Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ One Black Rose ❯ The Forest of Secrets ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I was suddenly possessed to write this after I watched Bloodlust. I hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Hunter D or any of its characters. I'm also not making any money off this story, but I do write for reviews. That is, I am a review whore. So click it or bitch it.

One Black Rose

I had no idea why I chose to come to this particular spot in the forest, but it looked as good as any other spot next to the stream. Something about this clearing called to me. I looked up to the full moon and the shining stars and closed my blue eyes against their glow. It felt as if though I belonged in this spot here and now like a wood nymph would belong in the woods.

I smiled and turned myself around to my loyal friend and mount, Jiku, and pulled the bridle off his handsome head. He was no ordinary horse, and every time I gazed at him, I found myself proud. He was the purest white with no blemishes, and his feet and muzzle were of the softest velvety gray that I had ever seen. He tossed his head slightly as if to test and make sure there were no more restraints as I pulled the saddle of his back. I slapped his rump playfully and warned him. “Be back before dawn, or I'll skin you.” He ambled off into the woods to find green grass and a few mares, and I turned back to the stream, the idea of a bath calling to me like a sweet invitation.

I had lost track of how long we'd been traveling this time, but it was better than sitting in some rotting, stinking village waiting for something to come along that would provide us food. This way, I could offer my services along the road, and we would be fed as we should have been. I stripped myself off my blouse and then my corset, and I pulled off my skirt and threw it on the ground without a second thought to the wrinkles as I stepped into the cool, crystal waters. I could feel the water washing away the day's dust and grime from my sensitive, pale skin, and it was nearly orgasmic to me.

I dipped my golden hair in the water and closed my eyes, feeling the water in the stream rush over me like a long caress over my body. I had missed the freedom when I was locked inside that blasted cell in the last town I went to, but that couldn't be helped. After all, it's not every day that I came across a town magistrate who was a vampire, and I chose to try my luck with the bastard and make a hide from his skin. That didn't go over too well for the rest of the brood, and I soon found myself locked in a cell awaiting the time when their leader would come and divest me of my life.

It was no matter, however. I wasn't too fond of my life anyway, and being as I had no family, no friends, and no home, I was perfectly at ease with the idea of not being alive any longer. It was at this thought that a presence spooked me, and I raised myself out of the water silently. I craned my neck to look all around the dark forest, but with just the moonlight and no fire, I couldn't see that well. I relied on my sense of smell and hearing, but even that wasn't working for me at this point. I just knew something was there. I could feel it in the pit of my chest. It was then that I noticed Jiku enter the clearing, and I barked a dry laugh. I started to let a nervous laugh rise out of my chest until I saw it. A great beast followed after my Jiku, and upon it, sat the most regal rider I'd ever seen.

I am a great lover of equines, so let me be the first to say that the animal on which the rider sat was a magnificent beast. He was, without a doubt, one of the largest horses I'd ever seen, but it didn't detract from the power that the animal exuded. He was solid midnight black with long sinewy legs that were perfectly shaped for speed and agility, and his chest was massive and wide. His coat even shined in the blue glow of the moonlight, and his mane and tail were long and silken. When the beast tossed his head, he revealed red eyes that seemed to be able to scrape into my very soul, and I gasped. It was Jiku who startled me out of my reverie but nuzzling my neck, trying to convince me to rise out of the water to meet my guests.

I rose slowly, showing the rider my body, but I was not ashamed of it. I knew I wasn't displeasing to look at, but this creature…this man…had probably seen many women before, so I didn't flinch. He was interesting to say the least. His face was hidden behind a black, wide brimmed hat, and soft brown tresses kissed his shoulders and the angles of his jaw in delicious ways. I couldn't see his features too clearly, but from what I could see, he was extremely tall and heavily built, much like a wild mountain cat or wolf. I reached for a blanket from my belongings and wrapped it around my naked body and I peered up at him. It had crossed my mind to grab a weapon, but the visitor didn't seem interested in fighting, so I let that idea slip from my mind.

When he dismounted his horse, I chose to step back, only to step into Jiku's flank. My friend looked at me as if though to ask me why I was beginning to show fear, but I felt something from this man that bothered me at this point. When I went to reach for my weapons in my bag in front of me, I found myself pinned to a tree with a surprisingly strong, yet gentle hand pressed to my throat. When I looked up, my breath caught. His face was beautiful. I almost would have considered it feminine, but there were a glint in his silver blue eyes that stopped me. My eyes widened. Only vampires had eyes like that. I felt the first tendrils of terror spread through my body, but I savagely beat them down. If he was indeed a vampire, he would be able to smell my fear and revel in it like a pig would roll in mud.

I felt apprehension and anxiety pull at me next, and I squelched those just as quickly. It was when curiosity and interest entered my mind that I paused and let my eyes wander over him. Besides the striking features that the vampire possessed, he was dressed as a hunter which confused me. He sported a long black, leather duster that nearly reached the ground, and across his waist were various knives and assorted weapons that I would have delighted in thieving any day of the week, but I pushed that away too. Interest would do me no good here. I let my face go emotionless, and I began to shut out my emotions one by one until I was a stoic woman in front of him, pressed up against a tree.

When he spoke, his voice was like a rushing waterfall, deep and sensual. It licked over my senses like honey, and I felt myself involuntarily relax in it. “I'm not going to hurt you. I thought you might have been hurt since your horse was without its rider.” When I stopped pushing at his wrist to let me go, he released me and stepped back slightly. I reached out to Jiku's withers who was next to me, and I gave my thoughts voice and answered him.

“He spends the nights in freedom.” I took a deep breath and buried my fingers in the white mane as Jiku turned his head to nuzzle me once more. He didn't seem scared of this vampire and his horse, and it confused me. Usually, Jiku was the first of the two of us to notice a vampire. This time, however, the white piece of lard was standing there, looking at me as if though I had just tried to shoot a kitten with a poisoned arrow. I looked up to the rider. “Ride on, vampire. There's nothing for you here.”

He seemed to ignore my demand, and he looked towards his horse. “I have run out of provisions for my mount.” I sighed softly and reached down into my bag. The vampire watched me with strange eyes until I pulled out a small bag of grain and handed it to him. He looked at me in stoic regard and then reached into a coin purse on his belt. He was going to pay me for this meager offering of grain for his horse? Surely not. I shook my head as he produced a gold piece, and I spoke again.

“It's not even worth a silver piece. Take it for not draining my blood.” He looked at me for a second, those eyes piercing mine like soul stealers, and I averted my own eyes. He seemed to be regarding me with some kind of deep thought. When I looked back up to his face, he'd already silently stepped to his horse and looped the bag around its mouth, allowing it to eat while he began to unsaddle him and pull tack off his body. I glared at him. “Just what the hell do you think you're doing?”

“I'm D.” He stated. My eyes widened again in surprise, and I felt childhood memories crash down on me like wildfire. I remembered the stories my father would tell me of the vampire hunter named D who was the son of Dracula. As a child, those stories had driven me to become the mercenary I was today, and if it hadn't been for the stories, I'd have probably died in that stinking cell where I'd been locked up for several months. Jiku tossed his head and nuzzled me so hard I nearly fell. When I looked up into his gentle face, he seemed to be reassuring me that it was ok to speak.

“You're the dhampire.” I said softly. He paused his movements and turned to face me, his eyes full of questions. I averted my gaze and fidgeted on my feet, my hands moving to clasp the blanket that was still covering my naked form. I shrugged slightly and moved away from Jiku, grabbing my bag and finding a place to sit on the grass. “My father told me stories as a child. Usually, they were about you.”

“It never occurred to you that I might be someone else?” His voice questioned as he continued to settle himself down. It was an unnerving question, but I answered it to the best of my ability.

“If you were a vampire, you would have killed me by now. I'm not well liked by their kind. You're obviously not human. So the only other deduction is that you are….something else.” I avoided saying `half-breed' for fear of offending him and losing my life. “I'm Elizabeth.” He gazed at me silently for a moment and then spoke firmly to me.

“Elizabeth, watch my horse. I'll be back before daybreak.” I started to protest, but he disappeared into the darkness, leaving me with the intimidating creature before me. I sighed and shed my blanket without shame, seeing as how the horses wouldn't be saying much about my naked form. I slid into a clean blouse without my corset and pulled on a pair of linen pants that hung loosely around my body. I sidled up to the giant black monster and gently pulled off his feeding sack, and I shook it, letting the feed settle back in place. I offered the rest to him on my hand, his velvet lips touching my skin gently. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Jiku had laid down in the grass close to my bedclothes, and I sighed. I left the giant black monster to find my hair brush, and I slowly began to brush out my drying hair while I watched him.

“You know, he didn't even tell me your name.” He looked at me and dipped his head and raised it, as if though he were agreeing with my perception of his master's manners. I finished with my hair and braided it, throwing the braid over my shoulder and standing. I set to the task of gathering firewood, and once I had, I began to set up a pit. I pulled some salted meat from my bag and speared it, and I sparked the fire. Soon, I was eating happily, and the black stallion was watching me in interest. As if though he were timid, the great beast slowly ambled up to my bed clothes and found himself a quiet place in the grass behind me. I leaned back against him, and soon, sleep found me.

______________________________________________________________ ____________________________

When I opened my eyes, I was looking into the face of a dhampire whose face was covered in blood. He was sitting across the fire from me, gingerly wiping his face off with a wet cloth. He had left me to feed. I shifted against his horse, and the animal twitched, groaning in protest as I sat up. D looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and looked almost as if though he were afraid I would rebuke him for the sight of the blood on his face, but I said nothing. There was no point in berating him for having his dinner. At least I wasn't the main course. I stood slowly, and he watched me with suspicious eyes. I stooped and grabbed a pot from my bag and a wash rag. I made my way slowly to the close stream and filled the pot with the cool liquid and turned back to the fire where D was still trying to get the offending blood off of his clothes and face.

I very slowly made my way to him, afraid of startling him, almost, but he just looked up at me with slight apprehension. When I sat down in front of him with the water and cloth, understanding crossed his features. When he went to reach for the rag, I pulled it away from him gently and shook my head. “You can't see.” It was a simple enough statement, but the bitterness of it was the truth. He couldn't see himself in any surface, and I was sure that it made him bitter about his heritage. When I dipped the rag into the water and raised it first to his brow where there was blood splattered, he flinched. I pulled away and gazed at him. “Do you want me to go away?”

At first, he seemed to fight with himself, but he then relented. “No.” He didn't speak much as I could tell, but when he did speak, his voice touched areas of my being that I didn't even know existed. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply for a minute, and at first, I was confused, and then a blush stained my cheeks. He could smell my arousal, but he was keeping quiet about it. I went about the task of cleaning the blood from his pale, silken skin, and when I reached to remove his hat, his hand shot up to stop me. I didn't pull away from him, and as a result, his hand dropped, allowing me to pull the offending article from his head. Brown hair fell around his face and framed his features perfectly. I wanted to know that that silk felt like under my fingers, so I gingerly reached up to touch his hair, and the moment the texture of it touched the pads of my digits, my whole body reveled in the sensation.

A feral growl was issued from his throat, and before I could rip my hand away, his fingers curled around my wrist and he growled at me. “This is no fairy tale, girl.” My eyes widened as I saw his fangs lengthen and watched him fight his base instinct. It was when I saw him fighting against it so harshly that fear fled from my body, and all that was left was the knowledge that he was fighting himself to save my life. I didn't pull my hand away from him as he rubbed my wrist against his face, sniffing out the life giving blood that flowed through my limbs.

“D, how long has it been since you've tasted real blood?” I gazed at him in curiosity. He looked up at me even as his lips caressed my wrist, making me shiver. I had sparked something in him that I couldn't quite understand, but he was doing his best to hold it back from me. When I first felt the brush of long, sharp fangs against the pale skin of my wrist, I whimpered. I was afraid now, that was certain, but I wanted him to test himself and come out victorious. Even if he let into his baser instincts, I wanted him to know at least some kind of happiness. He seemed so sad to me.

“Don't ask me that.” He growled. His fangs brushed my wrist once more, and when I closed my eyes, he chose that moment to sink his long teeth into my life force. I gasped in pleasure at the sudden feeling that swept over my body. While the force of his throat began to pull the life from my body, images flashed through my mind of a sad boy looking on at things he would never have like love, friendship, and happiness. I cried out in pain as he took the first draught from my wrist, and I went to pull back, but his hands held me firmly in place. When I opened my eyes to see him laving the wound with his tongue, I sighed softly. He hadn't taken all my blood. Instead, he had taken one deep draught and closed my wound. He looked at me with such longing in his eyes that I had to hold back my tears from him.

I reached out and touched his cheek and allowed my fingers to brush down the smoothness of his skin, and he turned his face into my hand. I just couldn't understand why a creature this cold and withdrawn could open himself up to me in one night. It didn't make sense, and I was struggling inside of myself just to understand him vaguely, much less understand him completely. When he pulled me towards him, I felt a ping of fear inside me. I was worried that he was going to part those beautiful lips of his and sink his fangs into my tender throat, but all that was silenced when I felt his breath on my face. His eyes that had been silvery blue were now a deep chocolate that seemed endless.

His bloodlust had faded slightly, allowing him to think clearer and more levelly. I remember thinking and being afraid of him pulling away from me or shoving me back, but that didn't happen. Instead, he brought my hand up to his cheek again and turned his face into my palm, brushing his lips along the veins that ran there like a prelude of caresses to come. I couldn't whisper to him or speak because it felt like my entire body was shut down and concentrating solely on the points where he was touching me. Is this what being controlled by a vampire was like? I wondered to myself briefly if I had been doing wrong by killing so many of them and returning their human mates to their rightful places.

His lips brushed mine gently, and it surprised me. I expected him to be rough and harsh with his movements, but instead, he was tantalizingly slow and aching with every touch and brush of his lips. It was making me melt in his touch. When he dipped his head to my neck, I squirmed slightly, but it didn't seem to phase him and he just kept brushing his lips on that life giving artery that poured blood through my system. I tilted my head so that he could have better access, and he jerked his head back, his chocolate eyes suddenly hardening. “You don't know what you're offering me, Elizabeth.” When he started to shove me back, I didn't fight him. I wasn't sure whether I wanted this or not, but the feeling that had coursed through my body when he'd taken just one gulp of my blood would not leave my mind.

As I crawled over to curl up against Jiku's stomach, D watched me with stoic eyes. He was thinking something, but I wasn't going prod him to get him to tell me what it was. I hardly knew the hunter, and I surely wasn't going to press my luck with his patience. He was, after all, a dhampire, and he could kill me if he saw fit to. I left him alone. However, my body wasn't cooperating with me, and my lower stomach burned with unrequited arousal, but there was nothing I could do at this point, so I settled myself into Jiku's side and closed my eyes. When I closed my eyes and nearly felt the sweet bliss of sleep overtake me, I was jerked from my resting place and flung against a tree.

I screamed in fear, but I didn't open my eyes, opting to keep them shut so that I couldn't see the terrible force that was about to remove my life from me. I had obviously made him angry by touching him and letting him take a sip of my blood, and now I was going to pay for it with my meager life. The warm pressure on my lips was something I didn't expect, and my eyes snapped open. I found myself being coaxingly kissed by the object of my worries, and for that moment, the air stopped flowing through my body and time stopped the wind that flowed through the trees. I felt his fangs brush my lower lip, and I couldn't help but open my mouth to him as his rough tongue created sweet friction against mine.

I traced my hands up his shoulders and gripped them, trying not to fall to one side or another, and I heard my muslin blouse rip down the center. Whatever thoughts I had of him being gentle were now scattered from my mind as he ripped my clothes off of me like it was nothing for him. His kiss suddenly went wild, and when I felt the small prick of a fang, I reeled at the taste of my own blood, but the more he kissed me, the rougher he became. I broke my mouth from him, feeling all the heat in my body pool in my lower stomach. It was at that point that his right hand slid down my belly and teased a sweet spot at the juncture of my thighs. He growled at me crazily and whispered in my ear. “Untouched, Elizabeth?”

“Barely.” I gasped as he continued his sweet torture. His left hand was trailing my skin all over my body, and he stopped to pay homage to my breasts, pinching the peaks and bringing me to pleasure like you would tune a fine piano or guitar. The more he stroked me, the higher I flew into some kind of dream of oblivion. He wanted me to fly. He wanted me to topple over a cliff and scream his name. I was more than willing to do it as he continued with the smooth circles he was rubbing in that small spot of pleasure. When he pinched it slightly between his fingers, I screamed. I screamed for him and for his life and his sadness, and I dug my fingers into his leather clad shoulders, letting him know that I knew that it was him touching me and no one else.

When he slid the first digit into my tight sheath, I thought I would die from the sheer pleasure of it. He gently felt me out, making my back arch against the tree, baring my neck to him. He stroked me more as he buried his face against my neck, a deep purr coming from his chest as if though he were pleased with my reaction to his wonderful ministrations to my body. He curled his finger towards my womb, and something burst within me, causing my body to be overtaken with shivers and shudders. I felt a strange urge to let myself loose on his hand, and my eyebrows knitted. It was a strange feeling but not unpleasant. I grasped D's shoulders in anxiety as the need became stronger and stronger while he rubbed a certain rough spot inside of me incessantly.

As if he know what I was thinking, he growled in my ear. “Let it go. I promise you will like it.” He pressed just a little harder, and I felt more powerful waves crash on me, but when the tsunami of pleasure hit, this once was completely different from the one before. I felt my entire body go numb with pleasure as I arched and cried out to the stars. I felt something liquid inside of me trickle out onto the dhampire's hand, and he let loose a warm growl of satisfaction at my body's reaction to him. I looked down and realized that there was a strange looking substance on his hand which he promptly began to greedily lick off his fingers in pleasure. I tilted my head at him, only to have his lips crash down on mine with wild abandon. That was the most erotic kiss I'd ever had. The taste of myself on his tongue mixed with the blood from my lip and something else that was indescribably D raked over my senses.

I heard a zip in my hazed mind, and I felt D reach down as if to adjust himself when I realized what he was doing. He slipped a hand underneath both my legs and made me wrap them around his slender waist while pressing me harder against the tree. The bark was cutting into my bare back and shoulders, but it only added to the pleasure I was receiving from D. I gasped as I felt something hot and hard brush up against my sex, making me elicit a deep throaty moan. He buried his face in my neck and whispered softly to me. “Do you want me to take you, Elizabeth?”

“Y-Yes. D.” I arched against him, trying to find the pleasure again, but he still held back as if though contemplating his next move with me. He gently positioned himself at my opening then, and when he very slowly pushed himself inside, my body tensed at the strange intrusion, but he whispered soft words in a language that was foreign to me as he slowly slid in inch by inch until he paused. I felt a slight pressure inside of me as if though something were blocking his path. He gently rocked back and forth, making shallow thrusts into me, making pleasure race through my body. At the same time while I gripped his shoulders, he snaked a hand between us and found that little nub of pleasure. At the moment that I cried out my pleasure, he robbed my of my innocence.

He thrust deep inside me and groaned, pausing his actions. When the scent of my maiden blood reached$his nose, his eyes began to glow with the eerie blue gray again. He began to thrust against me deeply, causing an unspeakable pleasure to roll through my body. I felt so full and completed that I had completely forgotten that this was a dhampire that had just taken my innocence. I didn't care. This was just D, the sad man who was searching for his purpose, and I was the woman who would give him pleasure to find it. I began to cry out with every rough thrust, and D was quietly breathing in my ear as if though he was not exerted by this wild act. When I shifted my legs on his waist however, tightening my torso to do so, I elicited a strange moan from him that heated my blood with feminine power.

I tightened my muscles again, causing him to growl and thrust harder into me, making me cry out in sweet pleasure and pain. When his thrusts became nearly frantic, I could feel another release starting to crash in around me. When D's thrusts became suddenly slow and harsh, I heard him let loose a terrible snarl against my neck. It was possessiveness. He hit a sweet, sweet spot inside of me with his last thrust, and I climaxed, screaming his name to the stars just as he bit into the buttery softness of my neck. I felt wave after wave of sweet orgasm pass over me as he drank from me with the utmost care. He was not rough when he pulled the blood into his mouth, and when he had swallowed at least four times, I felt darkness start to take over me, and I thought I was going to die happy.

___________________________________________________________ _______________________________

When I woke, I found myself covered and sleeping curled next to Jiku. On the ground next to me was a single black rose with a red ribbon wrapped around it. The camp fire was already dying, and I knew I was alone. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to rid myself of the awful pain of loneliness that overwhelmed me. It was as if though someone had taken my heart and was twisting it mercilessly, and I curled up into my horse and cried. The tears were silent but steady, and soon, sleep found me again, and I dreamt of wild silver eyes and silken brown hair that adorned a beautiful face, hidden by a hat from the world that saw him as a merciless dhampire.

Some months later in a town, I stopped by a seamstress' shop to have a few blouses made for me, and as she measured me, she clicked her tongue at the two small scars that adorned my neck. I didn't cover them because every time I saw them in my reflection of water or my small mirror, I felt as if though a part of him had stayed with me. The old woman smiled as she touched the scars and shook her head. “Claimed you, did he?” She smiled knowingly at my shocked expression. “Don't worry, dear. The agony of your heart will fade and all you will remember are his eyes.” I was unsure of what the old woman meant, but now that I am older and more experienced, I understand.

It's been nearly twenty years since that night, and I have yet to touch another man or seek companionship. I walk alone on this planet, but I find myself never truly alone. There is a part of me that still feels him when he's in pain or when he's sleeping, and it is in those times that I remember not the dhampire hunter… I remember D… the man. In my mind, I will the sadness to go away, and it does, even if for a short amount of time. It's become a comfort to me to know that he shares a part of me and I a part of him. It means that every night when I'm sleeping and he is awake, I can truly feel like I'm sleeping close to him. I'm probably just a silly dreamer, but I imagine that one day, he will lay a black rose on my grave and remember me as the one woman who saw him not as a half-breed….but as a man.
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Regardless of whether this is a one shot or not, I still enjoy reviews immensely, and they help me with my self confidence. Thanks, guys! You're awesome.