Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Kin : Remade ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Hunter D or anything that may be a part of it. I had to borrow the movie from a friend.
“East, that is what the villagers said,” the young dhampir woman with blood red hair said to herself. “He's only about a day's ride ahead, this time I'll catch him.” She turned her black cybernetic horse toward the lush green fields. The black cloak that she's wearing started billowing out behind her revealing a loose deep red shirt with long sleeves and loose pants. A longsword hung by her side, bumping her right hip every time the horse made a bound. On her left hip hung a quiver half full of mostly broken, but repairable, arrows. A steel bow hung on her back.
“Are you sure that this is him?” asked a voice in her right hand. “It won't be like last time, will it?”
“No,” I said, “the description fits him perfectly. It is my brother D.”
“But you haven't seen him in 300 years, how can you be sure he hasn't changed?”
I didn't reply.
“Fine, be that way.”
Her right hand seems to mean well, but can be very annoying.
Soon, the tame fields that the humans kept turned into wild country with few trees. Looking to the left, she saw a few deer bound through the now knee high grass. A few demons of the night that the vampires made in their reign appeared here and there, though none of them challenged the half-breed riding past them.
The sun began to rise after a night of hard riding and horse and rider alike were beginning to fell the effects of little rest.
This is the first chapter of my first fanfic so please review. I know it's short but it will get longer.