Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ The Other Side Of The Picture ❯ Playing the Fool ( Chapter 20 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: this is Chapter 20! Wow! It has 20 chapters already! Thanks for over 500 reviews! I never knew so many people would like this! Anyway! There's high angst content in this chapter!
The Other Side of The Picture
Chapter 20: Playing The Fool
By: Hinoto Nobukaze
I hold the secret kiss we shared that day
In my trembling heart
Because however hard
Destiny will be
I'll keep chasing after you
Sailor Star Song- Hanazawa Kae
`She fell so deeply into my trap. I can't believe she thought that I honestly had feelings for her. The poor fool!' Shiori thought as she brushed on pink nail polish over her nails. `I had her wrapped around my fingers, literally. She had no idea that I was simply using her.' A coy smile lurched across pink lips.
In her room, Juri sat on the bed with her hand over her face.
`Believe in miracles, Juri-san.' The flashback ran through her head.
`Why do you care? You have your miracle.' The words of the green rose ran through her head as well.
“There are no such things as miracles!” The girl yelled and slammed her fist on her bed.
This caught the ears of a certain Vice President. `What's she whining about now?' He thought to himself. `Why do I care about her so much all of a sudden? What goes on in her life is none of my concern.'
He glared at the lovely spot on the ground that he found entertaining at the moment.
`This is so irritating.'
`Don't ever kiss me again!' Her words rang through her head.
`I didn't kiss you, Arisugawa! You irritating woman.' He closed his eyes.
`What are you, jealous?'
His eyes narrowed, `Jealous? I have better things to do with my life then get lovesick over a lesbian.'
`What did you mean by this letter?'
The green haired man managed to let out a small laugh at the orange rose's comment.
Juri opened the door. “What?” She asked simply.
“Huh?” Saionji had been so wrapped up in thought that he didn't notice he had knocked on Juri's door.
“What happened?” He asked arrogantly. “Did you lose your miracle?”
Getting slapped wasn't something Saionji was used to. A slight dumbfounded expression crossed his face.
“If you came here to get smart with me, don't. I've already had enough of you.” Juri turned to slam the door, but Saionji beat her to it.
“Hey, do you honestly think I'm going to let you shut this damn door?” He replied, pushing the door.
“It's my room.” Juri replied. “You're going to break my door.”
“I'm not letting down, not this time.”
“I'm not letting either.”
The green rose looked in and saw that there was nothing in the flower vase.
“What happened to my rose?”
“I don't know.” Juri replied, pushing the opposite side of the door. “You want to know the true answer. I replaced it. “
“Because there are no such things as miracles, or eternal friendship.”
Juri let go of the door, causing Saionji to fall through the door, right on top of the stunned Juri.
“What do you mean by that comment?”
“There's no such things as miracles, or something eternal.” The orange haired woman turned her head to the side, closed her eyes and gave a small laugh. “I knew that “
“So, what happened to your miracle?”
“There never was one.”
“Then why were you so happy?” Saionji frowned.
Juri glared. “None of your business.”
Saionji got really close to the woman's face once again, only to meet a hand.
“I don't want another incident like last time.” Was the only reply.
“You're showing those true feelings you like to hide so much…that deep-set sadness that you always carry.” The green rose's eyes softened a bit.
“What?” Juri asked, in a voice barely above a whisper. “You only wish to have someone know your true feelings.”
`Believe in miracles…for they know your true feelings?'
`No…It's can't be…' She thought, as if a realization came to her.
“Don't you?”
A glare.
A head lowered even more as azure eyes widened. `What's happening? I want to smack him, but I can't. It's like my body is frozen. I do want to comfort him. He looks sincere.
I should smack him!
I don't have the heart for some reason. Why does he have to look at me like that?'
As her thoughts ended. She could feel lips press against hers. Her eyes widened. `He's kissing me…and it's not accidental. There's something about his kiss…It seems…filled with innocence that has been forgotten by most? The innocence which slowly crumpled overtime. Is this the real Saionji?'
`You only wish someone to know your true feelings.'
`Does that mean you know my true feelings because they are the feelings you have as well?'
The arm wrapped around evergreen locks. Azure eyes studying his features.
`He looks so calm…and happy…I've never seen Kyouchi happy…Perhaps arrogantly so, but nothing like this…Do I really make him feel this way?'
`There is no such thing as something eternal.'
`You didn't come here to say goodbye, just to rub it in my face.'
`He seemed…So sad. It's not like me to be acting this way. Can one truly change their standards to bring themselves happiness?'
`Believe in miracles…For they know your true feelings.'
A warm hand was placed on his face.
`Juri-san. I'm breaking up with you. It was fun while it lasted, but it didn't last at all for us, goodbye.'
A sad expression befell Juri's face; she could acknowledge her vision distorting in swirled colors, then she started to close her eyes, and give in to her feelings. `Alone…that's all we are in the world.'
`Maybe for once, I'd like to be the first in someone's book!'
`You looked so pained when you said that.'
A flashback of Utena ran through her mind. The pink haired prince kneeled on the ground, holding her hand. “You can't take it away from me, it's the only link I have to someone important in my life!”
`Where the hell did that flashback come from? What does it signify?'
The kiss was slowly broken, though the green haired man didn't pull away completely, letting their lips brush.
“I'm not Anthy.” Juri remarked coldly.
“I know that.”
“Then why did you kiss me?”
“You kissed me back, why?”
“I'm sad, okay?” She squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to let tears fall from them.
“There are many different types of love.”
“No one asked you.”
“No one didn't either.”
“Shove it.”
“You're alone.”
“So?” Juri turned her head away. “I'm always alone.”
“So am I.”
Blue eyes popped open. Did Saionji just admit to being lonely?
“Neither one of us believe anymore, so why care about anything? Nothing will ever come of people like us. People who are cold to the reality that we do not wish to accept.” He read her emotions like a book.
She was lonely, and she longed for something real, something intimate, she didn't care who it was from.
Preview for chapter 21:
If one has a heart, one can love. If one can love, can they find happiness?
A/N: I know, I'm mean. Evil cliff-hangers galore! Please R&R!