Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Dust ❯ An Evening Out ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Heart Of Dust
Chapter One: An Evening Out
Rating PG-13
**Chocolate Brown by The Cranberr ies
***You look So Fine By Gar bage
****Isobell by Bjork
Poetry is mine
Alt reality crossover fic e xpect appe a rances from various shows... this chapter contains character from Gundam Wi ng, Utena, and X1999... possibly something else.

"L ook," Cathy called from the kitchen, voice ringing in that determined and stubborn tone Juri had l earned she couldn't escape from, "I think you really need to get out of the house, and since Duo and I are going to the movies why don't you just tag along?"

Juri was in the living room sitting on the couch and ru nning a brush over her cat Kyou, s he blew away a few pesky strands of orange cat hair that were threatening to fly up her nose and smiled when the cat looked at her in irritation. She set him on the floor. Juri wasn't sure it was possible but the cat walked away in a huff. For a cat, Kyou had the worst temperament the young woman had ever seen.

With the cat off her lap and no excuses to ignore her roommate's quest to "get a life" Juri sighed and asked, "So which theater are you going to?"

Cathy still busy in the kitchen replied, "Oh it's on the other side of town. Somewhere near the club."

With that information Juri folded her arms across her chest and considered her options. The other side of town was full of alternative style coffee houses and restaurants, very bohemian and a far cry from her regular hangouts which included the twenty-four hour grocery store (she worked there as a supervisor on the graveyard shift), UC Ohtori (the local college where she inched towards her history major), and of course the Valerian (a bar where she met most of the people she called friends and three of the people she called ex-girlfriends). She took a deep breath and walked over to her room, brushing her slacks off in a vain attempt to free them of cat hair.

"Well," it was Cathy again; the background was filled with the sound of quick and eager chopping.

"I guess I'll tag along," Juri called out reluctantly from her room. "Tell me when you ' r e ready to go."

Kyou brushed past her just before she shut the door making it clear in his feline mannerisms that he did not wish to be trapped in a closed space with her. She rolled her eyes and after shutting the door stepped over a pile of cloths to turn her stereo on.

"Still I tried to sigh. And he didn't listen to me , " she sang along to the music as she shrugged out of her work cloths and into something more comfortable.

Neatly dressed in a black pair of form fitting jeans and a red silk blouse Juri retreated to her bed for a brief nap or at least to close her eyes for a moment before the movie. School was on a break between summer sessions and she had taken on a few double shifts at work to earn extra money. It wasn't easy paying her own way through life but it was the way she had to do it. It was exhausting though, and she wondered if maybe the long hours were beginning to get to her, perhaps her over responsibility was what kept her relationships from lasting. She lost the thought as she shut her eyes, quickly lost to much needed sleep.

"Juri? "

She was sure someone was calling her. It couldn't be a dream.

"Hey Juri!"

And it wasn't Cathy because the voice was playfully husky.

"Hey lover."

That little comment made her open her eyes, but slowly.

"I'm talking into a vast space that is your ears," the voice's owner, blearily coming into focus, stated. "Hullloo," the voice paused and then called over his shoulder, "Cathy I think we've lost her!"


Baby blue eyes and an impish smile suddenly burst into sharp focus and with her left arm Juri pushed Duo out of her face.

"I hate you," she whispered sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

A jovial arm wrapped around her shoulder and she stiffened as he squeezed tightly, "Oh but I loooove you."

"If you d on't get off of me," her tone was low, hazel eyes narrowed. "I will not be responsible for any of your hospital bills."

A slender hand pushed her auburn locks from her face as Duo quickly removed himself from her bed, smile plastered to his face. Cathy soon appeared in the doorway a small mark of concern over her features.

"You okay," she asked.

"Fine," Juri replied standing up and straightening out her shirt. "Did I sleep through the movie," she asked hopefully.

Cathy smirked and shook her head, "No such luck kid. You ready to go?"

Knowing there was no way out Juri grabbed her keys and wallet and headed for the door.

**Still I learn and I learn
There's so much to think about you
So much to lose**

The theater was one of the older movie houses still in the area, left over and grandiose from a time when actors could act and movies had original and interesting plots. They had taken two cars because Juri wanted a way to escape if Cathy and Duo decided to do something after the movie. She wasn't sure she was in the mood for anything more social than the silence and overly air-conditioned chill of the movies. Her roommate did her best to assure her that she wouldn't run into any familiar faces. Of course Cathy could only hide behind Duo when she was proven wrong.

Juri huffed and shook her head as she approached the ticket line and with an incredulous smile one of her ex's waved her over. Slipping on an aloof and stoic mask, that served her well when she was facing down employees or professors, she stepped over.

"Well , well Look who's being social again," the blonde quipped perking an eyebrow. "You look good."

"So do you Dorothy. So, what are you seeing?"

The blonde flipped her hair over one shoulder as she replied, "Oh some gaudy horror movie. Not really my taste but my date has an odd fascination for the things."

"Oh." Juri considered her tone and hoped it didn't sound too disappointed. She swallowed softly, before asking, "Who's your date?"

She followed Dorothy's stormy eyes to the petite young woman with violet-black hair. Before she could say anything Cathy tapped her on the shoulder and handed her a ticket.

"Enjoy the film," Juri stated icily as she was led away.

The red head winced, "Are you going to be okay? I didn't think anyone would be here especially to see this movie."

"Don't knock cinema genius , " Duo rang in, "i t takes great skill to get the splatter just right for those gory scenes."

Juri took a deep breath and quickly made her away to the concession stand. She knew she shouldn't have left the house. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dorothy and the petite girl walk arm and arm into the theater. Despite what Cathy might have feared it was not Dorothy's presence that made her uncomfortable. It was true they had broken up under the worst of situations followed by an argument to end all arguments but that was still nothing compared to what that petite young woman Dorothy was "dating" had done to her.

"Hey wasn't that Shio- oof," Duo was cut off by a quick jab to his stomach.

"Yes it was," Cathy tried to whisper.

The impish youth mouthed a "what" and Cathy responded by doing a bad mime that Duo somehow understood as "Don't mention her name Juri still isn't over it yet." He shook his head in understanding and kept his mouth shut until they entered the theater, leaving Juri to wait for popcorn.

Inside people scrambled for seats. It was surprisingly crowded for a B movie and looking around Duo could only wince at the train wreck that was waiting to happen.

"She's gonna kill me," Cathy whispered.

"I'm not sure I can save you either babe , " Duo replied as he waved to the mass of people he knew including yet another of Juri's ex's who was cuddled up with some overly pretty football player.

***Your taking me over
Over and over
I'm falling over
Over and over***

Juri waved. She didn't smile but she waved. There really wasn't much else for her to do. The sea of familiar faces was a bit much to take all at once and of course within the sea were women she really didn't need to run into, at least not all at once and specifically right at the moment. Of course all four were snuggling up to dates. Juri grit her teeth and quickly took her seat next to Duo who shared the grim expression of his girlfriend.

"Sorry , " Cathy whispered.

Juri didn't say a word.

"How was I supposed to know everyone and God would want to see this movie?"

Silence, s omehow Cathy could just imagine the crickets beginning to chirp in the background.

"Coul d you at least pass the popcorn, " She was desperate for some sign of life or at least a sign that Juri wasn't going to implode from all the unspoken emotions that seeing so many familiar faces surely had brought on.

The popcorn bucket reached her followed by a low and barely audible question.

"Are you aware of who is in this theater right now?"


Duo sat back in his seat wishing the girls wouldn't have this particular little discussion while he was literally stuck in the middle.

"Dorothy is here with Shiori who not only left me but got caught cheating on me. Kozue is here with a football player. I'm sure you know how wonderful that makes me feel and finally, just because the day wouldn't be complete wit hout it Kanoe is here as well," Juri said softly just as the previews began.

Duo who had known Juri a little longer than Cathy had the look of a deer caught in headlights at the very mention of the name. His jaw dro p ped.

"The dragon lady , " he whispered a little too loudly.

The young Chinese man in front of him turned around to give a harsh shush.

Duo waved it off as he turned to Juri; "We can leave."

"Oh no," the stoic beauty replied, "Now that my life's become a horror movie I'd like to know what I can expect from here on out."

Here in a heart of dust
You take what you must
And after all is lost
That is when you pay the cost

Kyou was attempting to scale one of Cathy's many large and over grown potted plants when Juri returned home, tired and aching from the evening. She shooed him away and he looked as if he were going to argue, if cats could, but he obviously sensed his owner's mood and merely trotted off to cause mischief elsewhere.

Juri avoided the red flash of the answering machine and headed straight for the shower. It was the one place in the house she could think without fear of interruption from Duo, who had a habit of acting like an annoying little brother. She already had a little brother. She really didn't want a second. She wouldn't be bothered anyway since Cathy was most likely going to hideout with Duo until the next day.

The bathroom was filled with a thick cloud of steam, because despite the rising temperatures outside Juri liked her showers near scalding. The water dripped down her as she braced herself against the cool tile taking in deep breaths to keep from crying. She went over the four exes that had made unwanted appearances during the evening. She could forgive Dorothy because the blonde goddess wasn't dating Shiori to hurt her. In fact she wagered that Dorothy had left her a message to apologize. Their break up may have been messy but after a few months of avoiding each other Juri and Dorothy saved their friendship. A goddess and a fallen angel were just never meant for anything deeper than simple understanding.

Kozue The name was enough to make Juri forego standing as she slid down the tile to sit at the bottom of the shower, water raining down on her. Juri had dated her in high school and knew they were destined to part because Kozue liked playing too much to stay in an overly long-term relationship.

That left two women to think about.

After Dorothy it had taken Juri nearly a year before she could even settle into the idea of dating again. And once she did she came across Shiori. And Shiori broke her heart. Just took it and crushed it, buried her and watched her settle into ash. It was still too soon to run into her, let alone see her arm and arm with someone. There was little to do though, the petite girl reveled in the pain she caused. Juri had little defense against her. She was the breaker for the evening. Seeing Shiori was really enough to make a normal day a nightmare.

And then there was Kanoe.

"Kanoe , " she whispered softly. She sniffed and shook her head as she stood and turned off the water.

She towel dried her hair and slipped into her room, dressed and then combed it out, pulling it back into a ponytail.

Kanoe was her first. The first to show her what passion meant. The first to s how her what want and need were, a nd the first to really and truly break her heart.

***I'm not like all the other girls
I can't take it like the other girls ***

The phone rang an d Juri picked it up despite her self.

"Hey," the voice on the other end was a little low.

"Hey," was all she could reply.

"You okay?"


"Want me to come over?"

"I don't think it would be wise."

"I promise no funny business."


"Juri don't pull your, I'm in pain let me brood like a good statue routine with me."

"Dorothy I'm-"

"I'm coming over."


"You don't get a choice in the matter."

The line went dead and Juri hung up the phone. Kyou pranced in and jumped up into her lap with a refined purr. She wondered what he was so pleased about. She scratched him behind the ears and sat back against the headboard of her bed.

****In a heart of dust
Lives a creature called Lust****

To be continued..