the
face of the transformation which had forever altered Ataru Moroboshi's life?
He would mourn; she realized that much. But in the end he would go on. That,
she found hard to accept. She may never accept it.

Shinobu turns to leave. "Stay."

She blinks, then faces Ataru. "Ataru-kun...?"

Ataru sits up, then gently draws her to him. Shinobu's body tingles as
his autonomic psi-probes dance through her nervous system. To her horror, she
realizes that Ataru could read her mind, learn all her darkest secrets.

"I can't do that, Shinobu-chan," he shakes his head. "Probing that far
down invokes a *marei'cha* bond. I don't think you want that, do you?"

Shinobu shudders, then feels the tingling stop. "You're still learning
how to be one of them, aren't you?" she muses.

"Yeah," he nods, then remembering the padd, picks it up, presses several
controls, then places it beside the *haijo-ju.*

"What is that?"

"A proposal Mikan put forth," he explains, then at her questioning
stare, elaborates. "She's a maintenance engineer. With three friends, she
formed a little club called 'Ataru's bodyguards.'"

"WHAT?!?!" Shinobu cries, then covers her face. "Oh, no!!! Spare us!!"

Both laugh. "Relax, they aren't as crazy as Lum's," Ataru relaxes
beside her. "After analyzing what's been happening to me since Colony
Seventy-one, they realized that I needed a weapon which would frighten people
into leaving Lum and I alone. That was their project proposal."

"Did you approve it?"



"Relax," he gently touches her lips. "The way they have it structured,
it would be under a dozen safeguards PLUS my personal control. It's a weapon
of last resort, Shinobu. Nothing offensive about it."

She blinks, sensing the calm in his voice. Shinobu realizes that Ataru
would desire this weapon to be of that nature. Maybe the old Ataru had not
disappeared after all. "Let's stop talking about that, now," she sighs.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Shinobu hums, then smiles. "Us."

"Do you want there to be an 'us?'" Ataru blinks. "Our situation isn't
the same as before. Remember, the rules have changed, too."

"Well, then," she draws him into an embrace, "I guess I'll just have to
learn how the new rules work."

He gazes into her eyes. No, she possessed no feelings towards forging a
relationship like he possessed with Lum and Noa. Still she deeply cared for
him. She loved him. She did felt guilty over her past misdeeds towards him,
as he did over his towards her. But Shinobu wanted to press beyond that,
evolve their friendship into something which would benefit them both. Ataru
finds himself shivering inside, unsure as to what his response should be.

*Stop trying to classify her!* his inner voice insists. *Accept her as
she is! She wants to be a part of your life! Can't you live with that?!*

They stare at each other, then drift into a tender kiss. "So," he
muses. "What do you want to know?"

She muses. "Mind-meld with me," she sighs. "I want to experience that.
I want to see things out of your eyes for a change, Ataru-kun. I want to know
how much you've changed."

He blinks, then smiles, his hands drifting to her face. "I can only do
a basic mind-meld," he warns. "If I rip open all your mental defenses, try to
expose everything between us, Lum and Noa are going to be very upset."

"Isn't this supposed to be a planet of free choice?" she wonders.

"Yeah, but there's a catch to that," he warns. "When other minds are
involved, their desires become paramount, too."

"Ah," she nods, then kisses him, allowing his fingers to touch her...

*** To Be Continued ***